863 resultados para Psychology, Clinical|Psychology, Personality


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The historiographical paper presented is about the students’ activism and participation in the Latin American psychology. This aims are: 1) to provide a brief historic overview of the Latin American psychology; 2) to review on the students’ participation in the Latin American psychology; 3) to raise students’ future perspectives for the Latin American psychology. It is recognized that there is an extensive past of Latin American psychology and an emerging historiographical work that re fl ects that past.However, there are several historiographical gaps not covered yet by the investigations in the region. In this context, this paper wants to contribute to the study of the students’ activism and participation in the Latin American psychology construction. The historical perspective is supported by the renewed historiographical conception called instant history” which focuses on ancient and recent history at the same time. Indirect sources were used: articles, monographs and compiled editions.


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In the formative research scheme, the author built a psychological scale, with the purpose of analyzing psychological characteristics of the School of Psychology students. The instrument showed a high reliability coefficient (α=0,86), the exploratory factorial analysis found five variables which allowed to predict some aspects of sex and career level through a logistic regression; the ALSCAL showed two emotional dimensions. The author recommends to improve the instrument and to continue its application in the School. It is also necessary to develop qualitative research to acquire new data about the topic of the research.


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Impulsivity has been linked to three main factors: performing without direct involvement of the frontal lobe functions, an increase in the speed of response, and the acquisition of immediate gratification. This behavioral inhibition deficit involves a variety of behaviors including aspects of hyperexcitability, behavioral disinhibition and higher order decision making. Although by tradition, the definition of this executive function has been conceptualized from a psychopathological view, currently, the wide variety of neuropsychological, developmental and animal models assessment techniques encourage us to establish dialogues that integrate the knowledge of these theoretical perspectives for the interpretation and understanding of impulsivity.


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The bibliographic profile of 125 undergraduate (licentiate) theses was analyzed, describing absolute quantities of several bibliometric variables, as well as within-document indexes and average lags of the references. The results show a consistent pattern across the years in the 6 cohorts included in the sample (2001-2007), with variations, which fall within the robust confi dence intervals for the global central tendency. The median number of references per document was 52 (99% CI 47-55); the median  percentage of journal articles cited was 55%, with a median age for journal references of 9 years. Other highlights of the bibliographic profile were the use of foreign language references (median 61%), and low reliance on open web documents (median 2%). A cluster analysis of the bibliometric indexes resulted  in a typology of 2 main profiles, almost evenly distributed, one of them with the makeup of a natural science bibliographic profile and the second within the style of the humanities. In general, the number of references, proportion of papers, and age of the references are close to PhD dissertations and Master theses, setting a rather high standard for undergraduate theses.


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University is a demanding and changing environment for first year students, what could affect their mental health and their academic performance. Due these conditions, this research wanted to analyze mental health in freshmen of a private university in, Concepción, Chile, oriented by an approach from positive psychology. 554 were selected and surveyed to evaluate three variables: self-Esteem, satisfaction with life and optimism. furthermore, socio-demographic characteristics and mental health problems were assessed. Outcomes show that students evaluate positively themselves, their life and future. In addition, these variables are related with age, type of former school, religion, depression and anxiety. Systematic relationship found between these three strengths of mental health and their inverse relationship with the most prevalent problems in this area highlight the relevance that these three variables could have to define preventive and remedial strategies to promote student welfare.


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Behavioral neurosciences have evolved from other disciplines such as psychology, psychiatry and neurology, becoming a prominent area within general neuroscience. In mainstream psychology, neurosciences currently have an important role. In this paper we documented articles published in four Latin-American psychology journals and we classified these papers as empirical or theoretical. We analyzed the main topics covered in the behavioral neurosciences. Most of reported research used humans and rats as study subjects, although other species have also been used as models. Data suggest behavioral neurosciences currently play a growing and prominent role in Latin American psychology.


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Qualitative research is a research strategy used to analyze the reality. When applied to consumer psychology, it allows a deeper knowledge about consumer’s behavior and associated emotions and motivations. Qualitative research goes beyond the description of buyers’ behavior and shows information about how and why that behavior is produced.The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how qualitative research is relevant for the knowledge and the understanding of consumers’ behavior and how, through its techniques, it approaches the consumer’s socio-cultural reality and provides an interpretation of it. The present paper resumes the key aspects of qualitative research, mentioning its related antecedents of its contributions to the marketing and explaining the four most applied techniques in consumer psychology (interviews, focus group, ethnography and observation); moreover, it also studies the way to carry them out and gives some examples of some of the market issues which it can analyze. Finally, we take up again the qualitative data analysis as one of the most relevant topics because it produces important information for the decision making process related to the consumer. In addition, we explain the steps, strategies, types and technological tools to carry it out. 


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The discussion about the freewill and determinism con- troversy in human behavior is an old one in philosophy and psychology. Despite the fact that discussions on the topic are abundant, some of its implications seem to go unnoticed by psychologists, and especially by students of psychology. We argue that to the same extent that a psychologist is far from the determinism he imposes -a priori and unnecessary-constraints on the development of psychology as a science and profession. As a result, we suggest that the adoption of determinism as a wor- king hypothesis, is an important attitude for the transformation of psychology into a more effective science and profession.


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The psychology of motivation has a long tradition and history in psychology. In fact, we consider that, to a certain extent, understanding the history of the psychology of motivation is understanding great part of which has been psychology itself, since the main target of psychology was, and is, to try to explain behaviour, and the aim of psychology of motivation is to find out the causes of behaviour. In its long passage to the present time, there have been three perspectives that have monopolized most of the investigation: the biological, the behavioural and the cognitive. They are not excluding. Each one of them has been predominant in certain stages, although the same attention was paid to the other two. Nowadays, the biological and cognitive perspectives are those that receive greater attention from the investigators. The historical direction in the study of the psychology of motivation represents an important solution to know how the events that have given rise to the present consideration about the psychology of motivation were forged. To know the past helps us to understand the present, at the same time it allows us to hypothesise with great probability of success which will be the future in the study object.


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Manuel Ancízar published in 1851 his Lectures on Psychology. The text has been a representative of the interests of Colombian intellectuals of the time for discipline. The treatise of the history of psychology Colombia have considered the nineteenth century as a period characterized by a poorly conceived attempt to import some emerging professional practices of psychiatric and educational type. However, the work of Ancízar showed large exhibition on the subject matter of psychology: human consciousness and the theories that support the formation of the new science. The core of the work is oriented towards the secular drama, against which Ancízar defended the supernatural origin and nature of the human soul. The author introduced an eclectic psychology in which, the secular orientation of modern ideas are integrated with the conception of the soul as a divine gift. The reading of the work has been outstanding and indispensable work for understanding ancient and autochthonous forms of access to psychological issues.


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Este estudio buscó evaluar la asociación de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar identificados mediante el Cuestionario Nórdico en su versión validada al español y los factores de riesgo psicosocial con el Cuestionario del contenido del trabajo (JCQ), en conductores de vehículos de carga de una empresa de transporte terrestre en Bogotá, Colombia; fue un estudio de corte transversal con la participación voluntaria de 125 conductores. Los resultados demostraron mayor prevalencia de trastornos músculo esqueléticos en región lumbar en los últimos 12 meses en el 36% de los participantes y en los últimos tres meses en región cervical con el 17.6%; la prevalencia de factores psicosociales arrojó trabajo de baja tensión en el 29.6%, trabajo activo 26.4%, trabajo con alta tensión 23.2% y trabajo pasivo con el 20.8%. El valor p fue mayor de 0,005 no hallándose asociaciones significativas de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar con factores de riesgo psicosocial.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar una revisión teórica de los estudios que han elaborado un análisis acerca de la Inteligencia Emocional con la capacidad para afrontar situaciones generadoras de estrés. Los diferentes estudios muestran que niveles altos en Inteligencia Emocional se relacionan con estrategias de afrontamiento basadas en el análisis y resolución de conflictos, mientras que niveles bajos de inteligencia emocional se relacionan con estrategias de afrontamiento basadas en la evitación, la superstición, y la resistencia al cambio. La evidencia que arrojan los estudios indican que la inteligencia emocional es fundamental en el autocontrol emocional y en la habilidad de adaptación de los individuos para afrontar situaciones generadoras de estrés.


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El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores


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El presente proyecto se ha elaborado con la finalidad de encontrar la relación existente entre el liderazgo y el locus de control, por medio de una revisión documental que permita dar una visión más amplia de estos dos fenómenos. De acuerdo con investigaciones realizadas, existen características individuales que afectan el desarrollo de liderazgo, lo cual a su vez tiene un impacto sobre el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de una sociedad. Uno de estos factores es el locus de control, el cual sesta determinado por características del individuo, y por el ambiente en el cual se desenvuelven las personas. Existen diferentes evidencias que soportan ésta relación entre locus de control y liderazgo. En éste estudio documental se describirán estos hallazgos, identificando las características del individuo y del contexto que influyen sobre ellos. Asimismo se pondrá en contexto a través del trabajo las características principales de los líderes y como se presentan las interacciones entre los lideres y seguidores, teniendo en cuenta que no todas las veces los seguidores desarrollan este papel al seguir a su líder, sino que por otro lado y estos pueden tomar parte fundamental en la interacción, influyendo de manera directa sobre el líder. Se recuerda que a los lideres los hacen sus seguidores y que sin estos no podrían desarrollar el papel de líder.


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Los líderes organizacionales se deben enfrentar a retos ambientales del mundo de los negocios y diversas presiones que los ponen día a día en un alto riesgo ético. Sortear dichos riesgos ha demandado cambios sustanciales en las dinámicas de las organizaciones contemporáneas, por lo que las exigencias a los directivos de tomar decisiones acertadas en situaciones de alta complejidad moral son cada vez mayores. Estas decisiones involucran un comportamiento ético de quien las toma, lo cual a su vez está mediado por sus emociones.