1000 resultados para Novo Testamento


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'O Testamento de Dom Quixote', 'script' by Glauber Rocha, is supposed to be loosely inspired in the last chapter of Cervantes' novel, although it is absolutely different from it: in the film the character doesn't recover his lucidity, but he lives surrounded by mystical delirium. Already in its first pages, it is obvious that it is a first draft of 'Cutting Heads', the film he shot in Spain in 1970, in spite of being completely different from the final movie. The comparison between both works allows us to see to what extent this essential seed was a forgotten one: the film was always publicised as a version of 'Macbeth', a reference which is missing here, and the 'Quijote' was never considered a point of depart, although its work with reality and dream determined the tone of the film from the very beginning.


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Among the links between Pier Paolo Pasolini and Brazilian Cinema Novo, one of the most inspiring is the political approach to hunger and consumption. In this text, I analyse this topic to look at how some of the aesthetic ideas in Pasolini’s La ricotta (1963) can also be found in some of the most important films of Cinema Novo. In 'La ricotta' (1963), the irresistible need to eat of a subproletarian interacts and clashes with his responsibilities as an actor in a movie version of the Passion of Christ, so that the film creates a complex network of relations between film shooting, social differences, art, hunger, consumption, time and light, which turns the film set into a space for displaying political relations, differences, exploitation and revolution. The correspondences between these concepts and some aggression techniques of Cinema Novo are numerous and confirm the capacity of Pasolini’s film to project ideas on cinema and politics beyond its particular production context.


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Supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) may or may not be associated with an abnormal phenotype, depending on the presence of euchromatin, on their chromosomal origin and whether they are inherited. Over 80% of sSMCs are derived from acrocentric chromosomes and half of them include the short arm of chromosome 15. Generally, they appear as bisatellited isodicentric marker chromosomes, most of them are symmetric. These chromosomes are normally originated de novo and are associated with mild to severe intellectual disability but not with physical abnormalities. We report on a patient with an SMC studied using classical and molecular cytogenetic procedures (G and C banding, NOR staining, painting and centromeric fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), BAC-FISH, and SKY). The MLPA technique and DNA polymorphic markers were used in order to identify its parental origin. The marker chromosome, monosatellited and monocentric, was found to be derived from a maternal chromosome 15 and was defined as 15pter-q21.2. This is the report of the largest de novo monosatellited 15q marker chromosome ever published presenting detailed cytogenetic and clinical data. It was associated with a phenotype including cardiac defect, absence of septum pellucidum, and dysplasia of the corpus callosum. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Although there is cross-sectional evidence that changes in the immune system contribute to the pathophysiology of depression, longitudinal data capable of elucidating cause and effect relationships are lacking.

Aims: We aimed to determine whether subclinical systemic inflammation, as measured by serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentration, is associated with an increased risk of de novo major depressive disorder.

Method: Major depressive disorder was diagnosed using a clinical interview (SCID-I/NP). This is a retrospective cohort study; from a population-based sample of 1494 randomly selected women recruited at baseline during the period 1994-7, 822 were followed for a decade and provided measures of both exposure and outcome. Of these women, 644 (aged 20-84 years) had no prior history of depression at baseline and were eligible for analysis.

Results: During 5827 person-years of follow-up, 48 cases of de novo major depressive disorder were identified. The hazard ratio (HR) for depression increased by 44% for each standard deviation increase in log-transformed hsCRP (ln-hsCRP) (HR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.04-1.99), after adjusting for weight, smoking and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Further adjustment for other lifestyle factors, medications and comorbidity failed to explain the observed increased risk for depression.

Conclusions: Serum hsCRP is an independent risk marker for de novo major depressive disorder in women. This supports an aetiological role for inflammatory activity in the pathophysiology of depression.


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Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity but can also serve as valuable model systems to examine important evolutionary processes. While the ecological aspects of invasions have been well documented, the genetic basis of adaptive change during the invasion process has been hampered by a lack of genomic resources for the majority of invasive species. Here we report the first larval transcriptomic resource for the Northern Pacific Seastar, Asterias amurensis, an invasive marine predator in Australia. Approximately 117.5 million 100 base-pair (bp) paired-end reads were sequenced from a single RNA-Seq library from a pooled set of full-sibling A. amurensis bipinnaria larvae. We evaluated the efficacy of a pre-assembly error correction pipeline on subsequent de novo assembly. Error correction resulted in small but important improvements to the final assembly in terms of mapping statistics and core eukaryotic genes representation. The error-corrected de novo assembly resulted in 115,654 contigs after redundancy clustering. 41,667 assembled contigs were homologous to sequences from NCBI's non-redundant protein and UniProt databases. We assigned Gene Ontology, KEGG Orthology, Pfam protein domain terms and predicted protein-coding sequences to > 36,000 contigs. The final transcriptome dataset generated here provides functional information for 18,319 unique proteins, comprising at least 11,355 expressed genes. Furthermore, we identified 9,739 orthologs to P. miniata proteins, evaluated our annotation pipeline and generated a list of 150 candidate genes for responses to several environmental stressors that may be important for adaptation of A. amurensis in the invasive range. Our study has produced a large set of A. amurensis RNA contigs with functional annotations that can serve as a resource for future comparisons to other echinoderm transcriptomes and gene expression studies. Our data can be used to study the genetic basis of adaptive change and other important evolutionary processes during a successful invasion.


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FARIA, Ewerton Mauro Visotto. Camadas populares emergentes: um novo contexto para a comunicação publicitária de instituições de ensino superior. 2012. 94f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação)-Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2012.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Mestrado como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo a análise das Parcerias Público-Privadas e sua chegada no ordenamento jurídico pátrio a partir da Lei n°11.079 de 03.12.2004, que introduziu duas novas modalidades de concessões, quais sejam, as concessões na modalidade patrocinada e concessão na modalidade administrativa.São abordados temas como a constitucionalidade e inconstitucionalidade de alguns dispositivos na norma, as contradições e falhas do legislador que, ainda sim, não tiram o brio e a importância da norma como meio de incentivo a resolver os problemas em infra-estrutura que atrasam o progresso do país.Ainda neste estudo, apresentam-se as inovações da lei e os cuidados que devem ser tomados quando da elaboração do projeto base da PPP.Por fim, têm- se um breve comentário sobre sucessos e fracassos na experiência internacional das PPPs que servem de parâmetro para o Brasil.Pontuados os cuidados e perigos, conclui-se pela viabilidade das parcerias público-privada, norma que se apresenta como meio apto para promover o desenvolvimento social econômico, garantindo a atuação estatal no sentido de atingir sempre o interesse público.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação -Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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O presente trabalho efetua uma análise do recurso de embargos infringentes vigente em nosso ordenamento, verifica o conceito, a finalidade e a evolução histórica do recurso, avalia suas hipóteses de cabimento, os efeitos de sua interposição e o processamento nos tribunais, todos esses aspectos a luz das alterações sofridas pelas reformas processuais ao longo do tempo. Após, explana sobre a proposta de exclusão do recurso de embargos infringentes no anteprojeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil. Ainda, aborda sua manutenção não como recurso autônomo, mas sim como incidente processual, como técnica de julgamento proposta no Novo Código de Processo Civil.


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Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Doutorado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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Os cenários político, econômico e social vividos pelo Brasil nas últimas décadas trouxeram novos contextos para a comunicação, sendo o fenômeno da camada popular emergente um deles. Tal contingente revelou-se fundamental para a expansão das instituições de ensino superior (IES), o que demandou uso de estratégias de comunicação de marketing focadas nesse público. O objetivo é analisar a comunicação publicitária envolvida na relação das IES para com a camada popular emergente por uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, referencial teórico e estudo documental por meio da análise de conteúdo de anúncios publicitários veiculados no jornal Metrô News, tipificado para a camada popular emergente. Os resultados apontam que a camada popular emergente oferece novos insumos para as decisões estratégicas das IES e para sua comunicação publicitária.