821 resultados para Grounded theory method
Siguiendo un marco teórico integrado por varios autores entorno a los sistemas de control de gestión a lo largo de varias décadas, este trabajo pretende estudiar y contrastar la relación entre el desarrollo de dichos sistemas y los recursos y capacidades. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio de caso en Teleperformance Colombia (TC), una empresa dedicada a prestación de servicio de tercerización de procesos o business process outsourcing. En el estudio se establecieron dos variables para evaluar el desarrollo de sistema de control de gestión: el diseño y el uso. A su vez, para cada uno de ellos, se definieron los indicadores y preguntas que permitieran realizar la observación y posterior análisis. De igual manera, se seleccionaron los recursos y capacidades más importantes para el desarrollo del negocio: innovación, aprendizaje organizacional y capital humano. Sobre estos se validó la existencia de relación con el SCG implementado en TC. La información obtenida fue analizada y contrastada a través de pruebas estadísticas ampliamente utilizadas en este tipo de estudios en las ciencias sociales. Finalmente, se analizaron seis posibles relaciones de las cuales, solamente se ratificó el relacionamiento positivo entre uso de sistema de control gestión y el recurso y capacidad capital humano. El resto de relacionamientos, refutaron los planteamientos teóricos que establecían cierta influencia de los sistemas de control de gestión sobre recursos y capacidades de innovación y aprendizaje organizacional.
El objetivo general de la tesis es analizar la disociación entre discurso y práctica por lo que se refiere a la diversidad y la atención a la diversidad en el sistema educativo. Para la perspectiva diacrónica se considera el discurso formal que han producido diversas instituciones educativas pertenecientes a la comunidad educativa durante el período 1990-2000. Para la perspectiva sincrónica se han usado algunos datos (seis transcripciones de grupos de discusión) recogidas en el marco de la Conferencia Nacional de Educación, concretamente de la sección III sobre 'Atención a la Diversidad', coordinada por el Dr. César Coll. Una primera parte de la investigación ha estado centrada en la fundamentación del discurso y corresponde al marco teórico de esta tesis. Este marco ha sido construido a partir de dos grandes conceptualizaciones: la diversidad, en tanto que realidad social, y la atención a la diversidad, en tanto que práctica pedagógica. La reflexión teórica sobre 'diversidad' se desarrolla a partir de las últimas aportaciones de la teoría sociológica y filosófica alrededor de la cuestión de la Modernidad. La reflexión teórica sobre 'atención a la diversidad' se desarrolla a partir de las últimas aportaciones éticas y políticas sobre educación, abordando conceptos como igualdad, desigualdad y diferencia. La segunda parte de la investigación ha estado más centrada en la explicación de los mecanismos de construcción del discurso, constituyendo la parte empírica. La investigación ha sido construida a partir de una aproximación metodológica cualitativa, considerando dos grandes factores: una perspectiva diacrónica y una perspectiva sincrónica. Técnicas documentales para la recogida de información. Análisis basado en los principios de la Grounded Theory. Existe una simplificación generalizada del discurso sobre atención a la diversidad en el conjunto de la comunidad educativa, que sesga el carácter general e integral de este principio estratégico e identifica la globalidad del término con aspectos parciales y subsidiarios del significado amplio. Existe una diferencia significativa entre el discurso elaborado por miembros de la comunidad educativa que son profesionales de la enseñanza y aquellos que no lo son. Se aprecia un consenso sobre la importancia general de la atención a la diversidad en el conjunto del sistema educativo, y simultáneamente un disenso sobre qué dimensión de la atención a la diversidad hace falta poner énfasis. Los diversos agentes y sectores de la comunidad educativa depositan una expectativa y exigen unos objetivos diferenciados a la institución escolar con relación a la atención a la diversidad. La actuación de la Administración educativa condiciona los contenidos y la estructura de los discursos sobre atención a la diversidad del resto de sectores de la comunidad educativa, y existen diferencias significativas en la magnitud y el grado de acuerdo de la réplica. El contenido de los discursos institucionales sobre atención a la diversidad viene condicionado por factores sociohistóricos de las organizaciones que los producen, facilitando así la reproducción de los intereses y la legitimación de determinadas dimensiones de este principio estratégico. El motor inicial y la generalización del discurso sobre atención a la diversidad correlaciona con la implantación de la Reforma educativa que supuso la aprobación y despliegue de la LOGSE. Existen diferentes mecanismos de transformación del discurso sobre atención a la diversidad entre los diversos sectores de la comunidad educativa, diferenciándose en el ritmo, la intensidad y la orientación de estos cambios, así como en la relación que establecen con la realidad social. Las vías de acceso al conocimiento que permiten elaborar el discurso sobre atención a la diversidad se diferencian según el grado de formalidad de la institución educativa: mientras que para la educación formal el input proviene directamente de la comunidad científica, en el caso de la educación no formal el input proviene mayoritariamente de la propia educación formal.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen tomado del autor
Se presenta un estudio exploratorio sobre la reflexión de una maestra novel de matemáticas. Dicha profesora se encuentra en la etapa final de su formación inicial y su inmersión en la práctica. Se analiza el informe del Practicum y sus diarios de clases de acuerdo con la Grounded Theory. También se analiza su reflexión en esos dos períodos, y la potencialidad de ésta para su desarrollo.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Esta tese de doutoramento procurou desenhar um quadro conceptual para implementar um novo modelo formativo, que permita melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem. Partindo da pergunta “qual o contributo da formação inicial para a qualidade percebida pelos utentes?”, procuramos perceber a relação entre a formação escolar, a emergência de competências profissionais, em sede de exercício, e a qualidade percebida pelos utentes. Este estudo é estruturado em dois momentos: o estudo nuclear assente numa metodologia qualitativa, com aproximação à Grounded Theory que permitiu perceber a importância da formação para a qualidade dos cuidados e a formulação do modelo inicial de investigação; e um estudo complementar de carácter descritivo-transversal, enquadrado numa metodologia quantitativa e em análise documental que nos permitiu avaliar a satisfação dos clientes sobre a qualidade dos cuidados e a construção de um novo modelo sobre os factores mais relevantes para a satisfação do cliente. Os resultados obtidos possibilitam a identificação de um conjunto de variáveis que influenciam, directa e indirectamente, a qualidade dos cuidados e a satisfação dos clientes e permitem a elaboração do modelo final de análise do problema formulado, realçando sobretudo o estatuto da emergência das competências como variável mediadora.
Patterns of communication and behaviour emerge within a construction project in response to a construction crisis. This paper investigates, within a grounded theory framework, the nature of these patterns, the sociological and psychological forces which shape them and their relationship with crisis management efficiency. A grounded theory is presented in four parts. The first part conceives a construction crisis as a period of social instability, arising from conflicting interest groups, seeking to exercise power in the pursuit of social structures which suit their political and economic interests. The second part sees a construction crisis as a de-sensitizing phenomenon which results in a period of behavioural instability and conflict which is self-perpetuating. The third part cites social structure as an important influence upon construction crisis management efficiency, in determining the efficiency of information flow, and the level of uncertainty between those affected. The fourth part points to the in-built defence mechanisms which construction crises have and to three managerial ironies which make construction crisis management difficult.
In order to gain a better understanding of online conceptual collaborative design processes this paper investigates how student designers make use of a shared virtual synchronous environment when engaged in conceptual design. The software enables users to talk to each other and share sketches when they are remotely located. The paper describes a novel methodology for observing and analysing collaborative design processes by adapting the concepts of grounded theory. Rather than concentrating on narrow aspects of the final artefacts, emerging “themes” are generated that provide a broader picture of collaborative design process and context descriptions. Findings on the themes of “grounding – mutual understanding” and “support creativity” complement findings from other research, while important themes associated with “near-synchrony” have not been emphasised in other research. From the study, a series of design recommendations are made for the development of tools to support online computer-supported collaborative work in design using a shared virtual environment.
The study examined the effects of psychological response and gender on coping with late life widowhood. Forty-six men and 46 women (55 years +) were interviewed about their experiences of widowhood. Participants were classified as to whether they were coping well or less well. Data were analyzed using grounded theory, content. analysis, and three-way loglinear analyses. Loglinear analyses revealed three-way interactions for Gender, Coping, and Response. Men who report feeling upset or selfish are more likely to be coping, as are women who report being comfortable alone. There were two-way interactions between Coping and Response and Gender and Response. Participants who talk to their dead spouse are more Rely to be coping than those who do not. Those who "keep themselves to themselves" are more likely not to be coping than those who do not. Gender differences, were found in psychological response. Differences were also found between those who coped and those who coped less well. The study has enabled the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data to present a more complete view of late life widowhood than has previously been possible. In addition, the article draws attention to the importance of distinguishing between the effects of bereavement and those of widowhood.
There is under-representation of senior female managers within small construction firms in the United Kingdom. The position is denying the sector a valuable pool of labour to address acute knowledge and skill shortages. Grounded theory on the career progression of senior female managers in these firms is developed from biographical interviews. First, a turning point model which distinguishes the interplay between human agency and work/home structure is given. Second, four career development phases are identified. The career journeys are characterized by ad hoc decisions and opportunities which were not influenced by external policies aimed at improving the representation of women in construction. Third, the 'hidden', but potentially significant, contribution of women-owned small construction firms is noted. The key challenge for policy and practice is to balance these external approaches with recognition of the 'inside out' reality of the 'lived experiences' of female managers. To progress this agenda there is a need for: appropriate longitudinal statistical data to quantify the scale of senior female managers and owners of small construction firms over time; and, social construction and gendered organizational analysis research to develop a general discourse on gender difference with these firms.
The study of intuition is an emerging area of research in psychology, social sciences, and business studies. It is increasingly of interest to the study of management, for example in decision-making as a counterpoint to structured approaches. Recently work has been undertaken to conceptualize a construct for the intuitive nature of technology. However to-date there is no common under-standing of the term intuition in information systems (IS) research. This paper extends the study of intuition in IS research by using exploratory research to cate-gorize the use of the word “intuition” and related terms in papers published in two prominent IS journals over a ten year period. The entire text of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research was reviewed for the years 1999 through 2008 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. As far as could be deter-mined, this is the first application of this approach in the analysis of the text of IS academic journals. The use of the word “intuition” and related terms was catego-rized using coding consistent with Grounded Theory. The focus of this research was on the first two stages of Grounded Theory analysis - the development of codes and constructs. Saturation of coding was not reached: an extended review of these publications would be required to enable theory development. Over 400 incidents of the use of “intuition”, and related terms were found in the articles reviewed. The most prominent use of the term of “intuition” was coded as “Intui-tion as Authority” in which intuition was used to validate a research objective or finding; representing approximately 37 per cent of codes assigned. The second most common coding occurred in research articles with mathematical analysis, representing about 19 per cent of the codes assigned, for example where a ma-thematical formulation or result was “intuitive”. The possibly most impactful use of the term “intuition” was “Intuition as Outcome”, representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intui-tive understanding of a research topic or phenomena. This research contributes to a greater theoretical understanding of intuition enabling insight into the use of intuition, and the eventual development of a theory on the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It also provides potential benefits to practi-tioners by providing insight into and validation of the use of intuition in IS man-agement. Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research.
Initial phase of all Enterprise Architecture (EA) initiatives is important. One of the most crucial tasks in that phase is to sell EA to the top management by explaining its purpose. In this paper, by using semiotic framework we show that there is a clear gap between the definition of EA and its purpose. Contribution of this paper is a taxonomy that expands knowledge of pragmatics of EA, and that can be used as a tool for explaining the purpose of EA. Grounded theory is used to form the taxonomy. Data is collected from a discussion group used by EA practitioners. Results indicate that the purpose of EA is to meet organisations‟ stakeholder‟s goals and to create value to organisation. Results are in line with current literature. Most interesting result is that EA practitioners seem to realise that technical solutions are not the purpose of EA, but means for fulfilling it.