918 resultados para Non-governmental organizations - Malaysia


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As world food and fuel prices threaten expanding urban populations, there is greater need for the urban poor to have access and claims over how and where food is produced and distributed. This is especially the case in marginalized urban settings where high proportions of the population are food insecure. The global movement for food sovereignty has been one attempt to reclaim rights and participation in the food system and challenge corporate food regimes. However, given its origins from the peasant farmers' movement, La Via Campesina, food sovereignty is often considered a rural issue when increasingly its demands for fair food systems are urban in nature. Through interviews with scholars, urban food activists, non-governmental and grassroots organizations in Oakland and New Orleans in the United States of America, we examine the extent to which food sovereignty has become embedded as a concept, strategy and practice. We consider food sovereignty alongside other dominant US social movements such as food justice, and find that while many organizations do not use the language of food sovereignty explicitly, the motives behind urban food activism are similar across movements as local actors draw on elements of each in practice. Overall, however, because of the different histories, geographic contexts, and relations to state and capital, food justice and food sovereignty differ as strategies and approaches. We conclude that the US urban food sovereignty movement is limited by neoliberal structural contexts that dampen its approach and radical framework. Similarly, we see restrictions on urban food justice movements that are also operating within a broader framework of market neoliberalism. However, we find that food justice was reported as an approach more aligned with the socio-historical context in both cities, due to its origins in broader class and race struggles.


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This paper is aimed at government, non-government organizations, intergovernmental organizations and the general public as they work toward the development of their individual strategies and action plans. It has been recognized that community-based organizations have a particular relevance to the pursuit of sustainable resource management and may well contribute to the foundations of self-sustenance. Women on Lake Victoria, Tanzania presently face great challenges within the fishery. These include the lack of capital, interference by men, theft of fishing gear, time constraints and socio-cultural problems. In recent years, the fish trading and marketing sectors of the fishery, which have traditionally been dominated by women, have seen large incursions by male entrepreneurs. This move has endangered the role of women within the fishery. This paper focuses on the Tweyambe Fishing Enterprise (TFE), a well-known women's group based in Kasheno village in the Muleba District of Kagera Region in northwestern Tanzania. Inhabitants from the Haya ethnic group who make up some 95% of the population of Kagera Region dominate this village. The TFE has a series of initiatives aimed towards ecologically sound self-development


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Trata-se da temática Segurança do Paciente, que teve como objeto as iniciativas sobre segurança do paciente estabelecidas por organizações internacionais de segurança. O objetivo proposto pelo estudo foi analisar tais iniciativas estabelecidas por organizações internacionais de segurança. Para compor este estudo identificaram-se as principais organizações de segurança, atarvés de uma revisão bibliográfica de literatura realizada com base em fontes eletrônicas primárias, considerando-se as organizações pioneiras na abordagem do tema Segurança do Paciente que fomentam prioritariamente a segurança do paciente e que divulgaram amplamente esta temática no período de 2002 a 2012. Foram encontradas na plataforma Google referências a mais de 100 instituições no mundo que abordam este tema. No entanto somente sete atenderam a todos os critérios de seleção, havendo predomínio de organizações americanas (seis). A organização mais antiga é o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1946), e a mais recente é a World Alliance for Patient Safety (2004). Quanto à natureza jurídica, duas são governamentais (CDC e AHRQ), quatro são não governamentais (The Joint Commission, IHI, WHO Alliance e ISMP) e uma organização independente (NCCMERP). Totalizaram-se 103 iniciativas de segurança do paciente no contexto hospitalar. A organização que mais publicou iniciativas para a segurança do paciente no contexto hospitalar foi o ISMP com 20 iniciativas, totalizando 19% das iniciativas exploradas. As iniciativas relacionadas à terapia medicamentosa, higienização das mãos, controle de infecções e cirurgias seguras foram as mais abordadas. Conclui-se que ao atentar para as iniciativas internacionais de Segurança do Paciente o profissional de saúde poderá contextualizar-se, aprimorando seu conhecimento técnico científico, além de pôr em prática o que as principais organizações mundiais voltadas para a Segurança do Paciente preconizam para a realização de um cuidado mais seguro.


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer e avaliar a contribuição do profissional contábil nas organizações do Terceiro Setor, para transparência e accountability. Para verificar se a gestão da organização pertencente ao Terceiro Setor desempenha suas atividades de forma transparente e accountable, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratóriodescritiva em uma organização pertencente a esse setor denominada Viva Rio, que encontra-se sediada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a Contabilidade pode contribuir muito para essas organizações, principalmente pelo fato de essas entidades, diferentemente das demais organizações do primeiro e segundo setores, precisarem prestar contas aos mais diversos públicos. A organização pesquisada utiliza informações não financeiras e financeiras como ferramenta de auxílio à transparência e accountability, e ainda, os registros contábeis são contabilizados por projetos e por financiadores, o que gera acurácia e tempestividade na disponibilidade dessas informações aos seus interessados.


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Wheeler, Nicholas. 'The Humanitarian Responsibilities of Sovereignty', In: Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp.29-51 RAE2008


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Literature on the nonprofit sector focuses on charities and their interactions with clients or governmental agencies; donors are studied less often. Studies on philanthropy do examine donors but tend to focus on microlevel factors to explain their behavior. This study, in contrast, draws on institutional theory to show that macrolevel factors affect donor behavior. It also extends the institutional framework by examining the field‐level configurations in which donors and fundraisers are embedded. Employing the case of workplace charity, this new model highlights how the composition of the organizational field structures fundraisers and donors alike, shaping fundraisers’ strategies of solicitation and, therefore, the extent of donor control.


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Ocean Virtual Laboratory is an ESA-funded project to prototype the concept of a single point of access for all satellite remote-sensing data with ancillary model output and in situ measurements for a given region. The idea is to provide easy access for the non-specialist to both data and state-of-the-art processing techniques and enable their easy analysis and display. The project, led by OceanDataLab, is being trialled in the region of the Agulhas Current, as it contains signals of strong contrast (due to very energetic upper ocean dynamics) and special SAR data acquisitions have been recorded there. The project also encourages the take up of Earth Observation data by developing training material to help those not in large scientific or governmental organizations make the best use of what data are available. The website for access is: http://ovl-project.oceandatalab.com/


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New ways of managing conflict are increasingly important features of work and employment in organizations. In the book the world's leading scholars in the field examine a range of innovative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, drawing on international research and scholarship and covering both case studies of major exemplars and developments in countries in different parts of the global economy. Developments in the management of individual and collective conflict at work are addressed, as are innovations in both unionized and non-union organizations and in the private and public sectors.

New practices for managing conflict in organizations are set in the context of trends in workplace conflict and perspectives on how conflict should be understood and addressed. Part 1 examines the changing context of conflict management by addressing the main frameworks for understanding conflict management, the trend in conflict at work, developments in employment rights, and the influence of HRM on conflict management. Part 2 covers the main approaches to conflict management in organizations, addressing both conventional and alternative approaches to conflict resolution. Conventional grievance handling and third-party processes in conflict resolution are examined as well as the main ADR practices, including conflict management in non-union firms, the role of the organizational ombudsman, mediation, interest-based bargaining, line and supervisory management, and the concept of conflict management systems. Part 3 presents case studies of exemplars and innovators in the field, covering mediation in the US postal service, interest-based bargaining at Kaiser-Permanente, 'med-arb' in the New Zealand Police, and judicial mediation in UK employment tribunals. Part 4 covers international developments in conflict management in Germany, Japan, The United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and China.

This Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of this growing field, which has seen an huge increase in programmes of study in university business and law schools and in executive education programmes.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) method in improving the leadership process in a non-profit organization. The research was designed around an intervention and structured in three stages (pre-consult, intervention and follow-up), with a team designated by management, in order to bring leadership cohesion to both departments of the organization and also between the board and executive management. The results, expressed in the tasks performed and in the interviews to team members, allowed us to conclude on the effectiveness of the CPS method to improve organizational leadership, by establishing a stronger relationship between departments, as well as, in the long term, between the board and executive management. These results highlight possible solutions to improve the leadership of non-profit organizations.


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O empreendedorismo social é um campo que tem vindo a ganhar uma importância crescente nas sociedades atuais, sendo reconhecido como uma ferramenta útil na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Como se trata de um campo emergente, apresenta-se ainda pouco explorado. Em Cabo Verde não existem ainda estudos sobre o tema, embora existam já algumas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social. A investigação foi desenvolvida de forma a responder ao objetivo de se conhecer qual o contributo que as Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento (ONGD) portuguesas têm dado para a sedimentação do empreendedorismo social em Cabo Verde. Assim, procurou-se apurar e analisar as ONGD que desenvolvem projetos em Cabo Verde, as áreas em que estas atuam para promoverem o desenvolvimento economico-social, os meios de financiamentos a que recorrem, as dificuldades encontradas no desenvolvimento das suas atividades, bem como compreender a razão que levou a que Cabo Verde fosse beneficiado com as ações dessas ONGD. Para conseguir atingir estas metas recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa onde se fez uma análise exploratória e descritiva. A técnica utilizada para a recolha da informação primária foi a entrevista dirigida aos responsáveis de seis ONGD portuguesas que atuam em Cabo Verde, nomeadamente a Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos, a Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola, Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr, Meninos do Mundo, Terras Dentro e a Associação Raia Histórica. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram identificar que as ONGD portuguesas agem impulsionando o empreendedorismo social em Cabo Verde através da promoção do desenvolvimento integrado e sustentável, apoiado em parcerias estabelecidas com outras organizações locais caboverdeanas. Estes parceiros são atores chave que estão no terreno e possuem o conhecimento da realidade do país. Cabo Verde foi beneficiado pelos projetos por pertencer aos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e/ou à Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. Na obtenção de recursos, a maioria das ONGD portuguesas recorre a recursos em espécie e a voluntários portugueses, desempenhando estes o papel de formadores. A geração de valor social por parte destas entidades é feita muitas vezes de uma forma indireta, através da criação de valor económico que depois se repercute em valor social. Este valor social resulta da sua atuação em várias áreas como a saúde e segurança alimentar, desenvolvimento rural, meio ambiente, educação e formação profissional, emprego, economia alternativa ou microcrédito, pobreza e exclusão social, ambiente, habitação, promoção social e do turismo, capacitação e reforço institucional e coerência das políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento. Sendo Cabo Verde um arquipélago, as principais dificuldades encontradas pelas ONGD na sua atuação prende-se com a acessibilidade às ilhas devido à falta de transportes e meios de comunicação.


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To assess the preferred methods to quit smoking among current smokers. Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted in Lausanne between 2003 and 2006 including 988 current smokers. Preference was assessed by questionnaire. Evidence-based (EB) methods were nicotine replacement, bupropion, physician or group consultations; non-EB-based methods were acupuncture, hypnosis and autogenic training. EB methods were frequently (physician consultation: 48%, 95% confidence interval (45-51); nicotine replacement therapy: 35% (32-38)) or rarely (bupropion and group consultations: 13% (11-15)) preferred by the participants. Non-EB methods were preferred by a third (acupuncture: 33% (30-36)), a quarter (hypnosis: 26% (23-29)) or a seventh (autogenic training: 13% (11-15)) of responders. On multivariate analysis, women preferred both EB and non-EB methods more frequently than men (odds ratio and 95% confidence interval: 1.46 (1.10-1.93) and 2.26 (1.72-2.96) for any EB and non-EB method, respectively). Preference for non-EB methods was higher among highly educated participants, while no such relationship was found for EB methods. Many smokers are unaware of the full variety of methods to quit smoking. Better information regarding these methods is necessary.


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INTRODUCTION: In recent decades the treatment of non-specific low back pain has turned to active modalities, some of which were based on cognitive-behavioural principles. Non-randomised studies clearly favour functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation over outpatient physiotherapy. However, systematic reviews and meta-analysis provide contradictory evidence regarding the effects on return to work and functional status. The aim of the present randomised study was to compare long-term functional and work status after 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation or 18 supervised outpatient physiotherapy sessions. METHODS: 109 patients with non-specific low back pain were randomised to either a 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme, including physical and ergonomic training, psychological pain management, back school and information, or 18 sessions of active outpatient physiotherapy over 9 weeks. Primary outcomes were functional disability (Oswestry) and work status. Secondary outcomes were lifting capacity (Spinal Function Sort and PILE test), lumbar range-of-motion (modified-modified Schöber and fingertip-to-floor tests), trunk muscle endurance (Shirado and Biering-Sörensen tests) and aerobic capacity (modified Bruce test). RESULTS: Oswestry disability index was improved to a significantly greater extent after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation compared to outpatient physiotherapy at follow-up of 9 weeks (P = 0.012), 9 months (P = 0.023) and 12 months (P = 0.011). Work status was significantly improved after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation only (P = 0.012), resulting in a significant difference compared to outpatient physiotherapy at 12 months' follow-up (P = 0.012). Secondary outcome results were more contrasted. CONCLUSIONS: Functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation was better than outpatient physiotherapy in improving functional and work status. From an economic point of view, these results should be backed up by a cost-effectiveness study.


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The CD209 gene family that encodes C-type lectins in primates includes CD209 (DC-SIGN), CD209L (L-SIGN) and CD209L2. Understanding the evolution of these genes can help understand the duplication events generating this family, the process leading to the repeated neck region and identify protein domains under selective pressure. We compiled sequences from 14 primates representing 40 million years of evolution and from three non-primate mammal species. Phylogenetic analyses used Bayesian inference, and nucleotide substitutional patterns were assessed by codon-based maximum likelihood. Analyses suggest that CD209 genes emerged from a first duplication event in the common ancestor of anthropoids, yielding CD209L2 and an ancestral CD209 gene, which, in turn, duplicated in the common Old World primate ancestor, giving rise to CD209L and CD209. K(A)/K(S) values averaged over the entire tree were 0.43 (CD209), 0.52 (CD209L) and 0.35 (CD209L2), consistent with overall signatures of purifying selection. We also assessed the Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene family, which shares with CD209 genes a common profile of evolutionary constraint. The general feature of purifying selection of CD209 genes, despite an apparent redundancy (gene absence and gene loss), may reflect the need to faithfully recognize a multiplicity of pathogen motifs, commensals and a number of self-antigens


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Purpose: Pretargeted radioimmunotherapy (PRIT) using streptavidin (SAv)-biotin technology can deliver higher therapeutic doses of radioactivity to tumors than conventional RIT. However, "endogenous" biotin can interfere with the effectiveness of this approach by blocking binding of radiolabeled biotin to SAv. We engineered a series of SAv FPs that downmodulate the affinity of SAv for biotin, while retaining high avidity for divalent DOTA-bis-biotin to circumvent this problem.Experimental Design: The single-chain variable region gene of the murine 1F5 anti-CD20 antibody was fused to the wild-type (WT) SAv gene and to mutant SAv genes, Y43A-SAv and S45A-SAv. FPs were expressed, purified, and compared in studies using athymic mice bearing Ramos lymphoma xenografts.Results: Biodistribution studies showed delivery of more radioactivity to tumors of mice pretargeted with mutant SAv FPs followed by (111)In-DOTA-bis-biotin [6.2 +/- 1.7% of the injected dose per gram (%ID/gm) of tumor 24 hours after Y43A-SAv FP and 5.6 +/- 2.2%ID/g with S45A-SAv FP] than in mice on normal diets pretargeted with WT-SAv FP (2.5 +/- 1.6%ID/g; P = 0.01). These superior biodistributions translated into superior antitumor efficacy in mice treated with mutant FPs and (90)Y-DOTA-bis-biotin [tumor volumes after 11 days: 237 +/- 66 mm(3) with Y43A-SAv, 543 +/- 320 mm(3) with S45A-SAv, 1129 +/- 322 mm(3) with WT-SAv, and 1435 +/- 212 mm(3) with control FP (P < 0.0001)].Conclusions: Genetically engineered mutant-SAv FPs and bis-biotin reagents provide an attractive alternative to current SAv-biotin PRIT methods in settings where endogenous biotin levels are high. Clin Cancer Res; 17(23); 7373-82. (C)2011 AACR.


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BACKGROUND: Alcohol use causes high burden of disease and injury globally. Switzerland has a high consumption of alcohol, almost twice the global average. Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of life lost in Switzerland were estimated by age and sex for the year 2011. Additionally, the impact of heavy drinking (40+grams/day for women and 60+g/day for men) was estimated. METHODS: Alcohol consumption estimates were based on the Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland study and were adjusted to per capita consumption based on sales data. Mortality data were taken from the Swiss mortality register. Methodology of the Comparative Risk Assessment for alcohol was used to estimate alcohol-attributable fractions. RESULTS: Alcohol use caused 1,600 (95% CI: 1,472 - 1,728) net deaths (1,768 deaths caused, 168 deaths prevented) among 15 to 74 year olds, corresponding to 8.7% of all deaths (men: 1,181 deaths; women: 419 deaths). Overall, 42,627 years of life (9.7%, 95% CI: 40,245 - 45,008) were lost due to alcohol. Main causes of alcohol-attributable mortality were injuries at younger ages (15-34 years), with increasing age digestive diseases (mainly liver cirrhosis) and cancers (particularly breast cancers among women). The majority (62%) of all alcohol-attributable deaths was caused by chronic heavy drinking (men: 67%; women: 48 %). CONCLUSION: Alcohol is a major cause of premature mortality in Switzerland. Its impact, among young people mainly via injuries, among men mainly through heavy drinking, calls for a mix of preventive actions targeting chronic heavy drinking, binge drinking and mean consumption.