982 resultados para Instituto Brasileiro de Economia - Escola de Pos-Graduação em Economia - Curso de Mestrado em Economia
Ao contrário do que se encontra na literatura internacional, em nosso país a defesa da intervenção governamental para promoção da atividade industrial está, via de regra, associada à necessidade de melhoria de nossas contas externas. Este artigo discute possíveis elos entre política industrial e comércio exterior, centrando em argumentos comumente encontrados no debate de crescimento e de apoio à indústria no Brasil. Discutiremos a racionalidade destes argumentos tanto do ponto de vista macroeconômico quanto microeconômico, e mostraremos que, enquanto no primeiro caso há graves inconsistências lógicas e teóricas, no segundo a evidência é amplamente desfavorável ou os argumentos em geral não se aplicam. Discutiremos também se experiências internacionais de crescimento rápido (e de expansão de comércio exterior) podem ser creditadas a políticas industriais e se estas podem ser facilmente reproduzidas no país. Nosso diagnóstico aqui também é pessimista
This paper develops background considerations to help better framing the results of a CGE exercise. Three main criticisms are usually addressed to CGE efforts. First, they are too aggregate, their conclusions failing to shed light on relevant sectors or issues. Second, they imply huge data requirements. Timeliness is frequently jeopardised by out-dated sources, benchmarks referring to realities gone by. Finally, results are meaningless, as they answer wrong or ill-posed questions. Modelling demands end up by creating a rather artificial context, where the original questions lose content. In spite of a positive outlook on the first two, crucial questions lie in the third point. After elaborating such questions, and trying to answer some, the text argues that CGE models can come closer to reality. If their use is still scarce to give way to a fruitful symbiosis between negotiations and simulation results, they remain the only available technique providing a global, inter-related way of capturing economy-wide effects of several different policies. International organisations can play a major role supporting and encouraging improvements. They are also uniquely positioned to enhance information and data sharing, as well as putting people from various origins together, to share their experiences. A serious and complex homework is however required, to correct, at least, the most dangerous present shortcomings of the technique.
In this paper I obtain the mixed strategy symmetric equilibria of the first-price auction for any distribution. The equilibrium is unique. The solution turns out to be a combination of absolutely continuous distributions case and the discrete distributions case.
By mixing together inequalities based on cyclical variables, such as unemployment, and on structural variables, such as education, usual measurements of income inequality add objects of a di§erent economic nature. Since jobs are not acquired or lost as fast as education or skills, this aggreagation leads to a loss of relavant economic information. Here I propose a di§erent procedure for the calculation of inequality. The procedure uses economic theory to construct an inequality measure of a long-run character, the calculation of which can be performed, though, with just one set of cross-sectional observations. Technically, the procedure is based on the uniqueness of the invariant distribution of wage o§ers in a job-search model. Workers should be pre-grouped by the distribution of wage o§ers they see, and only between-group inequalities should be considered. This construction incorporates the fact that the average wages of all workers in the same group tend to be equalized by the continuous turnover in the job market.
Whether human capital increases or decreases wage uncertainty is an open question from an empirical standpoint. Yet, most policy prescriptions regarding human capital formation are based on models that impose riskiness on this type of investment. In a two period and finite type optimal income taxation problem we derive prescriptions that are robust to the risk characteristics of human capital: savings should be discouraged, human capital investments encouraged and both types of investment driven to an efficient level from an aggregate perspective. These prescriptions are also robust to the assumptions regarding what choices are observed, despite policy instruments being not.
This paper discuss some aspects of currency boards. It analyzes the formation of this institutions, the historical experiences of Singapore and Brazil and Lara Resende currency board proposal.
Consider the demand for a good whose consumption be chosen prior to the resolution of uncertainty regarding income. How do changes in the distribution of income affect the demand for this good? In this paper we show that normality, is sufficient to guarantee that consumption increases of the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the new distribution with respect to the old is non-decreasing in the whole domain. However, if only first order stochastic dominance is assumed more structure must be imposed on preferences to guanantee the validity of the result. Finally a converse of the first result also obtains. If the change in measure is characterized by non-decreasing Radon-Nicodyn derivative, consumption of such a good will always increase if and only if the good is normal.
Rio de Janeiro