962 resultados para Impulse control disorders


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Das Gesundheitsmanagement von Milchkühen hat in den vergangenen Jahren auf den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben an Bedeutung gewonnen. Neben Präventionsmaßnahmen zur Gesunderhaltung der Tiere ist die frühzeitige und systematische Erkennung von Erkrankungen hierbei der Hauptbestandteil. Es zeigt sich vermehrt, dass vor allem Transitkühe verstärkt an Stoffwechselerkrankungen in sowohl klinischer als auch subklinischer Form erkranken. Letztere stellen ein hohes Risiko dar, zum einen weil subklinische Erkrankungen oftmals nur schwer oder gar nicht erkannt werden und zum anderen, weil sie in vielen Fällen die Grundlage für meist schwerwiegendere Folgeerkrankungen sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wird das Thema der Früherkennung von subklinischen Ketosen und der subakuten Pansenazidose behandelt. Verschiedene Methoden wurden unter praktischen Versuchsbedingungen auf ihre Tauglichkeit zur Krankheitserkennung hin geprüft. In einer ersten Studie wurde auf einem konventionellen Milchviehbetrieb ein Ketose-Monitoring bei frischlaktierenden Kühen ab Tag 3 postpartum durchgeführt. Insgesamt 15 Tiere waren an einer subklinischen Ketose erkrankt, was eine Aufkommensrate von 26% in den untersuchten Tieren bedeutete. Die Blutproben von insgesamt 24 Tieren wurden auf ihren IL-6-Gehalt untersucht. Von den untersuchten Tieren waren 14 Tiere erkrankt, 10 Tiere bildeten die gesunde Kontrollgruppe. Interleukin-6 wurde bestimmt, da dem Zytokin IL-6 in anderen Studien in Bezug auf Ketosen eine Rolle zugesprochen wurde. Die erwartete Erhöhung von IL-6 bei erkrankten Tieren konnte nicht festgestellt werden; die erkrankten Kühe zeigten vielmehr die niedrigsten IL-6 Werte der Studiengruppe. Insgesamt waren die IL-6 Konzentrationen auf einem niedrigen Niveau mit 27.2 pg/m l± 10.2. Es zeigte sich, dass die IL-6 Bestimmung im Blut hinsichtlich der Erkennung von subklinischen Ketosen nur eingeschränkt nutzbar ist. Es konnte ausschließlich eine schwache negative Korrelation zwischen Beta- Hydroxybutyrat (BHBA, Goldstandard für den Nachweis einer Ketose) und IL-6 detektiert werden. Zusätzlich zu den Blutanalysen wurde ebenfalls die tägliche Wiederkauaktivität mit dem „DairyCheck“ System bestimmt, welches kontinuierlich die charakteristischen Kaumuskelkontraktionen aufzeichnet und somit die Dauer des Wiederkäuens bestimmt werden kann. Es wurde geprüft, ob sich ketotische Tiere von nicht ketotischen Tieren hinsichtlich der täglichen Wiederkäuzeit unterscheiden. Milchkühe mit einer Ketose kauten im Schnitt 475 min/d ± 56 wieder, nach Genesung 497 min/d ± 48. Sie befanden sich somit im Durchschnitt immer unterhalb der gesunden Kontrollgruppe, welche 521 min/d ± 76 wiederkaute. Eine Korrelation zwischen der Wiederkauzeit und dem BHBA- Gehalt im Blut war nur sehr schwach ausgeprägt, nicht zuletzt da die Tiere generell eine hohe Variabilität in der Wiederkauaktivität zeigten. Bei einer weiteren Studie, ebenfalls auf einem Praxisbetrieb durchgeführt, wurde auf die Erkennung der subakuten Pansensazidose (SARA) fokussiert. Hierbei kam ein drahtloses, kommerziell verfügbares Bolussystem zum Einsatz, welches den pH Wert kontinuierlich im Retikulorumen misst. Es macht die Erkennung einer SARA auch unter Praxisbedingungen ohne invasive Methoden wie der Punktion möglich. Das Bolussystem wurde 24 Milchkühen kurz vor der Abkalbung oral eingegeben, um den pH-Wert während der gesamten Transitphase messen und überwachen zu können. Während in der Trockenstehphase nur vereinzelte SARA Fälle auftraten, erlitt ein Großteil der untersuchten Tiere in der Frühlaktation eine SARA. Auf Grundlage von pH-Werten von laktierenden Milchkühen, wurde zusätzlich eine Sensitivitätsanalyse von verschieden, bereits eingesetzten Nachweismethoden durchgeführt, um die Tauglichkeit für die SARA-Diagnostik zu untersuchen. Es handelte sich hierbei zum einen um einen SARA-Nachweis unter Heranziehung von Einzelwerten, Fress- und Wiederkäuzeiten, sowie ausgewählten Milchinhaltsstoffen und der Milchmenge. Die Analyse ergab, dass nahezu alle Nachweismethoden im Vergleich zur Langzeitmessung nur eingeschränkt zur SARA-Diagnostik nutzbar sind. In einem weiteren Teil der Studie wurde eine Kotfraktionierung bei den gleichen Tieren durchgeführt, um damit SARA-Tiere auch mittels der Kotanalyse erkennen kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zum einen die Ration einen Einfluss auf die Kotzusammensetzung hat (Trockensteherration versus Ration für Laktierende) zum anderen aber auch, dass eine SARA die Zusammensetzung des Kotes verändert. Hierfür wurden Kotproben ausschließlich von laktierenden Kühen untersucht, sodass der Einfluss der Ration ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Erhöhte Faseranteile im Kot von SARA - Kühen gaben Hinweis auf eine verminderte Verdaulichkeit. Dabei erwies sich vor allem die Hemizellulose als guter Parameter, um auf eine SARA schließen zu können. Die Versuchsbedingungen ließen es ebenfalls zu, die pH-Verläufe der Tiere in der Frühlaktation zu untersuchen. Eine Clusteranalyse von pH-Werten der ersten 12 Tage postpartum zeigte, dass die untersuchten Tiere trotz gleicher Haltungs- und Fütterungsbedingungen unterschiedliche pH-Wert Verläufe entwickelten. So gab es eine Gruppe von Milchkühen, die den pH-Wert stabil halten konnte, während die restlichen pH-Abfälle in verschiedenen Verläufen und Intensitäten aufzeigten. Es konnte ebenfalls aufgezeigt werden, dass Tiere innerhalb der Testherde unterschiedliche Schweregrade der SARA entwickelten. Auch in dieser Studie wurde deutlich, dass Tiere scheinbar unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten haben, auf ihre Umwelt zu reagieren, bzw. suboptimalen Bedingungen entgegenwirken zu können. Zusammengefasst wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Ketose- und SARA- Erkennung geprüft, von denen nur einzelne für die Praxis zu empfehlen sind. Die Variabilität der Tiere, sowohl bei der Ausprägung der Erkrankungen als auch bei den gemessenen Parametern verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, diese im Herden- und Gesundheitsmanagement in Zukunft stärker zu berücksichtigen.


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Introducción: Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral son la primera causa de baja en los trabajadores produciendo disminución de la capacidad productiva y reducción del salario y para las empresas suponen disfunciones de la actividad y pérdidas económicas. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de síntomas musculoesqueléticos del personal tanto operativo como administrativo que laboran en la central eléctrica en Norte de Santander. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en una población de 184 trabajadores que laboran para la sección de gestión y control de pérdidas de energía en la Central eléctrica de Norte de Santander. Se utilizó como instrumento para la recolección de información el cuestionario Nórdico de Kuorinka en su versión en español, que permite realizar la detección y análisis de síntomas musculoesqueléticos de la población expuesta, el cual consta de dos partes, la primera que incluye datos socio demográficos tales como antecedentes personales y actividad laboral y la segunda que permite registrar síntomas músculo-esqueléticos en los segmentos corporales (cuello, hombros, codos, muñecas/manos, espalda superior, espalda inferior). El análisis descriptivo incluyó el cálculo de la media y los porcentajes y para estimar asociaciones se utilizó odds ratio (OR) Resultados: El 88% de los trabajadores eran hombres, con una media de edad de 36,1(±10,5) años. El 20,7% percibía molestias en el cuello y el 17,4 % en las muñecas. Tuvieron más riesgo de percibir molestias en la región del cuello las mujeres (OR 20,54), los trabajadores que pertenecen al sector administrativo (OR 15,9), los que no realizar actividad física (OR 2,33), los que tienen menos de 1 año en el cargo (OR 2,9) y los que tenían un Índice de masa corporal mayor de 25 (OR 1,31). Conclusiones: Ser mujer y trabajar en el sector administrativo influyen en la percepción de molestias y síntomas osteomusculares con mayor prevalencia en las zonas corporales de el cuello y las muñecas o manos. De acuerdo a lo encontrado en el estudio se sugiere la realización de actividades en salud laboral que prevengan el riesgo ergonómico.


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El ejercicio de labores asistenciales en el personal de la salud, las largas horas de trabajo y la responsabilidad en la ejecución de sus tareas, llevan consigo la exposición a riesgos psicosociales; que de no ser debidamente controlados pueden llevar al individuo a generar respuestas inadecuadas a nivel cognitivo, emocional e intelectual, las cuales se manifiestan en algunos casos con la aparición de sintomatología osteomuscular y/o asociada al estrés. OBJETIVO Identificar la relación entre las demandas de la tarea, el control sobre las mismas y la presencia e intensidad de síntomas de estrés y osteo-musculares en médicos, especialistas y personal de enfermería de una institución hospitalaria de IV nivel en Bogotá. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal en una muestra de 100 profesionales de la salud. Se utilizaron tres instrumentos: cuestionario Nórdico para la detección y análisis de síntomas músculo esqueléticos, cuestionario Karasek para identificar la percepción del trabajo y la relación del entorno profesional y el cuestionario de Estrés del Ministerio de la Protección Social validado para la población colombiana. Se obtuvo previa autorización del Comité de Investigaciones y Comité de Ética del Hospital. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el IBM SPSS Statistics versión 2.0 Resultados Se observó que los síntomas osteomusculares con mayor prevalencia estuvieron relacionados con afectaciones en espalda 43% y cuello 36%; no se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los distintos profesionales. En cuanto a presencia de sintomatología asociada al estrés, la mayor prevalencia se presentó en síntomas osteomusculares en cuello y espalda en el 84% de los casos, dolor de cabeza en el 74%, trastornos del sueño y cansancio en el 64% y percepción de sobrecarga laboral en el 63%. Para el análisis de prevalencia de los factores psicosociales laborales se utilizó la clasificación de la combinación de altas o bajas demandas y alto o bajo control, el resultado de estos teniendo en cuenta el modelo Demanda-control fue la siguiente: trabajo de alta tensión 34%; trabajo activo 40%; trabajo aburrido 13% y trabajo pasivo 13%. Se encontró una asociación entre la sintomatología y las variables toma de decisiones en médicos especialistas (OR 3,12; IC 95%: 2,80 – 3,49) lo que ratifica que este tipo de profesional tiene una mayor libertad para generar decisiones en su actuar médico y control sobre la tarea para especialistas (OR 3,23; IC 95%: 2,82 – 3,70) y enfermeros jefes (OR 3,36; IC 95%: 2,91 – 3,89); lo que permite inferir que cada uno de estos profesionales posee las herramientas para asumir las exigencias y dar respuesta a los distintos aspectos que están ligados a la tarea. Conclusiones: La presencia de síntomas osteo musculares en zonas como cuello y espalda son propios de la actividad del personal de la salud y se asocia a las posturas inadecuadas y el puesto de trabajo, así como al estrés. En cuanto a la sintomatología asociada al estrés se ratifica la presencia de sintomatología osteo muscular (cuello y espalda), como manifestaciones asociadas al cansancio, trastornos del sueño, sobrecarga laboral, dolor de cabeza y en menor porcentaje dificultades para relacionarse con otros. Respecto a los factores de riesgo psicosocial, se observó que el trabajo activo es la condición predominante en el personal de la salud, pero se observa además que un porcentaje importante experimenta episodios de tensión laboral, asociados a condiciones propias de las demandas psicológicas y el control sobre la tarea. Por lo anterior, se deben establecer acciones encaminadas a favorecer espacios saludables, y programas tendientes a la mejora de las condiciones de tal manera que disminuya la presencia de sintomatología osteomuscular y/o sintomatología derivada del estrés.


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Amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSC) are emerging as a potential therapeutic approach for various disorders. The low number of available hAFSC requires their ex vivo expansion prior to clinical use, however, during their in vitro culture, hAFSC quickly reach replicative senescence. The principal aim of this study was to investigate the aging process occurring during in vitro expansion of hAFSC, focusing on the redox control that has been reported to be affected in premature and physiological aging. My results show that a strong heterogeneity is present among samples that reflects their different behaviour in culture. I identified three proteins, namely Nox4, prelamin A and PML, which expression increases during hAFSC aging process and could be used as new biomarkers to screen the samples. Furthermore, I found that Nox4 degradation is regulated by sumoylation via proteasome and involves interactions with PML bodies and prelamin A. Since various studies revealed that donor-dependent differences could be explained by cell-to-cell variation within each patient, I studied in deep this phenomenon. I showed that the heterogeneity among samples is also accompanied by a strong intra-population heterogeneity. Separation of hAFSC subpopulations from the same donor, using Celector® technology, showed that an enrichment in the last eluted fraction could improve hAFSC application in regenerative medicine. One of the other problems is that nowadays hAFSC are expanded under atmospheric O2 concentration, which is higher than the O2 tension in their natural niches. This higher O2 concentration might cause environmental stress to the in vitro cultured hAFSCs and accelerate their aging process. Here, I showed that prolonged low oxygen tension exposure preserves different hAFSC stemness properties. In conclusion, my study pointed different approaches to improve in vitro hAFSC expansion and manipulation with the purpose to land at stem cell therapy.


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The most widespread work-related diseases are musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) caused by awkward postures and excessive effort to upper limb muscles during work operations. The use of wearable IMU sensors could monitor the workers constantly to prevent hazardous actions, thus diminishing work injuries. In this thesis, procedures are developed and tested for ergonomic analyses in a working environment, based on a commercial motion capture system (MoCap) made of 17 Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). An IMU is usually made of a tri-axial gyroscope, a tri-axial accelerometer, and a tri-axial magnetometer that, through sensor fusion algorithms, estimates its attitude. Effective strategies for preventing MSD rely on various aspects: firstly, the accuracy of the IMU, depending on the chosen sensor and its calibration; secondly, the correct identification of the pose of each sensor on the worker’s body; thirdly, the chosen multibody model, which must consider both the accuracy and the computational burden, to provide results in real-time; finally, the model scaling law, which defines the possibility of a fast and accurate personalization of the multibody model geometry. Moreover, the MSD can be diminished using collaborative robots (cobots) as assisted devices for complex or heavy operations to relieve the worker's effort during repetitive tasks. All these aspects are considered to test and show the efficiency and usability of inertial MoCap systems for assessing ergonomics evaluation in real-time and implementing safety control strategies in collaborative robotics. Validation is performed with several experimental tests, both to test the proposed procedures and to compare the results of real-time multibody models developed in this thesis with the results from commercial software. As an additional result, the positive effects of using cobots as assisted devices for reducing human effort in repetitive industrial tasks are also shown, to demonstrate the potential of wearable electronics in on-field ergonomics analyses for industrial applications.


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Background: WGS is increasingly used as a first-line diagnostic test for patients with rare genetic diseases such as neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Clinical applications require a robust infrastructure to support processing, storage and analysis of WGS data. The identification and interpretation of SVs from WGS data also needs to be improved. Finally, there is a need for a prioritization system that enables downstream clinical analysis and facilitates data interpretation. Here, we present the results of a clinical application of WGS in a cohort of patients with NDD. Methods: We developed highly portable workflows for processing WGS data, including alignment, quality control, and variant calling of SNVs and SVs. A benchmark analysis of state-of-the-art SV detection tools was performed to select the most accurate combination for SV calling. A gene-based prioritization system was also implemented to support variant interpretation. Results: Using a benchmark analysis, we selected the most accurate combination of tools to improve SV detection from WGS data and build a dedicated pipeline. Our workflows were used to process WGS data from 77 NDD patient-parent families. The prioritization system supported downstream analysis and enabled molecular diagnosis in 32% of patients, 25% of which were SVs and suggested a potential diagnosis in 20% of patients, requiring further investigation to achieve diagnostic certainty. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the integration of SNVs and SVs is a main factor that increases diagnostic yield by WGS and show that the adoption of a dedicated pipeline improves the process of variant detection and interpretation.


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The aim of the study was to develop a culturally adapted translation of the 12-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-12) for the Estonian population in order to help diagnose Parkinson's disease (PD). A standard translation of the SS-12 was created and 150 healthy Estonians were questioned about the smells used as response options in the test. Unfamiliar smells were replaced by culturally familiar options. The adapted SS-12 was applied to 70 controls in all age groups, and thereafter to 50 PD patients and 50 age- and sex-matched controls. 14 response options from 48 used in the SS-12 were replaced with familiar smells in an adapted version, in which the mean rate of correct response was 87% (range 73-99) compared to 83% with the literal translation (range 50-98). In PD patients, the average adapted SS-12 score (5.4/12) was significantly lower than in controls (average score 8.9/12), p < 0.0001. A multiple linear regression using the score in the SS-12 as the outcome measure showed that diagnosis and age independently influenced the result of the SS-12. A logistic regression using the SS-12 and age as covariates showed that the SS-12 (but not age) correctly classified 79.0% of subjects into the PD and control category, using a cut-off of <7 gave a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 86% for the diagnosis of PD. The developed SS-12 cultural adaption is appropriate for testing olfaction in Estonia for the purpose of PD diagnosis.


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To verify whether fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of cells from the buccal epithelium could be employed to detect cryptomosaicism with a 45,X lineage in 46,XY patients. Samples of nineteen 46,XY healthy young men and five patients with disorders of sex development (DSD), four 45,X/46,XY and one 46,XY were used. FISH analysis with X and Y specific probes on interphase nuclei from blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelium were analyzed to investigate the proportion of nuclei containing only the signal of the X chromosome. The frequency of nuclei containing only the X signal in the two tissues of healthy men did not differ (p = 0.69). In all patients with DSD this frequency was significantly higher, and there was no difference between the two tissues (p = 0.38), either. Investigation of mosaicism with a 45,X cell line in patients with 46,XY DSD or sterility can be done by FISH directly using cells from the buccal epithelium.


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The control of energy homeostasis relies on robust neuronal circuits that regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Although the physiology of these circuits is well understood, the molecular and cellular response of this program to chronic diseases is still largely unclear. Hypothalamic inflammation has emerged as a major driver of energy homeostasis dysfunction in both obesity and anorexia. Importantly, this inflammation disrupts the action of metabolic signals promoting anabolism or supporting catabolism. In this review, we address the evidence that favors hypothalamic inflammation as a factor that resets energy homeostasis in pathological states.


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Paraquat is a fast acting nonselective contact herbicide that is extensively used worldwide. However, the aqueous solubility and soil sorption of this compound can cause problems of toxicity in nontarget organisms. This work investigates the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles composed of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) to produce an efficient herbicidal formulation that was less toxic and could be used for safer control of weeds in agriculture. The toxicities of the formulations were evaluated using cell culture viability assays and the Allium cepa chromosome aberration test. The herbicidal activity was investigated in cultivations of maize (Zea mays) and mustard (Brassica sp.), and soil sorption of the nanoencapsulated herbicide was measured. The efficiency association of paraquat with the nanoparticles was 62.6 ± 0.7%. Encapsulation of the herbicide resulted in changes in its diffusion and release as well as its sorption by soil. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that the nanoencapsulated herbicide was less toxic than the pure compound, indicating its potential to control weeds while at the same time reducing environmental impacts. Measurements of herbicidal activity showed that the effectiveness of paraquat was preserved after encapsulation. It was concluded that the encapsulation of paraquat in nanoparticles can provide a useful means of reducing adverse impacts on human health and the environment, and that the formulation therefore has potential for use in agriculture.


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The maintenance of glucose homeostasis is complex and involves, besides the secretion and action of insulin and glucagon, a hormonal and neural mechanism, regulating the rate of gastric emptying. This mechanism depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion regulates the speed of gastric emptying, contributing to the control of postprandial glycemia. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of various agents of this class can explain the effects more relevant in fasting or postprandial glucose, and can thus guide the individualized treatment, according to the clinical and pathophysiological features of each patient.


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Nutrient restriction during the early stages of life usually leads to alterations in glucose homeostasis, mainly insulin secretion and sensitivity, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. Despite growing evidence regarding the importance of insulin clearance during glucose homeostasis in health and disease, no information exists about this process in malnourished animals. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to determine the effect of a nutrient-restricted diet on insulin clearance using a model in which 30-d-old C57BL/6 mice were exposed to a protein-restricted diet for 14 weeks. After this period, we evaluated many metabolic variables and extracted pancreatic islet, liver, gastrocnemius muscle (GCK) and white adipose tissue samples from the control (normal-protein diet) and restricted (low-protein diet, LP) mice. Insulin concentrations were determined using RIA and protein expression and phosphorylation by Western blot analysis. The LP mice exhibited lower body weight, glycaemia, and insulinaemia, increased glucose tolerance and altered insulin dynamics after the glucose challenge. The improved glucose tolerance could partially be explained by an increase in insulin sensitivity through the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor/protein kinase B and AMP-activated protein kinase/acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the liver, whereas the changes in insulin dynamics could be attributed to reduced insulin secretion coupled with reduced insulin clearance and lower insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) expression in the liver and GCK. In summary, protein-restricted mice not only produce and secrete less insulin, but also remove and degrade less insulin. This phenomenon has the double benefit of sparing insulin while prolonging and potentiating its effects, probably due to the lower expression of IDE in the liver, possibly with long-term consequences.


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This study sought to evaluate the association between the impact of oral disorders in terms of physical/psychosocial dimensions and quality of life among the elderly. It involved a cross-sectional study conducted among the elderly (65-74 years) in 2008/2009. The social impact was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14) and the quality of life using the SF 12 Short-Form Health Survey. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis was conducted with correction for the design effect, using SPSS(r)18.0 software. Of the 800 individuals approached, 736 elderly individuals participated (TR = 92%), with a mean age of 67.77 years, the majority of whom showed no impact based on the measurement of the prevalence of OHIP. The functional limitation dimension of the OHIP was associated with the physical domain of the SF12, irrespective of the other variables investigated. However, the seriousness of OHIP and its psychological discomfort and disability dimensions was associated with the mental domain of the SF12. The conclusion reached is that some impacts of oral disorders were associated with unsatisfactory quality of life in the physical and mental domains.


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hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is associated with more respiratory infections due to immunosuppression. this study aimed to verify the frequency of rhinosinusitis after HSCT, and the association between rhinosinusitis and chronic graft vs. host disease (GVHD) and type of transplantation, clinical treatment, surgical treatment, and survival. this was a retrospective study in a tertiary university hospital. A total of 95 patients with hematological diseases undergoing HSCT between 1996 and 2011 were selected. chronic myeloid leukemia was the most prevalent disease. The type of transplant most often performed was the allogenic type (85.26%). The frequency of rhinosinusitis was 36%, with no difference between the autologous and the allogenic types. Chronic GVHD occurred in 30% of patients. Patients with GVHD had a higher frequency and recurrence of rhinosinusitis, in addition to more frequent need for endoscopic sinusectomy and decreased overall survival. there was a higher frequency of rhinosinusitis in HSCT and GVHD. The type of transplant does not appear to predispose to the occurrence of rhinosinusitis. GVHD seems to be an aggravating factor and requires a more stringent treatment.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of diabetes in older people and the adopted control measures. Data regarding older diabetic individuals who participated in the Health Surveys conducted in the Municipality of Sao Paulo, SP, ISA-Capital, in 2003 and 2008, which were cross-sectional studies, were analyzed. Prevalences and confidence intervals were compared between 2003 and 2008, according to sociodemographic variables. The combination of the databases was performed when the confidence intervals overlapped. The Chi-square (level of significance of 5%) and the Pearson's Chi-square (Rao-Scott) tests were performed. The variables without overlap between the confidence intervals were not tested. The age of the older adults was 60-69 years. The majority were women, Caucasian, with an income of between > 0.5 and 2.5 times the minimum salary and low levels of schooling. The prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% (95%CI 14.9;20.6) in 2003 and 20.1% (95%CI 17.3;23.1) in 2008, which indicates a growth over this period (p at the limit of significance). The most prevalent measure adopted by the older adults to control diabetes was hypoglycemic agents, followed by diet. Physical activity was not frequent, despite the significant differences observed between 2003 and 2008 results. The use of public health services to control diabetes was significantly higher in older individuals with lower income and lower levels of education. Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease for patients and the health systems. Measures that encourage health promotion practices are necessary because they presented a smaller proportion than the use of hypoglycemic agents. Public health policies should be implemented, and aimed mainly at older individuals with low income and schooling levels. These changes are essential to improve the health condition of older diabetic patients.