434 resultados para Filler


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In questo lavoro sono state studiate diverse miscele di conglomerato bituminoso riciclato a freddo, nelle quali si è inserito polverino di gomma proveniente da riciclaggio di pneumatici dismessi. Lo scopo è stato quello di valutare l’effetto del polverino di gomma all’interno di miscele, contenenti il 100% di fresato, confezionate a freddo con emulsione di bitume e cemento, analizzandone gli effetti sulla lavorabilità, sulla resistenza a trazione indiretta, sui moduli di rigidezza e sulle resistenze a fatica. Nel capitolo primo è introdotto il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile con particolare attenzione al campo delle pavimentazioni stradali. Sono analizzati i più recenti dati riguardanti la produzione di rifiuti di demolizione e ricostruzione in Europa e in Italia. Segue una descrizione del materiale di risulta da scarifica delle pavimentazioni stradali, dei pneumatici e delle modalità di recupero degli stessi. Nel capitolo secondo sono riportati i principali riferimenti legislativi a livello comunitario, nazionale e locale riguardanti le attività coinvolte nel processo di riciclaggio dei rifiuti per la loro utilizzazione nella costruzione di opere stradali, accompagnati dai principali documenti ausiliari, quali sentenze e disposizioni applicative a completamento del suddetto quadro normativo. Nel capitolo terzo vengono descritte le principali tecniche di riciclaggio del fresato. Particolare attenzione viene posta nella descrizione delle procedure operative e dei macchinari adottati nelle operazioni di riciclaggio in sito. Infine vengono valutati i pregi e i difetti delle tecniche di riciclaggio a freddo analizzando i vantaggi economici ed ambientali rispetto a quelle tradizionali a caldo. Nel capitolo quarto sono analizzate le singole costituenti della miscela: Emulsione Bituminosa, Cemento, Aggregati, Polverino di Gomma e Acqua, definendone per ciascuna il ruolo e le caratteristiche meccaniche e fisiche che le contraddistinguono. Nel capitolo quinto, viene sviluppato il programma sperimentale, sono definiti gli obbiettivi e descritte in modo approfondito le cinque fasi nelle quali si articola. Nella fase uno, vengono introdotte le miscele che dovranno essere studiate. Segue una caratterizzazione dei principali costituenti alla base di tali miscele: fresato , polverino di gomma, cemento, filler,emulsione bituminosa. Nella fase due avviene il confezionamento dei provini mediante compattazione con pressa giratoria. Al termine della realizzazione dei campioni, vengono descritte e analizzate le proprietà volumetriche del materiale quali il grado di addensamento, la densità, la lavorabilità. Nelle fasi tre, quattro e cinque, vengono eseguiti in successione test per la valutazione delle resistenze a trazione indiretta ITS, test per la determinazione dei moduli di rigidezza ITSM ed infine test per la valutazione delle durate dei materiali a fatica ITFT. Per ognuno dei test, sono descritte le procedure operative sulla base delle normative di riferimento vigenti. Segue l’analisi dei risultati di ciascuna prova e la valutazione dell’effetto che i singoli costituenti hanno sulle caratteristiche meccaniche della miscela.


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Until today, autogenic bone grafts from various donor regions represent the gold standard in the field of bone reconstruction, providing both osteoinductive and osteoconductive characteristics. However, due to low availability and a disequilibrium between supply and demand, the risk of disease transfer and morbidity, usually associated with autogeneic bone grafts, the development of biomimic materials with structural and chemical properties similar to those of natural bone have been extensively studied. So far,rnonly a few synthetic materials, so far, have met these criteria, displaying properties that allow an optimal bone reconstitution. Biosilica is formed enzymatically under physiological-relevant conditions (temperature and pH) via silicatein (silica protein), an enzyme that was isolated from siliceous sponges, cloned, and prepared in a recombinant way, retaining its catalytic activity. It is biocompatible, has some unique mechanical characteristics, and comprises significant osteoinductive activity.rnTo explore the application of biosilica in the fields of regenerative medicine,rnsilicatein was encapsulated, together with its substrate sodium metasilicate, into poly(D,L-lactide)/polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)-based microspheres, using w/o/wrnmethodology with solvent casting and termed Poly(D,L-lactide)-silicatein silicacontaining-microspheres [PLASSM]. Both silicatein encapsulation efficiency (40%) and catalytic activity retention upon polymer encapsulation were enhanced by addition of an essential pre-emulsifying step using PVP. Furthermore, the metabolic stability, cytoxicity as well as the kinetics of silicatein release from the PLASSM were studied under biomimetic conditions, using simulated body fluid. As a solid support for PLASSM, a polyvinylpyrrolidone/starch/Na2HPO4-based matrix (termed plastic-like filler matrix containing silicic acid [PMSA]) was developed and its chemical and physical properties determined. Moreover, due to the non-toxicity and bioinactivity of the PMSA, it is suggested that PMSA acts as osteoconductive material. Both components, PLASSM and PMSA, when added together, form arnbifunctional 2-component implant material, that is (i)non-toxic(biocompatible), (ii)moldable, (iii) self-hardening at a controlled and clinically suitable rate to allows a tight insertion into any bone defect (iv) biodegradable, (v)forms a porous material upon exposure to body biomimetic conditions, and (vi)displays both osteoinductive (silicatein)and osteoconductive (PMSA) properties.rnPreliminary in vivo experiments were carried out with rabbit femurs, by creatingrnartificial bone defects that were subsequently treated with the bifunctional 2-component implant material. After 9 weeks of implantation, both computed tomography (CT) and morphological analyses showed complete resorption of the implanted material, concurrent with complete bone regeneration. The given data can be considered as a significant contribution to the successful introduction of biosilica-based implants into the field of bone substitution surgery.


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Die Funktionalisierung anorganischer Nanopartikel stellt einen Schlüsselschritt in der Herstellung von Nanokompositen dar. Nanokomposite erzielen ein wachsendes Interesse im Bereich der Polymer- und der Materialwissenschaften, da die Kombination mehrerer Materialien mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften, wie etwa die Kombination anorganischer Nanopartikel mit Polymeren, große Synergieeffekte erhoffen lässt.rnrnDer Einbau anorganischer Nanopartikel in polymere Matrixmaterialien zur Verbesserung oder Einführung mechanischer, optischer oder magnetischer Eigenschaften von Polymeren bedarf allerdings der Modifizierung der Oberfläche des anorganischen Materials, um die für die positiven Synergieeffekte essentielle Kompatibilität zwischen Füllstoff und Matrix zu erreichen.rnrnEine Vielzahl anorganischer Partikel ist bereits als wässrige Dispersion erhältlich (SiO2, Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, ...). Mehrkomponenten- Lösungsmittelsysteme ermöglichen den Transfer dieser Partikel in eine unpolare Umgebung und gleichzeitig deren Funktionalisierung mit amphiphilen Copolymeren. Aufgrund der reversiblen Schaltbarkeit dieser Lösungsmittelsysteme zwischen einem einphasigen und zweiphasigen Zustand werden die zu Beginn in zwei nichtmischbaren Phasen vorliegenden Reaktionspartner durch Übergang in einen einphasigen Zustand unter homogenen Bedingungen in Kontakt gebracht und durch eine erneute Phasentrennung isoliert.rnEin weiterer Vorteil dieser Lösungsmittelsysteme ist deren Tolerierung funktioneller Gruppen in den verwendeten amphiphilen Copolymeren, welche nicht in Wechselwirkung mit der Partikeloberfläche stehen. Beispielsweise können Amine in den amphiphilen Copolymeren für die Wechselwirkung der funktionalisierten Partikel mit einer Polyurethanmatrix dienen, Alkine können mittels einer 1,3-dipolaren Cycloaddition umgesetzt werden oder aber perfluorierten Seitenketten in den Seitenketten der amphiphilen Copolymere die Kompatibilisierung der funktionalisierten Partikel mit einem perfluorierten Polymer gewährleisten.


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In the last decade the near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been increasingly used to improve the load carrying capacity of concrete members. Compared to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable advantages. This technique consists in the insertion of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminate strips into pre-cut slits opened in the concrete cover of the elements to be strengthened. CFRP reinforcement is bonded to concrete with an appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy adhesive or cement grout. Up to now, research efforts have been mainly focused on several structural aspects, such as: bond behaviour, flexural and/or shear strengthening effectiveness, and energy dissipation capacity of beam-column joints. In such research works, as well as in field applications, the most widespread adhesives that are used to bond reinforcements to concrete are epoxy resins. It is largely accepted that the performance of the whole application of NSM systems strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins, for which proper curing conditions must be assured. Therefore, the existence of non-destructive methods that allow monitoring the curing process of epoxy resins in the NSM CFRP system is desirable, in view of obtaining continuous information that can provide indication in regard to the effectiveness of curing and the expectable bond behaviour of CFRP/adhesive/concrete systems. The experimental research was developed at the Laboratory of the Structural Division of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho in Guimar\~aes, Portugal (LEST). The main objective was to develop and propose a new method for continuous quality control of the curing of epoxy resins applied in NSM CFRP strengthening systems. This objective is pursued through the adaptation of an existing technique, termed EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring through Ambient Response Method) that has been developed for monitoring the early stiffness evolution of cement-based materials. The experimental program was composed of two parts: (i) direct pull-out tests on concrete specimens strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips were conducted to assess the evolution of bond behaviour between CFRP and concrete since early ages; and, (ii) EMM-ARM tests were carried out for monitoring the progressive stiffness development of the structural adhesive used in CFRP applications. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method for evaluating the elastic modulus of the epoxy, static E-Modulus was determined through tension tests. The results of the two series of tests were then combined and compared to evaluate the possibility of implementation of a new method for the continuous monitoring and quality control of NSM CFRP applications.


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The mixing of nanoparticles with polymers to form composite materials has been applied for decades. They combine the advantages of polymers (e.g., elasticity, transparency, or dielectric properties) and inorganic nanoparticles (e.g., specific absorption of light, magneto resistance effects, chemical activity, and catalysis etc.). Nanocomposites exhibit several new characters that single-phase materials do not have. Filling the polymeric matrix with an inorganic material requires its homogeneous distribution in order to achieve the highest possible synergetic effect. To fulfill this requirement, the incompatibility between the filler and the matrix, originating from their opposite polarity, has to be resolved. A very important parameter here is the strength and irreversibility of the adsorption of the surface active compound on the inorganic material. In this work the Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was applied as a method to quantify and investigate the adsorption process and binding efficiencies in organic-inorganic–hybrid-systems by determining the thermodynamic parameters (ΔH, ΔS, ΔG, KB as well as the stoichiometry n). These values provide quantification and detailed understanding of the adsorption process of surface active molecules onto inorganic particles. In this way, a direct correlation between the adsorption strength and structure of the surface active compounds can be achieved. Above all, knowledge of the adsorption mechanism in combination with the structure should facilitate a more rational design into the mainly empirically based production and optimization of nanocomposites.


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This PhD thesis focused on nanomaterial (NM) engineering for occupational health and safety, in the frame of the EU project “Safe Nano Worker Exposure Scenarios (SANOWORK)”. Following a safety by design approach, surface engineering (surface coating, purification process, colloidal force control, wet milling, film coating deposition and granulation) were proposed as risk remediation strategies (RRS) to decrease toxicity and emission potential of NMs within real processing lines. In the first case investigated, the PlasmaChem ZrO2 manufacturing, the colloidal force control applied to the washing of synthesis rector, allowed to reduce ZrO2 contamination in wastewater, performing an efficient recycling procedure of ZrO2 recovered. Furthermore, ZrO2 NM was investigated in the ceramic process owned by CNR-ISTEC and GEA-Niro; the spray drying and freeze drying techniques were employed decreasing NM emissivity, but maintaining a reactive surface in dried NM. Considering the handling operation of nanofibers (NFs) obtained through Elmarco electrospinning procedure, the film coating deposition was applied on polyamide non-woven to avoid free fiber release. For TiO2 NF the wet milling was applied to reduce and homogenize the aspect ratio, leading to a significant mitigation of fiber toxicity. In the Colorobbia spray coating line, Ag and TiO2 nanosols, employed to transfer respectively antibacterial or depolluting properties to different substrates, were investigated. Ag was subjected to surface coating and purification, decreasing NM toxicity. TiO2 was modified by surface coating, spray drying and blending with colloidal SiO2, improving its technological performance. In the extrusion of polymeric matrix charged with carbon nanotube (CNTs) owned by Leitat, the CNTs used as filler were granulated by spray drying and freeze spray drying techniques, allowing to reduce their exposure potential. Engineered NMs tested by biologists were further investigated in relevant biological conditions, to improve the knowledge of structure/toxicity mechanisms and obtain new insights for the design of safest NMs.


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Obiettivi: valutare in pazienti con rene singolo congenito la correlazione tra il filtrato glomerulare misurato con il DTPA (DTPA-VFG) e 1) marker laboratoristici di danno renale (creatinina, cistatinaC, proteinuria) 2) formule per stimare il filtrato glomerulare 3) parametri di valutazione della crescita renale ecografica. Materiali e metodi: Sono stati arruolati 118 pazienti con rene singolo congenito tra 0 e 18 anni. Sono stati valutati a ogni visita altezza, creatinina, cistatinaC, proteinuria e lunghezza ecografica renale. E’ stato calcolato il filtrato stimato con formule basate sulla creatinina (Schwartz), sulla cistatina C (Zappitelli, Filler, Grubb e Bokenkamp) e su entrambe (equazione di Zappitelli). La crescita renale è stata valutata come rapporto lunghezza ecografica/altezza corporea (USL/H), differenza percentuale tra lunghezza renale misurata e attesa per età (delta%) e presenza o meno d’ipertrofia compensatoria. In 74 bambini è stata misurata la DTPA-VFG. Risultati: Il follow-up è di 2.1 ± 0.9 anni. Il 65% sono maschi. Nessun paziente ha sviluppato danno renale cronico. La media del DTPA-VFG era di 135±44ml/min/1.73m², il valore medio della creatinina 0.47±0.17mg/dl e di cistatinaC di 1±0.4mg/L. La lunghezza ecografica renale media era di 100±17 mm, il rapporto USL/H medio di 0.8±0,1 e il delta% di 1,13±11,4, il 66% presentava ipertrofia renale. Le uniche correlazioni significative con DTPA-VFG sono inversa con la creatinina (p=<.001) e lineare con USL/H (p=<.001). Discussione: Lo studio ha mostrato che come per altre nefrouropatie, la creatina e l’ecografia renale siano due strumenti validi per il follow-up dei pazienti con rene singolo congenito. Il limite principale è dovuto al fatto che nessuno dei pazienti ha sviluppato danno renale cronico e pertanto non è stato possibile stabilire dei cutt-off di rischio per parametri quali USL/H.


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Die BBC-Serie SHERLOCK war 2011 eine der meistexportierten Fernsehproduktionen Großbritanniens und wurde weltweit in viele Sprachen übersetzt. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Übersetzung stellen die Schrifteinblendungen der Serie (kurz: Inserts) dar. Die Inserts versprachlichen die Gedanken des Protagonisten, bilden schriftliche und digitale Kommunikation ab und zeichnen sich dabei durch ihre visuelle Auffälligkeit und teilweise als einzige Träger sprachlicher Kommunikation aus, womit sie zum wichtigen ästhetischen und narrativen Mittel in der Serie werden. Interessanterweise sind in der Übersetztung alle stilistischen Eigenschaften der Original-Inserts erhalten. In dieser Arbeit wird einerseits untersucht, wie Schrifteinblendungen im Film theoretisch beschrieben werden können, und andererseits, was sie in der Praxis so übersetzt werden können, wie es in der deutschen Version von Sherlock geschah. Zur theoretischen Beschreibung werden zunächst die Schrifteinblendungen in Sherlock Untertitelungsnormen anhand relevanter grundlegender semiotischer Dimensionen gegenübergestellt. Weiterhin wird das Verhältnis zwischen Schrifteinblendungen und Filmbild erkundet. Dazu wird geprüft, wie gut verschiedene Beschreibungsansätze zu Text-Bild-Verhältnissen aus der Sprachwissenschaft, Comicforschung, Übersetzungswissenschaft und Typografie die Einblendungen in Sherlock erklären können. Im praktischen Teil wird die Übersetzung der Einblendungen beleuchtet. Der Übersetzungsprozess bei der deutschen Version wird auf Grundlage eines Experteninterviews mit dem Synchronautor der Serie rekonstruiert, der auch für die Formulierung der Inserts zuständig war. Abschließend werden spezifische Übersetzungsprobleme der Inserts aus der zweiten Staffel von SHERLOCK diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Untertitelungsnormen zur Beschreibung von Inserts nicht geeignet sind, da sie in Dimensionen wie Position, grafische Gestaltung, Animation, Soundeffekte, aber auch Timing stark eingeschränkt sind. Dies lässt sich durch das historisch geprägte Verständnis von Untertiteln erklären, die als möglichst wenig störendes Beiwerk zum fertigen Filmbild und -ablauf (notgedrungen) hinzugefügt werden, wohingegen für die Inserts in SHERLOCK teilweise sogar ein zentraler Platz in der Bild- und Szenenkomposition bereits bei den Dreharbeiten vorgesehen wurde. In Bezug auf Text-Bild-Verhältnisse zeigen sich die größten Parallelen zu Ansätzen aus der Comicforschung, da auch dort schriftliche Texte im Bild eingebettet sind anstatt andersherum. Allerdings sind auch diese Ansätze zur Beschreibung von Bewegung und Ton unzureichend. Die Erkundung der Erklärungsreichweite weiterer vielversprechender Konzepte, wie Interface und Usability, bleibt ein Ziel für künftige Studien. Aus dem Experteninterview lässt sich schließen, dass die Übersetzung von Inserts ein neues, noch unstandardisiertes Verfahren ist, in dem idiosynkratische praktische Lösungen zur sprachübergreifenden Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Prozessbeteiligten zum Einsatz kommen. Bei hochqualitative Produktionen zeigt ist auch für die ersetzende Insertübersetzung der Einsatz von Grafikern unerlässlich, zumindest für die Erstellung neuer Inserts als Übersetzungen von gefilmtem Text (Display). Hierbei sind die theoretisch möglichen Synergien zwischen Sprach- und Bildexperten noch nicht voll ausgeschöpft. Zudem zeigt sich Optimierungspotential mit Blick auf die Bereitstellung von sorgfältiger Dokumentation zur ausgangssprachlichen Version. Diese wäre als Referenzmaterial für die Übersetzung insbesondere auch für Zwecke der internationalen Qualitätssicherung relevant. Die übersetzten Inserts in der deutschen Version weisen insgesamt eine sehr hohe Qualität auf. Übersetzungsprobleme ergeben sich für das genretypische Element der Codes, die wegen ihrer Kompaktheit und multiplen Bezügen zum Film eine Herausforderung darstellen. Neben weiteren bekannten Übersetzungsproblemen wie intertextuellen Bezügen und Realia stellt sich immer wieder die Frage, wieviel der im Original dargestellten Insert- und Displaytexte übersetzt werden müssen. Aus Gründen der visuellen Konsistenz wurden neue Inserts zur Übersetzung von Displays notwendig. Außerdem stellt sich die Frage insbesondere bei Fülltexten. Sie dienen der Repräsentation von Text und der Erweiterung der Grenzen der fiktiv dargestellten Welt, sind allerdings mit hohem Übersetzungsaufwand bei minimaler Bedeutung für die Handlung verbunden.


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Gefüllte Skutterudite mit der Summenformel MxCo4Sb12 sind vielversprechende thermoelektrische Materialien. Die Standardsynthese führt jedoch oft zur Bildung von MSbx, Sb, CoSb oder CoSb2 als Nebenphasen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue zweistufige Synthese vorgestellt, bei der die Bildung des Kieftits (CoSb3) getrennt von dem topotaktischen Füllen mit dem Metallatom M erfolgt. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt eine Durchführung der Reaktion bei niedrigeren Temperaturen mit kürzeren Reaktionszeiten. Ein geringer Antimon-Unterschuss im so erhaltenen Kieftit erhöht die Anzahl der Ladungsträger und unterdrückt die Bildung von Verunreinigungsphasen. Zunächst wurden Skutteruditproben mit der nominellen Zusammensetzung InxCo4Sb12 mit x = 0,12; 0,15; 0,18 und 0,20 in hoher Reinheit hergestellt und mit Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) kompaktiert. Messaufnahmen mit Potential- und Seebeck-Mikrosonde und Rasterelektronenmikroskop zeigten eine hohe Probenhomogenität. Produkte waren nahezu phasenrein, was eine Untersuchung der Transporteigenschaften ohne Verfälschung durch Nebenphasen ermöglichte. Die quantitative Phasenanalyse mittels Synchrotron-Beugungsdaten zeigte < 0,1 % InSb bei In0,18Co4Sb12 und In0,20Co4Sb12, sowie eine lineare Korrelation zwischen dem wahren Füllgrad und der Gitterkonstante. Die Bindung von < 0,1 % InSb verringerte den Füllgrad der nominellen In0,20Co4Sb12-Probe auf x = 0,144. Die nominelle In0,18Co4Sb12-Probe mit dem wahren Gehalt x = 0,160 hatte den höchsten zT-Wert nahe eins bei 420 °C. Es konnte anschließend die Anwendbarkeit der Synthesemethode für Barium- und mehrfach gefüllte (Na+In) Skutterudite gezeigt werden. Die Na-gefüllte Probe war gegenüber der thermischen Behandlung in der SPS oder der Charakterisierung instabil. Alle Verbindungen wurden gesintert und ihre Transporteigenschaften wurden charakterisiert. Des weiterem wurde der Einfluss der Konzentration der Korngrenzen bei den Mischungen von zu Nanomaßstab vermahlenem In0,18Co4Sb12 (Partikelgrößen zwischen 20 und 100 nm) mit dem ursprünglichen Bulk untersucht. Proben mit verschiedenen Anteilen von Nanopulver wurden gesintert, ihre thermoelektrischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften wurden untersucht. Die Gütezahl zT von 1,39 bei 375 °C wurde bei der Probe mit gleichen Anteilen des Nano- und des unbehandelten Pulvers erreicht. Die Komposite mit Anteilen <10 % oder >75 % des Nanopulvers zeigten keine Verbesserung gegenüber der unbehandelten Verbindung.rn


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La continua e crescente esigenza da parte dei gestori delle reti stradali ed autostradali di contenere i costi di gestione e manutenzione, ha da tempo impegnato l'industria delle pavimentazioni nell'individuazione di metodi innovativi, in grado di aumentare la redditività dei budget predisposti per il ripristino della sede stradale. Il presente lavoro di tesi si propone di approfondire tale argomento e in particolare di indagare l’impiego di terre decoloranti esauste all'interno di miscele bituminose drenanti per strati di usura. Il riutilizzo di queste terre porterebbe a risparmiare risorse naturali come il filler calcareo e diminuire i volumi che vengono smaltiti in discarica. È stato osservato che il filler bentonitico digestato può essere utilizzato nel confezionamento di miscele bituminose per strati di usura drenanti e fonoassorbenti con prestazioni simili o addirittura superiori alle equivalenti con filler calcareo tradizionale. Le prove condotte non hanno evidenziato nessun deterioramento delle caratteristiche meccaniche. Si ricorda che sono necessari studi circa il drenaggio del legante e il comportamento a fatica delle miscele bituminose in relazione alle fasi di esercizio dei materiali. Sulla base delle considerazioni elaborate si può affermare che nel caso in esame l'impiego del filler bentonitico digestato consente di risparmiare una risorsa naturale come il filler calcareo, a parità di inerti e legante nella miscela. Inoltre, si ha un vantaggio dal punto di vista economico, poiché meno volumi di questo materiale vengono smaltiti in discarica.


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Lo scopo di questo studio sperimentale è stato quello di determinare l’effetto dell’aggiunta di piccole quantità (1wt%) di grafene e ossido di grafene al poli(1-trimetilsilil-1-propino) (PTMSP). Il PTMSP è uno dei polimeri più promettenti per la separazione di gas tramite membrane polimeriche grazie al suo elevato volume libero (26%). Sono state studiate sia membrane spesse (60-180 micron) preparate per solvent casting che sottili (2-10 micron) preparate per spin coating supportate su un film poroso di polipropilene commerciale. L’ossido di grafene aumenta la permeabilità del PTMSP, mentre il grafene ha mostrato un comportamento variabile in funzione del protocollo di preparazione che è risultato dipendere fortemente dalla velocità di evaporazione del solvente. Le membrane così ottenute sono state testate al permeometro. È stata osservata una dipendenza della permeabilità in funzione dello spessore del film e del grado di invecchiamento. In particolare, la presenza di nanofiller riduce il grado di invecchiamento dei film di PTMSP. Nel caso specifico della coppia di gas permeanti He/CO2, i campioni hanno mostrato un comportamento intercambiabile di selettività all’He o alla CO2, modulabile in funzione della temperatura tra 30-60°C e del filler utilizzato.


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The repair of critical-sized bony defects remains a challenge in the fields of implantology, maxillofacial surgery and orthopaedics. As an alternative bone-defect filler to autologous bone grafts, deproteinized bovine bone (DBB) is highly osteoconductive and clinically now widely used. However, this product suffers from the disadvantage of not being intrinsically osteoinductive. In the present study, this property was conferred by coating DBB with a layer of calcium phosphate into which bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) was incorporated. Granules of DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2--together with the appropriate controls (DBB bearing a coating but no BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing adsorbed BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing no BMP-2)--were implanted subcutaneously in rats. Five weeks later, the implants were withdrawn for a histomorphometric analysis of the volume densities of (i) bone, (ii) bone marrow, (iii) foreign-body giant cells and (iv) fibrous capsular tissue. Parameters (i) and (ii) were highest, whilst parameters (iii) and (iv) were lowest in association with DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2. Hence, this mode of functionalization not only confers DBB with the property of osteoinductivity but also improves its biocompatibility--thus dually enhancing its clinical potential in the repair of bony defects.


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Investigates multiple processing parameters, includingpolymer type, filler type, processing technique, severity of SSSP (Solid-state shear pulverization)processing, and postprocessing, of SSSP. HDPE and LLDPE polymers with pristine clay and organo-clay samples are explored. Effects on crystallization, high-temperature behavior, mechanicalproperties, and gas barrier properties are examined. Thermal, mechanical, and morphological characterization is conducted to determine polymer/filler compatibility and superior processing methods for the polymer-clay nanocomposites.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical outcome of horizontal ridge augmentation using autogenous block grafts covered with an organic bovine bone mineral (ABBM) and a bioabsorbable collagen membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 42 patients with severe horizontal bone atrophy, a staged approach was chosen for implant placement following horizontal ridge augmentation. A block graft was harvested from the symphysis or retromolar area, and secured to the recipient site with fixation screws. The width of the ridge was measured before and after horizontal ridge augmentation. The block graft was subsequently covered with ABBM and a collagen membrane. Following a tension-free primary wound closure and a mean healing period of 5.8 months, the sites were re-entered, and the crest width was re-assessed prior to implant placement. RESULTS: Fifty-eight sites were augmented, including 41 sites located in the anterior maxilla. The mean initial crest width measured 3.06 mm. At re-entry, the mean width of the ridge was 7.66 mm, with a calculated mean gain of horizontal bone thickness of 4.6 mm (range 2-7 mm). Only minor surface resorption of 0.36 mm was observed from augmentation to re-entry. CONCLUSIONS: The presented technique of ridge augmentation using autogenous block grafts with ABBM filler and collagen membrane coverage demonstrated successful horizontal ridge augmentation with high predictability. The surgical method has been further simplified by using a resorbable membrane. The hydrophilic membrane was easy to apply, and did not cause wound infection in the rare instance of membrane exposure.


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An experimental simulation study is made to determine the effects of occlusal wear on the capacity of teeth to resist fracture. Tests are carried out on model dome structures, using glass shells to represent enamel and epoxy filler to represent dentin. The top of the domes are ground and polished to produce flat surfaces of prescribed depths relative to shell thickness. The worn surfaces are then loaded axially with a hard sphere, or a hard or soft flat indenter, to represent extremes of food contacts. The loads required to drive longitudinal cracks around the side walls of the enamel to failure are measured as a function of relative wear depth. It is shown that increased wear can inhibit or enhance load-bearing capacity, depending on the nature of the contact. The results are discussed in the context of biological evolutionary pressures.