986 resultados para Protozoa, Pathogenic
Potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from a heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland
Some free-living amoebae, including some species of the genus Acanthamoeba, can cause infections in humans and animals. These organisms are known to cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in predominantly immune-deficient persons. In the present study, we isolated a potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolate originating from a public heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. The amoebae, thermophilically preselected by culture at 37 degrees C, subsequently displayed a high thermotolerance, being able to grow at 42 degrees C, and a marked cytotoxicity, based on a co-culture system using the murine cell line L929. Intranasal infection of Rag2-immunodeficient mice resulted in the death of all animals within 24 days. Histopathology of brains and lungs revealed marked tissue necrosis and hemorrhagic lesions going along with massive proliferation of amoebae. PCR and sequence analysis, based on 18S rDNA, identified the agent as Acanthamoeba lenticulata. In summary, the present study reports on an Acanthamoeba isolate from a heated swimming pool suggestive of being potentially pathogenic to immunocompromised persons.
Two unusual Actinobacillus isolates were recovered from pigs with no clinical signs, no lesions and no history of swine pleuropneumonia. Two representative strains (9953L55 and 0347) analyzed in this study were initially biochemically and antigenically identified as A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1 and 9, respectively, by traditional identification methods. Both strains presented, however, negative results with three A. pleuropneumoniae-specific PCR tests and revealed in particular the absence of the apxIV toxin genes. However, both strains produced and secreted ApxII toxin although they only harbored the toxin genes apxIICA, which is an uncommon feature for any of the known A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes. Upon experimental inoculation of pigs, these strains proved to be totally non-pathogenic. Animals infected with one of the strains produced antibodies that cross-react with A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1-9-11-specific LC-LPS ELISA. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that these strains form a separate phylogenetic group that is distinct from other Actinobacillus species and is particularly different from A. pleuropneumoniae.
Pasteurella aerogenes is known as a commensal bacterium or as an opportunistic pathogen, as well as a primary pathogen found to be involved in abortion cases of humans, swine, and other mammals. Using broad-range DNA probes for bacterial RTX toxin genes, we cloned and subsequently sequenced a new operon named paxCABD encoding the RTX toxin PaxA in P. aerogenes. The pax operon is organized analogous to the classical RTX operons containing the activator gene paxC upstream of the structural toxin gene paxA, which is followed by the secretion protein genes paxB and paxD. The highest sequence similarity of paxA with known RTX toxin genes is found with apxIIIA (82%). PaxA is structurally similar to ApxIIIA and also shows functional analogy to ApxIIIA, since it shows cohemolytic activity with the sphingomyelinase of Staphylococcus aureus, known as the CAMP effect, but is devoid of direct hemolytic activity. In addition, it shows to some extent immunological cross-reactions with ApxIIIA. P. aerogenes isolated from various specimens showed that the pax operon was present in about one-third of the strains. All of the pax-positive strains were specifically related to swine abortion cases or septicemia of newborn piglets. These strains were also shown to produce the PaxA toxin as determined by the CAMP phenomenon, whereas none of the pax-negative strains did. This indicated that the PaxA toxin is involved in the pathogenic potential of P. aerogenes. The examined P. aerogenes isolates were phylogenetically analyzed by 16S rRNA gene (rrs) sequencing in order to confirm their species. Only a small heterogeneity (<0.5%) was observed between the rrs genes of the strains originating from geographically distant farms and isolated at different times.
To examine the behavior of the estrogenic biomarker vitellogenin (VTG) under the combined impact of estrogens and pathogens, parasite-infected or noninfected rainbow trout were exposed to two doses of 17beta-estradiol (E2). Infected and E2-exposed fish showed significantly lower hepatic VTG mRNA levels than healthy fish. Transcriptome data suggest that this was due to energetic constraints. Reduced responsiveness of the VTG biomarker in parasitized fish might obscure detection of low-level field exposure.
In the aquatic environment, fish are exposed to various stimuli at once and have developed different response mechanisms to deal with these multiple stimuli. The current study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the physiological status of fish. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to two different concentrations of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) (2 or 20 mg/kg feed) and then infected with three concentrations of Yersinia ruckeri, a bacterial pathogen causing massive losses in wild and farmed salmonid populations. Organism-level endpoints to assess the impact of the single and combined treatments included hepatic vitellogenin transcript expression to evaluate the E2 exposure efficiency and survival rate of pathogen-challenged fish. The two E2 doses increased vitellogenin levels within the physiological range. Infection with Y. ruckeri caused mortality of trout, and this effect was significantly enhanced by a simultaneous exposure to high E2 dose. The hormone reduced survival at intermediate and high (10(4) and 10(6) colony forming units, cfu) bacterial concentrations, but not for a low one (10(2) cfu). Analysis of hepatic gene expression profiles by a salmonid 2 k cDNA microarray chip revealed complex regulations of pathways involved in immune responses, stress responses, and detoxicification pathways. E2 markedly reduced the expression of several genes implicated in xenobiotic metabolism. The results suggest that the interaction between pathogen and E2 interfered with the fish's capability of clearing toxic compounds. The findings of the current study add to our understanding of multiple exposure responses in fish.
BACKGROUND J-wave syndromes have emerged conceptually to encompass the pleiotropic expression of J-point abnormalities including Brugada syndrome (BrS) and early repolarization syndrome (ERS). KCNJ8, which encodes the cardiac K(ATP) Kir6.1 channel, recently has been implicated in ERS following identification of the functionally uncharacterized missense mutation S422L. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to further explore KCNJ8 as a novel susceptibility gene for J-wave syndromes. METHODS Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, comprehensive open reading frame/splice site mutational analysis of KCNJ8 was performed in 101 unrelated patients with J-wave syndromes, including 87 with BrS and 14 with ERS. Six hundred healthy individuals were examined to assess the allelic frequency for all variants detected. KCNJ8 mutation(s) was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and coexpressed heterologously with SUR2A in COS-1 cells. Ion currents were recorded using whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. RESULTS One BrS case and one ERS case hosted the identical missense mutation S422L, which was reported previously. KCNJ8-S422L involves a highly conserved residue and was absent in 1,200 reference alleles. Both cases were negative for mutations in all known BrS and ERS susceptibility genes. K(ATP) current of the Kir6.1-S422L mutation was increased significantly over the voltage range from 0 to 40 mV compared to Kir6.1-WT channels (n = 16-21; P <.05). CONCLUSION These findings further implicate KCNJ8 as a novel J-wave syndrome susceptibility gene and a marked gain of function in the cardiac K(ATP) Kir6.1 channel secondary to KCNJ8-S422L as a novel pathogenic mechanism for the phenotypic expression of both BrS and ERS.
The membrane-associated enzyme L-α-glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase (GlpO) of Mycoplasma mycoides subs. mycoides (Mmm), the causal agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) has been identified as a virulence factor responsible for the release of toxic by-products such as H2O2 that mediate host cell injury. Since CBPP pathogenesis is based on host inflammatory reactions, we have determined the capacity of recombinant GlpO to generate in vivo protective responses against challenge in immunized cattle. We also investigated whether sera raised against recombinant GlpO in cattle and mice inhibit production of H2O2 by Mmm. Immunization of cattle with recombinant GlpO did not protect against challenge with a virulent strain of Mmm. Further, although both murine and bovine antisera raised against recombinant GlpO detected recombinant and native forms of GlpO in immunoblot assays with similar titres, only murine antibodies could neutralize GlpO enzymatic function. The data raise the possibility that Mmm has adapted to evade potential detrimental antibody responses in its definitive host.
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a fungus infecting the skin of amphibians. On metamorphosing animals the infection is difficult to detect because of the limited information concerning the location of Bd on the animals during this stage. Histological investigation revealed that Bd accumulated on the reabsorbing tail of metamorphosing animals. This observation may facilitate the detection of Bd in metamorphosing amphibians.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) shows autoantibodies mainly to plakin and desmosomal cadherin family proteins. We have recently identified alpha-2-macroglobulin-like-1 (A2ML1), a broad range protease inhibitor, as a unique PNP antigen. In this study, we tested a large number of PNP sera by various methods. Forty (69.0%) of 58 PNP sera recognized A2ML1 recombinant protein expressed in COS7 cells by immunofluorescence (IF) and/or immunoprecipitation (IP)/immunoblotting (IB). IP/IB showed higher sensitivity than IF. In addition, 22 (37.9%) PNP sera reacted with A2ML1 by IB of cultured normal human keratinocytes (NHKs) under non-reducing conditions. Statistical analyses using various clinical and immunological data showed that the presence of anti-A2ML1 autoantibodies was associated with early disease onset and absence of ocular lesions. Next, to investigate the pathogenic role of anti-A2ML1 antibody, we performed additional functional studies. Addition of anti-A2ML1 polyclonal antibody to culture media decreased NHK cell adhesion examined by dissociation assay, and increased plasmin activity detected by casein zymography, suggesting that anti-A2ML1 antibody may decrease NHK cell adhesion through plasmin activation by inhibition of A2ML1. This study demonstrates that autoantibodies to A2ML1 are frequently and specifically detected and may have a pathogenic role in PNP.
OBJECTIVE: The study of HIV-1 rapid progressors has been limited to specific case reports. Nevertheless, identification and characterization of the viral and host factors involved in rapid progression are crucial when attempting to uncover the correlates of rapid disease outcome. DESIGN: We carried out comparative functional analyses in rapid progressors (n = 46) and standard progressors (n = 46) early after HIV-1 seroconversion (≤1 year). The viral traits tested were viral replicative capacity, co-receptor usage, and genomic variation. Host CD8 T-cell responses, humoral activity, and HLA immunogenetic markers were also determined. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate an unusual convergence of highly pathogenic HIV-1 strains in rapid progressors. Compared with standard progressors, rapid progressor viral strains show higher in-vitro replicative capacity (81.5 vs. 67.9%; P = 0.025) and greater X4/DM co-receptor usage (26.3 vs. 2.8%; P = 0.006) in early infection. Limited or absent functional HIV-1 CD8 T-cell responses and neutralizing activity were measured in rapid progressors. Moreover, the increase in common HLA allele-restricted CD8 T-cell escape mutations in rapid progressors acts as a signature of uncontrolled HIV-1 replication and early impairment of adaptive cellular responses. CONCLUSION: Our data support a dominant role for viral factors in rapid progressors. Robust HIV-1 replication and intrinsic viral properties limit host adaptive immune responses, thus driving rapid disease progression.
OBJECTIVE: To examine predictors of stroke recurrence in patients with a high vs a low likelihood of having an incidental patent foramen ovale (PFO) as defined by the Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) score.METHODS: Patients in the RoPE database with cryptogenic stroke (CS) and PFO were classified as having a probable PFO-related stroke (RoPE score of >6, n = 647) and others (RoPE score of =6 points, n = 677). We tested 15 clinical, 5 radiologic, and 3 echocardiographic variables for associations with stroke recurrence using Cox survival models with component database as a stratification factor. An interaction with RoPE score was checked for the variables that were significant.RESULTS: Follow-up was available for 92%, 79%, and 57% at 1, 2, and 3 years. Overall, a higher recurrence risk was associated with an index TIA. For all other predictors, effects were significantly different in the 2 RoPE score categories. For the low RoPE score group, but not the high RoPE score group, older age and antiplatelet (vs warfarin) treatment predicted recurrence. Conversely, echocardiographic features (septal hypermobility and a small shunt) and a prior (clinical) stroke/TIA were significant predictors in the high but not low RoPE score group.CONCLUSION: Predictors of recurrence differ when PFO relatedness is classified by the RoPE score, suggesting that patients with CS and PFO form a heterogeneous group with different stroke mechanisms. Echocardiographic features were only associated with recurrence in the high RoPE score group.
BACKGROUND Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. The bacteria enter the human body via abraded skin or mucous membranes and may disseminate throughout. In general the clinical picture is mild but some patients develop rapidly progressive, severe disease with a high case fatality rate. Not much is known about the innate immune response to leptospires during haematogenous dissemination. Previous work showed that a human THP-1 cell line recognized heat-killed leptospires and leptospiral LPS through TLR2 instead of TLR4. The LPS of virulent leptospires displayed a lower potency to trigger TNF production by THP-1 cells compared to LPS of non-virulent leptospires. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We investigated the host response and killing of virulent and non-virulent Leptospira of different serovars by human THP-1 cells, human PBMC's and human whole blood. Virulence of each leptospiral strain was tested in a well accepted standard guinea pig model. Virulent leptospires displayed complement resistance in human serum and whole blood while in-vitro attenuated non-virulent leptospires were rapidly killed in a complement dependent manner. In vitro stimulation of THP-1 and PBMC's with heat-killed and living leptospires showed differential serovar and cell type dependence of cytokine induction. However, at low, physiological, leptospiral dose, living virulent complement resistant strains were consistently more potent in whole blood stimulations than the corresponding non-virulent complement sensitive strains. At higher dose living virulent and non-virulent leptospires were equipotent in whole blood. Inhibition of different TLRs indicated that both TLR2 and TLR4 as well as TLR5 play a role in the whole blood cytokine response to living leptospires. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Thus, in a minimally altered system as human whole blood, highly virulent Leptospira are potent inducers of the cytokine response.