In this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) based products was assessed. Mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the prospective added-value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. Different GFRP waste admixed mortar formulations were analyzed varying the content, between 4% up to 12% in weight, of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. The effect of incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment was accomplished through implementation of full factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacity of GFRP waste admixed mortars with regard to unmodified polymer mortars. The key findings of this study showed a viable technological option for improving the quality of polyester based mortars and highlight a potential cost-effective waste management solution for thermoset composite materials in the production of sustainable concrete-polymer based products.
The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Despite of all advantages associated to FRP based products, the increasing production and consume also lead to an increasing amount of FRP wastes, either end-of-lifecycle products, or scrap and by-products generated by the manufacturing process itself. Whereas thermoplastic FRPs can be easily recycled, by remelting and remoulding, recyclability of thermosetting FRPs constitutes a more difficult task due to cross-linked nature of resin matrix. To date, most of the thermoset based FRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled, leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs to FRP producers and suppliers. This actual framework is putting increasing pressure on the industry to address the options available for FRP waste management, being an important driver for applied research undertaken cost efficient recycling methods. [1-2]. In spite of this, research on recycling solutions for thermoset composites is still at an elementary stage. Thermal and/or chemical recycling processes, with partial fibre recovering, have been investigated mostly for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) due to inherent value of carbon fibre reinforcement; whereas for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), mechanical recycling, by means of milling and grinding processes, has been considered a more viable recycling method [1-2]. Though, at the moment, few solutions in the reuse of mechanically-recycled GFRP composites into valueadded products are being explored. Aiming filling this gap, in this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset GFRP based products was assessed. The mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the potential added value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. The use of a cementless concrete as host material for GFRP recyclates, instead of a conventional Portland cement based concrete, presents an important asset in avoiding the eventual incompatibility problems arisen from alkalis silica reaction between glass fibres and cementious binder matrix. Additionally, due to hermetic nature of resin binder, polymer based concretes present greater ability for incorporating recycled waste products [3]. Under this scope, different GFRP waste admixed polymer mortar (PM) formulations were analyzed varying the size grading and content of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacities of modified mortars with regard to waste-free polymer mortars.
Scorpion stings in Brazil are important not only because of their incidence but also for their potential ability to induce severe, and often fatal, clinical situations, especially among children. In this report we present the clinical and laboratory data of 4 patients victims of scorpion stings by T. serrulatus, who developed heart failure and pulmonary edema, with 3 of them dying within 24 hours of the sting. Anatomopathologic study of these patients revealed diffuse areas of myocardiocytolysis in addition to pulmonary edema. The surviving child presented enzymatic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic changes compatible with severe cardiac involvement, which were reversed within 5 days. These findings reinforce the need for continuous monitoring of patients with severe scorpion envenoming during the hours immediately following the sting.
Mainland Portugal, on the southwestern edge of the European continent, is located directly north of the boundary between the Eurasian and Nubian plates. It lies in a region of slow lithospheric deformation (< 5 mm yr(-1)), which has generated some of the largest earthquakes in Europe, both intraplate (mainland) and interplate (offshore). Some offshore earthquakes are nucleated on old and cold lithospheric mantle, at depths down to 60 km. The seismicity of mainland Portugal and its adjacent offshore has been repeatedly classified as diffuse. In this paper, we analyse the instrumental earthquake catalogue for western Iberia, which covers the period between 1961 and 2013. Between 2010 and 2012, the catalogue was enriched with data from dense broad-band deployments. We show that although the plate boundary south of Portugal is diffuse, in that deformation is accommodated along several distributed faults rather than along one long linear plate boundary, the seismicity itself is not diffuse. Rather, when located using high-quality data, earthquakes collapse into well-defined clusters and lineations. We identify and characterize the most outstanding clusters and lineations of epicentres and correlate them with geophysical and tectonic features (historical seismicity, topography, geologically mapped faults, Moho depth, free-air gravity, magnetic anomalies and geotectonic units). Both onshore and offshore, clusters and lineations of earthquakes are aligned preferentially NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE. Cumulative seismic moment and epicentre density decrease from south to north, with increasing distance from the plate boundary. Only few earthquake lineations coincide with geologically mapped faults. Clusters and lineations that do not match geologically mapped faults may correspond to previously unmapped faults (e.g. blind faults), rheological boundaries or distributed fracturing inside blocks that are more brittle and therefore break more easily than neighbour blocks. The seismicity map of western Iberia presented in this article opens important questions concerning the regional seismotectonics. This work shows that the study of low-magnitude earthquakes using dense seismic deployments is a powerful tool to study lithospheric deformation in slowly deforming regions, such as western Iberia, where high-magnitude earthquakes occur with long recurrence intervals.
From January 1984 to May 1994, 17 of 239 children under 15 years old stung by Tityus serrulatus (15.1%) or Tityus bahiensis (84.9%) presented severe envenoming. Of these 17 patients (1-11 years old; median=2 yr) 14 were stung by T.serrulatus and three by T.bahiensis. All of them received scorpion antivenom i.v. at times ranging from 45 min. to 5 h after the accident (median=2h). On admission, the main clinical manifestations and laboratory and electrocardiographic changes were: vomiting (17), diaphoresis (15), tachycardia (14), prostration (10), tachypnea (8), arterial hypertension (7), arterial hypotension (5), tremors (5), hypothermia (4), hyperglycemia (17), leukocytosis (16/16), hypokalemia (13/17), increased CK-MB enzyme activity (>6% of the total CK, 11/12), hyperamylasemia (11/14), sinusal tachycardia (16/17) and a myocardial infarction-like pattern (11/17). Six patients stung by T.serrulatus had depressed left ventricular systolic function assessed by means of echocardiography. Of these, five presented pulmonary edema and four had shock. A child aged two-years old presented severe respiratory failure and died 65 h after being stung by T.serrulatus. Severe envenomations caused by T.serrulatus were 26.2 times more frequent than those caused by T.bahiensis (p<0.001).
The authors studied 58 infants hospitalized for pneumonia in a semi-intensive care unit. Age ranged from 1 complete to 6 incomplete months. The infants were sent from another hospital in 20 cases and from home in a further 38. Pulmonary involvement, which was alveolar in 46 cases and interstitial in 12, was bilateral in 31 children. The investigation was carried out prospectively on the etiological agents associated with respiratory infection to look for evidence of aerobic bacteria (blood cultures), Chlamydia trachomatis and Cytomegalovirus (serology), and Pneumocystis carinii (direct microscopy of tracheal aspirated material). The following infectious agents were diagnosed in 21 children (36.2%): Aerobic bacteria (8), Chlamydia trachomatis (5), Pneumocystis carinii (3), Cytomegalovirus (3), Cytomegalovirus and Chlamydia trachomatis (1), Aerobic bacteria and Cytomegalovirus (1). Seven cases of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Cytomegalovirus were diagnosed out of the 12 cases with pulmonary interstitial involvement.
Guilhotinas são máquinas robustas, de corte rectilíneo, normalmente associadas a equipamentos de baixo custo, devido à pequena quantidade de dispositivos tecnológicos incorporados. No entanto, esta situação pode ser alterada através da criatividade dos projetistas deste tipo de equipamento. Analisando algumas operações específicas, pode-se observar que algumas ferramentas, quando associadas ao equipamento, podem aumentar substancialmente a produtividade do processo de corte e a qualidade do produto final. Em relação ao processo de corte de chapas finas de metal, pode-se observar que na fase final de corte, o peso do material a cortar é suspenso por uma pequena porção de material que ainda não foi sujeita ao corte. Este facto leva a uma deformação plástica nesta última zona, causando problemas de qualidade no produto final, que não ficará completamente plano. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em torno deste problema, estudando a melhor solução para desenvolver uma nova ferramenta, capaz de evitar a falta de nivelamento da placa, após corte. Um novo equipamento foi concebido, capaz de ser facilmente incorporado na guilhotina, permitindo o acompanhamento da inclinação da lâmina durante a operação de corte. O sistema é totalmente automatizado, sendo operado por uma única instrução de corte dada pelo operador da máquina. Este sistema permite à empresa fabricante aumentar o valor agregado de cada máquina, oferecendo aos clientes soluções avançadas, contribuindo desta forma para a sustentabilidade do negócio da empresa.
Some of the properties sought in seismic design of buildings are also considered fundamental to guarantee structural robustness. Moreover, some key concepts are common to both seismic and robustness design. In fact, both analyses consider events with a very small probability of occurrence, and consequently, a significant level of damage is admissible. As very rare events,in both cases, the actions are extremely hard to quantify. The acceptance of limited damage requires a system based analysis of structures, rather than an element by element methodology, as employed for other load cases. As for robustness analysis, in seismic design the main objective is to guarantee that the structure survives an earthquake, without extensive damage. In the case of seismic design, this is achieved by guaranteeing the dissipation of energy through plastic hinges distributed in the structure. For this to be possible, some key properties must be assured, in particular ductility and redundancy. The same properties could be fundamental in robustness design, as a structure can only sustain significant damage if capable of distributing stresses to parts of the structure unaffected by the triggering event. Timber is often used for primary load‐bearing elements in single storey long‐span structures for public buildings and arenas, where severe consequences can be expected if one or more of the primary load bearing elements fail. The structural system used for these structures consists of main frames, secondary elements and bracing elements. The main frame, composed by columns and beams, can be seen as key elements in the system and should be designed with high safety against failure and under strict quality control. The main frames may sometimes be designed with moment resisting joints between columns and beams. Scenarios, where one or more of these key elements, fail should be considered at least for high consequence buildings. Two alternative strategies may be applied: isolation of collapsing sections and, provision of alternate load paths [1]. The first one is relatively straightforward to provide by deliberately designing the secondary structural system less strong and stiff. Alternatively, the secondary structural system and the bracing system can be design so that loss of capacity in the main frame does not lead to the collapse. A case study has been selected aiming to assess the consequences of these two different strategies, in particular, under seismic loads.
Para garantir que um equipamento opere com segurança e fiabilidade durante o seu ciclo de vida, desde a sua instalação ao desmantelamento, devem ser realizadas inspeções e/ou monitorizações que, dependendo dos dados recolhidos, podem implicar avaliações Fitness- For-Service (FFS) que definirão a necessidade de reparação ou alteração do equipamento ou das condições processuais. A combinação de inspeção ou monitorização com os melhores procedimentos e técnicas de avaliação atuais fazem sobressair insuficiências dos procedimentos mais antigos. Usando métodos mais avançados de avaliação, validados e suportados através de uma vasta experiência de campo, pode-se agora avaliar defeitos nos ativos (equipamentos) e determinar a adequação ao serviço com uma análise FFS. As análises FFS tornaram-se cada vez mais aceites em toda a indústria ao longo dos últimos anos. A norma API 579 - 1/ASME FFS-1: 2007 fornece diretrizes para avaliar os tipos de danos que afetam os equipamentos processuais e a norma API RP 571: 2011 descreve os mecanismos de degradação que afetam os equipamentos nas petroquímicas e refinarias, que incluem os danos por corrosão, desalinhamentos, deformações plásticas, laminações, fissuras, entre outros. Este trabalho consiste na análise de Integridade Estrutural de uma Flare Industrial que surgiu da necessidade real de análise do equipamento no âmbito da atividade profissional do candidato. O estudo realizado a nível profissional é de grande abrangência, incluindo a inspeção do equipamento, identificação da falha ou dano, recolha e registo de dados, definição de estratégia de atuação e seleção de técnicas de avaliação da condição para posterior alteração, reparação ou desmantelamento. Na presente dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica, Ramo Construções Mecânicas, pretende-se efetuar o estudo aprofundado de uma das etapas de projeto, nomeadamente estudar a causa, avaliar a falha e implicações estruturais ou processuais devido à degradação interior do riser de uma flare, com base numa análise FFS, assumindo a operabilidade em segurança e garantindo resolutas condições de funcionamento. A presente análise FFS tem como finalidade validar ou não a integridade atual (avaliação técnica quantitativa) de modo a conhecer se o item em questão é seguro e confiável para continuar a operar em condições específicas durante um período de tempo determinado, tendo em consideração as condições verificadas no ato de inspeção e especificações de projeto, segundo os itens de verificação de segurança estabelecidos na norma EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 e com base na norma API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: 2007. No âmbito do presente trabalho foram realizadas as seguintes tarefas: - Identificar e analisar os mecanismos de degradação com base na norma API RP 571: 2011, face às condições processuais e geométricas que o equipamento em análise está sujeito de modo a perceber a evolução da degradação estrutural e quais as implicações na sua longevidade. - Avaliar e propor soluções de reparação e ou alterações processuais e ou geométricas do equipamento em análise de modo a permitir a continuidade em funcionamento sem afetar as condições de segurança e por conseguinte minimizar ou evitar o elevado custo económico associado a um novo equipamento e tempo de paragem processual. - Assumir limites estruturais face às condições processuais e ações externas ou adjacentes. - Garantir a segurança e qualidade da vida humana ou meio que o rodeia, do equipamento, das instalações, das infraestruturas envolventes e evitar o colapso económico, quer por motivos processuais, quer indeminizações ou agravamento do prémio do seguro. Verificou-se que os resultados serão a base para as alterações inerentes, tais como reforço estrutural, alteração da geometria do defletor, ajuste no tensionamento dos cabos e controlo da espessura mínima, de modo a alargar o período de vida útil da flare com segurança.
Rhinoentomophthoramycosis caused by Conidiobolus coronatus in a 61-year old woman was unsuccessfully treated during 8 years with all the antifungals available in the Brazilian market, including potassium iodide for 1 month, sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim for 2 months, amphotericin B, total dose of 1130 mg, cetoconazole, 400 mg/day for 6 months, fluconazole, 200 mg/day, for at least 2 months and, itraconazole, 400 mg/day for 2 months, followed by 200 mg/day for 4 more months. Complete clinical and mycological cure was achieved using itraconazol 400 mg/day in association with fluconazol 200 mg/day during 24 months. After cure she was submitted to plastic surgery to repair her facial deformation. Today she remains clinically and mycologically cured after 59/60 months (5 years!) without any specific antifungal. We thus suggest the use of the combination of itraconazole and fluconazole as an additional option for the treatment of this mycosis.
A prospective study was designed to evaluate disorders of hemostasis and levels of anticardiolipin antibodies (ACL) in 30 patients with severe leptospirosis and acute renal failure (ARF) (ARF was defined as serum creatinine > or = 1.5 mg/dL). The patients had been admitted to the Walter Cantídio University Hospital, São José Infectious Diseases Hospital and General Hospital of Fortaleza, Ceará, from August 1999 to July 2001. They all were male, with a mean age of 32 ± 14 years and with clinical and laboratory diagnoses of ARF leptospirosis. The time elapsed between onset of symptoms and the first hemorrhagic manifestation was 9 ± 4 days. Bleeding was observed in 86% of the patients. Laboratory tests showed significantly high levels of urea (181 ±95 mg/dl), fibrinogen, (515 ± 220 mg/dl), prothrombin time (13.3 ± 0.9 seconds) and low platelet counts (69 ± 65x10³/mm³) on admission. There was no elevation in activated partial thromboplastin time or thrombin time. Levels of IgM and IgG ACL concentrations were significantly increased (p < 0.05) in leptospirosis patients when compared to control patients (28.5 ± 32.4 vs. 11.5 ± 7.9MPL U/ml and 36.7 ± 36.1 vs. 6.5 ± 2.5 GPL U/ml), respectively. Vasculitis, thrombocytopenia and uremia should be considered important factors for the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic disturbances and the main cause of death in severe leptospirosis.
This work shows that the synthesis of protein plastic antibodies tailored with selected charged monomersaround the binding site enhances protein binding. These charged receptor sites are placed over a neutralpolymeric matrix, thus inducing a suitable orientation the protein reception to its site. This is confirmed bypreparing control materials with neutral monomers and also with non-imprinted template. This concepthas been applied here to Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), the protein of choice for screening prostate can-cer throughout the population, with serum levels >10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associatedcancer.Protein Imprinted Materials with charged binding sites (C/PIM) have been produced by surfaceimprinting over graphene layers to which the protein was first covalently attached. Vinylben-zyl(trimethylammonium chloride) and vinyl benzoate were introduced as charged monomers labellingthe binding site and were allowed to self-organize around the protein. The subsequent polymerizationwas made by radical polymerization of vinylbenzene. Neutral PIM (N/PIM) prepared without orientedcharges and non imprinted materials (NIM) obtained without template were used as controls.These materials were used to develop simple and inexpensive potentiometric sensor for PSA. Theywere included as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes, and tested over electrodes of solid or liq-uid conductive contacts, made of conductive carbon over a syringe or of inner reference solution overmicropipette tips. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response,with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8 × 10−11mol/L (2 ng/mL). The cor-responding non-imprinted sensors showed lower sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade.The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum, with recoveries ranging from 96.9to 106.1% and relative errors of 6.8%.
This work uses surface imprinting to design a novel smart plastic antibodymaterial (SPAM) for Haemoglobin (Hb). Charged binding sites are described here for the first time to tailor plastic antibody nanostructures for a large size protein such as Hb. Its application to design small, portable and low cost potentiometric devices is presented. The SPAM material was obtained by linking Hb to silica nanoparticles and allowing its ionic interaction with charged vinyl monomers. A neutral polymeric matrix was created around these and the imprinted protein removed. Additional materials were designed in parallel acting as a control: a neutral imprinted material (NSPAM), obtained by removing the charged monomers from the procedure, and the Non-Imprinted (NI) versions of SPAM and NSPAM by removing the template. SEM analysis confirmed the surface modification of the silica nanoparticles. All materials were mixed with PVC/plasticizer and applied as selective membranes in potentiometric transduction. Electromotive force (emf) variations were detected only for selective membranes having a lipophilic anionic additive in the membrane. The presence of Hb inside these membranes was evident and confirmed by FTIR, optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The best performance was found for SPAM-based selective membranes with an anionic lipophilic additive, at pH 5. The limits of detection were 43.8 mg mL 1 and linear responses were obtained down to 83.8 mg mL 1, with an average cationic slope of +40 mV per decade. Good selectivity was also observed against other coexisting biomolecules. The analytical application was conducted successfully, showing accurate and precise results.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the biomarker of choice for screening prostate cancer throughout the population, with PSA values above 10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associated cancer1. According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) data, prostate cancer is the commonest form of cancer in men in Europe2. Early detection of prostate cancer is thus very important and is currently made by screening PSA in men over 45 years old, combined with other alterations in serum and urine parameters. PSA is a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of approximately 32 kDa consisting of one polypeptide chain, which is produced by the secretory epithelium of human prostate. Currently, the standard methods available for PSA screening are immunoassays like Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA). These methods are highly sensitive and specific for the detection of PSA, but they require expensive laboratory facilities and high qualify personal resources. Other highly sensitive and specific methods for the detection of PSA have also become available and are in its majority immunobiosensors1,3-5, relying on antibodies. Less expensive methods producing quicker responses are thus needed, which may be achieved by synthesizing artificial antibodies by means of molecular imprinting techniques. These should also be coupled to simple and low cost devices, such as those of the potentiometric kind, one approach that has been proven successful6. Potentiometric sensors offer the advantage of selectivity and portability for use in point-of-care and have been widely recognized as potential analytical tools in this field. The inherent method is simple, precise, accurate and inexpensive regarding reagent consumption and equipment involved. Thus, this work proposes a new plastic antibody for PSA, designed over the surface of graphene layers extracted from graphite. Charged monomers were used to enable an oriented tailoring of the PSA rebinding sites. Uncharged monomers were used as control. These materials were used as ionophores in conventional solid-contact graphite electrodes. The obtained results showed that the imprinted materials displayed a selective response to PSA. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response, with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8X10-11 mol/L (2 ng/mL). The corresponding non-imprinted sensors showed smaller sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum samples, with percentage recoveries of 106.5% and relatives errors of 6.5%.