433 resultados para NOVICE


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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the McKinsey Greenhouse Gas abatement studies have highlighted reduction of building energy consumption as a primary cost-effective element in the abatement of Global Warming. Nevertheless, the energy investigation in most of our existing building stock remains at a novice level at best. Building sub-metering, by which we mean any secondary, hourly, metering (after the main) of various circuits, provides substantial information on when and where energy is used in specific buildings. Furthermore, combining this information with external weather data provides information beyond basic metering results. This paper discusses three case studies and explains how sub-metering, augmented by external solar and temperature data, benefits energy management and identified problems. It explains how different methods of analysing energy usage allowed: justifiable sizing of a solar photovoltaic system, with a calculated Cooling Degree Unit, identified the absence of savings from a proprietary chiller controller, and the energy variation due to user schedules and external conditions indicated anomalies in energy use. The advantages of wireless access are noted. Extracting information in graphical formats suggests better strategies to understand and control energy use.


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The teaching rhetorical structure of various academic genres has been recognized as a practical, pedagogical tool in both ESL and EFL academic settings. However, assigning a unitary structure for different fields of study might poses problems for novice writers. In this study, the rhetorical structure of 120 abstracts (ninety ‘masters’ theses and thirty ‘doctoral’ dissertations) from six disciplines were investigated. In this exploratory study, four rhetorical structures were found: IMRC/D, CARS, Mixed, and None (which means the texts lack any rhetorical structure). The conclusion is that nonnative speakers require more than grammatical knowledge at the clause level. They need to be familiarized with the discourse grammar with the functional tokens attached to it in order to be successful in their academic writing.


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There are compelling reasons for educators to consider incorporating virtual worlds (VWs) in their marketing curriculum. That said, the ways in which VWs can be implemented into the teaching curriculum are many and varied. This article reports on two studies in which notionally similar graduate classes are taught about marketing in Second Life (SL). The degree of student and instructor immersion is intentionally varied: One class is taught entirely in SL, by a technically expert instructor, while novice/intermediate instructors teach the second class in an interactive tutorial setting. Taken together, these studies offer marketing educators insights into developing “full” and “lite” approaches to teaching in SL, thereby lowering the barrier to uptake of the technology by catering to a broader spectrum of both instructor and student competencies, interests, and abilities.


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Viewpoints are a structural approach to training and directing for theatre. Originating from the innovative, inventive and exploratory approach of Mary Overlie and the self- confessed scavenger approach of Anne Bogart, Viewpoints offers a practical philosophy of working. As a training approach it begins with a disciplined engagement  of the body in space and time. The tangible elements of the Viewpoints provide a set of tasks on which the student can focus, thus freeing the imagination and spirit to  create. Yet at the same time the systematic logic of Viewpoints supports novice practitioners to begin to question their perception, invest in creative practice that demands action and exploration, and to deconstruct, re-organise and rebuild scores and sequences in the pursuit of theatre that is visceral and visual. This essay reports on undergraduate student experiences of learning Viewpoints. It interrogates the demands of embodied learning of the movement/structural system on non- ancers and examines student-actor experiences of embodied learning from multiple of subject positions – observer/participant/creator/reflector/actor.  


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Aim: Health-care professional students are required to demonstrate their reflective practice skills during their degree training programme. Online and digital technologies are increasingly being used to support this skill development. Our study aimed to explore whether different technology-based methods supported student growth and skill development in reflective practice at separate developmental time points (novice and competent). Methods: Third- (n = 23) and fourth-year undergraduate dietetic students (n = 22) from a single university were cross-sectionally surveyed via an online anonymous questionnaire at the end of the academic year. The mixed methods survey of 37 questions investigated the student experience of different reflective practice activities, their effect on a student's ability to self-reflect and whether using them aided a student's perceived transition towards becoming a competent dietitian. The data analysis included brief thematic enquiry, descriptive and independent t-test statistical examination. Results: Differences emerged in the way students engaged in reflection over time. Fourth-year students preferred to use more independent methods such as e-journaling (fourth- vs third-year students, P = 0.003) and engaged in reflection for reasons outside assessment (fourth- vs third-years, P = 0.027). Fourth-year students also identified fewer negative barriers to participating in reflection and reported being comfortable engaging in reflective practice. Conclusions: Overall, offering students a range of ways to engage in reflective practice over time supported their understanding and increased confidence in their reflective practice skills, thus potentially enabling a smoother transition into their profession where reflective practice is an essential and autonomous skill. © 2014 Dietitians Association of Australia.


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Young drivers aged between 16 and 25 are consistently over-represented in fatal crash statistics and are more likely than older drivers to be involved in a range of intentional risky driving behaviours, such as drink driving, speeding, drag racing, and tailgating. This paper reports the fndings of a systematic search of published peer-reviewed literature, identifying the association between age and the characteristics of risky drivers, as well as interventions that have been developed to improve their safety. The results suggest that it is young males who are predominantly involved in unsafe driving and that these drivers are generally high in reward sensitivity, have antisocial peers, and believe that they are not dangerous drivers. Further to this, deterrence-based interventions have shown limited efectiveness for the specifc category of 'hoon' drivers, suggesting the need for targeted interventions across a multitude of domains. Efective intervention requires an understanding of the antecedents of dangerous driving behaviour, and it is concluded that interventions might be most efective when targeted towards these identifed criminogenic needs.


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Students need to develop informed and realistic career aspirations to gain the most from their university studies towards their initial career development. However developing their aspirations, goals, and expectations is a complex process. In Information Technology (IT) no clear career development framework is evident in the literature. We present a pilot study which investigates the career aspirations of novice students studying IT at an Australian University. Through a series of career activities their aspirations were explored with the aim of improving support for career development. Results indicate that students have no clear short- or long- term aspirations, yet believe that programming skills are key to achieve a career in IT.


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 Students need to develop informed and realistic career aspirations to gain the most from their university studies towards their initial career development. However developing their aspirations, goals, and expectations is a complex process. In Information Technology (IT) no clear career development framework is evident in the literature. We present a pilot study which investigates the career aspirations of novice students studying IT at an Australian University. Through a series of career activities their aspirations were explored with the aim of improving support for career development. Results indicate that students have no clear short- or long- term aspirations, yet believe that programming skills are key to achieve a career in IT.


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 Transition to Specialty Practice Programs (TSPPs) provide structured support and education to novice nurses. This study examined the prevalence, design, characteristics and functions of emergency nursing TSPPs in Australia, and found that TSPPs served an important function in recruitment, preparation and retention of emergency nurses. A framework for future emergency nursing TSPPs was developed based on study findings.


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Summary: This paper examines the adult learning dimensions of protestors as they participate in a campaign to stop coal seam gas exploration in Gippsland in Central Victoria, Australia. On a global level, the imposition of coal seam gas exploration by governments and mining companies has been the trigger for movements of resistance from environmental groups. They are concerned about the impact of mining on their land, food and water supplies. In central Gippsland a group of ‘circumstantial activists’ comprised of farmers, tree changers and other local residents are campaigning against coal seam gas exploration. This unlikely coalition of environmental action groups has made effective use of a variety of community education strategies. This paper commences by outlining some of the key literature on learning and activism drawing on the education tradition of adult learning. We then draw on key concepts from Bourdieu’s writing on ‘habitus’ and ‘field’ to analyse the data from this research. We outline some of the learning practices of activists; through their involvement in this campaign, and the knowledge and skills they gain as they develop a feel for the game of protest. We argue circumstantial activists learn both formally and informally in the social environment of campaigning. Of particular interest is the role of more experienced activists from Friends of the Earth (FOE), a non-government organisation (NGO), as they pass on knowledge, experience, tactics and strategies to the novice and less experienced activists in this community campaign. We explore some of the contradictions of the protestors’ identification as activists using Bourdieu’s concepts of ‘doxa’ and ‘Ilusio’. The paper concludes by arguing learning in activism is a rich tradition of adult education and practice. However, Bourdieu’s writing on field and habitus makes an added contribution to interpreting the learning that occurs in the social space of a campaign or social movement.


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Making an informed decision on whether an individual is suited to undertake an educational course or industry training programme can be very frustrating. When dealing with young adults at different cognitive skill levels, it is important to be able to identify and distinguish between their knowledge/competency levels, mostly on the basis of the evidence gathered from test-items. The current absence of appropriate measurement tools to determine skill/competency/knowledge levels remains a practical issue. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the management of this important differentiation in cognitive skill performance. One of the dilemmas surrounding this type of competency evaluation is the time it takes to test an individual. Insisting for instance, that a novice undergoes a long and arduous test, including many difficult testing items, results in lowered self-esteem, reduced motivation for learning something new, may induce stress related disorders. Similarly, expecting a more competent individual to undergo numerous simple test-items can generate the same negative result. A Competency Management System (CMS) is presented to initiate effective human-computer interaction (HCI) for cognitive skills assessment. © 2009 Springer-Verlag US.


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OBJECTIVES: To explore undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of working in the aged care setting through a review of the literature. DESIGN: A review of available literature relating to undergraduate nursing students' attitudes, perceptions and experiences in the aged care setting, or in the care of older adults. DATA SOURCES: CINAHL Plus with Full Text was the primary database used. Other databases include PsycINFO and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. REVIEW METHODS: Studies focused on undergraduate nursing students and their experiences in the aged care setting and on the perceptions and attitudes of nursing students toward older adults, were included. Studies that did not present an original study or those that did not meet the aim of the study were excluded from the review. RESULTS: Following removal of duplicates and exclusion of articles not meeting the aim of this paper, 24 articles remained. Three main themes emerged from the review of the literature: perceptions of aged care placement, attitudes to working in aged care, and experiences in aged care. CONCLUSION: The experiences of nursing students employed as undergraduate AINs in the aged care setting can provide an immersive clinical learning experience in preparation for their new graduate (NG) year. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to challenge ageist attitudes and instil core nursing values in novice nurses such as promoting compassionate care.


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Model transformations are a crucial part of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies but are usually hard to specify and maintain for many engineers. Most current approaches use meta-model-driven transformation specification via textual scripting languages. These are often hard to specify, understand and maintain. We present a novel approach that instead allows domain experts to discover and specify transformation correspondences using concrete visualizations of example source and target models. From these example model correspondences, complex model transformation implementations are automatically generated. We also introduce a recommender system that helps domain experts and novice users find possible correspondences between large source and target model visualization elements. Correspondences are then specified by directly interacting with suggested recommendations or drag and drop of visual notational elements of source and target visualizations. We have implemented this approach in our prototype tool-set, CONVErT, and applied it to a variety of model transformation examples. Our evaluation of this approach includes a detailed user study of our tool and a quantitative analysis of the recommender system.


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Esta tese aborda o trabalho de cirurgiões de um hospital de Porto Alegre, RS, durante procedimentos eletivos de pequeno, médio e grande porte, visando o estudo das possíveis relações entre as demandas física e mental e a idade e a experiência do cirurgião. Inicialmente, foi feito um mapeamento de constrangimentos ergonômicos relacionados ao trabalho cirúrgico e, num segundo momento: i) o nível de demanda física imposta aos cirurgiões eletivos por meio de uma técnica de avaliação de posturas (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), da Freqüência Cardíaca (FC), da Pressão Arterial (PA) (sistólica e diastólica) e do nível de hormonal (Noradrenalina) e; ii) o nível de demanda mental envolvida no trabalho por meio do nível hormonal (cortisol, Adenocorticotrófico – ACTH e Adrenalina e, também, por meio da FC e PA). De maneira geral, ficou evidente que, independentemente do tipo de cirurgia, há a presença de carga física de pouca intensidade e de carga mental de média intensidade entre os cirurgiões. Os resultados apontaram, também, que os cirurgiões mais jovens (menos experientes) apresentam mais esforço mental do que físico, principalmente nas cirurgias de grande porte, e os mais experientes têm mais esforço físico nas cirurgias de pequeno porte e menos esforço mental, em comparação aos mais jovens (menos experientes), nas cirurgias de grande porte.