993 resultados para Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. II--Hist.-filos. klasse.
As Residências Cistercienses em S. Bento de Cástris que se vêm realizando desde 2013 têm como primeiro objectivo reinventar na contemporaneidade a densidade histórica do discurso cisterciense, integrando a realidade deste mosteiro tanto numa ampla geografia da Ordem de Cister em Portugal e na Europa, como na história da região e do país. Inspiradas nas questões da História, da Arte, da Arquitectura, da Música, do Património e da Paisagem, as Residências Cistercienses em Cástris vêm apostando no debate de questões actuais ligadas aos espaços monásticos e ao seu futuro, nomeadamente os cistercienses. Esta aposta concretiza-se também no presente trabalho, DO ESPÍRITO DO LUGAR. ESTÉTICA. SILÊNCIO, ESPAÇO, LUZ, resultado das I e II Residências Cistercienses (2013 e 2014), e integra estudos que se reportam especialmente ao Silêncio e às suas várias linguagens e significados e às dimensões da Estética monástico-religiosa, com algum privilégio para as temáticas da Música. A apropriação do mosteiro pelo silêncio e pela música e a apreciação do espólio musical e instrumental de S. Bento de Cástris permitem uma melhor percepção das diversidades conjunturais e dos seus ritmos, aliando-se às dimensões de valorização patrimonial, eacompanhando-as de sugestões estéticas na pintura, escultura, pintura mural, azulejaria…, no sentido da fruição plena dos espaços. A riqueza deste evento, a Residência Cisterciense no mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, permitirá que o futuro deste património, de tanta diversidade e espessura histórico-cultural, continue a ser debatido e a justificar edições futuras resultantes dos trabalhos de investigação aí apresentados e debatidos.
Le energie rinnovabili rappresentano il presente e allo stesso tempo il futuro della produzione elettrica mondiale. Produrre sempre più energia da fonti rinnovabili è una necessità condivisa da tutti i Paesi del mondo per cercare di dare un freno agli evidenti problemi climatici e alle continue minacce subite dall’ecosistema, che stanno condizionando il pianeta negli ultimi anni. Nel corso di questo elaborato ci si è concentrati soprattutto sul fotovoltaico, che a differenza delle altre fonti, essendo alimentato dall’energia solare è ben distribuito in quasi tutto il pianeta e nel corso degli ultimi anni ha avuto una crescita e una diffusione esponenziali in Italia e nel resto del mondo. La sempre crescente innovazione nel campo dei materiali utilizzati, permette ad oggi una maggiore scelta della tipologia di pannello da installare, sulla base dei vari fattori che possono influenzarne efficienza e rendimento. L’obiettivo finale è quello di avere tutti i dati necessari per effettuare l’analisi e il confronto tra le simulazioni di funzionamento di diverse tipologie di fotovoltaico, valutandone, oltre all’aspetto tecnico, anche la convenienza e i vantaggi in termini di rendimento. Durante lo sviluppo della tesi, le simulazioni sono state condotte prendendo come riferimento un capannone industriale ubicato nella stazione ferroviaria di Bologna Interporto, analizzando poi i dati mediante l’ausilio del software PVSyst. per confrontare i dati e i risultati ottenuti all’interno di un resoconto che evidenzi le maggiori differenze e la soluzione più vantaggiosa in termini di rendimento.
A gestação é fenômeno fisiológico da vida reprodutiva da mulher e envolve importantes alterações físicas, metabólicas e emocionais. Por ser importante causa de mortalidade materna, as complicações das doenças pré-existentes à gravidez ou das doenças específicas da gravidez, devem ser prevenidas ou minimizadas a partir do acompanhamento pré-natal adequado. Durante toda a gestação e no pós parto as mulheres devem ser acompanhadas pela equipe de saúde da família de sua área de abrangência. Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um projeto de intervenção para sistematização do atendimento à gestante em acompanhamento pré-natal na UBS Dom Pedro I unidade II. Fez-se pesquisa bibliográfica, com busca de artigos nas bases de dados da LILACS e do SciELO com os descritores gestante, cuidado pré natal e mortalidade materna para maior fundamentação do plano de ação que se baseou no Planejamento Estratégico Situacional. Espera-se que com a aplicação do protocolo de atendimento haja maior participação das mulheres e seus acompanhantes no processo do pré-natal, assim como redução na morbimortalidade materna e neonatal.
Mohn, H. Meteorologiske iagttagelser i Norge under solformørkelsen den 9. august 1896. Guldberg, C.M. Molekylets volum. Collett, R. On Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garm., a remarkable shark found in Norway 1896. Wille, N. Beiträge zur physiologischen anatomie der laminariaceen. Hiortdahl, T. Om hydrazinets sulfater og alun samt om dets bestemmelse ved overmangansur kali.
Vol. 1 mainly compiled by Ivar Sæter; edited by Arne Arnesen. cf. Pref.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
"Prilozhenīe k III-mu tomu Zapisok Imp. Akademīi nauk, No. 6."
The embryonic peripheral nervous system of Drosophila contains two main types of sensory neurons: type I neurons, which innervate external sense organs and chordotonal organs, and type II multidendritic neurons, Here, we analyse the origin of the difference between type I and type II in the case of the neurons that depend on the proneural genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC), We show that, in Notch(-) embryos, the type I neurons are missing while type nr neurons are produced in excess, indicating that the type I/type II choice relies on Notch-mediated cell communication, In contrast, both type I and type II neurons are absent in numb(-) embryos and after ubiquitous expression of tramtrack, indicating that the activity of numb and the absence of tramtrack are required to produce both external sense organ and multidendritic neural fates, The analysis of string(-) embryos reveals that when the precursors are unable to divide they differentiate mostly into type II neurons, indicating that the type II is the default neuronal fate, We also report a new mutant phenotype where the ASC-dependent neurons are converted into-type II neurons, providing evidence for the existence of one or more genes required for maintaining the alternative (type I) fate, Our results suggest that the same mechanism of type I/type II specification may operate at a late step of the ASC-dependent lineages, when multidendritic neurons arise as siblings of the external sense organ neurons and, at an early step, when other multidendritic neurons precursors arise as siblings of external sense organ precursors.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-infected subjects with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are often infected with multiple pathogens. In particular, HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections have been found more frequently in AIDS patients than in asymptomatic individuals in Europe and Japan. We carried out a serosurvey among asymptomatic HIV-1-infected subjects in São Paulo, Brazil and compared our results with those of other investigators. In this study, we found HTLV infection in 1.5% of 266 asymptomatic and 14% of 28 AIDS patients. Epidemiological data obtained from patients pointed out the use of intravenous drugs as the principal risk factor for acquiring retroviruses. In conclusion, our results are in accordance with other studies done in Brazil and elsewhere where the principal risk group for HIV/HTLV-I/II coinfection was IDU
A cidade do Salvador, capital do Estado da Bahia, apresenta a população com maior prevalência da infecção pelo HTLV-I no Brasil. Todavia, somente um estudo incluiu uma cidade do interior deste Estado, mesmo assim com número amostral pequeno. O objetivo foi o de avaliar a prevalência de anticorpos anti-HTLV-I/II na população de quatro cidades do interior do Estado da Bahia. As amostras de soro proveninentes de 1.539 indivíduos residentes em Catolândia, Ipupiara, Jacobina e Prado foram triadas através do ELISA, e a confirmação dos resultados nas amostras repetidamente positivas foi realizada através do "Western blot". Quarenta e sete (3,1%) amostras foram positivas pelo ELISA, e 44 destas foram submetidas ao Western blot, com 5 resultados positivos (0,3%), 8 (0,5%) indeterminados (todos da cidade de Jacobina) e 31 negativos. A prevalência geral de anticorpos anti-HTLV-I, nas cidades estudadas, foi de 0,3%. Esta prevalência variou de 0,0% (Prado) a 0,7% (Jacobina), porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p > 0,21). Nenhum indivíduo apresentou anticorpos anti-HTLV-II. Em conclusão, a prevalência da infecção pelo HTLV-I no interior do Estado da Bahia foi baixa, contudo, a população da cidade de Jacobina apresentou a maior prevalência. No entanto, outros estudos epidemiológicos, clínicos e virológicos serão necessários para a melhor compreensão da história natural desta infecção em Jacobina.
En aquest treball de recerca, s’han estudiat les dues isoformes de metal·lotioneïna CnMT1 i CnMT2 presents en el fong patogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Recentment s’ha descobert que aquest fong té com a factor de virulència, els nivells de coure del medi on es troba. Les dues isoformes produïdes en medis rics en Zn(II) s’han utilitzat per a fer valoracions amb Cu(I) i Cd(II), i s’ha seguit l’evolució dels experiments mitjançant les tècniques DC, UV-vis, i ESI-MS. S’ha pogut observar que les dues isoformes tenen preferència per enllaçar Cu(I). Per altra banda també s’ha establert una gran homologia entre les dues seqüències.
Efavirenz (EFV) is principally metabolized by CYP2B6 to 8-hydroxy-efavirenz (8OH-EFV) and to a lesser extent by CYP2A6 to 7-hydroxy-efavirenz (7OH-EFV). So far, most metabolite profile analyses have been restricted to 8OH-EFV, 7OH-EFV, and EFV-N-glucuronide, even though these metabolites represent a minor percentage of EFV metabolites present in vivo. We have performed a quantitative phase I and II metabolite profile analysis by tandem mass spectrometry of plasma, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and urine samples in 71 human immunodeficiency virus patients taking efavirenz, prior to and after enzymatic (glucuronidase and sulfatase) hydrolysis. We have shown that phase II metabolites constitute the major part of the known circulating efavirenz species in humans. The 8OH-EFV-glucuronide (gln) and 8OH-EFV-sulfate (identified for the first time) in humans were found to be 64- and 7-fold higher than the parent 8OH-EFV, respectively. In individuals (n = 67) genotyped for CYP2B6, 2A6, and CYP3A metabolic pathways, 8OH-EFV/EFV ratios in plasma were an index of CYP2B6 phenotypic activity (P < 0.0001), which was also reflected by phase II metabolites 8OH-EFV-glucuronide/EFV and 8OH-EFV-sulfate/EFV ratios. Neither EFV nor 8OH-EFV, nor any other considered metabolites in plasma were associated with an increased risk of central nervous system (CNS) toxicity. In CSF, 8OH-EFV levels were not influenced by CYP2B6 genotypes and did not predict CNS toxicity. The phase II metabolites 8OH-EFV-gln, 8OH-EFV-sulfate, and 7OH-EFV-gln were present in CSF at 2- to 9-fold higher concentrations than 8OH-EFV. The potential contribution of known and previously unreported EFV metabolites in CSF to the neuropsychological effects of efavirenz needs to be further examined in larger cohort studies.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to combine clinical results from the European Cohort of the REVERSE study and costs associated with the addition of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with mild symptomatic (NYHA I-II) or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction and markers of cardiac dyssynchrony in Spain. Methods: A Markov model was developed with CRT + OMT (CRT-ON) versus OMT only (CRT-OFF) based on a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis. Raw data was derived from literature and expert opinion, reflecting clinical and economic consequences of patient"s management in Spain. Time horizon was 10 years. Both costs (euro 2010) and effects were discounted at 3 percent per annum. Results: CRT-ON showed higher total costs than CRT-OFF; however, CRT reduced the length of hospitalization in ICU by 94 percent (0.006 versus 0.091 days) and general ward in by 34 percent (0.705 versus 1.076 days). Surviving CRT-ON patients (88.2 percent versus 77.5 percent) remained in better functional class longer, and they achieved an improvement of 0.9 life years (LYGs) and 0.77 years quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). CRT-ON proved to be cost-effective after 6 years, except for the 7th year due to battery depletion. At 10 years, the results were 18,431 per LYG and 21,500 per QALY gained. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed CRT-ON was cost-effective in 75.4 percent of the cases at 10 years. Conclusions: The use of CRT added to OMT represents an efficient use of resources in patients suffering from heart failure in NYHA functional classes I and II.
The thesis is rooted in caring science and the notion that the human being is an indivisible unity of body, soul and spirit. The purpose is to search for new, or expanded knowledge and understanding of the substance of the human’s spiritual space, as well as aspects that may constitute a foundation for the safeguard of human dignity. The clinical research study concerns the importance of spirituality and dignity in the care for older people. The thesis consists of three substudies with four articles, and the methodology is based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Through a metasynthesis of 17 research articles, sub-study I searched for understanding of the concept of spirituality as it may appear in reality (deduction). 17 older people were interviewed in sub-study II. This sub-study sought understanding for spirituality and dignity in the specific reality (induction). Sub-study III searched for theory development regarding spirituality, through a literature review of 20 research articles and a text by Tillich (abduction). The findings imply that spirituality entails human beings’ connectedness with one’s inner space and connectedness beyond oneself. Love in connectedness appears as a force in both spirituality and dignity. Themes portrayed include understanding of the spiritual space, religiousness, dignity, and spiritual care. The relationship between dignity and spirituality can be seen in the confirmation of human worth and care for the whole human being, including the spiritual dimension, and this is understood as a prerequisite for perceived dignity. It seems to be important that older people feel valued, loved, not abandoned, and alive. The theoretical model portrays love as a reunifying and connecting force that may foster confirmation, serving, longing and holiness. The movement towards connectedness may create room for the human being’s perception of dignity and holiness, and as such, it may be a force in the search for wholeness and becoming in health.
Microsporogenesis and pollen development were analyzed in a tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) accession of the forage grass Brachiaria jubata (BRA 007820) from the Embrapa Beef Cattle Brachiaria collection that showed partial male sterility. Microsporocytes and pollen grains were prepared by squashing and staining with 0.5% propionic carmine. The meiotic process was typical of polyploids, with precocious chromosome migration to the poles and laggards in both meiosis I and II, resulting in tetrads with micronuclei in some microspores. After callose dissolution, microspores were released into the anther locule and appeared to be normal. Although each microspore initiated its differentiation into a pollen grain, in 11.1% of them nucleus polarization was not observed, i.e., pollen mitosis I was symmetric and the typical hemispherical cell plate was not detected. After a central cytokinesis, two equal-sized cells showing equal chromatin condensation and the same nuclear shape and size were formed. Generative cells and vegetative cells could not be distinguished. These cells did not undergo the second pollen mitosis and after completion of pollen wall synthesis each gave rise to a sterile and uninucleate pollen grain. The frequency of abnormal pollen mitosis varied among flowers and also among inflorescences. All plants were equally affected. The absence of fertile sperm cells in a considerable amount of pollen grains in this accession of B. jubata may compromise its use in breeding and could explain, at least in part, why seed production is low when compared with the amount of flowers per raceme.