854 resultados para Learning of languages
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L’article està organitzat en dues parts. A la primera, s’aborden algunes qüestions generals relacionades amb la integració i l’aprenentatge de llengües. A la segona, es discuteix la manera de fer possible l’aprenentatge de les llengües de l’escola a aquesta part de la infància, amb un èmfasi especial en el tractament de la seva pròpia llengua
In This work we present a Web-based tool developed with the aim of reinforcing teaching and learning of introductory programming courses. This tool provides support for teaching and learning. From the teacher's perspective the system introduces important gains with respect to the classical teaching methodology. It reinforces lecture and laboratory sessions, makes it possible to give personalized attention to the student, assesses the degree of participation of the students and most importantly, performs a continuous assessment of the student's progress. From the student's perspective it provides a learning framework, consisting in a help environment and a correction environment, which facilitates their personal work. With this tool students are more motivated to do programming
La tesi presenta els resultats de coneixement de català i castellà de 515 alumnes estrangers escolaritzats a Catalunya al finalitzar sisè de primària durant el curs 2006/07. En concret, analitza la incidència d'algunes variables en el seu coneixement lingüístic (el temps d'estada, la llengua inicial, l'escolaritat prèvia, el nivell educatiu familiar, el context sociolingüístic del centre, la concentració d'alumnat estranger per aula, els usos de les diferents llengües a l'entorn social, escolar i familiar, entre altres) i també estudia les relacions d'interdependència lingüística (Cummins, 1979) que es produeixen entre les llengües que aquest alumnat aprèn des de l'escola. Les proves utilitzades avaluen diferents habilitats relacionades amb el coneixement de llengua oral i escrita de català i castellà. El tractament que es fa de les dades és estadístic. Les conclusions apunten alguns dels elements que cal considerar pel tractament educatiu i lingüístic de la infància i l'adolescència estrangera escolaritzada a Catalunya.
At the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we carry out module-based programmes to educate and qualify different target audiences working in the filed of cultural heritage. Our development and realization of educational programmes and training courses directed at practical applicability, including life-long learning of adults, topic complementarity with related professional and scientific fields, connection with universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate studies of heritages, promotion of theoretical museological discourses raising awareness of the meaning of cultural heritage, firm placement in an international network of related institutions and promotion of international relations with special emphasis on neighbouring countries. We encourage project partnership and cooperate with different domestic and foreign associates in forming and carrying out programmes.
“Aprender inglês como segunda língua – A importância do Domínio de outras línguas num mundo globalizado” é um trabalho de investigação que visa abordar a importância da aprendizagem da língua inglesa na perspetiva dos alunos no final do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e tendo em conta o mundo globalizado em que vivemos. A metodologia a aplicar é do tipo descritivo. Os sujeitos são 101 alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade do Ensino Básico, pertencentes ao Colégio Vasco da Gama, perfazendo cinco turmas. Para ter acesso às opiniões dos alunos, recorremos à elaboração de questionários estruturados de acordo com os objetivos da investigação. Os questionários foram aplicados em aula com a devida autorização da Direção do Colégio. Procuramos apurar se, de acordo com a legislação europeia que valoriza a aprendizagem de várias línguas como forma de aproximar os vários países da comunidade, nomeadamente de uma língua franca que possa ser o meio de comunicação preferencial no mundo político, económico, social e cultural, os alunos valorizam a aquisição da língua estrangeira e em caso afirmativo, quais as funções e com que objetivos pretendem os alunos atingir a fluência na língua inglesa. No que diz respeito aos resultados obtidos, podemos afirmar que os alunos valorizam o domínio de outras línguas num mundo globalizado, em especial o domínio da língua inglesa visto ser considerada a língua franca internacional que permite a comunicação entre povos de diferentes línguas maternas. Também o enriquecimento cultural e o desenvolvimento da criatividade são fatores apontados pelos alunos como importantes consequências da aquisição de outras línguas.
Two experiments examined the learning of a set of Greek pronunciation rules through explicit and implicit modes of rule presentation. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of implicit and explicit modes of presentation in two modalities, visual and auditory. Subjects in the explicit or rule group were presented with the rule set, and those in the implicit or natural group were shown a set of Greek words, composed of letters from the rule set, linked to their pronunciations. Subjects learned the Greek words to criterion and were then given a series of tests which aimed to tap different types of knowledge. The results showed an advantage of explicit study of the rules. In addition, an interaction was found between mode of presentation and modality. Explicit instruction was more effective in the visual than in the auditory modality, whereas there was no modality effect for implicit instruction. Experiment 2 examined a possible reason for the advantage of the rule groups by comparing different combinations of explicit and implicit presentation in the study and learning phases. The results suggested that explicit presentation of the rules is only beneficial when it is followed by practice at applying them.
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) would appear to be particular effective in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) for active learning. Most research studies looking at computer-supported collaborative design have focused on either synchronous or asynchronous modes of communication, but near-synchronous working has received relatively little attention. Yet it could be argued that near-synchronous communication encourages creative, rhetorical and critical exchanges of ideas, building on each other’s contributions. Furthermore, although many researchers have carried out studies on collaborative design protocol, argumentation and constructive interaction, little is known about the interaction between drawing and dialogue in near-synchronous collaborative design. The paper reports the first stage of an investigation into the requirements for the design and development of interactive systems to support the learning of collaborative design activities. The aim of the study is to understand the collaborative design processes while sketching in a shared white board and audio conferencing media. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of seven sessions with groups of design students solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a virtual learning environment, Lyceum, an in-house software developed by the Open University to support its students in collaborative learning.
Education and ethnicity cannot be discussed without taking language into account. This paper will argue that any discussion of ethnic minorities cannot ignore the question of language, nor can any discussion of human rights ignore the question of language rights. Unfortunately, in today's globalised world, governments and minorities are faced with conflicting pressures: on the one hand, for the development and use of education in a global/international language; on the other for the use and development of mother tongue, local or indigenous languages in education. Language complexity and ethnic plurality were largely brought about as a result of the creation of nation-states, which were spread around the world as a result of European colonialism. European languages and formal education systems were used as a means of political and economic control. The legacy that was left by the colonial powers has complicated ethnic relations and has frequently led to conflict. While there is now greater recognition of the importance of language both for economic and educational development, as well as for human rights, the forces of globalisation are leading towards uniformity in the languages used, in culture and even in education. They are working against the development of language rights for smaller groups. We are witnessing a sharp decline in the number of languages spoken. Only those languages which are numerically, economically and politically strong are likely to survive. As a result many linguistic and ethnic groups are in danger of being further marginalised. This paper will illustrate this thesis both historically and from several contemporary societies, showing how certain policies have exacerbated ethnic conflict while others are seeking to promote harmony and reconciliation. Why this should be so will be explored. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have been successfully applied to different modelling and classification problems from different areas over the recent years. An important step in using HMMs is the initialisation of the parameters of the model as the subsequent learning of HMM’s parameters will be dependent on these values. This initialisation should take into account the knowledge about the addressed problem and also optimisation techniques to estimate the best initial parameters given a cost function, and consequently, to estimate the best log-likelihood. This paper proposes the initialisation of Hidden Markov Models parameters using the optimisation algorithm Differential Evolution with the aim to obtain the best log-likelihood.
Although linguistic diversity has always been a defining feature of the British Isles, it has assumed new proportions in recent years, a period during which the transnational flow of people has been accompanied by a corresponding flow of languages. This paper charts the changing nature of diversity and the adaptations to which it has given rise on the part of both the host community and speakers of minority languages.
There are approximately 7000 languages spoken in the world today. This diversity reflects the legacy of thousands of years of cultural evolution. How far back we can trace this history depends largely on the rate at which the different components of language evolve. Rates of lexical evolution are widely thought to impose an upper limit of 6000-10,000 years on reliably identifying language relationships. In contrast, it has been argued that certain structural elements of language are much more stable. Just as biologists use highly conserved genes to uncover the deepest branches in the tree of life, highly stable linguistic features hold the promise of identifying deep relationships between the world's languages. Here, we present the first global network of languages based on this typological information. We evaluate the relative evolutionary rates of both typological and lexical features in the Austronesian and Indo-European language families. The first indications are that typological features evolve at similar rates to basic vocabulary but their evolution is substantially less tree-like. Our results suggest that, while rates of vocabulary change are correlated between the two language families, the rates of evolution of typological features and structural subtypes show no consistent relationship across families.
This article presents a reinterpretation of James Harrington's writings. It takes issue with J. G. A. Pocock's reading, which treats him as importing into England a Machiavellian ‘language of political thought’. This reading is the basis of Pocock's stress on the republicanism of eighteenth-century opposition values. Harrington's writings were in fact a most implausible channel for such ideas. His outlook owed much to Stoicism. Unlike the Florentine, he admired the contemplative life; was sympathetic to commerce; and was relaxed about the threat of ‘corruption’ (a concept that he did not understand). These views can be associated with his apparent aims: the preservation of a national church with a salaried but politically impotent clergy; and the restoration of the royalist gentry to a leading role in English politics. Pocock's hypothesis is shown to be conditioned by his method; its weaknesses reflect some difficulties inherent in the notion of ‘languages of thought’.
Recent research shows that speakers of languages with obligatory plural marking (English) preferentially categorize objects based on common shape, whereas speakers of nonplural-marking classifier languages (Yucatec and Japanese) preferentially categorize objects based on common material. The current study extends that investigation to the domain of bilingualism. Japanese and English monolinguals, and Japanese–English bilinguals were asked to match novel objects based on either common shape or color. Results showed that English monolinguals selected shape significantly more than Japanese monolinguals, whereas the bilinguals shifted their cognitive preferences as a function of their second language proficiency. The implications of these findings for conceptual representation and cognitive processing in bilinguals are discussed.