865 resultados para New Technologies


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[ES] Kukuxumusu S.L. es una organización que se dedica a la comercialización de dibujos que cuentan cosas en diferentes soportes de calidad para que sean comprados, usados y disfrutados por personas de toda edad, sexo y condición, que buscan en una camiseta, una taza, un llavero, etc., mensajes divertidos, originales y diferentes. Kukuxumusu desarrolla su actividad en los mercados del souvenir y del regalo. En el caso se analiza la estrategia global de comercialización seguida por Kukuxumusu en relación a su gama de productos, los canales de distribución y los instrumentos de comunicación que utiliza. Desde sus inicios en el año 1989 con la venta callejera de camisetas en las fiestas de San Fermín, Kukuxumusu se ha ido consolidando como una empresa con una sólida cultura corporativa, que ha ido creciendo aprovechando las oportunidades ofrecidas por las nuevas tecnologías y que tiene como bazas más importantes su gestión de marca y la diferenciación basada en aspectos intangibles.


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A workshop was convened by the MODEL Task Team and held June 23-28, 1996, in Nemuro, Japan, to develop the modeling requirements of the PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC) Program. It was attended by over 40 scientists from all member nations of PICES. The principal objectives of the workshop were to • review the roles and limitations of modeling for the CCCC program; • propose the level of modeling required; and • provide a plan for how to promote these modeling activities. Secondary activities at the workshop included organisational meetings of the Regional comparisons (REX) and Basin-scale experiment (BASS) Task Teams, and a symposium by Japan-GLOBEC on “Development and application of new technologies for measurement and modeling in marine ecosystems.” This report serves as a record of the proceedings of this workshop. (PDF contains 89 pages)


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[ES] Las nuevas tecnologías han supuesto una gran oportunidad para mejorar la gestión empresarial. Recientemente el teléfono móvil está ofreciendo grandes posibilidades a nivel comercial: ha incorporado televisión, cámara, radio, chat y ahora se están introduciendo las empresas en el campo de la publicidad a través del móvil y en otros países también en la venta por el móvil. Pese a la proliferación de trabajos sobre distribución comercial y sobre comercio electrónico, los trabajos que exploran las posibilidades y retos del teléfono móvil y que lo comparan con Internet para la compraventa son escasos.


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[ES]Se analizan las repercusiones que la legislación y las nuevas tecnologías tienen en las bibliotecas en relación a la propiedad intelectual. También se examina el papel que han de tener las bibliotecas en la gestión de aspectos de la propiedad intelectual y las opciones alternativas de publicación en el ámbito académico (Open Access, repositorios)


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[ES] Una de las aplicaciones más interesantes de las nuevas tecnologías en la docencia, es la utilización de plataformas virtuales accesibles por el alumno a través de Internet. eKASI es una plataforma informática para el apoyo a la docencia presencial desarrollada en la Universidad del Pais Vasco, que permite la gestión de los documentos y la gestión de los estudiantes de un curso, a la vez que facilita el aprendizaje del alumno. Es una herramienta de distribución gratuita y de fácil manejo. Durante el curso 2005/2006, se ha utilizado esta plataforma como apoyo a la docencia de la asignatura Tecnología Farmacéutica I de 4º curso de la Licenciatura en Farmacia de la Universidad del País Vasco. La plataforma está accesible en la dirección de Internet http://ekasi.ehu.es mediante la introducción de una clave facilitada por el administrador del sistema. En la sección correspondiente al aula virtual de la plataforma, el alumno tiene a su disposición la información y documentos relacionados con la asignatura (plan docente, presentaciones utilizadas en las clases, cuestionarios de autoevaluación, enlaces de interés a paginas web, materiales multimedia, etc.). Por otra parte, esta plataforma permite la colaboración y discusión on line de los materiales estudiados, a través del foro y del correo electrónico y posibilita al profesor tutorizar y realizar un seguimiento del progreso de los estudiantes, mediante la realización de tests y de las diferentes tareas propuestas al grupo de alumnos. La plataforma eKASI ha supuesto un instrumento de gran utilidad como apoyo a la docencia presencial tal como se deduce de los resultados de la encuesta realizada a los alumnos al finalizar el curso académico.


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Over the past six years Lowestoft College has embraced the revolution in mobile learning by welcoming Web 2.0, social media, cloud computing and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). This open attitude to new technologies has led to a marked improvement in student achievement rates, has increased staff and student satisfaction and has resulted in a variety of cost savings for senior management during the current economic downturn.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Coastal Change Analysis Programl (C-CAP) is developing a nationally standardized database on landcover and habitat change in the coastal regions of the United States. C-CAP is part of the Estuarine Habitat Program (EHP) of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program (COP). C-CAP inventories coastal submersed habitats, wetland habitats, and adjacent uplands and monitors changes in these habitats on a one- to five-year cycle. This type of information and frequency of detection are required to improve scientific understanding of the linkages of coastal and submersed wetland habitats with adjacent uplands and with the distribution, abundance, and health of living marine resources. The monitoring cycle will vary according to the rate and magnitude of change in each geographic region. Satellite imagery (primarily Landsat Thematic Mapper), aerial photography, and field data are interpreted, classified, analyzed, and integrated with other digital data in a geographic information system (GIS). The resulting landcover change databases are disseminated in digital form for use by anyone wishing to conduct geographic analysis in the completed regions. C-CAP spatial information on coastal change will be input to EHP conceptual and predictive models to support coastal resource policy planning and analysis. CCAP products will include 1) spatially registered digital databases and images, 2) tabular summaries by state, county, and hydrologic unit, and 3) documentation. Aggregations to larger areas (representing habitats, wildlife refuges, or management districts) will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Ongoing C-CAP research will continue to explore techniques for remote determination of biomass, productivity, and functional status of wetlands and will evaluate new technologies (e.g. remote sensor systems, global positioning systems, image processing algorithms) as they become available. Selected hardcopy land-cover change maps will be produced at local (1:24,000) to regional scales (1:500,000) for distribution. Digital land-cover change data will be provided to users for the cost of reproduction. Much of the guidance contained in this document was developed through a series of professional workshops and interagency meetings that focused on a) coastal wetlands and uplands; b) coastal submersed habitat including aquatic beds; c) user needs; d) regional issues; e) classification schemes; f) change detection techniques; and g) data quality. Invited participants included technical and regional experts and representatives of key State and Federal organizations. Coastal habitat managers and researchers were given an opportunity for review and comment. This document summarizes C-CAP protocols and procedures that are to be used by scientists throughout the United States to develop consistent and reliable coastal change information for input to the C-CAP nationwide database. It also provides useful guidelines for contributors working on related projects. It is considered a working document subject to periodic review and revision.(PDF file contains 104 pages.)


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Aquaculture in the Philippines is a long-standing activity but has witnessed relatively recent, rapid, technical change with the introduction of hatchery technology and commercial feed-mills changing the production possibilities for a fishpond operator. We are confronted with a diversity of aquaculture practices in the coastal areas of the Philippines, with new technologies being incorporated into more traditional systems. As a first step to understanding the sector, we therefore present a typology of farming systems with the motivation of generating domains (farm “types”) over which we can compare performance on a number of indicators. Our typology, restricted to brackish-water pond systems, is constructed using multivariate methods (principal components analysis, cluster analysis). Eight variables are used relating to the management of the farm across all the major factors of production. A stratified net sample of 136 observations provides the data for the analysis, from a farm-level survey carried out between January and June 2003 in the two main brackish-water production regions in the Philippines. We define five farm types from this analysis. In later work we will show how the use of this typology can be used for comparative study of economic, social and ecological performance at the farm-level. [PDF contains 42 pages]


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This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in “Emergence: Complexity and Organization”, 15 (2), pp. 14-22 (2013), copyright Taylor & Francis.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) convened a workshop on the in situ measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon species in natural waters in Honolulu, Hawaii, on February 16, 17, and 18, 2005. The workshop was designed to summarize existing technologies for measuring the abundance and speciation of dissolved inorganic carbon and to make strategic recommendations for future development and application of these technologies to coastal research and management. The workshop was not focused on any specific technology, however, most of the attention of the workshop was on in situ pC02 sensors given their recent development and use on moorings for the measurement of global carbon fluxes. In addition, the problems and limitations arising from the long-term deployment of systems designed for the measurement of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and total alkalinity (TA) were discussed. Participants included researchers involved in carbon biogeochemistry, industry representatives, and coastal resource managers. The primary questions asked during the workshop were: I. What are the major impediments to transform presently used shipboard pC02 measurement systems for use on cost-eficient moorings? 2. What are the major technical hurdles for the in situ measurement of TA and DIC? 3. What specific information do we need to coordinate efforts for proof of concept' testing of existing and new technologies, inter-calibration of those technologies, better software development, and more precise knowledge quantzjjing the geochemistry of dissolved inoeanic carbon species in order to develop an observing system for dissolved inorganic carbon? Based on the discussion resulting from these three questions, the following statements were made: Statement No. 1 Cost-effective, self-contained technologies for making long-term, accurate measurements of the partial pressure of C02 gas in water already exist and at present are ready for deployment on moorings in coastal observing systems. Statement No. 2 Cost-effective, self-contained systems for the measurement of pH, TA, and DIC are still needed to both fully define the carbonate chemistry of coastal waters and the fluxes of carbon between major biogeochemical compartments (e.g., air-sea, shelf-slope, water column-sediment, etc.). (pdf contains 23 pages)


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XX. mendearen amaierako “Teknologia berrien” agerpena da “Iraultza Digitala” deritzonaren jatorria. Hezkuntza sistema ez da honetatik kanpo egon, geletan erantsi dituelarik, landa eskoletan aipagarri suertatzen den modura. IKTek elementu berriak txertatu dituzte hezkuntzan, transformazio sakon bat eraginez, bai ikuspuntu teknologikotik, eta baita pedagogikotik ere. Nafarroako herri txiki ezberdinetako testuinguari erreferentzia eginez, landa eskoletan egiten den IKTen erabileran oinarritzen da ikerketa hau. Ikasleek teknologia berriak modu eraginkor eta esanguratsuan erabiltzen dituzte, auto-ikaskuntza bultzatuz; modu honetan, IKTak baliabide praktiko, erabilgarri eta baliogarriak bihurtzen dira irakaslearentzat. Horrela, IKTek eskola hauetako ikas-irakas prozesua errazten dutela eta, gainera, honen kalitatea hobetzen dutela egiaztatzen da.


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LABURPENA: Aurkezten dugun Gradu Amaierako Lanean (GAL), ebaluaketa ekosistema berritzaile bat proposatzen dugu, irakasleek ebaluaketarekiko eta berrikuntzekiko duten beldurra albo batean uzteko, eta ebaluaketa tradizionala alboratu eta tresna esanguratsuago batzuen alde egin dezaten. Lan honek gainera, ikasle baten ekosistemako agente desberdinak erakarri nahi ditu, parte hartzean oinarritzen diren eskola komunitateak lortzeko. Horrez gain, teknologia berriak integratzen dituen diseinua da, non XXI. mendeko hezkuntzak eskatzen dituen baldintzak betetzen diren. Tresna desberdinen konbinazioz sortutako diseinu berritzaile honekin, errealitateak oraindik bizi dituen arazoei aurre egitea da helburu nagusia.


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Lan honen helburua, egungo gizarte eta hezkuntzaren desoreka digitala egiaztatzea eta horri aurre egiteko proposamen bat planteatzea izan da. Hori burutzeko, irakasle talde bati Informazio eta komunikaziorako Tresnen (IKT) inguruko galdera batzuk egin zaizkie, teknologia berriekiko haien jakintza, prestakuntza eta erabilera zeintzuk diren ezagutzeko. Jasotako emaitzak aztertu dira eta irakasle hauen ezjakintasun maila baliabide teknologiko berritzaileekiko altua dela ondorioztatu da, haien gaitasun digitala oso baxua izanda. Hori dela eta, arazo horri irtenbide berritzaile bat bilatu zaio, Lehen Hezkuntzako irakasleen prestakuntzara bideratutako tutorial ezberdinak sortu direlarik, web 2.0-ko baliabide batzuen erabilera zein den azalduz.


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