951 resultados para Ocupación de Santa Cruz


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Over the past 50 years, economic and technological developments have dramatically increased the human contribution to ambient noise in the ocean. The dominant frequencies of most human-made noise in the ocean is in the low-frequency range (defined as sound energy below 1000Hz), and low-frequency sound (LFS) may travel great distances in the ocean due to the unique propagation characteristics of the deep ocean (Munk et al. 1989). For example, in the Northern Hemisphere oceans low-frequency ambient noise levels have increased by as much as 10 dB during the period from 1950 to 1975 (Urick 1986; review by NRC 1994). Shipping is the overwhelmingly dominant source of low-frequency manmade noise in the ocean, but other sources of manmade LFS including sounds from oil and gas industrial development and production activities (seismic exploration, construction work, drilling, production platforms), and scientific research (e.g., acoustic tomography and thermography, underwater communication). The SURTASS LFA system is an additional source of human-produced LFS in the ocean, contributing sound energy in the 100-500 Hz band. When considering a document that addresses the potential effects of a low-frequency sound source on the marine environment, it is important to focus upon those species that are the most likely to be affected. Important criteria are: 1) the physics of sound as it relates to biological organisms; 2) the nature of the exposure (i.e. duration, frequency, and intensity); and 3) the geographic region in which the sound source will be operated (which, when considered with the distribution of the organisms will determine which species will be exposed). The goal in this section of the LFA/EIS is to examine the status, distribution, abundance, reproduction, foraging behavior, vocal behavior, and known impacts of human activity of those species may be impacted by LFA operations. To focus our efforts, we have examined species that may be physically affected and are found in the region where the LFA source will be operated. The large-scale geographic location of species in relation to the sound source can be determined from the distribution of each species. However, the physical ability for the organism to be impacted depends upon the nature of the sound source (i.e. explosive, impulsive, or non-impulsive); and the acoustic properties of the medium (i.e. seawater) and the organism. Non-impulsive sound is comprised of the movement of particles in a medium. Motion is imparted by a vibrating object (diaphragm of a speaker, vocal chords, etc.). Due to the proximity of the particles in the medium, this motion is transmitted from particle to particle in waves away from the sound source. Because the particle motion is along the same axis as the propagating wave, the waves are longitudinal. Particles move away from then back towards the vibrating source, creating areas of compression (high pressure) and areas of rarefaction (low pressure). As the motion is transferred from one particle to the next, the sound propagates away from the sound source. Wavelength is the distance from one pressure peak to the next. Frequency is the number of waves passing per unit time (Hz). Sound velocity (not to be confused with particle velocity) is the impedance is loosely equivalent to the resistance of a medium to the passage of sound waves (technically it is the ratio of acoustic pressure to particle velocity). A high impedance means that acoustic particle velocity is small for a given pressure (low impedance the opposite). When a sound strikes a boundary between media of different impedances, both reflection and refraction, and a transfer of energy can occur. The intensity of the reflection is a function of the intensity of the sound wave and the impedances of the two media. Two key factors in determining the potential for damage due to a sound source are the intensity of the sound wave and the impedance difference between the two media (impedance mis-match). The bodies of the vast majority of organisms in the ocean (particularly phytoplankton and zooplankton) have similar sound impedence values to that of seawater. As a result, the potential for sound damage is low; organisms are effectively transparent to the sound – it passes through them without transferring damage-causing energy. Due to the considerations above, we have undertaken a detailed analysis of species which met the following criteria: 1) Is the species capable of being physically affected by LFS? Are acoustic impedence mis-matches large enough to enable LFS to have a physical affect or allow the species to sense LFS? 2) Does the proposed SURTASS LFA geographical sphere of acoustic influence overlap the distribution of the species? Species that did not meet the above criteria were excluded from consideration. For example, phytoplankton and zooplankton species lack acoustic impedance mis-matches at low frequencies to expect them to be physically affected SURTASS LFA. Vertebrates are the organisms that fit these criteria and we have accordingly focused our analysis of the affected environment on these vertebrate groups in the world’s oceans: fishes, reptiles, seabirds, pinnipeds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, mustelids, sirenians (Table 1).


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The present paper gives a full description of the organization of Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, a not well known member of the Rhodophyllidaceae as well as gives for the first time description of the male and tetrasporic plants. Detailed organization of the carpogonial branches, spermatia and tetraspores is also presented. Nineteen figures illustrate the text (material collected at Deseado port, Santa Cruz prov., Argentina). The following text is the content of the discussion. From the description it is possible to confirm the position of Acanthococcus in the Rhodophyllidaceac as was done by Kylin (Kylin 1960, p. 290 et seg.). It has many similarities in the development of the carpogenic branches and in the formation of spermatia as well in the production of the zonately divided tetrasporangia with the genera of the family whose reproduction is known; Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters and Rhodopyllis bifada (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylin 1923); Calliblepharis jubata (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylín 1928) and Craspedocarpus erosus (Hook. et Harvey) Sehmitz (Kylin 1932). Apparently the distinguishing feature of Acanthococcus is the structure of the vegetative frond, with the abundant development of rhizoidal filaments in the medula, besides the characteristic appendages of the cystocarps. Harvey's figure (Harvey 1847, P. 181, Fig. 3) of the tranverse section of the plant shows the central portion composed of a dense small-celled medula limited by a region of large cells which is externally covered by a small-celled cortex. As we have seen the small-celled filaments are not restricted to the central portion, but extend into the large-celled portion and can reach the cortex. On the other hand, the eros section of Acanthococcus depicted by Kützing (Kützing 1867, T. 93, Fig. h, under Callophyllis antartica), apparently belongs to another plant, so different in the structure when one compares his figure with Harvey's and the ones in this paper. RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL Este trabajo presenta una completa descripción de la organización de Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, un miembro poco conocido de las Rodofilidáceas, así como presenta por primera vez descripciones de las plantas masculinas y de las tetraspóricas. También por primera vez es presentada la organización detallada de las ramas carpogoniales, de los espermecios y de las trásporas. Diecinueve figuras completan el texto (material coleccionado en Puerto Deseado, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina).


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A região Extremo Sul do Estado da Bahia possui boa aptidão para a fruticultura em geral, como terras planas, que possibilitam fácil mecanização, e condições climáticas favoráveis, principalmente boa distribuição de chuvas (média 1.800 mm anuais). Com base em resultados experimentais preliminares obtidos nos municípios de Porto Seguro e Santa Cruz Cabrália, elaborou-se a 1ª aproximação de recomendação de adubação para o abacaxizeiro cultivado sem irrigação na região. Nas tabelas de 1 a 3 são apresentadas as doses recomendadas de nutrientes e dos fertilizantes mais utilizados para a cultura, com base na análise química do solo. Os fertilizantes citados são o susperfosfato simples (18% de P2O5), o superfosfato triplo (42% de P2O5), a uréia (45% de N), o sulfato de amônio (20% de N), o cloreto de potássio (58% de K2O) e o sulfato de potássio (50% de K2O).


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Características Gerais da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro e de Segundo Ano - safra 2007/2008 e safrinha 2008. Ensaio Final de Segundo Ano - safra 2007/2008: Encruzilhada do Sul (RS). Três de Maio (RS), Curitiba (PR), Leme do Prado (MG). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Ensaio Final de Primeiro Ano - safra 2007/2008: São Gabriel (RS), Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), Xaxim (SC), Jaguariúna (SP), Mocambinho (MG) Leme do Prado (MG), Roda Velha (BA), Ipanguaçú (RN). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Ensaio Final de Segundo Ano - safrinha 2008: Londrina (PR), Manduri (SP), Cravinhos (SP), Uberaba (MG), Muzambinho (MG), Rio Verde (GO), Planaltina (DF), Chapadão do Sul (MS), São José dos Quatro Marcos (MT), Campos de Julio (MT), Vilhena / Ensaio A (RO) Vilhena / Ensaio B (RO), Bom Jesus (PI). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Ensaio Final de Primeiro Ano - safrinha 2008: Londrina (PR), Jaboticabal (SP), Manduri (SP), Patos de Minas (MG), Planaltina (DF), Vilhena . Ensaio A (RO) Vilhena . Ensaio B (RO), Mata Roma (MA). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Lista dos genótipos de girassol avaliados e registrados no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA.


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A juvenile cranium of Homunculus patagonicus Ameghino, 1891a from the late Early Miocene of Santa Cruz Province (Argentina) provides the first evidence of developing cranial anatomy for any fossil platyrrhine. The specimen preserves the rostral part of the cranium with deciduous and permanent alveoli and teeth. The dental eruption sequence in the new specimen and a reassessment of eruption patterns in living and fossil platyrrhines suggest that the ancestral platyrrhine pattern of tooth replacement was for the permanent incisors to erupt before M(1), not an accelerated molar eruption (before the incisors) as recently proposed. Two genera and species of Santacrucian monkeys are now generally recognized: H. patagonicus Ameghino, 1891a and Killikaike blakei Tejedor et al., 2006. Taxonomic allocation of Santacrucian monkeys to these species encounters two obstacles: 1) the (now lost) holotype and a recently proposed neotype of H. patagonicus are mandibles from different localities and different geologic members of the Santa Cruz Formation, separated by approximately 0.7 million years, whereas the holotype of K. blakei is a rostral part of a cranium without a mandible; 2) no Santacrucian monkey with associated cranium and mandible has ever been found. Bearing in mind these uncertainties, our examination of the new specimen as well as other cranial specimens of Santacrucian monkeys establishes the overall dental and cranial similarity between the holotype of Killikaike blakei, adult cranial material previously referred to H. patagonicus, and the new juvenile specimen. This leads us to conclude that Killikaike blakei is a junior subjective synonym of H. patagonicus.


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La conservación de los bosques nativos de ñire (Nothofagus antarctica) en establecimientos bajo manejo ganadero extensivo, se presenta como un desafío de manejo dadas las condiciones climáticas y la configuración de los ambientes en los grandes potreros (300-5000 ha) propios de estancias de Santa Cruz y Tierra del Fuego. Por ello, inicialmente se relevaron los establecimientos con bosque de ñire en esta región con el objetivo principal de conocer el nivel de manejo y sus características ganaderas. Como resultado se encontraron bajos índices de aplicación de tecnologías que propiciaron la realización de una propuesta de manejo integral del recurso forestal y pastoril a escala de establecimiento y durante toda la temporada de producción. Esta propuesta incluyó la separación de ambientes y su uso en época adecuada, protección de renovales de ñire e intensificación del esquema de pastoreo mediante un mayor número de potreros de menor tamaño. Para el establecimiento bajo estudio, la respuesta animal al manejo propuesto manifestó resultados superadores en la producción de carne y lana comparada con el manejo tradicional, así como también se encontraron resultados positivos en la continuidad del estrato arbóreo a través de la protección individual de renovales y en la conservación del recurso forrajero principalmente en áreas sensibles como los mallines. Por otra parte, se advirtió la importancia del ajuste de carga sobre la producción animal individual en períodos críticos del año. Finalmente, se complementó el estudio de las variables de producción con variables relacionadas al comportamiento animal (dieta, actividades diarias y uso espacial de ambientes con el uso de collares GPS). De su análisis fue posible deducir que la intensificación de manejo propuesta, bajo las condiciones ensayadas, no afecta la conducta de los ovinos en pastoreo, destacando además la preferencia de los animales por el ambiente de bosque por su reparo y consumo de forraje disponible en épocas críticas del año. Este estudio, a escala real de producción, brinda mayor conocimiento para la definición de tecnologías de manejo ovino en campos con bosques de ñire.


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Studies on the flora and fauna of the Canary Islands show that this Archipelago is one of the planet’s diversity hot spots. However, an analysis of the differences in the phytogeographic characteristics of each of the islands that make up this Archipelago is lacking. This article focuses on the phytogeographic characterization of the island of Gran Canaria. This island exhibits geological and climatic characteristics resulting in a rich vascular flora, including endemic species and genera that are significantly different from the other islands of the Archipelago. These differences are verified through statistical analysis of the existing similarity between the floras of the members of the Canary Islands. This study also analyses the subdivision of Gran Canaria Island, indicating that there are three well-differentiated areas on the island itself. Finally, this study argues that these areas, themselves, should be considered biogeographic sectors.


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The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.


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El presente trabajo intenta mostrar de qué manera Plotino refuta la noción aristotélica del tiempo como «número» o «medida del movimiento», cuáles son las aporías que plantea, cómo las compulsa con sus propios argumentos y qué soluciones propone con respecto a esa misma confrontación. Todo esto será encauzado a partir de un estudio descriptivo y analítico, acompañado de una lectura a la vez hermenéutica y crítica de los textos seleccionados para esta ocasión.


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The process of making replicas of heritage has traditionally been developed by public agencies, corporations and museums and is not commonly used in schools. Currently there are technologies that allow creating cheap replicas. The new 3D reconstruction software, based on photographs and low cost 3D printers allow to make replicas at a cost much lower than traditional. This article describes the process of creating replicas of the sculpture Goslar Warrior of artist Henry Moore, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To make this process, first, a digital model have been created using Autodesk Recap 360, Autodesk 123D Catch and Autodesk Meshmixer MarkerBot MakerWare applications. Physical replication, has been reproduced in polylactic acid (PLA) by MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer. In addition, a cost analysis using, in one hand, the printer mentioned, and in the other hand, 3D printing services both online and local, is included. Finally, there has been a specific action with 141 students and 12 high school teachers, who filled a questionnary about the use of sculptural replicas in education.


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O presente estudo surgiu de acordo com o trabalho que foi realizado durante o período de estágio na Câmara Municipal de Santa Cruz, mais precisamente a requalificação do Largo da Achada localizado na Camacha, freguesia do Concelho de Santa Cruz, Madeira. Este espaço está intimamente ligado a atividades de cariz lúdico e festivo e como tal, houve a necessidade de se realizar uma reflexão sobre o que são espaços urbanos de festa, para poder estabelecer-se a relação existente entre as atividades festivas e o “lugar”, isto é, tentar perceber a influência que estas atividades têm na construção dos espaços urbanos e na sua forma. Esta questão é fundamental para se definirem estratégias de como intervir neste tipo de espaço. Para tal procedeu-se ao estudo de alguns casos distintos onde se faz uma breve análise de algumas festas em espaços diferentes de modo a tentar perceber até que ponto as alterações na morfologia, tanto no interior como na periferia destes, podem introduzir mudanças nas tradições e vice-versa. Para cada estudo de caso identifica-se a principal romaria ou procissão associada ao lugar, de forma a tentar perceber as relações e a influência que o desenho dos espaços abertos e das artérias que os ligam exercem neste tipo de atividades e de que maneiras estas relações interferem com o quotidiano. No decorrer do levantamento bibliográfico chegou-se à conclusão que os autores não eram unânimes quanto à classificação dos diferentes tipos de espaços de festa o que levou à necessidade de propor uma nova classificação que se apresentasse mais de acordo com o espaço que se pretende requalificar. O estudo tem especial enfoque na categoria de espaços de festa consolidados que integra os espaços que têm a sua origem na própria festa, pois são os que melhor se identificam com a requalificação do Largo da Achada. Como resultado deste estudo e da caracterização biofísica, cultural e do espaço urbano, surge então a proposta de requalificação do largo.


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Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Saúde), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2015