ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally entered into by the governments of Costa Rica and the United States. The Convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to the adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The member nations of the Commission now are t in addition to Costa Rica and the United States, Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.This report is a description of the organization, functions, and achievements of the Commission. It has been prepared to provide in a convenient format answers to requests for information concerning the Commission. It replaces a similar, earlier report (Carroz, 1965), which is now largely outdated. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un Convenio firmado originalmente por los gobiernos de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de America. El Convenio, que entro en vigencia en 1950, se encuentra libre para que otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos participen en la pesca de atunes tropicales en el Océano Pacifico oriental se afilien a el. Las naciones miembros de la Comisión, además de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos, son Cañada, Francia, Japón, México, Nicaragua y Panamá. Este informe es una descripción de la organización, funciones y resultados de la Comisión. Ha sido preparado para suministrar en forma conveniente respuestas a preguntas sobre la Comisión. Reemplaza un informe anterior similar (Carroz 1965), que ya es anticuado en su mayor parte.
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally entered into by the governments of Costa Rica and the United states. The Convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to the adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The member nations of the Commission now are France. Japan, Nicaragua. Panama, and the United States. This report is a description of the organization, functions. and achievements of the Commission. It has been prepared to provide in a convenient format answers to requests for information concerning the Commission. It replaces similar, earlier reports (Carroz, 1965; Spec. Rep., 1), which are now largely outdated. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un Convenio firmado originalmente por los gobiernos de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de America. El Convenio, Que entre en vigencia en 1950, se encuentra libre para Que otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos participan en la pesca de los atunes tropicales en el Océano Pacifico oriental se afilien a 61. Las naciones actuales que son miembros de la Comisión son: Francia, Japón, Nicaragua, Panamá y los Estados Unidos. Este informe es una descripci6n de la organización, funciones y resultados de la Comisión. Se ha preparado para suministrar en forma conveniente, informaci6n sobre la Comisión. Este informe renueva otros anteriores similares (Carroz, 1965; CIAT, Inf. Esp., 1) que en su mayor parte determinados.
For efficient use of conservation resources it is important to determine how species diversity changes across spatial scales. In many poorly known species groups little is known about at which spatial scales the conservation efforts should be focused. Here we examined how the community turnover of wood-inhabiting fungi is realised at three hierarchical levels, and how much of community variation is explained by variation in resource composition and spatial proximity. The hierarchical study design consisted of management type (fixed factor), forest site (random factor, nested within management type) and study plots (randomly placed plots within each study site). To examine how species richness varied across the three hierarchical scales, randomized species accumulation curves and additive partitioning of species richness were applied. To analyse variation in wood-inhabiting species and dead wood composition at each scale, linear and Permanova modelling approaches were used. Wood-inhabiting fungal communities were dominated by rare and infrequent species. The similarity of fungal communities was higher within sites and within management categories than among sites or between the two management categories, and it decreased with increasing distance among the sampling plots and with decreasing similarity of dead wood resources. However, only a small part of community variation could be explained by these factors. The species present in managed forests were in a large extent a subset of those species present in natural forests. Our results suggest that in particular the protection of rare species requires a large total area. As managed forests have only little additional value complementing the diversity of natural forests, the conservation of natural forests is the key to ecologically effective conservation. As the dissimilarity of fungal communities increases with distance, the conserved natural forest sites should be broadly distributed in space, yet the individual conserved areas should be large enough to ensure local persistence.
This report is a description of the organization, functions, and achievements of the IATTC. It has been prepared to provide, in a convenient format, answers to requests for information concerning the IATTC. It replaces similar, earlier reports (Carroz, 1965; IATTC Spec. Rep., 1 and 5), which are now largely outdated. In order to make each section of the report independent of the others, some aspects of the IATTC are described in more than one section. For example, work on the early life history of tunas financed by the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation of Japan is mentioned in the subsection entitled Finance, the subsection entitled Biology of tunas and billfishes, and the section entitled RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Due to space constraints, however, it is not possible to describe the IATTC's activities in detail in this report. Additional information is available in publications of the IATTC, listed in Appendix 6, and in its web site, www.iattc.org. Many abbreviations are used in this report. The names of the organizations or the terms are written out the first time they are used, and, for convenience, they are also listed in the Glossary.
A educação permanente é estruturada e tem um eixo que define e configura demandas educativas no setor saúde, pensando neste processo de trabalho em saúde, e com política de educação trazendo definições hegemônica sendo recomendação como política para o setor saúde através das políticas do MS. O estudo avalia o conceito teórico/prático da operacionalização da política através da especialização em SF como proposta da educação em saúde. Método bibliográfico por existir um consórcio com estas características de formação. Pesquisa subsidiada, por entrevistas, devido a não possibilidade de acesso a documentos informativos sobre educação em saúde através do consórcio do MS. Apesar do consenso construído a partir de documentos oficiais do governo, a compreensão de seu real significado se torna algo divisível a partir da proposta. Este conceito vêem de encontro com a conceituação desta prática aos profissionais de saúde. A organização do trabalho, constrói uma cultura ainda fortemente hierarquizada, legitimando espaços de definição e operação de demandas, ao mesmo tempo que dificulta a criação de práticas mais horizontais que aproximem-se das reais necessidades educacionais pelo processo de trabalho em saúde. Este estudo demonstrou a fragilidade da educação permanente como conceito prático e como proposta das pólitcas públicas de saúde.
Elucidating the intricate relationship between brain structure and function, both in healthy and pathological conditions, is a key challenge for modern neuroscience. Recent progress in neuroimaging has helped advance our understanding of this important issue, with diffusion images providing information about structural connectivity (SC) and functional magnetic resonance imaging shedding light on resting state functional connectivity (rsFC). Here, we adopt a systems approach, relying on modular hierarchical clustering, to study together SC and rsFC datasets gathered independently from healthy human subjects. Our novel approach allows us to find a common skeleton shared by structure and function from which a new, optimal, brain partition can be extracted. We describe the emerging common structure-function modules (SFMs) in detail and compare them with commonly employed anatomical or functional parcellations. Our results underline the strong correspondence between brain structure and resting-state dynamics as well as the emerging coherent organization of the human brain.