815 resultados para International market research.
Fiji exports approximately 800 t year-1 of 'Solo Sunrise' papaya marketed as 'Fiji Red' to international markets which include New Zealand, Australia and Japan. The wet weather conditions from November to April each year result in a significant increase in fungal diseases present in Fiji papaya orchards. The two major pathogens that are causing significant post-harvest losses are: stem end rot (Phytophthora palmivora) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.). The high incidence of post-harvest rots has led to increased rejection rates all along the supply chain, causing a reduction in income to farmers, exporters, importers and retailers of Fiji papaya. It has also undermined the superior quality reputation on the market. In response to this issue, the Fiji Papaya industry led by Nature's Way Cooperative, embarked on series of trials supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) to determine the most effective and economical post-harvest control in Fiji papaya. Of all the treatments that were examined, a hot water dip treatment was selected by the industry as the most appropriate technology given the level of control that it provide, the cost effectiveness of the treatment and the fact that it was non-chemical. A commercial hot water unit that fits with the existing quarantine treatment and packing facilities has been designed and a cost benefit analysis for the investment carried out. This paper explores the research findings as well as the industry process that has led to the commercial uptake of this important technology.
Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major horticultural insect pest in Australia which significantly limits domestic and international market access for Australian horticultural produce. Citrus is one of the industries seriously affected by the fruit fly problem in Australia. This research investigated the effect of citrus peel essential oil chemicals on B. tryoni larval survival in five different commercially important Citrus species and cultivars as a way of better understanding fruit susceptibility. The fruits used were Murcott Mandarin, Navel orange, Eureka lemon, Valencia orange and yellow grapefruit. The essential oils of each citrus type were extracted using hydrodistillation and then mixed, at different concentrations, with artificial larval diets to which B. tryoni eggs were added. Surviving larvae were counted after five trial days. The same process was repeated for six essential oil components. Regression analysis of increasing oil concentration against larval survival showed that the crude oil blends of Navel orange, Eureka lemon and yellow grapefruit had significant negative effects on B. tryoni larval survival, but no such effects were seen for Murcott Mandarin and Valencia orange. Of the individual essential oil fractions, only D-limonene had a significant effect on B. tryoni larval survival, with this chemical being highly toxic at very low concentrations. The results of this study open up opportunities for incorporating B. tryoni resistance mechanisms into citrus through minor peel property changes which would not impact on the eating attributes of the fruit.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios
A major challenge for international agricultural research is to find ways to improve the nutrition and incomes of people left behind by the Green Revolution. To better address the needs of the most marginal and vulnerable people, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the research-in-development (RinD) approach. In 2012, WorldFish started to implement RinD in Solomon Islands. By building people’s capacity to analyze and address development problems, actively engaging relevant stakeholders, and linking research to these processes, RinD aims to develop an alternative approach to addressing hunger and poverty. This report describes the key principles and implementation process, and assesses the emergent outcomes of this participatory, systems-oriented and transformative research approach in Solomon Islands.
Este artículo plantea una reflexión en torno a la aplicación de las teorías y métodos de la antropología en algunos aspectos prácticos de la administración que interesan a los negocios internacionales, tales como como la cultura organizacional, la investigación de mercados y la dimensión intercultural que caracteriza a esta actividad en el ámbito global. Se exploran algunas fuentes bibliográficas y aportes de investigadores representativos que ilustran sobre el desarrollo profesional y académico y los debates que se generan en el interior de esta sub-especialidad de la antropología en la Contemporaneidad. Se concluye que instrumentalizar el conocimiento científico sobre el comportamiento cultural al servicio del poder corporativo plantea problemas de orden ético.
Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes
The interest to small and media size enterprises’ (SMEs) internationalization process is increasing with a growth of SMEs’ contribution to GDP. Internet gives an opportunity to provide variety of services online and reach market niche worldwide. The overlapping of SMEs’ internationalization and online services is the main issue of the research. The most SMEs internationalize according to intuitive decisions of CEO of the company and lose limited resources to worthless attempts. The purpose of this research is to define effective approaches to online service internationalization and selection of the first international market. The research represents single holistic case study of local massive open online courses (MOOCs) platform going global. It considers internationalization costs and internationalization theories applicable to online services. The research includes preliminary screening of the markets and in-depth analysis based on macro parameters of the market and specific characteristics of the customers and expert evaluation of the results. The specific issues as GILT (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization and Translation) approach and Internet-enabled internationalization are considered. The research results include recommendations on international market selection methodology for online services and for effective internationalization strategy development.
The present inquiry has as main objective to understand the process of formation of the international strategies of the exporting companies of fruits of the RN through the theory of the resource dependence. Aiming at to clarify as the companies they can carry through the process of internationalization through this theory had been study the behavior and economic theories of the process of internationalization of companies. Amongst the economic theories they are distinguished the eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1958), Vernon (1669) through the theory of the cycle of the product and Bucley and Casson (1979) with the theory of the international operations. In the mannering boarding they had been investigated the school of Upsala through Johanson and Valnhe (1977) with the concept of the increasing of the markets and in the distance psychic starts and the interaction of the purchaser-salesman of Hallen and Wiedersheim-Paul (1979). In this perspective it observes main the occured changes in the organization in function of this process, following the rules observed by the gradual ingression in the international market, having as base ways of entrances in the external market used by these companies, in view of the frist phase that the company presents of businesses. Ahead of you analyze of these theories the study searches to analyze the convergence of the concepts proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). and strategies of internationalization of the companies. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts and exploratory and analytical type, retrospective matrix. The adopted strategy is of case study and the unit of analysis consisting of the Finobrasa, pertaining company to the Vicunha Group. The main method of collection of data was halfstructuralized interview allied the documentary research that together had presented an empirical perspective of the internationalization process. The analysis and quarrel of the results understand the description and the interpretation of the one of the information through the technique of analyzes of content. Initially the historical of the exportation of fruits of the Rio Grande do Norte with the focus in the region Açu/Mossoró is presented and after that the information of the Finobrasa are presented as base of the study. The main events are identified that had constituted the phases of the strategical model of the company. It was observed that the dimensions most excellent amongst those proclaimed by the School of Uppsala had been the learning, staffs and the step-starts is sufficiently gifts in the reality of the company, as well as the aspects of strategical alliances since the consolidated relationship of the Vicunha Group create a more solid trajectory in the international market allied the conditions created windows of marked . One understands, therefore, that the investigated process still has base the theoretical theories of the internationalization strategies corroborating for the theoretical convergence of the rules proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources.
La presente monografía es una propuesta de un plan de negocios enfocado a generar el desarrollo de la actividad turística comunitaria en las comunidades de la parroquia de San Rafael de Sharug, este tema surgió debido a las labores realizadas como practicantes en el área de Voluntarios Azuay del Gobierno Provincial del Azuay y del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la parroquia San Rafael de Sharug; pretendiendo beneficiar a los pobladores fortaleciendo sus actividades cotidianas, costumbres y tradiciones; además de convertirse en un complemento dinamizador de la economía mejorando su calidad de vida. La metodología que se aplicó fue a través de visitas técnicas empleando la observación directa como herramienta clave para el levantamiento de información primaria y recolección de información secundaria, además se realizó entrevistas y encuestas tanto a pobladores como a turistas nacionales y extranjeros. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta es necesario un estudio previo que indique aspectos precedentes de un diagnóstico situacional de la parroquia que comprenda matrices como el FODA cruzada y la matriz de problemas con la finalidad de determinar aspectos que van a formar parte del complejo, así como también un análisis de las oportunidades y amenazas del entorno competitivo haciendo uso de las fuerzas de mercado de MichellPorter, un plan de marketing para la respectiva difusión del proyecto y la elaboración de la parte financiera para concluir su factibilidad determinando la viabilidad y rentabilidad a través de una investigación de mercado aplicada en un análisis de la demanda y la oferta.
La actual crisis económica mundial y específicamente la del Ecuador, ha ocasionado que el actual gobierno busque la manera de incentivar la producción nacional, para dinamizar la economía. A más de los incentivos a la producción existen otros incentivos tanto económicos y tributarios, como de asesoría y capacitación, que buscan ayudar a las empresas exportadoras a mejorar su competitividad en el mercado internacional, atrayendo divisas al país para a la postre mejorar la Balanza de Pagos. En el presente trabajo de investigación, se realizó un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, deductivo, de análisis y de síntesis, con el objetivo de determinar si al realizar una correcta planificación tributaria, se podría evidenciar el posible beneficio de aprovechar determinados incentivos y su factibilidad de aplicación en el sector de exportaciones de sombreros de paja toquilla, específicamente en la empresa Serrano Hat Export Cía. Ltda. Como resultado, se pudo evidenciar que, existen incentivos tributarios a la producción y a la exportación de sombreros de paja toquilla, que en la empresa Serrano Hat Export Cía. Ltda. no son aprovechados, ya sea por desconocimiento, falta de interés o condiciones necesarias para su aplicación. Al igual que Serrano Hat, existen otras empresas de su sector, que podrían beneficiarse tanto económica como financieramente de este tipo de incentivos, siempre y cuando sean aplicados correctamente.
Detection canines represent the fastest and most versatile means of illicit material detection. This research endeavor in its most simplistic form is the improvement of detection canines through training, training aids, and calibration. This study focuses on developing a universal calibration compound for which all detection canines, regardless of detection substance, can be tested daily to ensure that they are working with acceptable parameters. Surrogate continuation aids (SCAs) were developed for peroxide based explosives along with the validation of the SCAs already developed within the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) prototype surrogate explosives kit. Storage parameters of the SCAs were evaluated to give recommendations to the detection canine community on the best possible training aid storage solution that minimizes the likelihood of contamination. Two commonly used and accepted detection canine imprinting methods were also evaluated for the speed in which the canine is trained and their reliability. As a result of the completion of this study, SCAs have been developed for explosive detection canine use covering: peroxide based explosives, TNT based explosives, nitroglycerin based explosives, tagged explosives, plasticized explosives, and smokeless powders. Through the use of these surrogate continuation aids a more uniform and reliable system of training can be implemented in the field than is currently used today. By examining the storage parameters of the SCAs, an ideal storage system has been developed using three levels of containment for the reduction of possible contamination. The developed calibration compound will ease the growing concerns over the legality and reliability of detection canine use by detailing the daily working parameters of the canine, allowing for Daubert rules of evidence admissibility to be applied. Through canine field testing, it has been shown that the IFRI SCAs outperform other commercially available training aids on the market. Additionally, of the imprinting methods tested, no difference was found in the speed in which the canines are trained or their reliability to detect illicit materials. Therefore, if the recommendations discovered in this study are followed, the detection canine community will greatly benefit through the use of scientifically validated training techniques and training aids.
In this dissertation, I first suggest an extension of the managerial rents model and more specifically the managerial skills typology that it offers. Building on research in international business, I propose adding country-specific skills (CSS) to this typology in addition to firm-specific, industry-specific, and generic skills. I define CSS as managers’ abilities that are applicable and specific to a particular national institutional context. Such skills are distinct from the other three types identified and are likely to influence managers’ performance and the performance of their firms. So if CSS are distinct skills, what are the implications for strategy and international business research? In an attempt to respond to this question, I conduct two empirical essays in which I examine the implications of this refinement of the typology of managerial skills for CEO selection and firms’ mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy. In the first empirical essay, I puzzle at the fact that although CSS constitute a barrier to high-level executive mobility across countries, there have been a growing number of foreign-born CEOs being appointed across the globe. Why are these individuals being selected for the post of CEO? Using information on the appointment of foreign-born and national CEOs from 2005 to 2010 among global 500 companies, I show that internationalization pressures help explain their selection and that two types of firms are likely to appoint foreign leaders: highly internationalized firms and firms that are likely to internationalize. In the second empirical essay, I examine the strategic implications of country-specific skills. Employing the same sample as the one used in the first empirical essay, I demonstrate that given that their mindset is likely to be less focused on firms’ home market, foreign-born CEOs may be prone to institute more changes in firms’ cross-border M&A strategy than their domestic counterparts. I also theorize on the moderating influence of CEOs’ insiderness.
El deseo de la mayoría de los empresarios es que su empresa tenga presencia en todas las partes del mundo que se pueda. Sin embargo, son pocos los que lo logran. Muchos menos los que son perdurables en el mercado internacional. Y todo esto ocurre en gran parte por el desconocimiento que tienen sobre ese entorno. Especialmente, el empresario o emprendedor colombiano, se caracteriza por no ir más allá de soñar con lograr posicionarse en el exterior, mas no trabajar para lograrlo. Este trabajo tiene como fin ayudar al empresario colombiano en ese objetivo. Pretende mostrar un contexto más profundo de, en este caso, el mercado de Estados Unidos (en los estados de Texas, South Carolina y Tennessee), para que las empresas tengan herramientas que faciliten su labor internacional. Todo esto, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, que entró en vigencia hace algunos años. La metodología usada para la realización de este documento, incluye una revisión bibliográfica que explica la importancia de la internacionalización empresarial; la consulta de bases de datos para elaborar un perfil exportador/importador a nivel país y a nivel estado; y la identificación de potencialidades y oportunidades que pueda tener el empresario colombiano en estos territorios específicos.
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el propósito de esclarecer y brindarle información pertinente y actualizada a los productores nacionales de frutas exóticas como el mango y el mangostán, acerca de las oportunidades comerciales que estos poseen con países pertenecientes a la Unión Europea (UE), debido al creciente consumo de frutas en estos países y al acuerdo comercial vigente que posee Colombia y la UE. Con el fin de que el sector agrícola crezca y pueda establecerse en mercados diferentes al nacional, facilitando el crecimiento económico del sector y del país. Así mismo, se buscó ilustrar a los empresarios colombianos acerca de los potenciales consumidores, formas de ingreso y los requisitos sanitarios y fitosanitarios solicitados en dichos países. Así como, las ventajas y desventajas que poseen frente a otros competidores del Suroeste Asiático y Africano, productores asiduos de frutas exóticas y grandes exportadores mundiales, que a la vez poseen convenios con la UE, que facilitan el ingreso de sus productos a la misma. De esta forma, esta investigación reduce la brecha entre la información que poseen los productores nacionales del sub-sector agrícola, frente a la información existente del mercado, mitigando las desventajas de la desinformación y analizando las oportunidades más favorables para los mismos.
En principio, la realización de este proyecto conllevo al desarrollo de mis habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera de administración de Negocios Internacionales. Así mismo, me permitió tener una visión más cercana sobre el proceso de comercio exterior, con el trabajo a diario en Procolombia, empresa en la que realizo mi pasantía, el hacer investigaciones de mercado, el contacto con empresarios exportadores de panela, trabajar con expertos de la empresa en el sector panelero, las diversas capacitaciones en temas de comercio exterior, identificación de mercados potenciales y asuntos legales de la exportación, enriqueció la información y construcción de mi proyecto. El mercado de los endulzantes naturales a nivel mundial, según estudios de Euromonitor Internacional ha venido tenido un protagonismo cada vez más importante en diversos mercados, especialmente en Estados Unidos y Europa. Así, cada vez existe un mayor número de personas que se abstienen del consumo del azúcar refinado, pues temen del padecimiento de enfermedades como la obesidad o el cáncer a causa de productos fabricados con químicos. De esta manera, las tendencias de consumo se encaminan hacia la búsqueda por parte de las personas por alimentos naturales, dentro de los cuales se encuentran los endulzantes sin químicos que aportan un alto valor nutricional. En este sentido, la unión Europea se convierte en un mercado atractivo para la exportación de endulzantes naturales, esto debido a las tendencias de los europeos hacia el consumo de alimentos saludables según lo afirma un estudio de mercado del Ministry of foreign affairs (CBI). De esta manera, el país con mayores índices de consumo de alimentos orgánicos es Alemania, sumado a ello en los hábitos de consumo son importantes los endulzantes pues la ingesta de té y café es alta, haciéndose mayor en época de invierno.