499 resultados para Funeral orations
Undated and unattributed handwritten Latin salutatory and valedictory orations composed for the Harvard College Commencement. A modern note with the materials suggests Nathaniel Sparhawk (Harvard AB 1765) as the author, but the author was more likely Joseph Hooper (Harvard AB 1763), who delivered the orations for the 1763 Harvard Commencement. While the documents are undated, textual clues include mention of the command of George III in recent war against France and Spain, suggesting the speech was written soon after the Treaty of Paris which was signed in February 1763 to end the Seven Years' War. The speech also celebrates Harvard Tutor William Kneeland, who resigned from his position in July 1763, and mentions the illness of Professor Edward Wigglesworth (who died before the 1765 Commencement). The text also mentions Professor John Winthrop and Massachusetts Governor Francis Bernard.
Eight-page untitled handwritten poem attributed to Harvard student Benjamin Whitwell (Harvard AB 1790). The poem begins “The brow of age is soften’d into smiles” and contains classical and militaristic allusions. An annotation indicates that a set of stanzas beginning, “On thee, our common parent! Guardian! Friend! His mildest warmth, his brightest beams descend….” refers to Harvard President Joseph Willard. The text includes edits and annotations.
Six-unlined pages containing a handwritten copy of the salutatory address composed by Abiel Abbot in Latin for the 1792 Harvard College Commencement. The text includes edits and struck-through words. The first page includes the title "Autore Abiele Abbot" and has a penciled note: "This must be gr. grandfather's Latin oration when he graduated from Harvard, with honors, in 1792."
Paper notebook containing a handwritten copy of an essay titled "An English Oration" composed by Harrison Gray Otis for the 1783 Harvard Commencement. The essay discusses the American Revolution and begins, “An Omission of the usual appeals..."
Sixteen-page paper notebook containing a handwritten copy of an essay titled "An Oration upon Genius" composed by AM candidate Joseph Perkins for the 1797 Harvard Commencement. The verso of the last page contains the handwritten title: "Oration on Genius first Copy. July 17th Commencement 1797." The essay discusses themes of republicanism and education and begins, "To mark the peculiar operation of liberty on mental exertion and improvement..."
This four-page handwritten poem was composed by Harvard student Joseph Mansfield for a College exhibition on July 8, 1800. The poem begins, "I am not blesd, but may hereafter be; / Who knows what fortune has in store for me?" and concludes with verses about the American Revolutionary War and George Washington.
Five letters regarding topics such as Delia Stewart’s travel plans, local Maine politics, and progress in the construction of a church on the estate. In one letter, Gardiner writes about attending the funeral of Bowdoin College President Jesse Appleton.
One letter outlining plans for the funeral of their Harvard classmate, John Russell.
Four letters in which Forbes discusses the peace achieved in Buenos Aires, and the question of whether to reinstall the junta that was overthrown in the Decembrist revolution, as well as a meeting with the new governor, Juan Manuel Rosas. He also describes the response in Buenos Aires to the peace reached between Colombia and Peru, and the funeral of executed Buenos Aires Governor Manuel Dorrego.
The collection contains a four-page handwritten poem titled "Invention" composed by graduate William Richardson for the 1797 Harvard College Commencement, and an 1806 letter of introduction written by Richardson. The rhyming poem begins, “Long had creations anthem peal been rung…” and contains classical references, and mentions scientists and philosophers including Voltaire, Franklin and Newton. The poem is accompanied by a one-page handwritten letter of introduction for lawyer Benjamin Ames (Harvard AB 1803) written by William M. Richardson to Reverend William Jenks (Harvard AB 1797). The letter is dated November 10, 1806.
Diary dated 1737 Sept. 19-1745 Aug. 19, chiefly concerns Robbins' personal religious faith. Also includes notes for a sermon on the death of Maj. Isaac Foot, who died in the French and Indian War.
Title from spine.
Title from v. 2.
Acquisition made accessible thanks to a 2015-2017 grant from the Council on Libraries and Information Resources.
Includes errata, p. [21] of preliminaries.