915 resultados para Hasse invariant


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Let F be a field with at least four elements. In this paper, we identify all the pairs (A, B) of n x n nonsingular matrices over F , satisfying the following property: for every monic polynomial f(x) = xn + an-1xn-1 + … +a1x + aο over F, with a root in F and aο = (-1)n det(AB), there are nonsingular matrices X, Y ϵ Fnxn such that X A X-1 Y BY-1 has characteristic polynomial f (x). © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação


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Neste artigo olha-se para uma destas antologias de teatro que vozeavam algum do descontentamento no pós-guerra português, em particular uma que o fazia através de uma informada manifestação de juventude: Novíssimo Teatro Português. Trata-se de uma colecção de cinco curtas peças, seleccionadas por Ilídio Ribeiro – um homem de negócio e um intelectual - e publicadas em 1962: O general, de Artur Portela Filho; O Borrão, de Augusto Sobral; O Museu, de Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão; Funerais, de José Estevão Sasportes; e O delator, de Maria Teresa Horta.


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This paper is part of the Project “Adaptive thinking and flexible computation: Critical issues”. It discusses what is meant by adaptive thinking and presents the results of individual interviews with four pupils. The main goal of the study is to understand pupils’ reasoning when solving numerical tasks involving additive situations, and identify features associated with adaptive thinking. The results show that, in the case of first grade pupils, the semantic aspects of the problem are involved in its resolution and the pupils’ performance appears to be related to the development of number sense. The 2nd grade pupils seem to see the quantitative difference as an invariant numerical relationship.


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An abstract theory on general synchronization of a system of several oscillators coupled by a medium is given. By generalized synchronization we mean the existence of an invariant manifold that allows a reduction in dimension. The case of a concrete system modeling the dynamics of a chemical solution on two containers connected to a third container is studied from the basics to arbitrary perturbations. Conditions under which synchronization occurs are given. Our theoretical results are complemented with a numerical study.


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Let F be a field with at least four elements. In this paper, we identify all the pairs (A, B) of n x n nonsingular matrices over F, satisfying the following property: for every monic polynomial f (x) = x(n) + a(n-1)x(n-1) +... + a(1)x + a(0) over F, with a root in F and a(0) = (-1)(n) det(AB), there are nonsingular matrices X, Y is an element of F-nxn such that XAX(-1)Y BY-1 has characteristic polynomial f (x).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Ramo de Sistemas Autónomos


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The main result of this work is a new criterion for the formation of good clusters in a graph. This criterion uses a new dynamical invariant, the performance of a clustering, that characterizes the quality of the formation of clusters. We prove that the growth of the dynamical invariant, the network topological entropy, has the effect of worsening the quality of a clustering, in a process of cluster formation by the successive removal of edges. Several examples of clustering on the same network are presented to compare the behavior of other parameters such as network topological entropy, conductance, coefficient of clustering and performance of a clustering with the number of edges in a process of clustering by successive removal.


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Let and be matrices over an algebraically closed field. Let be elements of such that and . We give necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of matrices and similar to and, respectively, such that has eigenvalues.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação – Área de Especialização em Comunicação Estratégica


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We prove a one-to-one correspondence between (i) C1+ conjugacy classes of C1+H Cantor exchange systems that are C1+H fixed points of renormalization and (ii) C1+ conjugacy classes of C1+H diffeomorphisms f with a codimension 1 hyperbolic attractor Lambda that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lambda. However, we prove that there is no C1+alpha Cantor exchange system, with bounded geometry, that is a C1+alpha fixed point of renormalization with regularity alpha greater than the Hausdorff dimension of its invariant Cantor set.


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We exhibit the construction of stable arc exchange systems from the stable laminations of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. We prove a one-to-one correspondence between (i) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) stable arc exchange systems that are C(1+H) fixed points of renormalization and (ii) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) diffeomorphisms f with hyperbolic basic sets Lambda that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lambda. Let HD(s)(Lambda) and HD(u)(Lambda) be, respectively, the Hausdorff dimension of the stable and unstable leaves intersected with the hyperbolic basic set L. If HD(u)(Lambda) = 1, then the Lipschitz conjugacy is, in fact, a C(1+H) conjugacy in (i) and (ii). We prove that if the stable arc exchange system is a C(1+HDs+alpha) fixed point of renormalization with bounded geometry, then the stable arc exchange system is smooth conjugate to an affine stable arc exchange system.


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There is a one-to-one correspondence between C1+H Cantor exchange systems that are C1+H fixed points of renormalization and C1+H diffeomorphisms f on surfaces with a codimension 1 hyperbolic attractor Λ that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Λ. However, there is no such C1+α Cantor exchange system with bounded geometry that is a C1+α fixed point of renormalization with regularity α greater than the Hausdorff dimension of its invariant Cantor set. The proof of the last result uses that the stable holonomies of a codimension 1 hyperbolic attractor Λ are not C1+θ for θ greater than the Hausdorff dimension of the stable leaves of f intersected with Λ.


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Onychomycoses constitute pathologies frequently seen in dermatological practice worldwide. Usually, they are caused by two groups of pathogenic fungi: dermatophytes and yeasts of the Candida genus. However, in a small fraction of the cases, the etiologic agents comprise nondermatophyte molds, belonging to several genera and species. The objective of this study was to present two cases of onychomycosis associated to the mold Scytalidium dimidiatum in patients residing in two cities of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Aspects of fungal pathogenesis, as well as the epidemiological characteristics and laboratory diagnosis, are discussed.


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Como escreve Edgar Morin "..., a questão da origem do homem e da cultura não diz unicamente respeito a uma ignorância que é preciso reduzir, a uma curiosidade a satisfazer. É uma questão com um alcance teórico imenso, múltiplo e geral. E o nó górdio que sustem a soldadura epistemológica entre natureza/cultura, animal/homem. É o local exacto onde devemos procurar o fundamento da antropologia, i De que forma as tecnologias da comunicação vão influenciar as atitudes culturais e porquê a preocupação com as classes médias urbanas? Qual o motivo do seu isolamento como objecto e (ou) sujeito no domínio que estamos a tratar? Porque defendemos o ponto de vista de que se trata do grupo social (ou do conjunto de sub-grupos sociais) meno(s) enraizado(s) numa cultura própria e por esse motivo com maior exposição à manipulação televisiva, à influência dos jornais, à informação radiofônica e até às vagas da intemet. Neste contexto, os comportamentos das elites universitárias, das aristocracias operárias, dos rendeiros agrícolas e dos proletários rurais obedecem a padrões de comportamento diversos, mas em que o cosmopolitismo, a ancestralidade e o distanciamento face a valores socialmente dominantes dificultarão as condições de manipulação.