980 resultados para Migration Rates
Direct nitrogen (N) losses from pastures contribute to the poor nitrogen use efficiency of the dairy industry, though the exact fate of applied N and the processes involved are largely unknown. Nitrification inhibitors such as DMPP can potentially increase fertilizer N use efficiency (NUE), though few studies globally have examined the effectiveness of DMPP coated urea in pastures. This study quantified the NUE of DMPP combined with reduced application rates, and the effect on N dynamics and plant–soil interactions over an annual ryegrass/kikuyu rotation in Queensland, Australia. Labeled 15N urea and DMPP was applied over 7 winter applications at standard farmer (45 kg N ha−1) and half (23 kg N ha−1) rates. Fertilizer recoveries and NUE were calculated over 13 harvests, and the contribution of fertilizer and soil N estimated. Up to 85% of the annual N harvested was from soil organic matter. DMPP at the lower rate increased annual yields by 31% compared to the equivalent urea treatment with no difference to the high N rates. Almost 40% of the N added at the conventional fertilizer application rate as urea was lost to the environment; 80 kg N ha−1 higher than the low DMPP. Combining the nitrification inhibitor DMPP with reduced fertilizer application rates shows substantial potential to reduce N losses to the environment while sustaining productivity in subtropical dairy pastures.
Increased anthropogenic loading of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) has led to an eutrophication problem in the Baltic Sea, and the spring bloom is a key component in the biological uptake of increased nutrient concentrations. The spring bloom in the Baltic Sea is dominated by both diatoms and dinoflagellates. However, the sedimentation of these groups is different: diatoms tend to sink to the sea floor at the end of the bloom, while dinoflagellates to a large degree are been remineralized in the euphotic zone. Understanding phytoplankton competition and species specific ecological strategies is thus of importance for assessing indirect effects of phytoplankton community composition on eutrophication problems. The main objective of this thesis was to describe some basic physiological and ecological characteristics of the main cold-water diatoms and dinoflagellates in the Baltic Sea. This was achieved by specific studies of: (1) seasonal vertical positioning, (2) dinoflagellate life cycle, (3) mixotrophy, (4) primary production, respiration and growth and (5) diatom silicate uptake, using cultures of common cold-water diatoms: Chaetoceros wighamii, C. gracilis, Pauliella taeniata, Thalassiosira baltica, T. levanderi, Melosira arctica, Diatoma tenuis, Nitzschia frigida, and dinoflagellates: Peridiniella catenata, Woloszynskia halophila and Scrippsiella hangoei. The diatoms had higher primary production capacity and lower respiration rate compared with the dinoflagellates. This difference was reflected in the maximum growth rate, which for the examined diatoms range from 0.6 to 1.2 divisions d-1, compared with 0.2 to 0.3 divisions d-1 for the dinoflagellates. Among diatoms there were species specific differences in light utilization and uptake of silicate, and C. wighamii had the highest carbon assimilation capacity and maximum silicate uptake. The physiological properties of diatoms and dinoflagellates were used in a model of the onset of the spring bloom: for the diatoms the model could predict the initiation of the spring bloom; S. hangoei, on the other hand, could not compete successfully and did not obtain positive growth in the model. The other dinoflagellates did not have higher growth rates or carbon assimilation rates and would thus probably not perform better than S. hangoei in the model. The dinoflagellates do, however, have competitive advantages that were not included in the model: motility and mixotrophy. Previous investigations has revealed that the chain-forming P. catenata performs diurnal vertical migration (DVM), and the results presented here suggest that active positioning in the water column, in addition to DVM, is a key element in this species' life strategy. There was indication of mixotrophy in S. hangoei, as it produced and excreted the enzyme leucine aminopeptidase (LAP). Moreover, there was indirect evidence that W. halophila obtains carbon from other sources than photosynthesis when comparing increase in cell numbers with in situ carbon assimilation rates. The results indicate that mixotrophy is a part of the strategy of vernal dinoflagellates in the Baltic Sea. There were also indications that the seeding of the spring bloom is very important for the dinoflagellates to succeed. In mesocosm experiments dinoflagellates could not compete with diatoms when their initial numbers were low. In conclusion, this thesis has provided new information about the basic physiological and ecological properties of the main cold-water phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea. The main phytoplankton groups, diatoms and dinoflagellates, have different physiological properties, which clearly separate their life strategies. The information presented here could serve as further steps towards better prognostic models of the effects of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea.
A theoretical model is proposed to determine the effects of Si substitution with Al on the oxygen diffusion in apatite-type lanthanum silicates based on density-functional theory (DFT) calculations for La10(SiO 4)4(AlO4)2O2. Substitution changes the stable configuration for excess oxygen from the split interstitial to a new cluster form with the original cluster. Al doping completely changes the migration mechanism from the interstitialcy one, which was proposed for the La9.33(SiO4)6O2 starting material, to a mechanism which contains an interstitial process. Nevertheless, the migration barrier is calculated to be 0.81 eV, which indicates small changes in oxygen conduction and is consistent with the observations. The present study indicates that the cation substitution on silicon site alone does not promise the improvement of the oxide ion conduction in the lanthanum silicate.
Hematogenous metastases are rarely present at diagnosis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCC). Instead dissemination of these tumors is characteristically via direct extension of the primary tumor into nearby organs and the spread of exfoliated tumor cells throughout the peritoneum, initially via the peritoneal fluid, and later via ascites that accumulates as a result of disruption of the lymphatic system. The molecular mechanisms orchestrating these processes are uncertain. In particular, the signaling pathways used by malignant cells to survive the stresses of anchorage-free growth in peritoneal fluid and ascites, and to colonize remote sites, are poorly defined. We demonstrate that the transmembrane glycoprotein CUB-domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) has important and inhibitable roles in these processes. In vitro assays indicate that CDCP1 mediates formation and survival of OCC spheroids, as well as cell migration and chemoresistance. Disruption of CDCP1 via silencing and antibody-mediated inhibition markedly reduce the ability of TOV21G OCC cells to form intraperitoneal tumors and induce accumulation of ascites in mice. Mechanistically our data suggest that CDCP1 effects are mediated via a novel mechanism of protein kinase B (Akt) activation. Immunohistochemical analysis also suggested that CDCP1 is functionally important in OCC, with its expression elevated in 90% of 198 OCC tumors and increased CDCP1 expression correlating with poor patient disease-free and overall survival. This analysis also showed that CDCP1 is largely restricted to the surface of malignant cells where it is accessible to therapeutic antibodies. Importantly, antibody-mediated blockade of CDCP1 in vivo significantly increased the anti-tumor efficacy of carboplatin, the chemotherapy most commonly used to treat OCC. In summary, our data indicate that CDCP1 is important in the progression of OCC and that targeting pathways mediated by this protein may be useful for the management of OCC, potentially in combination with chemotherapies and agents targeting the Akt pathway.
Data mining involves nontrivial process of extracting knowledge or patterns from large databases. Genetic Algorithms are efficient and robust searching and optimization methods that are used in data mining. In this paper we propose a Self-Adaptive Migration Model GA (SAMGA), where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are adaptively fixed. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions and a set of actual classification datamining problems. Michigan style of classifier was used to build the classifier and the system was tested with machine learning databases of Pima Indian Diabetes database, Wisconsin Breast Cancer database and few others. The performance of our algorithm is better than others.
Lasten ylähengitystiekirurgia (kita-nielurisojen poisto ja tärykalvon putkitus) on länsimaissa erittäin yleistä. Leikkausten lukumäärät vaihtelevat niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisestikin, mutta selvää syytä näille eroille ei tiedetä. Hoitosuositusten merkitys käytäntöihin on kyseenalaistettu ja voi olla, ettei hoitosuosituksia noudateta. Leikkaukset saattavat aiheuttaa lapsipotilaille psykologisen vamman, ja lisäksi niihin sisältyy komplikaatioiden, jopa kuoleman, vaara. Jotta haittoja voidaan välttää, on tärkeää tunnistaa ne lapset, jotka hyötyvät leikkauksesta. Ongelma on paitsi lääketieteellinen, myös taloudellinen: ylähengitystiekirurgiasta aiheutuu merkittäviä kuluja. Leikkausmäärien arvioiminen on tärkeää, jotta leikkauskäytäntöjä voidaan järkeistää. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin ylähengitystieleikkausten määriä Suomessa ja Norjassa sekä näiden kahden maan välillä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta ei kummassakaan maassa ole tehty. Kitarisanpoiston, välikorvan putkituksen, tärykalvopiston, nielurisanpoiston ja kita- ja nielurisanpoiston leikkausmäärät saatiin kansallisista tietokannoista. Lukuja verrattiin ko. maan lasten lukumäärään, maantieteelliseen sijoittumiseen sekä lasten ikään ja sukupuoleen. Lisäksi leikkausmääriä arvioitiin suhteessa korva-, nenä- ja kurkkulääkäreiden sekä yleislääkäreiden määrään, maantieteelliseen sijoittumiseen ja lääkäreiden ikään ja sukupuoleen. Leikkausten määrissä havaittiin suurta vaihtelua niin Suomessa kuin Norjassa. Suomessa suurimmat erot leikkausmäärissä löydettiin läntisen ja itäisen miljoonapiirin välillä. Läntisessä piirissä tehtiin lähes kaksin kertaa enemmän leikkauksia kuin itäisessä piirissä. Norjassa suurimmat erot olivat pohjoisen ja itäisen piirin välillä. Pohjoisessa piirissä tehtiin kaksinkertainen määrä leikkauksia itäiseen piirrin verrattuna. Suomessa tehtiin tutkimuksen koko aikavälillä enemmän kitarisanpoistoja kuin Norjassa, mutta ko. leikkausten määrä oli maassamme selvästi laskussa. Vuonna 2002 Suomessa tehtiin 2,5 kertaa enemmän kitarisanpoistoja kuin Norjassa. (Kita)nielurisanpoistoja tehtiin kuitenkin Suomessa vähemmän kuin Norjassa. Näiden leikkausten määrät pysyivät tutkimuksen aikavälillä Suomessa samalla tasolla, kun Norjassa leikkausmäärät hieman nousivat. Suomalaisia lapsia leikattiin keskimäärin paljon nuorempina kuin norjalaisia lapsia. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty selitystä ylähengitystieleikkausten määrän suurelle vaihtelulle Suomessa ja Norjassa tai maiden välillä. Kuitenkin Suomessa tehtyjen kitarisanpoistojen huomattavan vähenemisen myötä maiden ylähengitystieleikkausten määrät lähenivät toisiaan.
Background There is a comprehensive literature on the academic outcomes (attrition and success) of students in traditional/baccalaureate nursing programs, but much less is known about the academic outcomes of students in accelerated nursing programs. The aim of this systematic review is to report on the attrition and success rates (either internal examination or NCLEX-RN) of accelerated students, compared to traditional students. Methods For the systematic review, the databases (Pubmed, Cinahl and PsychINFO) and Google Scholar were searched using the search terms ‘accelerated’ or ‘accreditation for prior learning’, ‘fast-track’ or ‘top up’ and ‘nursing’ with ‘attrition’ or ‘retention’ or ‘withdrawal’ or ‘success’ from 1994 to January 2016. All relevant articles were included, regardless of quality. Results The findings of 19 studies of attrition rates and/or success rates for accelerated students are reported. For international accelerated students, there were only three studies, which are heterogeneous, and have major limitations. One of three studies has lower attrition rates, and one has shown higher success rates, than traditional students. In contrast, another study has shown high attrition and low success for international accelerated students. For graduate accelerated students, most of the studies are high quality, and showed that they have rates similar or better than traditional students. Thus, five of six studies have shown similar or lower attrition rates. Four of these studies with graduate accelerated students and an additional seven studies of success rates only, have shown similar or better success rates, than traditional students. There are only three studies of non-university graduate accelerated students, and these had weaknesses, but were consistent in reporting higher attrition rates than traditional students. Conclusions The paucity and weakness of information available makes it unclear as to the attrition and/or success of international accelerated students in nursing programs. The good information available suggests that accelerated programs may be working reasonably well for the graduate students. However, the limited information available for non-university graduate students is weak, but consistent, in suggesting they may struggle in accelerated courses. Further studies are needed to determine the attrition and success rates of accelerated students, particularly for international and non-university graduate students.
Thoracic malignancies present a considerable global health burden with the incidence and mortality of both lung cancer and malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) increasing year on year. Survival rates are poor and treatment options are limited in these cancers. Several epigenetic modifications have been associated with the development of both of these diseases with alterations discriminating between MPM and adenocarcinoma (AC) of the lung. In addition, studies have suggested that epigenetic agents are effective in altering the cellular characteristics of lung and MPM cells in terms of proliferation and migration. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that epigenetic therapy can alter a pathologically relevant gene expression profile, with one that is more associated with comparative normal tissue. Therefore agents, which target the epi-genomes of lung cancer and MPM, may provide a substantial therapeutic improvement when used in combination with current therapy or indeed benefit when used as a single treatment modality.
In this paper, we propose a self Adaptive Migration Model for Genetic Algorithms, where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are fixed adaptively. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions, when compared with Island model GA(IGA) and Simple GA(SGA).
Purpose: Testis specific heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2), a member of HSP70 chaperone family, is essential for the growth of spermatocytes and cancer cells. We investigated the association of HSP70-2 expression with clinical behaviour and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder. Experimental design: We assessed the HSP70-2 expression by RT-PCR and HSP70-2 protein expression by immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in urothelial carcinoma patient specimens and HTB-1, UMUC-3, HTB-9, HTB-2 and normal human urothelial cell lines. Further, to investigate the role of HSP70-2 in bladder tumour development, HSP70-2 was silenced in the high-grade invasive HTB-1 and UMUC-3 cells. The malignant properties of urothelial carcinoma cells were examined using colony formation, migration assay, invasion assay in vitro and tumour growth in vivo. Results: Our RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that HSP70-2 was expressed in both moderate to well-differentiated and high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma cell lines studied and not in normal human urothelial cells. In consistence with these results, HSP70-2 expression was also observed in superficially invasive (70%) and muscle-invasive (90%) patient's tumours. Furthermore, HSP70-2 knockdown significantly suppressed cellular motility and invasion ability. An in vivo xenograft study showed that inhibition of HSP70-2 significantly suppressed tumour growth. Conclusions: In conclusion, our data suggest that the HSP70-2 expression is associated with early spread and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder cancer and that HSP70-2 can be the potential therapeutic target for bladder urothelial carcinoma. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pristine peatlands are carbon (C) accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water level (WL) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WL drawdown as a response to climate and/or land-use change directly affects decomposition: increased oxygenation stimulates decomposition of the old C (peat) sequestered under prior anoxic conditions. Responses of the new C (plant litter) in terms of quality, production and decomposability, and the consequences for the whole C cycle of peatlands are not fully understood. WL drawdown induces changes in plant community resulting in shift in dominance from Sphagnum and graminoids to shrubs and trees. There is increasing evidence that the indirect effects of WL drawdown via the changes in plant communities will have more impact on the ecosystem C cycling than any direct effects. The aim of this study is to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WL drawdown on the new C by measuring the relative importance of 1) environmental parameters (WL depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and 2) plant community composition on litter production, microbial activity, litter decomposition rates and, consequently, on the C accumulation. This information is crucial for modelling C cycle under changing climate and/or land-use. The effects of WL drawdown were tested in a large-scale experiment with manipulated WL at two time scales and three nutrient regimes. Furthermore, the effect of climate on litter decomposability was tested along a north-south gradient. Additionally, a novel method for estimating litter chemical quality and decomposability was explored by combining Near infrared spectroscopy with multivariate modelling. WL drawdown had direct effects on litter quality, microbial community composition and activity and litter decomposition rates. However, the direct effects of WL drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects via changes in litter type composition and production. Short-term (years) responses to WL drawdown were small. In long-term (decades), dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Further, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. The response of a peatland ecosystem to persistent WL drawdown was more pronounced at sites with more nutrients. The study demonstrates that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land-use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any models applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changes in the environment. The time scale for vegetation changes caused by hydrological changes needs to extend to decades. This study provides grouping of litter types (plant species and part) into functional types based on their chemical quality and/or decomposability that the models could utilize. Further, the results clearly show a drop in soil temperature as a response to WL drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.
In this paper, we propose a self Adaptive Migration Model for Genetic Algorithms, where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are fixed adaptively. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions, when compared with Island model GA(IGA) and Simple GA(SGA).