370 resultados para Nosocomial


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Objetivo: Determinar etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, morbimortalidad y recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados en pacientes internados con pancitopenia. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional de 14 meses. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes internados con pancitopenia definida por hemoglobina (Hb) <12 g/dL; plaquetas <150.000/ mL y leucocitos <3.800/mL. Los datos fueron analizados con Epi Info 6.04. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron 54 casos de pancitopenia. Prevalencia: 22/1.000 egresos. Edad media: 48,72 años (DS±20,64); 29,63% fueron > 65 años y 53,70% hombres. Permanencia media: 17,13 días (DS±13,22) vs 7,25 días (DS±5,4) del Servicio (p<0.0001). Charlson medio: 7,16 (DS±2,96) y APACHEII medio: 12 (DS±5,04). El 83,33% (45/54, IC95%70,71-92,08) de las pancitopenias fueron secundarias a compromiso medular, 22 casos (40,74%; IC95%27,57-54,97) postquimioterapia (15 en neoplasias oncohematológicas y 7 en sólidas), 11 (20,37%; IC95%10,63-33,53) por mieloptisis y 4 casos (7,41%; IC95%2,06-17,89) por megaloblastosis. El 16,66% (9/54; IC95%7,92- 29,29) fue secundaria a hiperesplenismo y el 16,66% asociadas a infecciones (3 casos por SIDA). Se realizó estudio de médula ósea en 19 casos (35,18%). El 96,29% (IC95%87,25-99,55) presentó comórbidas. El síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (85,19%), síndrome anémico (77,8%) y púrpura (50%) fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes. Presentó sepsis el 81,48% (IC95%68,57-90,75) y el 29,63% (IC95%17,98-46,31) hemorragias. El 81,48% tuvo infecciones; el 50% de origen nosocomial y el 65,91% clínicamente documentadas. El 34,09% (IC95%20,49-49,92) tuvo aislamiento microbiológico, con hemocultivos positivos en 29,55%. El 51,85% (IC95%37,84-65,66) desarrolló neutropenia febril (75% postquimioterapia). El 64,81% recibió hemoderivados y factores estimulantes de colonias (G-CSF) el 46,34% (IC95%32,62-60,39). La mortalidad fue mayor a la media global del Servicio (16,66 vs 8,65%)(p=0.07).- Conclusiones: Las pancitopenias en pacientes hospitalizados se caracterizaron por ser secundarias a compromiso medular, hiperesplenismo e infecciones, asociarse a permanencia prolongada, altos índices de comorbilidad, complicaciones infecciosas, y mayor mortalidad que la media global del Servicio.


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Objetivos: Evaluar parámetros clínicos, bacteriológicos y morbimortalidad en pacientes mayores de 65 años con bacteriemia (Grupo A) y compararlos con aquellas ocurridas en menores de 65 años (grupo B) hospitalizados en un servicio de clínica médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional, desde 1989-2006. Criterios de inclusión: dos o más hemocultivos positivos. Análisis estadístico con Epi Info 6.4 . Resultados: Se identificaron 668 bacteriemias: 258 (38,6%) en A y 410 (61,4%) en B. La edad media fue de 74,2 años (DS±7.01) y de 47,2 años (DS±13.7) respectivamente. No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media: 19,1 días (DS±17.07) en A y 19,9 (DS±18,1) en B, ni en el origen nosocomial (40,7 vs 44%). Los focos pulmonar (31 vs 21,2%)(p<0,008) y urinario (27 vs 18,8%)(p=0.017) fue más frecuentes en A. La fiebre >de 38 ºC fue menos frecuente en A (83,8 vs 90,9%)(p=0.0068), mientras que la hipotensión arterial (40,8 vs 32,2%)(p=0.03), oliguria (41,7 vs 30,9%)(p=0.005) y encefalopatía (54,5 vs 39,4%)(p=0.00014) fueron mas comunes en A. Los bacilos gram negativos predominaron en A (46 vs 37%)(p<0.01) con diferencias entre A.baumani (9,16 vs 4,6%) y E.coli (54,1 vs 42,7%)(p<0.05) y en B fueron más frecuentes por S.aureus MS (34.39 vs 24,63)(p=0.01). El shock séptico (33,9 vs 22,4%) y nuevas insuficiencias de órganos (31,1 vs 20,1%) prevalecieron en A (p<0,001). La mortalidad fue de 34,49% para A y de 23,41% para B (p=0,018) Conclusiones: Las bacteriemias en pacientes internados mayores de 65 años comparadas con las ocurridas en pacientes. de menor edad, se caracterizaron significativamente por tener predominio del foco pulmonar y urinario, de hipotensión arterial, oliguria y encefalopatía, de bacteriemia por BGN, principalmente A. baumanii y E. coli; mayor desarrollo de shock séptico, menor frecuencia de fiebre >38°C y de bacteriemia por MSS A, y significativa mayor mortalidad.


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La pérdida involuntaria de peso es un predictor independiente de morbimortalidad, especialmente en ancianos, pacientes con cáncer, SIDA y postoperatorios. Con el objeto de determinar la significación clínica de la pérdida de peso en pacientes internados, se estudiaron 100 pacientes. La edad media fue de 57.6 años (DS±11.04); 38% mayores de 65 años y 62% hombres. La permanencia hospitalaria media fue de 13 días, superior a la media del servicio (7,3 días). El 61% pertenecían a clase social baja y 25% eran desocupados. En el 100% fue involuntaria y en ninguno fue causa de hospitalización. Tenían hiporexia 61 pacientes y 57 malnutrición. El IMC fue inferior a 20 en el 50% de los casos. La causa fue determinada en el 70% y en 72% se relacionó con la enfermedad de base, en 27% con trastornos alimentarios y con fármacos en 1%. Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron: neoplasias (34 pacientes), enfermedades crónicas (24), TBC (3) y SIDA (3). El 46% desarrollaron infecciones nosocomiales y el 100% tenían comórbidas (alcoholismo 26%, depresión 22%, diabetes 20%, EPOC 11%, insuficiencia cardiaca, cirrosis y demencia 8% c/u e insuficiencia renal 6%). La mortalidad fue del 18% y las causas más frecuentes fueron sepsis severa, fallo multiorgánico y neoplasias. Conclusiones: La pérdida significativa de peso en el paciente hospitalizado se caracterizó por ser involuntaria, asociada a clase social baja, a malnutrición, a alta taza de comorbilidad, a predisposición a infecciones nosocomiales, secundaria a enfermedades crónicas, neoplasias, tuberculosis y SIDA y a una tasa de mortalidad elevada.


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A simple mathematical model of bacterial transmission within a hospital was used to study the effects of measures to control nosocomial transmission of bacteria and reduce antimicrobial resistance in nosocomial pathogens. The model predicts that: (i) Use of an antibiotic for which resistance is not yet present in a hospital will be positively associated at the individual level (odds ratio) with carriage of bacteria resistant to other antibiotics, but negatively associated at the population level (prevalence). Thus inferences from individual risk factors can yield misleading conclusions about the effect of antibiotic use on resistance to another antibiotic. (ii) Nonspecific interventions that reduce transmission of all bacteria within a hospital will disproportionately reduce the prevalence of colonization with resistant bacteria. (iii) Changes in the prevalence of resistance after a successful intervention will occur on a time scale of weeks to months, considerably faster than in community-acquired infections. Moreover, resistance can decline rapidly in a hospital even if it does not carry a fitness cost. The predictions of the model are compared with those of other models and published data. The implications for resistance control and study design are discussed, along with the limitations and assumptions of the model.


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Los impresionantes cambios surgidos tras el inicio de la Revolución Industrial ayudaron a que de manera reiterada se buscaran soluciones a los diferentes problemas que se sucedían, uno tras de otro, como resultado del hacinamiento y las modificaciones sociopolíticas y económicas. Los avances en el campo de la ciencia, y en particular en las ciencias de la salud, fueron innumerables, estableciéndose en la sociedad una preocupación marcada por solucionar los problemas de las clases más desfavorecidas. En el campo de la sanidad, progresivamente se fueron dejando atrás posturas ancladas en los modelos basados en los «miasmas», para pasar a fundamentarse en el modelo microbiano de la mano de Pasteur y Lister. Estos descubrimientos fueron trasladados a la arquitectura progresivamente, dando paso a edificios que buscaban mantener unas condiciones higiénicas adecuadas que exiliaran las enfermedades del interior de los «paramentos de los hospitales». Ejemplo de esta lucha fue la llevada a cabo por la enfermera Florence Nightingale, que gracias a la observación y a sus conocimientos adquiridos tanto en el Instituto de Diaconisas de Kaiserswerth en Alemania como en la Maison de la Providence de las Hermanas de la Caridad de París, logró establecer una serie de pautas que aplicó al establecimiento que gestionó, el Hospital Scutari, durante la Guerra de Crimea.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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A model was developed in dogs to determine the impact of oral enrofloxacin administration on the indigenous coliform population in the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent disposition to colonization by a strain of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (MDREC). Dogs given a daily oral dose of 5 mg enrofloxacin kg(-1) for 21 consecutive days showed a significant decline in faecal coliforms to levels below detectable limits by 72 In of administration. Subsequently, faecal coliforms remained suppressed throughout the period of enrofloxacin dosing. Upon termination of antibiotic administration, the number of excreted faecal coliforms slowly returned over an 8-day period, to levels comparable to those seen prior to antibiotic treatment. Enrofloxacin-treated dogs were more effectively colonized by MDREC, evidenced by a significantly increased count of MDREC in the faeces (7.1 +/- 1.5 log(10) g(-1)) compared with non-antibiotic-treated dogs (5.2 +/- 1.2; P = 0.003). Furthermore, antibiotic treatment also sustained a significantly longer period of MDREC excretion in the faeces (26.8 +/- 10.5 days) compared with animals not treated with enrofloxacin (8.5 +/- 5.4 days; P = 0.0215). These results confirm the importance of sustained delivery of an antimicrobial agent to maintain and expand the colonization potential of drug-resistant bacteria in vivo, achieved in part by reducing the competing commensal coliforms in the gastrointestinal tract to below detectable levels in the faeces. Without in vivo antimicrobial selection pressure, commensal coliforms dominated the gastrointestinal tract at the expense of the MDREC population. Conceivably, the model developed could be used to test the efficacy of novel non-antibiotic strategies aimed at monitoring and controlling gastrointestinal colonization by multidrug-resistant members of the Enterobacteriaceae that cause nosocomial infections.


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This prospective study evaluated serum procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as markers for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/sepsis and mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Sixty-two patients were followed for 7 days. Serum PCT and CRP were measured on days 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Seventy-seven per cent of patients with traumatic brain injury and 83% with subarachnoid haemorrhage developed SIRS or sepsis (P= 0.75). Baseline PCT and CRP were elevated in 35% and 55% ofpatients respectively (P=0.03). There was a statistically non-significant step-wise increase in serum PCT levels from no SIRS (0.4 +/- 0.6 ng/ml) to SIRS (3.05 +/- 9.3 ng/ml) to sepsis (5.5 +/- 12.5 ng/ml). A similar trend was noted in baseline PCT in patients with mild (0.06 +/- 0.9 ng/ml), moderate (0.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml) and severe head injury (1.2 +/- 1.9 ng/ml). Such a gradation was not observed with serum CRP There was a non-significant trend towards baseline PCT being a better marker of hospital mortality compared with baseline CRP (ROC-AUC 0.56 vs 0.31 respectively). This is the first prospective study to document the high incidence of SIRS in neurosurgical patients. In our study, serum PCT appeared to correlate with severity of traumatic brain injury and mortality. However, it could not reliably distinguish between SIRS and sepsis in this cohort. This is in pan because baseline PCT elevation seemed to correlate with severity of injury. Only a small proportion ofpatients developed sepsis, thus necessitating a larger sample size to demonstrate the diagnostic usefulness of serum PCT as a marker of sepsis. Further clinical trials with larger sample sizes are required to confirm any potential role of PCT as a sepsis and outcome indicator in patients with head injuries or subarachnoid haemorrhage.


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The manner in which elements of clinical history, physical examination and investigations influence subjectively assessed illness severity and outcome prediction is poorly understood. This study investigates the relationship between clinician and objectively assessed illness severity and the factors influencing clinician's diagnostic confidence and illness severity rating for ventilated patients with suspected pneumonia in the intensive care unit (ICU). A prospective study of fourteen ICUs included all ventilated admissions with a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia. Data collection included pneumonia type - community-acquired (CAP), hospital-acquired (HAP) and ventilator-associated (VAP), clinician determined illness severity (CDIS), diagnostic methods, clinical diagnostic confidence (CDC), microbiological isolates and antibiotic use. For 476 episodes of pneumonia (48% CAP, 24% HAP, 28% VAP), CDC was greatest for CAP (64% CAP, 50% HAP and 49% VAP, P < 0.01) or when pneumonia was considered life-threatening (84% high CDC, 13% medium CDC and 3% low CDC, P < 0.001). Life-threatening pneumonia was predicted by worsening gas exchange (OR 4.8, CI 95% 2.3-10.2, P < 0.001), clinical signs of consolidation (OR 2.0, CI 95% 1.2-3.2, P < 0.01) and the Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score (OR 1.1, CI 95% 1.1-1.2, P < 0.001). Diagnostic confidence increased with CDIS (OR 163, CI 95% 8.4-31.4, P < 0.001), definite pathogen isolation (OR 3.3, CI 95% 2.0-5.6) and clinical signs of consolidation (OR 2.1, CI 95% 1.3-3.3, P = 0.001). Although the CDIS, SOFA Score and the Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPS II) were all associated with mortality, the SAPS II Score was the best predictor of mortality (P = 0.02). Diagnostic confidence for pneumonia is moderate but increases with more classical presentations. A small set of clinical parameters influence subjective assessment. Objective assessment using SAPS II Scoring is a better predictor of mortality.


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Nosocomial transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) frequently results in chronic respiratory tract carriage. This is an increasing problem, adds to the burden of glycopeptide antibiotic use in hospitals, and represents a relative contraindication to lung transplantation. The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to eradicate MRSA with prolonged oral combination antibiotics, and whether this treatment is associated with improved clinical status. Adult CF patients (six mate, one female) with chronic MRSA infection were treated for six months with rifampicin and sodium fusidate. Outcome data were examined for six months before treatment, on treatment and after treatment. The patients had a mean age of 29.3 (standard deviation = 6.3) years and FEV1 of 36.1% (standard deviation = 12.7) predicted. The mean duration of MRSA isolation was 31 months. MRSA isolates identified in these patients was of the same lineage as the known endemic strain at the hospital when assessed by pulsed-field get electrophoresis. Five of the seven had no evidence of MRSA during and for at [east six months after rifampicin and sodium fusidate. The proportion of sputum samples positive for MRSA was lower during the six months of treatment (0.13) and after treatment (0.19) compared with before treatment (0.85) (P < 0.0001). There was a reduction in the number of days of intravenous antibiotics per six months with 20.3 +/- 17.6 on treatment compared with 50.7 before treatment and 33.0 after treatment (P = 0.02). There was no change in lung function. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in three, but led to therapy cessation in only one patient. Despite the use of antibiotics with anti-staphylococcal activity for treatment of respiratory exacerbation, MRSA infection persists. MRSA can be eradicated from the sputum of patients with CF and chronic MRSA carriage by using rifampicin and sodium fusidate for six months. This finding was associated with a significant reduction in the duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment during therapy. (C) 2003 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study of ventilated patients investigated pneumonia risk factors and outcome predictors in 476 episodes of pneumonia (48% community-acquired pneumonia, 24% hospital-acquired pneumonia, 28% ventilator-associated pneumonia) using a prospective survey in 14 intensive care units within Australia and New Zealand. For community acquired pneumonia, mortality increased with immunosuppression (OR 5.32, CI 95% 1.58-17.99, P < 0. 01), clinical signs of consolidation (OR 2.43, CI 95% 1.09-5.44, P = 0. 03) and Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores (OR 1.19, CI 95% 1.08-1.30, P < 0. 001) but improved if appropriate antibiotic changes were made within three days of intensive care unit admission (OR 0.42, CI 95% 0.20-0.86, P = 0.02). For hospital-acquired pneumonia, immunosuppression (OR 6.98, CI 95% 1.16-42.2, P = 0.03) and non-metastatic cancer (OR 3.78, CI 95% 1.20-11.93, P = 0.02) were the principal mortality predictors. Alcoholism (OR 7.80, CI 95% 1.20-1750, P < 0.001), high SOFA scores (OR 1.44, CI 95% 1.20-1.75, P = 0.001) and the isolation of high risk organisms including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp, Stenotrophomonas spp and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (OR 4.79, CI 95% 1.43-16.03, P = 0.01), were associated with increased mortality in ventilator-associated pneumonia. The use of non-invasive ventilation was independently protective against mortality for patients with community-acquired and hospital-acquired pneumonia (OR 0.35, CI 95% 0.18-0.68, P = 0.002). Mortality was similar for patients requiting both invasive and non-invasive ventilation and non-invasive ventilation alone (21% compared with 20% respectively, P = 0.56). Pneumonia risks and mortality predictors in Australian and New Zealand ICUs vary with pneumonia type. A history of alcoholism is a major risk factor for mortality in ventilator-associated pneumonia, greater in magnitude than the mortality effect of immunosuppression in hospital-acquired pneumonia or community-acquired pneumonia. Non-invasive ventilation is associated with reduced ICU mortality. Clinical signs of consolidation worsen, while rationalising antibiotic therapy within three days of ICU admission improves mortality for community-acquired pneumonia patients.


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The clinical use of potent, well-tolerated, broad-spectrum antibiotics has been paralleled by the development of resistance in bacteria, and the prevalence of highly resistant bacteria in some intensive care units is despairingly commonplace. The intensive care community faces the realistic prospect of untreatable nosocomial infections and should be searching for new approaches to diagnose and manage resistant bacteria. In this review, we discuss some of the relevant underlying biology, with a particular focus on genetic transfer vehicles and the relationship of selection pressure to their movements. It is an attempt to demystify the relevant language and concepts for the anaesthetist and intensivist, to explain some of the reasons for the emergence of resistance in bacteria, and to provide a contextual basis for discussion of management approaches such as selective decontamination and antibiotic cycling.


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Vancomycin is the preferred parenteral antibiotic for the treatment of all methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, including the newly emerging community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) infections. Vancomycin-intermediate nosocomial MRSA strains have developed in vitro and in vivo after exposure to vancomycin. The aim of this study was to determine whether daily serial passage of CA-MRSA strains onto vancomycin-supplemented agar selects for the development of vancomycin resistance. Twelve clinical isolates of the six commonest Australian and US strains of CA-MRSA were serially passaged daily for 25 days onto brain-heart infusion agar plates supplemented with 4 mu g/mL vancomycin and then subcultured for a further 15 days onto antibiotic-free agar to assess the stability of the resistance phenotype. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by standard Etest every 5 days from day 0 to day 40. Serial passaging resulted in increased MICs in all strains but the rises were modest, with an increase of < 2 doubling dilutions. All strains remained vancomycin Susceptible throughout the experiment according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute criteria. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.