863 resultados para Peer rejection
In 2009 Switzerland, for long an apparent beacon of European toleration and neutrality, voted to ban the erection of minarets. Internal religious matters are normally dealt with at the regional or local level – not at the level of the Swiss national parliament, although the state does seek to ensure good order and peaceful relations between different faith communities. Indeed, the freedom of these communities to believe and function publicly is enshrined in law. However, as a matter of national policy, now constitutionally embedded, one religious group, the Muslim group, is not permitted to build their distinctive religious edifice, the minaret. Switzerland may have joined the rest of Europe with respect to engaging the challenge of Islamic presence to European identity and values, but the rejection of a symbol of the presence of one faith – in this case, Islamic – by a society that is otherwise predominantly secular, pluralist, and of Christian heritage, poses significant concerns. How and why did this happen? What are the implications? This paper will discuss some of the issues involved, concluding the ban is by no means irreversible. Tolerant neutrality may yet again be a leitmotif of Swiss culture and not just of foreign policy.
Characteristics and experiences of past participants in the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses
There are nearly 200,000 licensed practicing nurses in the state of Texas, representing one-tenth of the nations' workforce. The prevalence of substance abuse among nurses is estimated to range between six and 20 percent in this professional group.^ Since March 1987, the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN) has offered intervention, education, support and monitoring to nurses in Texas whose practice has become impaired due to substance abuse and/or mental illness. Since then approximately 44 percent of nurses who voluntarily signed participation agreements successfully completed the program; fifty-six percent have not. One determinant of completion for those nurses identified as chemically dependent is abstinence from mood altering substances. Other helping professions report higher rates of abstinence two years following treatment.^ The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between relapse, demographics, treatment variables, work setting, "stress" indicators and support factors for nurses who participated in TPAPN. A questionnaire was mailed to 1000 randomly selected nurses who had signed agreements since 1987 and were no longer active in the program. More than 41% of the questionnaires were returned undeliverable.^ Recipients of the questionnaire were known only to TPAPN, never to the investigator. All information was received anonymously except when the participant chose to sign the questionnaire. A cover letter explaining the study and inviting participation was enclosed. Completion and return of the questionnaire was considered consent to participate.^ Findings demonstrated a significant relationship between relapse and opiates as the drug of choice for past participants in the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses. Significant associations were found among factors such as control at work, support, physical complaints, job security, self-esteem and employment in this sample. Respondents shared copious written comments about their experiences in TPAPN. These data were analyzed using qualitative methods and compared with similar studies of recovering nurses. Further research with nurses whose practice has been affected by abuse of chemical and mental illness is warranted. ^
Describes the effects that institutionalization of peer tutoring is having on the teaching-learning relationship.
BACKGROUND: Risk factors and outcomes of bronchial stricture after lung transplantation are not well defined. An association between acute rejection and development of stricture has been suggested in small case series. We evaluated this relationship using a large national registry. METHODS: All lung transplantations between April 1994 and December 2008 per the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) database were analyzed. Generalized linear models were used to determine the association between early rejection and development of stricture after adjusting for potential confounders. The association of stricture with postoperative lung function and overall survival was also evaluated. RESULTS: Nine thousand three hundred thirty-five patients were included for analysis. The incidence of stricture was 11.5% (1,077/9,335), with no significant change in incidence during the study period (P=0.13). Early rejection was associated with a significantly greater incidence of stricture (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 1.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.22-1.61; p<0.0001). Male sex, restrictive lung disease, and pretransplantation requirement for hospitalization were also associated with stricture. Those who experienced stricture had a lower postoperative peak percent predicted forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) (median 74% versus 86% for bilateral transplants only; p<0.0001), shorter unadjusted survival (median 6.09 versus 6.82 years; p<0.001) and increased risk of death after adjusting for potential confounders (adjusted hazard ratio 1.13; 95% CI, 1.03-1.23; p=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Early rejection is associated with an increased incidence of stricture. Recipients with stricture demonstrate worse postoperative lung function and survival. Prospective studies may be warranted to further assess causality and the potential for coordinated rejection and stricture surveillance strategies to improve postoperative outcomes.
BACKGROUND Cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication has been associated with more risk for solid organ graft rejection. We wondered whether this association still holds when patients at risk receive prophylactic treatment for CMV. METHODS We correlated CMV infection, biopsy-proven graft rejection, and graft loss in 1,414 patients receiving heart (n=97), kidney (n=917), liver (n=237), or lung (n=163) allografts reported to the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. RESULTS Recipients of all organs were at an increased risk for biopsy-proven graft rejection within 4 weeks after detection of CMV replication (hazard ratio [HR] after heart transplantation, 2.60; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.34-4.94, P<0.001; HR after kidney transplantation, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.16-2.16, P=0.02; HR after liver transplantation, 2.21; 95% CI, 1.53-3.17, P<0.001; HR after lung transplantation, 5.83; 95% CI, 3.12-10.9, P<0.001. Relative hazards were comparable in patients with asymptomatic or symptomatic CMV infection. The CMV donor or recipient serological constellation also predicted the incidence of graft rejection after liver and lung transplantation, with significantly higher rates of rejection in transplants in which donor or recipient were CMV seropositive (non-D-/R-), compared with D- transplant or R- transplant (HR, 3.05; P=0.002 for liver and HR, 2.42; P=0.01 for lung transplants). Finally, graft loss occurred more frequently in non-D- or non-R- compared with D- transplant or R- transplant in all organs analyzed. Valganciclovir prophylactic treatment seemed to delay, but not prevent, graft loss in non-D- or non-R- transplants. CONCLUSION Cytomegalovirus replication and donor or recipient seroconstellation remains associated with graft rejection and graft loss in the era of prophylactic CMV treatment.
Zusammenfassung. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich zwischen beliebten, durchschnittlichen, unbeachteten und zurückgewiesenen Kindern Unterschiede in spezifischen kognitiven und motorischen Fähigkeiten finden lassen. Zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten wurden mit 177 regulär eingeschulten 7-jährigen Kindern Peernominationen und Peerratings erhoben, um reliable soziometrische Daten zu erhalten und ein Vergleich der beiden Methoden vorzunehmen. Außerdem wurde eine umfassende Testbatterie von insgesamt 20 Aufgaben in den Bereichen Informationsverarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit, Kurzzeit- und Arbeitsgedächtnis, Inhibition, Sprache und Motorik durchgeführt. Mit Ausnahme der Kurzzeitgedächtniskapazität wurden für alle Funktionsbereiche signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Statusgruppen gefunden. Die kontinuierlichen soziometrischen Werte der Ratingmethode zeigten sich etwas sensitiver als die der Nominationsmethode. Korrelativ wurde mit beiden Methoden ersichtlich, dass bessere Leistungen im kognitiven und motorischen Bereich nicht nur mit mehr Beliebtheit zusammenhingen, sondern auch, dass schlechte Leistungen in Verbindung standen mit sozialer Zurückweisung. Abstract. In the present study, it was investigated whether popular, average, neglected, and rejected children differ with respect to specific cognitive and motor skills. Peer nomination and peer rating methods were used at three different points in time to obtain reliable sociometric data of 177 regularly enrolled 7-year-old children and to compare the two methods. Furthermore, a battery comprising 21 tasks was used to assess speed of information processing, short-term and working memory, inhibition, language, and motor skills. Significant differences were found between children of different status groups with respect to all studied abilities with the exception of short-term memory. The continuous sociometric scores of the rating method resulted to be slightly more sensitive than those obtained with the nomination method. However, correlative analyses with both methods showed that better performance on the cognitive and motor tasks was associated with popularity, whereas worse performance was related to social rejection.
Das Lernen einer Fertigkeit durch Demonstration und anschließendes Üben wird „Modeling“ genannt. Es basiert darauf, die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Soll-Zustand (Demonstration) und dem Ist-Zustand (Üben) zu erkennen und zu beheben. Dafür ist die exakte Analyse der eigenen Fertigkeiten beim Üben unentbehrlich. Entsprechend ist auch bekannt, dass formative Evaluationen wesentlich zum erfolgreichen Lernen beitragen. Wir haben deshalb im Kurs für periphere Venenpunktion im 3. Studienjahr formatives Selbst- und Peer-Assessment eingeführt. Die Struktur des Assessment entspricht einem DOPS (dircect observation of procedural skills). DOPS stammt aus dem Arbeitsplatz-basieren Assessment und beinhaltet die Beurteilung folgender Kriterien: Vorbereitung/Nachsorge, technische Fertigkeit, Asepsis/Sicherheit, klinische Urteilsfähigkeit, Organisation/Effizienz, professionelles Verhalten, Gesamteindruck. Diese Kriterien wurden für den Unterricht konkretisiert (z.B. Vorbereitung mit Beschriftung der Röhrchen, etc.) und den Studierenden als Merkblätter ausgeteilt. Die Studierenden beurteilten ihre eigene Performance bzw. die eines Kommilitonen, gaben sich Feedback und legten individuelle Lernziele zur Verbesserung fest. Dieses Vorgehen hat den Vorteil, dass sowohl der Übende, als auch der beobachtende Kommilitone, die optimale Ausführung der jeweiligen Tätigkeit reflektieren, welches für beide eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen bietet . Bei der Evaluation des Kurses wurden die Handouts mit den Kriterien der DOPS von Teilnehmern von 9 der 10 Gruppen positiv erwähnt. Im Rahmen eines Debriefing mit den studentischen Tutoren wurde jedoch kritisch angemerkt, dass der Prozess der formativen Selbst- und Fremdevaluation den Studierenden im 3. Studienjahr nicht vertraut war. Es war für die Teilnehmer schwierig konkretes Feedback zu geben und individuelle Lernziele festzulegen. Für das kommende Jahr planen wir in Bezug auf den Kurs folgendes: Die Kriterien der korrekten Durchführung einer Fertigkeit zu formulieren wird von den Teilnehmern als hilfreich empfunden und soll deshalb beibehalten werden. Die Studierenden, die dieses Jahr an dem Kurs teilnehmen, haben bereits ein Feedbacktraining absolviert. Der Kurs kann deshalb neu an Vorkenntnisse anknüpfen. Darüber hinaus soll der Prozess der Festlegung der individuellen Lernziele in der Schulung der studentischen Tutoren des Kurses mehr Gewicht erhalten, damit die Tutoren die Teilnehmer hier gezielt unterstützen können.
This study examined the relation between ethnically based rejection sensitivity and academic achievement in a sample of 936 immigrant students in Germany and Switzerland. The theory of race-based rejection sensitivity that originated in North America was extended to immigrant students in Europe. The rough political climate against immigrants in Europe makes it probable that immigrant youth face particular difficulties and are affected by ethnically based rejection sensitivity, at least as much as—or even more than—minority youth in the United States. Using a standardized literacy performance test and multilevel analyses, we found that ethnically based rejection sensitivity was negatively related to academic achievement for immigrant students. This relation was partially mediated by a strong contingency of the students' self-worth on the heritage culture, as well as by a low number of native German or Swiss majority-group friends. We interpret these processes as immigrant students' efforts to cope with ethnically based rejection sensitivity by retracting into their heritage culture and avoiding majority-group contact, which unfortunately, however, at the same time also results in lower academic achievement. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Recognizing the potentially ruinous effect of negative reviews on the reputation of the hosts as well as a subjective nature of the travel experience judgements, peer-to-peer accommodation sharing plat-forms, like Airbnb, have readily embraced the “response” option, empowering hosts with the voice to challenge, deny or at least apologize for the subject of critique. However, the effects of different re-sponse strategies on trusting beliefs towards the host remain unclear. To fill this gap, this study focus-es on understanding the impact of different response strategies and review negativity on trusting be-liefs towards the host in peer-to-peer accommodation sharing setting utilizing experimental methods. Examination of two different contexts, varying in the controllability of the subject of complaint, re-veals that when the subject of complaint is controllable by a host, such strategies as confession / apol-ogy and denial can improve trusting beliefs towards the host. However, when the subject of criticism is beyond the control of the host, denial of the issue does not yield guest’s confidence in the host, where-as confession and excuse have positive influence on trusting beliefs.
Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) signals might suffer from relevant baseline disturbances during physical activity. Motion artifacts in particular are more pronounced with dry surface or esophageal electrodes which are dedicated to prolonged ECG recording. In this paper we present a method called baseline wander tracking (BWT) that tracks and rejects strong baseline disturbances and avoids concurrent saturation of the analog front-end. The proposed algorithm shifts the baseline level of the ECG signal to the middle of the dynamic input range. Due to the fast offset shifts, that produce much steeper signal portions than the normal ECG waves, the true ECG signal can be reconstructed offline and filtered using computationally intensive algorithms. Based on Monte Carlo simulations we observed reconstruction errors mainly caused by the non-linearity inaccuracies of the DAC. However, the signal to error ratio of the BWT is higher compared to an analog front-end featuring a dynamic input ranges above 15 mV if a synthetic ECG signal was used. The BWT is additionally able to suppress (electrode) offset potentials without introducing long transients. Due to its structural simplicity, memory efficiency and the DC coupling capability, the BWT is dedicated to high integration required in long-term and low-power ECG recording systems.
BACKGROUND The few studies directly comparing the methodological approach of peer role play (RP) and standardized patients (SP) for the delivery of communication skills all suggest that both methods are effective. In this study we calculated the costs of both methods (given comparable outcomes) and are the first to generate a differential cost-effectiveness analysis of both methods. METHODS Medical students in their prefinal year were randomly assigned to one of two groups receiving communication training in Pediatrics either with RP (N = 34) or 19 individually trained SP (N = 35). In an OSCE with standardized patients using the Calgary-Cambridge Referenced Observation Guide both groups achieved comparable high scores (results published). In this study, corresponding costs were assessed as man-hours resulting from hours of work of SP and tutors. A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed. RESULTS Cost-effectiveness analysis revealed a major advantage for RP as compared to SP (112 vs. 172 man hours; cost effectiveness ratio .74 vs. .45) at comparable performance levels after training with both methods. CONCLUSIONS While both peer role play and training with standardized patients have their value in medical curricula, RP has a major advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. This could be taken into account in future decisions.
AIMS A non-invasive gene-expression profiling (GEP) test for rejection surveillance of heart transplant recipients originated in the USA. A European-based study, Cardiac Allograft Rejection Gene Expression Observational II Study (CARGO II), was conducted to further clinically validate the GEP test performance. METHODS AND RESULTS Blood samples for GEP testing (AlloMap(®), CareDx, Brisbane, CA, USA) were collected during post-transplant surveillance. The reference standard for rejection status was based on histopathology grading of tissue from endomyocardial biopsy. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC), negative (NPVs), and positive predictive values (PPVs) for the GEP scores (range 0-39) were computed. Considering the GEP score of 34 as a cut-off (>6 months post-transplantation), 95.5% (381/399) of GEP tests were true negatives, 4.5% (18/399) were false negatives, 10.2% (6/59) were true positives, and 89.8% (53/59) were false positives. Based on 938 paired biopsies, the GEP test score AUC-ROC for distinguishing ≥3A rejection was 0.70 and 0.69 for ≥2-6 and >6 months post-transplantation, respectively. Depending on the chosen threshold score, the NPV and PPV range from 98.1 to 100% and 2.0 to 4.7%, respectively. CONCLUSION For ≥2-6 and >6 months post-transplantation, CARGO II GEP score performance (AUC-ROC = 0.70 and 0.69) is similar to the CARGO study results (AUC-ROC = 0.71 and 0.67). The low prevalence of ACR contributes to the high NPV and limited PPV of GEP testing. The choice of threshold score for practical use of GEP testing should consider overall clinical assessment of the patient's baseline risk for rejection.