930 resultados para Operational standardization


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Stakeholder analysis and engagement are the main tasks in stakeholder management. To identify operational approaches for stakeholder analysis and engagement, six interviews and a questionnaire survey were conducted in Hong Kong, and an additional 15 interviews were held in Australia. The main finding is a typology of practical approaches for practitioners in construction. A total of 30 approaches are comprised in the typology, and they are classified by application. To test the usefulness of the typology, action research is applied to two real-life projects in Australia. The implication is that the selection of the approaches is an art and a contingency approach as well, requiring practitioners' judgments. Each approach has its strengths and limitations, so the most appropriate way for effective stakeholder management is to use a combination of elements from each approach as circumstances dictate. This study can serve as a reference for the systematic consideration of the project management team about the operational approaches for stakeholder management in construction projects.


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The last few decades have seen the widespread adoption of large-scale, integrated, packaged software suites collectively called Enterprise Systems. However, most studies done so far have largely focused on the operational efficiency achieved by using these systems. This paper reports on research-in-progress that seeks to explore the strategic potential of Enterprise Systems to enable business transformations. In doing so, a new model is proposed that places the emphasis on the potential of Enterprise Systems to achieve innovation and reshape business strategy, rather than merely focusing on operational benefits. This model proposes that Enterprise Systems, when used to integrate, optimise and informate, can help firms achieve alliance innovation, process innovation and reshaped business strategy. The paper also provides preliminary empirical evidence that supports the propositions. This model will be tested further through primary case studies and a survey. This research, once completed, will assess the strategic role of Enterprise Systems in enabling business transformations beyond operational benefits.


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It has been widely accepted now in industry and academia that Enterprise Systems (ES) can create value for adopting organizations by enabling operational efficiency. However, given the enormous investments they warrant, the potential of such systems to deliver more than improving operations is emerging as a popular area of investigation. This paper reports a research-in-progress that proposes innovation as a means of creating business value with Enterprise Systems. The primary contribution of this paper is a process model that proposes that Enterprise Systems can enable innovation - in products and processes, and supports it with empirical evidence using three case studies. The intention is to test this model further with more case studies and a survey.


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Species that have temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) often produce highly skewed offspring sex ratios contrary to long-standing theoretical predictions. This ecological enigma has provoked concern that climate change may induce the production of single-sex generations and hence lead to population extirpation. All species of sea turtles exhibit TSD, many are already endangered, and most already produce sex ratios skewed to the sex produced at warmer temperatures (females). We tracked male loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from Zakynthos, Greece, throughout the entire interval between successive breeding seasons and identified individuals on their breeding grounds, using photoidentification, to determine breeding periodicity and operational sex ratios. Males returned to breed at least twice as frequently as females. We estimated that the hatchling sex ratio of 70:30 female to male for this rookery will translate into an overall operational sex ratio (OSR) (i.e., ratio of total number of males vs females breeding each year) of close to 50:50 female to male. We followed three male turtles for between 10 and 12 months during which time they all traveled back to the breeding grounds. Flipper tagging revealed the proportion of females returning to nest after intervals of 1, 2, 3, and 4 years were 0.21, 0.38, 0.29, and 0.12, respectively (mean interval 2.3 years). A further nine male turtles were tracked for short periods to determine their departure date from the breeding grounds. These departure dates were combined with a photoidentification data set of 165 individuals identified on in-water transect surveys at the start of the breeding season to develop a statistical model of the population dynamics. This model produced a maximum likelihood estimate that males visit the breeding site 2.6 times more often than females (95%CI 2.1, 3.1), which was consistent with the data from satellite tracking and flipper tagging. Increased frequency of male breeding will help ameliorate female-biased hatchling sex ratios. Combined with the ability of males to fertilize the eggs of many females and for females to store sperm to fertilize many clutches, our results imply that effects of climate change on the viability of sea turtle populations are likely to be less acute than previously suspected.


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O objetivo da dissertação é investigar se o perfil dos gerentes do Banco Central apresenta características que possibilitem uma atuação condizente com os conceitos contemporâneos de gestão: maior flexibilização, descentralização das decisões, delegação, participação, críatividade, inovação, suscetibilidade a mudanças, racionalidade administrativa, investimento na valorízação do corpo funcional, compartilhando uma gerência mais dialógica/comunicativa; ou se ainda perduram os conceitos de uma gestão tradicionalista, weberíana, tais como: centralização, controle e apego ao tecnicismo, autoridade hierárquica, verticalização, impessoalidade, padronização de métodos e procedimentos. Para tanto foram realizadas pesqUIsas bibliográfica e documental de forma a embasar conceitualmente as relações entre a teoria e a prática gerencial no Banco Central. As características do perfil dos gerentes foram levantadas, via entrevistas, com o Presidente e Diretores, e por intermédio de questionários com os próprios gerentes e seus subordinados, o que nos levou a perceber a gestão do Banco sob três enfoques: Alta Administração, grupo gerencial e grupo operacional. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que apesar de os gerentes do Banco Central apresentarem uma tendência ao tradicionalismo, na visão dos subordinados, eles se percebem num momento de transição, coerente com a mudança de paradigma, absorvendo os novos conceitos da gestão contemporânea, posição avalizada pela Superior Administração.


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Desde o final da década de 90, a securitização de ativos vem se firmando no mercado brasileiro como uma importante alternativa de captação de recursos. Essa inovação financeira permite às empresa o acesso direto ao mercado de capitais, para a venda de títulos lastreados em suas carteiras de recebíveis, eliminando a intermediação bancária e permitindo reduções no custo de capital, inclusive em comparação com títulos convencionais de dívida corporativa. Os títulos de securitização são em regra emitidos por um veículo de propósito específico (FIDC ou companhia securitizadora), com o objetivo de segregar os riscos do originador/tomador em relação aos créditos securitizados (lastro da emissão). Em 2004, a Lei 11.076 criou os novos títulos do agronegócio (CDA-WA, CDCA, LCA e CRA), inspirada na legislação da securitização imobiliária (SFI - Lei 9.514/97), buscando disponibilizar ao agronegócio uma nova fonte de recursos, via emissão de títulos no mercado de capitais. Desde então, um número crescente de operações estruturadas com esses papéis pôde ser observada, demonstrando sua funcionalidade e potencial. No entanto, o volume de captações públicas mais sofisticadas fundadas na emissão de cotas de FIDCs e de CRAs ainda se apresenta muito reduzida em relação à demanda do agronegócio por financiamento, sobretudo levando-se em conta a representatividade desse setor no Brasil. O setor sucro-energético é provavelmente o segmento do agronegócio que está em melhor posição para o desenvolvimento de operações de securitização, por apresentar características como: escala, padronização dos produtos, grau de consolidação dos grupos empresariais e perspectivas de crescimento, além do forte apelo ambiental. Os papéis associados a esse segmento possuem, dessa forma, um potencial singular para superar a resistência natural de investidores às aplicações financeiras na área agrícola. Este trabalho dedica-se a investigar como o conceito de securitização pode ser aplicado em operações ligadas ao agronegócio, particularmente ao setor sucro-alcooleiro. A partir de um estudo de caso, serão analisados aspectos operacionais de uma emissão pública de CRAs, ressaltando os mecanismos e procedimentos adotados para lidar com as particularidades dos títulos oriundos do agronegócio. O estudo mostra que a estruturação desse tipo de operação apresenta algumas características e desafios diferentes das operações fundadas em outros papéis, porém a priori administráveis a partir das técnicas tradicionais de securitização e da incorporação de mecanismos suplementares de gestão de riscos.


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Nessa tese, é buscado um maior entendimento sobre a importância das funções operacionais nas startups francesas. Uma grande flexibilidade das tarefas a ser coberta e uma gestão horizontal caracterizam as startups. Desse jeito, não é muito comum para as empresas recentemente criadas como as startups ter uma politica clara de recursos humanos. Na verdade, cada participante na start-up pode ser levado a pensar de forma diferente em termos de vendas desenvolvimento de negócios, comercialização, marketing, tecnologia ou desenvolvimento de produto. Essa tese não vai explorar cada uma dessas tarefas. Mas vai procurar para identifcar a percepção sobre a alocação ótima de recursos para cada função chave da nova empresa. Qualquer seja o setor de mercado em consideração ou o estágio de amadurecimento da startup, funções chaves que são percebidas como sendo a base para start-ups bem sucedidas são pesquisa & desenvolvimento e comercialização. Funções de liderança não são tão importantes. Somente a startup focada na tecnologia tem uma "função de chefe executivo" com maior importância do que as startups médias. Além disso, empreendedores em série, bem sucedidos ou não, focam predominantemente aspectos relacionados ao marketing e à captação de recursos em detrimento de aspectos ligados à gestão do negócio. No final, os empresários, muitas vezes tem um preconceito ao respeito da sua formação acadêmica porque ele sobrestimam funções que eles pensam poder fazer em comparação das funções que eles são capazes de fazer. Nessa tese, intent-se demonstrar a relação entre as funções ocupadas por um sócio e as ações que ele possui na startup. Essa relação depende do número de sócios (conhecido como acionistas), o tipo de sócios (acionistas principais ou acionistas segundarias) e o impacto na administração corporativa a respeito da distribuição do capital próprio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Currently, several psychological and non-psychological tests can be found in publishes without standardization on procedures set in different psychological areas, like intelligence, emotional states, attitudes, social skills, vocation, preferences and others. The computerized psychological testing is a extension of traditional testing psychological practices. However, it has own psychometrics qualities, either by its matching in a computerized environment or by the extension that can be developed in it. The current research, developed from a necessity to study process of validity and reliability on a computerized test, drew a methodological structure to provide parallel applications in numerous kinds of operational groups, evaluating the influences of the time and approach in the computerization process. This validity refers to normative values groups, reproducibility in computerized applications process and data processing. Not every psychological test can be computerized. Therefore, our need to find a good test, with quality and plausible properties to transform in computerized application, leaded us to use The Millon Personality Inventory, created by Theodore Millon. This Inventory assesses personality according to 12 bipolarities distributed in 24 factors, distributed in categories motivational styles, cognitive targets and interpersonal relations. This instrument doesn t diagnose pathological features, but test normal and non adaptive aspects in human personality, comparing with Theodore Millon theory of personality. In oder to support this research in a Brazilian context in psychological testing, we discuss the theme, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of such practices. Also we discuss the current forms in computerization of psychological testing and the main specific criteria in this psychometric specialized area of knowledge. The test was on-line, hosted in the site http://www.planetapsi.com, during the years of 2007 and 2008, which was available a questionnaire to describe social characteristics before test. A report was generated from the data entry of each user. An application of this test was conducted in a linear way through a national coverage in all Brazil regions, getting 1508 applications. Were organized nine groups, reaching 180 applications in test and retest subject, where three periods of time and three forms of retests for studies of on-line tests were separated. Parallel to this, we organized multi-application session offline group, 20 subjects who received tests by email. The subjects of this study were generally distributed by the five Brazilian regions, and were noticed about the test via the Internet. The performance application in traditional and on-line tested groups subsidies us to conclude that on-line application provides significantly consistency in all criteria for validity studied and justifies its use. The on-line test results were related not only among themselves but were similar to those data of tests done on pencil and paper (0,82). The retests results demonstrated correlation, between 0,92 and, 1 while multisessions had a good correlation in these comparisons. Moreover, were assessed the adequacy of operational criteria used, such as security, the performance of users, the environmental characteristics, the organization of the database, operational costs and limitations in this on-line inventory. In all these five items, there were excellent performances, concluding, also, that it s possible a self-applied psychometric test. The results of this work are a guide to question and establish of methodologies studies for computerization psychological testing software in the country


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A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN - Wireless Mesh Network) IEEE 802.11s standard to become operational it is necessary to configure the parameters that meet the demands of its users, as regards, for example, the frequency channels, the power antennas, IPs addresses, meshID, topology, among others. This configuration can be done via a CLI (Command - Line Interface) or a remote interface provided by the equipment manufacturer, both are not standardized and homogeneous, like black boxes for the developers, a factor that hinders its operation and standardization. The WMN, as a new standard, is still in the testing phase, and tests are necessary to evaluate the performance of Path Discovery Protocol, as in this case of HWMP (Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol), which still has many shortcomings. The configuration and test creation in a WMN are not trivial and require a large workload. For these reasons this work presents the AIGA, a Management Integrated Environment for WMN IEEE 802.11s, which aims to manage and perform testbeds for analyzes of new Path Discovery Protocols in a WMN