861 resultados para Prunus Persica


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In subtropical climate areas, the models and methods proposed to evaluate the chilling requirement of temperate fruit crops often do not provide satisfactory results, thus calling for the development of alternative techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlations between some phonological traits and chilling requirement for seed germination of 18 peach cultivars and one nectarine cultivar. Two experiments were installed separately for the correlation studies. In experiment 1, the phenological traits were observed in the field, while in experiment 2, the chilling requirement for 50 and 100% seed germination of each cultivar was assessed. The number of days for beginning of bloom (r = 0.70**, 0.61**) and full bloom (r = 0.72**, 0.76**) were both significantly correlated with the number of chilling units for 50% and 100% germination of seeds. The number of days for beginning of budding and dormancy break were both significantly correlated with the number of chilling units for 50% and 100% germination (r = 0.48*, 0.50*, respectively). However, the same significant effect for these phenological traits was not found between chilling units and 50% germination of seeds, as well as between chilling units and harvest dates.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de ácido salicílico (AS), isoladamente e em combinação com o 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP), sobre o amadurecimento e a qualidade de ameixas 'Laetitia', armazenadas durante 40 dias, sob refrigeração (1 ± 0,1ºC / UR 92 ± 2%). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: controle; 1 mM de AS; 5 mM de AS; 10 mM de AS; e 5 mM de AS + 1-MCP (1 µL L-1). Nos frutos tratados com 10 mM de AS, verificou-se, após a saída da câmara, maior taxa de produção de etileno e incidência de manchas na epiderme, e, após três dias em condição ambiente, maior incidência de degenerescência de polpa. Em frutos tratados com 5 mM de AS, o 1-MCP proporcionou menor produção de etileno e menor incidência de degenerescência de polpa, maiores valores de atributos de textura, além de frutos menos vermelhos. O AS não apresenta efeito sobre a ocorrência de degenerescência da polpa e o amadurecimento de ameixas 'Laetitia', porém, provoca manchas na epiderme, em doses acima de 5 mM. Em frutos tratados com 5 mM de AS, a aplicação de 1-MCP atrasa o amadurecimento e mantém a qualidade da ameixa 'Laetitia'.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o desempenho dos porta-enxertos 'Okinawa' e 'Capdeboscq', em três sistemas de cultivo, na produção de mudas do pessegueiro 'Chimarrita'. O experimento foi instalado em viveiro comercial no município de Pelotas-RS. O período de avaliação compreendeu desde a semeadura, realizada em 12 de julho de 2010, até a avaliação final das mudas enxertadas, 365 dias após a semeadura, em julho do ano subsequente. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de dois porta-enxertos, 'Okinawa' e 'Capdeboscq', e três sistemas de cultivo, onde eles foram plantados: exclusivamente em campo, sobre bancadas em ambiente aberto e sobre bancadas dentro de telado com cobertura plástica. Para o delineamento experimental dos tratamentos utilizou-se a casualização por blocos com fatorial 2 x 3 (dois porta-enxertos e três sistemas de cultivo, respectivamente). Com este estudo, conclui-se que é possível produzir mudas de 'Chimarrita', com vigor similar, utilizando os porta-enxertos 'Capdeboscq' e 'Okinawa'. Assim, o sistema de cultivo em campo proporciona mudas mais vigorosas, independentemente do porta-enxerto utilizado.


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O efeito da insularidade reflecte-se no número limitado de espécies arbóreas naturais dos Açores. As mais comuns são a Morella faya (Faia-da-terra), Picconia azorica (Pau-branco), Laurus azorica (Louro), Juniperus brevifolia (Cedro-do-mato), Ilex perado subsp. azorica (Azevinho), Erica azorica (Urze) e Frangula azorica (Sanguinho). Pelo contrário, Prunus azorica (Ginjeira-brava) é actualmente muito rara e Taxus bacatta (Teixo) encontra-se à beira da extinção. Dependendo das condições ambientais, particularmente de temperatura, pluviosidade e exposição ao vento, encontramos diferentes espécies a dominar a copa da floresta. […].


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Countries are currently faced with problems derived from changes in lifespan and an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Neurodegenerative disorders such Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) diseases are an increasing problem in aged societies. Data from World Alzheimer Report 2011 indicate that 36 million people worldwide are living with dementia. Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of AD and PD. Therefore there is interest to search for effective compounds or therapies to combat the oxidative damage in these diseases. Current evidence strongly supports a contribution of phenolic compounds present in fruits and vegetables to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such AD and PD. The industrial processing of a wide variety of fruits results in the accumulation of by-products without commercial value. Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) is consumed fresh and processed like in juice. Prunnus avium (sweet cherry) is consumed fresh but the organoleptics characteristics of the fruits leads to the smaller and ragged fruits have no commercial value. Fruit extracts of both species has described to be rich in phenolic compounds and to have high antioxidant activities due to its composition. The aim of this work was assessing the efficacy of O. ficus-indica and P. avium by-products extracts obtained with conventional solvent extraction and pressurized liquid extraction in a neurodegeneration cell model. All extracts have protected neuroblastoma cells from H2O2-induced death at low, non-toxic levels, which approach to physiologically-relevant serum concentration. However, cherry extract has a slighter neuroprotective activity. The protective effect of Opuntia extracts are not conducted by a direct antioxidant activity since there are not decreases in intracellular ROS levels in cell treated with extracts and challenged with H2O2, while cherry extract neuroprotection seems to be due to a direct scavenging activity. Extracts from different biological matrixes seems to protect neuronal cells trough different cellular mechanisms.


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Nowadays the main honey producing countries require accurate labeling of honey before commercialization, including floral classification. Traditionally, this classification is made by melissopalynology analysis, an accurate but time-consuming task requiring laborious sample pre-treatment and high-skilled technicians. In this work the potential use of a potentiometric electronic tongue for pollinic assessment is evaluated, using monofloral and polyfloral honeys. The results showed that after splitting honeys according to color (white, amber and dark), the novel methodology enabled quantifying the relative percentage of the main pollens (Castanea sp., Echium sp., Erica sp., Eucaliptus sp., Lavandula sp., Prunus sp., Rubus sp. and Trifolium sp.). Multiple linear regression models were established for each type of pollen, based on the best sensors sub-sets selected using the simulated annealing algorithm. To minimize the overfitting risk, a repeated K-fold cross-validation procedure was implemented, ensuring that at least 10-20% of the honeys were used for internal validation. With this approach, a minimum average determination coefficient of 0.91 ± 0.15 was obtained. Also, the proposed technique enabled the correct classification of 92% and 100% of monofloral and polyfloral honeys, respectively. The quite satisfactory performance of the novel procedure for quantifying the relative pollen frequency may envisage its applicability for honey labeling and geographical origin identification. Nevertheless, this approach is not a full alternative to the traditional melissopalynologic analysis; it may be seen as a practical complementary tool for preliminary honey floral classification, leaving only problematic cases for pollinic evaluation.


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En el área frutícola que rodea la ciudad de Córdoba, de Colonia Caroya y Jesús María, se encontraron síntomas foliares cloróticos (líneas, manchas, diseños de hojas de encina) asimilables a los inducidos por tres virus causales de "diseños cloróticos lineares" en ciruelo (plum line pattern ilarvirus), el Danish plum line pattern ilarvirus (un serotipo del prunus necrotic ring spot ilarvirus), el European plum line pattern ilarvirus (un serotipo de apple mosaic ilarvirus) ambos serológicamente relacionados pero no idénticos, y el American plum line pattern ilarvirus, serológicamente no relacionados con los anteriores. Si bien no producen una sintomatología llamativa son causales de pérdidas en las cosechas por disminución del número de frutos producidos. El propósito del proyecto es definir la identidad del virus causal de los síntomas encontrados y ajustar una técnica serológica que permita su detección en plantas con infecciones sistémicas recientes, útil para ser empleada en material bajo cuarentenas (aduanas), en censos, controles sanitarios en viveros y para la elección de plantas madres de sanidad controlada. (...)


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Se estudia el rol de las hormonas como intermediarios en los procesos de dormición de yemas florales y crecimiento caulinar de especies arbóreas frutales ( Prunus spp., Pyrus malus normal y mutante enana) y herbáceas (lechuga, cebada, Arabidopsis ) por parte de factores ambientales y en el efecto benéfico de rizobacterias sobre el crecimiento de cereales. Abarca tres subproyectos: Subproyecto 1. Dormición en yemas florales de duraznero. Estudia el efecto de diferentes giberelinas en aplicaciones exógenas en laboratorio y a campo, sobre la fenología y morfología ( al microscopio) de yemas florales de duraznero. Se intenta establecer el papel de GAs como mediadores entre señal ambiental y los procesos de diferenciación de los verticilos florales. Objetivos: Estudiar el efecto de aplicaciones exógenas de GA3, GA5, dihidro-GA5 y dihidro-GA4 sobre la fenología y morfología de yemas florales de: i) plantas a campo y ii) estacas aisladas. Subproyecto 2. Fitohormonas como intermediarios entre calidad de luz y alargamiento caulinar en Prunus spp. Estudia cuali-cuantitativamente IAA, ABA y giberelinas de especies arbóreas frutales ( Prunus spp., Pyrus malus normal y mutante enana) y herbáceas (lechuga, cebada, Arabidopsis ) sometidas a diferentes calidades de luz (sistema fito y criptocromo). Las hormonas se analizan por HPLC, bioensayo y GC-SIMILAR. Intenta establecer la posible correlación entre señal ambiental, sistema fotorreceptor, metabolismo de hormonas y respuesta morfogénica. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de luz azul (sistema criptocromo) y rojo/rojo lejano (sistema fitocromo) sobre los niveles de giberelinas, ABA y AIA en plantas de Prunus avium, Pyrus malus (normal y enano), Latuca sativa, Hordeum vulgare (normal y enano) y Arabidopsis thaliana . Subproyecto 3. Producción de GAs por Azospirillum spp. Estudia la producción de giberelinas y su metabolismo por Azospirillum spp. y sus efectos sobre crecimiento y desarrollo de cereales. La identificación y cuantificación de giberelinas se realiza como en el Subproyecto 2. Estudios de metabolismo incluyen alimentación con giberelinas deuteradas o sus conjugados. Semillas pre-germinadas de cereales se inoculan con distintas cepas y/o concentraciones de GA3, evaluándose diversos parámetros de crecimiento radical. Los resultados de laboratorio se probarán a campo. Objetivos: Estudiar la producción de GAs o factores que regulan su metabolismo (relación C/N, calidad de luz, pH y tiempo de incubación) por A. spp., en cultivo aislado y con la asociación diazotrofo/sistema radical de gramíneas y los efectos de la batería sobre el crecimiento de dichas especies.


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This paper deals with anatomical descriptions of some types of nectaries in 27 species of honey plants of Piracicaba, S. P. The material studied was divides in two groups: a) Extra-floral nectaries; b) Floral nectaries. Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd; showed to belonging to the first group: its nectaries tissue consist of an epidermal layer of cell without stomata and with true gland, with subepidermal cells diferentiated by the thickness of the wall. Among the plants with floral nectaries, the following types has been listed, according the location of the nectary in the flower: 1 - with true glands: a) in sepals, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, L.; Dombeya Wallichii, Bth. e Hk; b) in the stamens tube, Antigonum leptopus, Hook e Arn.; 2 - on the receptacle with nectariferous tissue in the epidermal cell with: a) thickness wall with stomata, Prunus persical, L.; b) thin wall without stomata, Crotalaria paulinia, Shranck; Caesal-pinia sepiaria, Roxb; Aberia caffra; 3 - with a disc located in the receptacle with: epidermal: a) with stomata, Coffea arábica, L. var. semper florens; Citrus aurantifolia, Swing; Cinchona sp.; Pryrostegia ignea, Presl.; b) without stomata and with thin wall, Leojurus sibiricus, L.; Bactocydia unguis, Mart., Ipomoea purpurea, L.; Greviüea Thelemanniana, Hueg.; Dolichos lablab, L.; Vernonia polyanthes, Less., Montanoa bipinatifida, C. Koch., Eruca sativa, L. Brassica Juncea, Co; Eucalyptus tereticomis, Smith.; Eucalyptus rostrata, Schleche; Salvia splendens, Selow.; 4 - in the basal tissues of the ovary, Budleia brasiliensis, Jacq F.; Petrea subserrata, Cham.; 5 - in the base of stamens, Per sea americana, Mill. On the anatomical point of view, most of the types of nectary studied has external nectariferous tissues, located on the epidermal cells with thin periclinal wall and without stomata. The sub-epidermal layer were rich in sugar. Short correlation was found between the structure of the nectary and the amount of nectar secretion. So, in the nectary with true glands, in those with thin wall and without stomata on epidermal cells and in those with stomata, the secretion was higher than in the other types listed.


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A new species of Neosilba McAlpine, 1962, N. pradoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. This new species was found in the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina), in the southeast (State of São Paulo) and center west (State of Mato Grosso do Sul). It has been reared from fruits of guava (Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae), "araçá" (Psidium cattleyanum, Myrtaceae), "guabiroba" (Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Myrtaceae), Surinam cherry (Malpighia emarginata, Malpighiaceae), cherry (Prunus avium, Rosaceae), orange (Citrus sinensis, Rutaceae), "ingá" (Inga laurina, Fabaceae), "esporão-de-galo" (Celtis iguanae, Ulmaceae) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis, Passifloraceae).


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Una gran mayoría de árboles frutales forman micorrizas en condiciones naturales, sin embargo debido a las técnicas de cultivo habituales (fumigación de viveros, utilización de substratos esterilizados, micropropagación de material en condiciones asépticas) se han detectado, en algunos casos, sintomatologías atribuibles a la ausencia de la simbiosis. La micorrización de patrones de frutales se ha estudiado en condiciones controladas obteniéndose una respuesta favorable de las plantas inoculadas frente a las no inoculadas en crecimiento y en protección frente a patógenos del suelo y estreses abióticos. Sin embargo no se ha evaluado la integración de la micorrización en las prácticas habituales de una producción intensiva en vivero y en plantación. Este trabajo estudia la efectividad de la inoculación de porta-injertos de frutales del género Prunus y de plántulas de olivo del cultivar arbequina en plantación. Así mismo también se evalúa la incorporación práctica de la inoculación en la tecnología de viveros comerciales.


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Una gran mayoría de árboles frutales forman micorrizas en condiciones naturales, sin embargo debido a las técnicas de cultivo habituales (fumigación de viveros, utilización de substratos esterilizados, micropropagación de material en condiciones asépticas) se han detectado, en algunos casos, sintomatologías atribuibles a la ausencia de la simbiosis. La micorrización de patrones de frutales se ha estudiado en condiciones controladas obteniéndose una respuesta favorable de las plantas inoculadas frente a las no inoculadas en crecimiento y en protección frente a patógenos del suelo y estreses abióticos. Sin embargo no se ha evaluado la integración de la micorrización en las prácticas habituales de una producción intensiva en vivero y en plantación. Este trabajo estudia la efectividad de la inoculación de porta-injertos de frutales del género Prunus y de plántulas de olivo del cultivar arbequina en plantación. Así mismo también se evalúa la incorporación práctica de la inoculación en la tecnología de viveros comerciales.


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Hybridization has played a central role in the evolutionary history of domesticated plants. Notably, several breeding programs relying on gene introgression from the wild compartment have been performed in fruit tree species within the genus Prunus but few studies investigated spontaneous gene flow among wild and domesticated Prunus species. Consequently, a comprehensive understanding of genetic relationships and levels of gene flow between domesticated and wild Prunus species is needed. Combining nuclear and chloroplastic microsatellites, we investigated the gene flow and hybridization among two key almond tree species, the cultivated Prunus dulcis and one of the most widespread wild relative Prunus orientalis in the Fertile Crescent. We detected high genetic diversity levels in both species along with substantial and symmetric gene flow between the domesticated P. dulcis and the wild P. orientalis. These results were discussed in light of the cultivated species diversity, by outlining the frequent spontaneous genetic contributions of wild species to the domesticated compartment. In addition, crop-to-wild gene flow suggests that ad hoc transgene containment strategies would be required if genetically modified cultivars were introduced in the northwestern Mediterranean.


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Real-time PCR was used to quantify phytoplasma concentration in fifty inoculated trees from five Prunus rootstocks and in forty-eight symptomatic pear and Japanese plum trees from orchards. Seasonal fluctuation of Ca. P. prunorum in different Prunus rootstocks, over three years, showed that the highest percentage detected by nested-PCR was in the ‘Garnem’ rootstock on nearly all sampling dates. Intra-varietal differences were also observed. Phytoplasma titer could be estimated by real time PCR in some trees of the rootstocks ‘Garnem’, ‘Barrier’, ‘GF-677’ and ‘Marianna’, and ranged from 4.7x105 to 3.18x109 phytoplasmas per gram of tissue. Quantification by real-time PCR was not possible in the ‘Cadaman’ trees analyzed, probably due to a lower phytoplasma titer in this variety. Samples from infected trees from commercial plots had different phytoplasma concentration and detection percentage depending on the variety, both being lower in ‘Fortune’ and ‘606’ Japanese plum and in ‘Blanquilla’ pear trees.