784 resultados para Facebook©
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)
La carte postale est un kaléidoscope de vues, d’ornements et de couleurs, qui consacre un tout petit espace au message. C’est à la photographie et aux procédés de reproduction photomécaniques que revient le mérite d’avoir industrialisé la production de la carte postale. Et ce sont les clichés de villes, avec leurs monuments et leurs paysages, qui confèrent à la carte postale son statut de moyen de communication de masse et qui lui concèdent une affinité avec l’industrie du tourisme. La carte postale s’est ainsi emparée de l’ambition photographique de reproduire le monde, s’alliant aux « besoins de l’exploration, des expéditions et des relevés topographiques » du médium photographique à ses débuts. Ayant comme point de départ la carte postale, notre objectif est de montrer les conséquences culturelles de la révolution optique, commencée au milieu du XIXe siècle, avec l’invention de l’appareil photo, et consumée dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, avec l’apparition de l’ordinateur. En effet, depuis l’apparition de l’appareil photographique et des cartes postales jusqu’au flux de pixels de Google Images et aux images satellite de Google Earth, un entrelacement de territoire, puissance et technique a été mis en oeuvre, la terre devenant, en conséquence, de plus en plus auscultée par les appareils de vision, ce qui impacte sur la perception de l’espace. Nous espérons pouvoir montrer avec cette étude que la lettre traditionnelle est à l’email ce que la carte postale est au post que l’on publie dans un blog ou dans des réseaux comme Facebook et Twitter. À notre sens, les cartes postales correspondent à l’ouverture maximale du système postal moderne, qui d’universel devient dépendant et partie intégrante des réseaux télématiques d’envoi. Par elles sont annoncés, en effet, la vitesse de transmission de l’information, la brièveté de la parole et l’hégémonie de la dimension imagétique du message, et pour finir, l’embarras provoqué par la fusion de l’espace public avec l’espace privé.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)
Projecto de mestrado em Mediação Cultural e Literária
Avui dia, la gestió d’esdeveniments online i la seva promoció és un mercat creixent gràcies a l’evolució de la web 2.0 i a les xarxes socials. Ticketmaster és el referent, tot i així, no existeix una oferta clara per gestionar la venda d’entrades d’esdeveniments d’una mida petita o mitjana i que aprofiti les xarxes socials i la integració d’aplicacions que aquestes proporcionen. L’objectiu és realitzar una aplicació web on els usuaris (propis o de Facebook) puguin crear esdeveniments, publicar-los i promocionar-los a les xarxes socials, així com gestionar les tasques i característiques relacionades com la venda d’entrades i la llista de convidats.
El projecte realitza una visió general de les xarxes socials que existeixen actualment a Internet i analitza detalladament les característiques de set xarxes molt importants (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, V Kontakte, MySpace, Tuenti, Flickr) amb l'únic objectiu de facilitar a l'usuari habitual la millor selecció pels seus interessos.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és crear una aplicació per dispositius mòbils que permeti interactuar amb Moodle, un entorn d'aprenentatge en línia. Actualment s'ha estès molt els smartphones, i cada vegada hi ha més gent connectada al mon web les 24h amb aquests aparells. I s'estan acostumant a rebre alertes cada vegada que reben un correu, un tweet, un missatge a Facebook... lo que fa que la gent estigui sempre assabentada de tot en qualsevol lloc i moment.
The Public Health Agency is urging Northern Ireland parents to make sure children in 'at risk' groups get their flu vaccine early.The message has been issued to parents and carers of children as the PHA's seasonal flu vaccination programme gets underway for 2011/12.It is very important that children with any condition that puts them more at risk of the complications of flu get the vaccine.These 'at risk' conditions include:chronic lung conditions such as asthma;chest infections that have required hospital admission;chronic heart conditions;chronic liver disease;chronic kidney disease;diabetes;lowered immunity due to disease or treatment such as steroids or cancer therapy;chronic neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or a condition that affects the nervous system, such as cerebral palsy;hereditary and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system or muscles.Children who attend special schools for severe learning or physical disabilities are considered to be particularly at risk, as well as those with other complex health needs.The PHA has written to principals of local special schools, as well as parents of children at these schools, to raise awareness of the importance of getting vaccinated early.Dr Richard Smithson, PHA Flu Vaccination Lead, said: "For many people, flu is a short, unpleasant illness, but it does not usually cause any serious problems. However, for others, it can have very serious complications including, in rare cases, being fatal."We have been particularly reminded over the last two winters that children with chronic neurological problems and other complex health needs are very vulnerable to these complications. We have seen children become very seriously ill and, tragically, there have even been a few deaths in children who attend special schools."For this reason, we recommend that all children who attend special schools for severe learning disability, and special schools for physical disability, are offered the flu vaccine early in the autumn, before the flu viruses start circulating."The vaccine is now available from GP surgeries and the PHA recommends that parents check arrangements with their own GP's surgery so that their child can get the jab.The earlier you get vaccinated the better, as it takes the body about 10-14 days after the jab to develop antibodies. These will then protect you against the same or similar viruses if the body is exposed to them. The vaccine contains three strains of the flu virus, which are considered the most likely to be circulating this winter, including the H1N1 (swine flu) virus."Your child needs to get the flu jab every year - the protection it gives only lasts for one winter, so even if they got it last year, they still need to get it this year," added Dr Smithson."Also, if your child has been diagnosed with flu or swine flu in the past couple of years, they will still need the jab this year as there are different types of flu that the jab will protect against. Getting the flu jab is the best way to protect your child against flu and we would strongly recommend that you arrange for them to have it."Although the vaccine gives good protection, no vaccine gives total protection, so if your child develops flu-like symptoms (such as fever, cough, aches and pains, and sore throat) you should contact your GP for advice. If your child has any of these symptoms, they should be kept at home until they feel better."For more information on seasonal flu, go to www.fluawareni.info and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Gortin Community Seasonal Eating is based within Owenkillew Development Company in the rural village of Gortin. They are establishing a community garden which will help to develop sustainable living through encouraging growing their own food, developing healthy options which are available locally and educating both providers and consumers in healthy food options. Their aims are to improve access to and availability of healthy food options through community growing and harvesting of fruit and vegetables and eating locally produced and procured ingredients. They will educate parents through targeting both the children and parents of local schools and play/toddler groups. They will use community networking of social media such as facebook, twitter and community newspaper to promote messages and events etc. They will promote awareness of healthy eating and will aim to challenge public policy on food poverty at regional and national levels. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Tyrone Partner Agencies safefood
Community garden project and allotments aims to increase community involvement, participation and activity in the locality. We have a number of family groups (parents and children) working together. It is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people from the area, get out of the house a few hours a week and be part of a really nice community group. We see our garden somewhat like a Co-op. Everyone is welcome to join us, we meet up at least three times a week and do the jobs around the garden together – mainly around vegetables and some fruit trees but we are interested in flowers and other things as well. We have a garden sale every Thursday between 12pm-2pm. We sell all organic produce grown in the garden and make our own jams to sell weekly also. At the end of the season we all share the crops, vegetables and fruits if there is any left after the sale on Thursday. Contact: Kevin Dunne, 087 272 4537. Email: communitygardens@ballyfermotpartnership.ie  Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 10 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Lone parents Men Older people Unemployed Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxED179ZBWiRa251UQh4l1A Connect with this Initiative Facebook
CHANGE is a multi-faceted programme which seeks to transform the way lone parents think about food. The programme focuses on education, health and the affordability of healthy food for lone parents, as a particularly disadvantaged low-income group. The key activities include training programmes for lone parents and a community garden which engages the wider community. Five training programmes will be developed over the three years; Healthy Eating (basic and advanced), Food Growing, Community Gardening and Community Resilience The community garden is supported by Northside Partnership, Coolock Development Council and Sphere 17 regional youth service, who are all represented on the steering group and contribute some human resources to maintaining and developing the garden. Â Â Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 11 Dublin 13 Dublin 3 Dublin 5 Dublin 7 Dublin 9 Target Groups Lone parents Funding Safefood Partner Agencies Coolock Development Council Connect with this Initiative Facebook
It was important to us to engage with as many students as possible throughout the process of developing a new name for the reformed junior cycle. In this vein, we used a wide variety of methods to engage with students in order to capture as many ideas as possible; text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, email and consultation sessions. We circulated posters to all schools via post and/or email, and contacted schools in catchment areas for the consultation sessions by phone. In our consultation sessions, we had discussions with the participating students about what the new junior cycle would be, closely guided by the content of “Towards a Framework for Junior Cycle” from the National Council for Curriculum and assessment. In these sessions, students then gave feedback on what they thought of the reformed junior cycle, developed their own ideas, and identified what they thought should be reflected in the name of the reformed junior cycle
MiRegaloPerfecto.com és una web del tipus xarxa social que neix amb la idea de que els usuaris puguin crear llistes de regals que els agradaria rebre en alguna ocasió, afegint-hi el nom, la descripció i, opcionalment, un preu aproximat, una web on trobar-lo i una fotografia. Aquestes llistes les podran compartir dins de la mateixa xarxa o a través d'eMail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. S'ha acabat rebre regals absurds, inútils o no desitjats! MiRegaloPerfecto.com elimina aquest problema per sempre més!