982 resultados para Lingual appliance


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A morfologia das papilas linguais da cabra doméstica (Capra hircus) foi estudada por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Microscopia de luz. Papilasfiiliformes, cônicas e lentiformes possuem função mecânica, enquanto que as papilas fungiformes e as valadas possuem função gustativa. As papilasfiiliformes estavam distribuídas por toda a extensão da língua, nas superfícies dorsal e lateral. Possuem um formato cônico com a extremidade pontiaguda direcionada caudalmente. Possuem vários processos secundários, de tamanhos diferentes, com a mesma orientação. A histologia revelou abundante tecido queratinizado. As papilas fungiformes foram observadas nas superfícies dorsal e lateral do ápice e do corpo da língua. Possuem formato semelhante a cogumelos, com epitélio corni[1]icado espesso e botões gustativos distribuídos na superfície. As papilas lentiformes se distribuíam na linha mediana da parte mais dorsal do toro, com projeções elevadas além da superfície da língua. Algumas apresentavam o formato de pirâmide e outras um formato mais achatado. As papilas valadas foram encontradas na superfície lateral da parte mais caudal do toro. Possuem formato arredondado, envolvido por um sulco pouco profundo. Possuem botões gustativos na parede lateral que se abrem no sulco. As papilas cônicas foram observadas no toro da língua e possuem formato alongado, com base larga e ponta romba. Embora as principais características morfológicas e estruturais do epitélio lingual sejam específicas da espécie, o tipo de alimentação e os hábitos alimentares podem influenciar na sua estrutura. Assim, o presente trabalho fornece uma descrição histológica e ultraestrutural da língua de cabras domésticas submetidas à alimentação baseada em gramíneas e ração.


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The teeth of Azara's agouti (Dasyprocta azarae) were described macroscopically in order to provide biological data on one of the largest wild rodents of the Americas. Radiography was taken on six heads and the teeth were described. Enamel surrounds the coronal dentin, projects to the roots and is present as parallel inner laminae in buccolingual direction. The dentin is located among the enamel laminae and surrounds the pulp horns. The cementum is located internally to the enamel laminae. On the lingual surface, the cementum and dentin are the outer elements.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää millainen kaksion sähkönkulutuskäyrä on ja mistä kuormista se koostuu. Tarkoituksena oli myös tutkia miten kuormansiirrot vaikuttavat sähkönkulutuskäyrään ja onko kuormansiirroissa säästöpotentiaalia ajatellen asiakkaan sähkökustannuksia. Säästöpotentiaalia laskettaessa oletettiin, että asiakkaalla on sähkösopimus, jonka hinta seuraa sähköpörssin (Nord Pool) spot-hintoja. Tutkimustuloksista nähdään, että asunnon pohjakuorma aiheutuu kylmälaitteista ja suuret sähkön kulutuspiikit aiheutuvat liedestä, astianpesukoneesta ja pyykinpesukoneesta. Kuormansiirtojen vaikutus normaaliin sähkönkulutus käyrään on se, että suurten kuormien aiheuttamat kulutuspiikit siirtyivät myöhemmäksi iltaan. Laskelmissa selvisi, että kuormansiirto ei tuo asiakkaalle merkittäviä säästöjä, koska säästöjen saanti edellyttäisi pidempiä mittausjaksoja sekä päivittäisiä suuria hinnanvaihteluita sähkön spot-hinnoissa. Tutkittiin myös millaisia kylmälaitteiden kulutuskäyrät ovat ja miten pysäytykset ja uudelleenkäynnistyksen vaikuttavat niihin.


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O tipo de alimentação depende do ambiente em que o animal se encontra, sendo este um fator responsável pela alteração da morfologia, como a estratificação e o nível de queratinização da língua, e a funcionalidade da mesma. Dentre as estruturas morfológicas funcionais da língua, as papilas vêm merecendo destaque devido a sua estreita relação com a dieta. Foram utilizadas duas espécies de cervídeos: cinco Mazama gouazoubira e duas Mazama americana, dividindo-se a língua em três partes: ápice, corpo e raiz. Analisou comparativamente a língua de duas espécies por meio de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. As papilas filiforme, fungiforme e valada apresentaram na língua das duas espécies estudadas, e com a mesma distribuição, mudando apenas a quantidade e formato de papilas filiformes no ápice lingual e a quantidade e disposição das papilas valadas na raiz da língua, fator este que pode ser ligado à dieta dos animais. . Além disto, sua distribuição é semelhante à de outras espécies de herbívoros.


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Työ käsittelee tekniikoita, joilla voidaan hyödyntää matalalämpötilaisia hukkalämpöjä kaukolämmöntuotannossa. Työ esittelee lämpöpumpputekniikkaa, jolla hukkalämmön lähteestä tulevaa lämpöä voidaan lämpötilaltaan nostaa kaukolämpöverkon tarpeita vastaavaksi. Työssä käsitellään lämpöpumppujen kylmäaineita ja niiden soveltuvuutta eri lämpötila-alueisiin. Lisäksi käsitellään hyödyntämisen taloudellisuutta ja ympäristövaikutuksia. Taloudellisuudessa käsitellään investointi- ja käyttökustannukset ja pohditaan niiden pohjalta tuotteiden kaukolämpö- ja kaukokylmähinnoittelua asiakkaille. Työ myös tarkastelee hankkeen kokonaiskannattavuutta Mäntsälän Sähkölle. Kannattavuuslaskelmissa toteutetaan herkkyystarkastelu suurimpien muuttujien osalta. Työ tarkastelee yhdistetyn kylmän- ja lämmöntuotannon soveltuvuutta Mäntsälän keskustan kaukolämpöverkon ja Kapulin kaukolämpöverkon alueelle. Soveltuvuutta tarkastellaan Suomessa ja maailmalla toteutettujen referenssien pohjalta.


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Para a análise e descrição comparativa da morfologia da língua e de suas papilas, bem como a distribuição destas, foram utilizados três animais de faixas etárias distintas (filhote, jovem, adulto), de duas espécies de primatas, Callithrix penicillata (sagui-de-tufo-preto) e Alouatta caraya (bugio-preto), ambas sendo observadas através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os animais da espécie Callithrix penicillata eram procedentes de um criadouro comercial de animais selvagens em Atibaia/SP e vieram a óbito por causas naturais, e os da espécie Alouatta caraya eram provenientes do acervo do Laboratório de Anatomia Macroscópica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ-USP). Com o material analisado e a técnica empregada pôde-se constatar que as línguas dos saguis-de-tufo-preto e dos bugios-pretos analisadas apresentavam papilas linguais similares às descritas para outras espécies de primatas. As línguas possuíam diferenças morfológicas, principalmente para alguns tipos de papilas linguais, em detrimento do avançar da idade dos animais. De forma geral, foram observados quatro tipos de papilas linguais, sendo estas: filiforme, fungiforme, valada e folhada. As línguas dos bugio-pretos apresentavam características de animais com dietas herbívoras. Possuindo desta forma papilas filiformes com formatos variados (coroa, lança, multifilamentar), de acordo com as regiões da língua, e também robustas papilas, principalmente na proeminência lingual. Já as línguas dos saguis-de-tufo-preto possuíam características de animais onívoros. Com papilas filiformes em formato de coroa, grandes quantidades de papilas fungiformes e desenvolvidas papilas folhadas. Observou-se que as modificações das papilas linguais que ocorrem nos animais após o nascimento apresentaram correlação com a mudança nos tipos de alimentos consumidos. Sendo presumível então concluir que as dietas possuem relação direta para com as alterações morfológicas e estruturais das papilas linguais nos animais ora aqui analisados.


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Min avhandling är en diakronisk och kontrastiv undersökning av texttyper. Forskningsmaterialet består av kontaktannonser i tidningarna Süddeutsche Zeitung och Helsingin Sanomat under tiden 1900 – 1999. Materialet består av 652 tyska och 538 finska annonser. De undersökta annonserna har publicerats i maj och har samlats från ovannämnda tidningar vart tionde år. Materialet har analyserats med ett statistiskt SPSS-program. I avhandlingen analyseras utvecklingen av ovannämnda texttyp under hundra år i två olika kulturer, den tyska och den finska. Syftet med avhandlingen är att med hjälp av detta material finna språkliga och kulturella likheter och skillnader i kontaktannonser. Utgångspunkten är att språkliga uttryck avspeglar sin tids samhälleliga värderingar, vilka således också påverkar sökandet efter en livskamrat. Analysresultaten granskas sålunda i ett större samhälleligt sammanhang under olika decennier. Annonstexterna undersöks dock inte utgående från enskilda samhälleliga skeenden. Avhandlingen analyserar 13 olika informationsenheter i kontaktannonserna, huruvida dessa enheter förekommer under hela den aktuella perioden och om samma informationsenheter förekommer i annonser i de båda kulturerna. Avhandlingen är sålunda intra- och interlingual samt interkulturell. Genom denna metod får man fram de kännetecken som är betecknande för denna texttyp under en viss tid i de bägge kulturerna. Avhandlingen är indelad i tre delar. Den första delen ger bakgrundsinformation om äktenskapets och familjebegreppets historia samt om uppkomsten av den tyska och finska pressen. Den andra teoretiska delen behandlar text- och texttyplingvistik samt nuvarande forskning inom dessa områden. Den tredje och mest omfattade delen består av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys, som omfattar 11 olika forskningsdelar. Undersökningen visar att man i texttypen kontaktannonser kan upptäcka skillnader t ex redan däri att en tysk annons skiljer sig från en finsk vad längd och informationsmängd beträffar. En finsk annons förlitar sig i sin språkliga knapphet på att läsaren förstår kontexten i texttypen. Av avhandlingen framgår också att vid analys av texttyper bör deras historiska och kulturella kontext beaktas, eftersom analysen påvisar att texttyperna är historie- och kulturbundna.


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Fatal Human herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1) was diagnosed in 12 captive marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix penicillata) from metropolitan region of São Paulo, São Paulo State. Clinical signs were variable among the cases, but most affected marmosets presented signs associated with viral epithelial replication: oral, lingual and facial skin ulcers and hypersalivation, and viral replication in the central nervous system: prostration, seizure and aggressive behavior. Consistent microscopic findings were diffuse mild to severe nonsuppurative necrotizing meningoencephalitis with gliosis, vasculitis and neuronal necrosis. Additionally, in the brain, oral cavity, skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus intranuclear inclusion bodies were present. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of the HHV-1 antigen in association with lesions in the brain, oral and lingual mucosa, facial skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus. HHV-1-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the brain was carried out and the virus was detected in 7/8 infected marmosets. It is concluded that HHV-1 causes widespread fatal infection in marmosets.


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Resumo:A Estomatite Vesicular (EV) é uma doença infecciosa que acomete equinos, bovinos, suínos, mamíferos silvestres e humanos. Por apresentar sinais clínicos semelhantes a outras doenças vesiculares, principalmente, febre aftosa, sua presença em determinadas regiões pode interferir no intercâmbio comercial internacional dos animais, seus produtos e subprodutos. Apesar de sua importância, a epidemiologia e a manutenção do vírus no ambiente não estão totalmente esclarecidas dificultando a aplicação de medidas de controle efetivas. A doença já foi diagnosticada em todas as regiões brasileiras. Bovinos com sialorréia, perda do epitélio lingual, lesões abertas com bordas amareladas nas gengivas, lábios, língua e mucosa oral e equinos com sialorréia e lesões abertas na mucosa oral e lábios foram observados e notificados ao Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Estado do Maranhão, Agência Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária do Maranhão (AGRD/MA). Amostras de soro de equinos e bovinos com sintomas de EV foram coletadas para investigação por ELISA e por neutralização viral, além do diagnóstico diferencial para Febre Aftosa (FA). Fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos com lesões na língua foram coletados para identificação molecular do agente. Todos os animais foram negativos para FA. Todos os bovinos e equinos foram reativos para EV nos testes sorológicos. A partir dos fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos enviados ao Instituto Biológico de São Paulo para PCR, foi possível caracterizar o agente como VesiculovirusIndiana III (Alagoas/VSAV).


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Maritime safety is an issue that has gained a lot of attention in the Baltic Sea area due to the dense maritime traffic and transportation of oil in the area. Lots of effort has been paid to enhance maritime safety in the area. The risk exists that excessive legislation and other requirements mean more costs for limited benefit. In order to utilize both public and private resources efficiently, awareness is required of what kind of costs maritime safety policy instruments cause and whether the costs are in relation to benefits. The aim of this report is to present an overview of the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy instruments focusing on the cost aspect: what kind of costs maritime safety policy causes, to whom, what affects the cost-effectiveness and how cost-effectiveness is studied. The study is based on a literature review and on the interviews of Finnish maritime experts. The results of this study imply that cost-effectiveness is a complicated issue to evaluate. There are no uniform practices for which costs and benefits should be included in the evaluation and how they should be valued. One of the challenges is how to measure costs and benefits during the course of a longer time period. Often a lack of data erodes the reliability of evaluation. In the prevention of maritime accidents, costs typically include investments in ship structures or equipment, as well as maintenance and labor costs. Also large investments may be justifiable if they respectively provide significant improvements to maritime safety. Measures are cost-effective only if they are implemented properly. Costeffectiveness is decreased if a measure causes overlapping or repetitious work. Costeffectiveness is also decreased if the technology isn’t user-friendly or if it is soon replaced with a new technology or another new appliance. In future studies on the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy, it is important to acknowledge the dependency between different policy instruments and the uncertainty of the factors affecting cost-effectiveness. The costs of a single measure are rarely relatively significant and the effect of each measure on safety tends to be positive. The challenge is to rank the measures and to find the most effective combination of different policy instruments. The greatest potential offered for the analysis of cost-effectiveness of individual measures is their implementation in clearly defined risk situations, in which different measures are truly alternative to each other. Overall, maritime safety measures do not seem to be considered burdening for the shipping industry in Finland at the moment. Generally actors in the Finnish shipping industry seem to find maintaining a high safety level important and act accordingly.


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The purpose of this work is to obtain a better understanding of behaviour of possible ultrasound appliance on fluid media mixing. The research is done in the regard to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The process of ultrasound appliance on liquids is modelled in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The influence of ultrasound using is introduced as waveform equation. Turbulence modelling is fulfilled by the k-ε model in Newtonian fluid. The modeling of ultrasound assisted mixing in non-Newtonian fluids is based on the power law. To verify modelling results two practical methods are used: Particle Image Velocimetry and measurements of mixing time. Particle Image Velocimetry allows capturing of velocity flow field continuously and presents detailed depiction of liquid dynamics. The second way of verification is the comparison of mixing time of homogeneity. Experimentally achievement of mixing time is done by conductivity measurements. In modelling part mixing time is achieved by special module of COMSOL Multiphysics – the transport of diluted species. Both practical and modelling parts show similar radial mechanism of fluid flow under ultrasound appliance – from the horn tip fluid moves to the bottom and along the walls goes back. Velocity profiles are similar in modelling and experimental part in the case of Newtonian fluid. In the case of non-Newtonian fluid velocity profiles do not agree. The development track of ultrasound-assisted mixing modelling is presented in the thesis.


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Presentation of Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen, held at the Emtacl15 conference on the 20th of April 2015 in Trondheim, Norway.


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The National Library of Finland is implementing the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages in 2012–16. Within the project we will digitize materials in the Uralic languages as well as develop tools to support linguistic research and citizen science. Through this project, researchers will gain access to new corpora 329 and to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. Our objective is to make sure that the new corpora are made available for the open and interactive use of both the academic community and the language societies as a whole. The project seeks to digitize and publish approximately 1200 monograph titles and more than 100 newspapers titles in various Uralic languages. The digitization will be completed by the early of 2015, when the Fenno-Ugrica collection would contain around 200 000 pages of editable text. The researchers cannot spend so much time with the material that they could retrieve a satisfactory amount of edited words, so the participation of a crowd in editing work is needed. Often the targets in crowdsourcing have been split into several microtasks that do not require any special skills from the anonymous people, a faceless crowd. This way of crowdsourcing may produce quantitative results, but from the research’s point of view, there is a danger that the needs of linguistic research are not necessarily met. Also, the number of pages is too high to deal with. The remarkable downside is the lack of shared goal or social affinity. There is no reward in traditional methods of crowdsourcing. Nichesourcing is a specific type of crowdsourcing where tasks are distributed amongst a small crowd of citizen scientists (communities). Although communities provide smaller pools to draw resources, their specific richness in skill is suited for the complex tasks with high-quality product expectations found in nichesourcing. Communities have purpose, identity and their regular interactions engenders social trust and reputation. These communities can correspond to research more precisely. Instead of repetitive and rather trivial tasks, we are trying to utilize the knowledge and skills of citizen scientists to provide qualitative results. Some selection must be made, since we are not aiming to correct all 200,000 pages which we have digitized, but give such assignments to citizen scientists that would precisely fill the gaps in linguistic research. A typical task would editing and collecting the words in such fields of vocabularies, where the researchers do require more information. For instance, there’s a lack of Hill Mari words in anatomy. We have digitized the books in medicine and we could try to track the words related to human organs by assigning the citizen scientists to edit and collect words with OCR editor. From the nichesourcing’s perspective, it is essential that the altruism plays a central role, when the language communities involve. Upon the nichesourcing, our goal is to reach a certain level of interplay, where the language communities would benefit on the results. For instance, the corrected words in Ingrian will be added onto the online dictionary, which is made freely available for the public and the society can benefit too. This objective of interplay can be understood as an aspiration to support the endangered languages and the maintenance of lingual diversity, but also as a servant of “two masters”, the research and the society.


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Orosensory perception strongly influences liking and consumption of foods and beverages. This thesis examines the influence of biological sources of individual variation on the perception of prototypical orosensory stimuli, food liking, self-reported alcohol liking and consumption, and indices of health. Two orosensory indices were examined: propylthiouracil (PROP) responsiveness, a genetically-mediated index of individual variation associated with enhanced responsiveness to orosensory stimuli often expressed as PROP taster status (PTS); and thermal taster status (TTS), a recently reported index of orosensory responsiveness. Taster status in PTS and/or TTS confers greater responsiveness to most orosensory stimuli. Gender, age, ethnicity, and fungiform papillae (FP) density were not associated with orosensory responsiveness to tastants, an astringent, and a flavour. Unlike PROP responsiveness, FP density was not associated with TTS. Both PROP responsiveness and TTS were associated with increased responsiveness to orosensory stimuli, including temperature and astringency. For PROP, this association did not hold when stimuli were presented at cold or warm temperatures, which are ecologically valid since most foods and beverages are not consumed at ambient temperature. Thermal tasters (TTs), who perceive 'phantom' taste sensations with lingual thermal stimulation, were more responsive to stimuli at both temperatures than thermal non-tasters (TnTs). While PTS, TIS, and gender affected self-reported liking and consumption of some alcoholic beverages, gender associated with the greatest number of beverage types and consumption parameters, with males generally liking and consuming alcoholic beverages more than females. Age and gender were the best predictors of alcoholic beverageAiking and consumption. As expected, .. liking of bitter and fatty foods and cream was inversely related to PROP responsiveness. TTS did not associate with body mass index or waist circumference, and contrary to previous studies, neither did PROP responsiveness. Taken together, TnTs' greater liking of cooked fruits and vegetables and high alcohol, and astringent alcoholic beverages than TTs suggests differences between TTS groups may be driven by perceived temperature and texture. Neither an interaction between PTS and TTS nor a TTS effect on PROP responsiveness was observed, suggesting these two indices of individual variation exert their influences on orosensory perception independently.


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Le traitement de première ligne de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil est l’appareil à pression positive, soit le CPAP, qui est le plus souvent utilisé avec un masque nasal. Certains patients, incapables de tolérer le masque nasal, doivent se tourner vers le masque facial, qui peut parfois requérir une pression supérieure à celle utilisée avec le masque nasal pour éliminer tous les événements respiratoires. Nous supposons que l’ajustement serré du masque facial, dans le but de réduire les fuites, entraîne une pression de recul sur la mandibule; ceci diminuerait le calibre des voies aériennes supérieures, nécessitant donc une pression effective thérapeutique supérieure pour rétablir un passage de l’air. Nos objectifs étaient : 1) de démontrer s’il y avait une différence de pression effective entre le masque nasal et le masque facial, 2) de quantifier la fuite entre les deux masques, 3) d’évaluer l’effet d’une orthèse de rétention mandibulaire neutre (OMN), qui empêche le recul mandibulaire, sur la pression effective des deux masques et 4) d’évaluer s’il existait un lien entre la céphalométrie et les réponses variables des individus. Méthodologie : Lors de cette étude expérimentale croisée, huit sujets (2 femmes, 6 hommes) avec une moyenne d’âge de 56,3ans [33ans-65ans] ont reçu un examen orthodontique complet incluant une radiographie céphalométrique latérale. Ils ont ensuite passé deux nuits de polysomnographie au laboratoire du sommeil en protocole « split-night » où les deux masques ont été portés, seuls, la première nuit, et avec l’OMN, la deuxième nuit. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé que la pression effective thérapeutique était supérieure avec le masque facial comparativement au masque nasal de manière statistiquement significative. Nous avons observé une fuite supérieure avec le masque nasal, ce qui permet de dire que la fuite n’explique probablement pas cette différence de pression entre les deux masques. L’OMN n’a pas donné d’effet statistiquement significatif lorsque combinée au masque nasal, mais il aurait probablement été possible de trouver un effet positif avec le masque facial si le Bi-PAP avait été inclus dans le protocole de recherche. Conclusion : Nos résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer le rôle du recul mandibulaire, causé par la force exercée avec le masque facial, dans l’obtention de pressions supérieures avec ce masque, mais nous ne pouvons toutefois pas éliminer l’hypothèse. Les résultats suggèrent également que ce phénomène est peut-être plus fréquent qu’on ne le croit et qu’il pourrait y avoir un lien avec certains facteurs anatomiques individuels.