325 resultados para Europeans
The present study comparatively examined the socio-political and economic transformation of the indigenous Sámi in Sweden and the Indian American in the United States of America occurring first as a consequence of colonization and later as a product of interaction with the modern territorial and industrial state, from approximately 1500 to 1900. ^ The first colonial encounters of the Europeans with these autochthonous populations ultimately created an imagery of the exotic Other and of the noble savage. Despite these disparaging representations, the cross-cultural settings in which these interactions took place also produced the hybrid communities and syncretic life that allowed levels of cultural accommodation, autonomous space, and indigenous agency to emerge. By the nineteenth century, however, the modern territorial and industrial state rearranges the dynamics and reaches of power across a redefined territorial sovereign space, consequently, remapping belongingness and identity. In this context, the status of indigenous peoples, as in the case of Sámi and of Indian Americans, began to change at par with industrialization and with modernity. At this point in time, indigenous populations became a hindrance to be dealt with the legal re-codification of Indigenousness into a vacuumed limbo of disenfranchisement. It is, thus, the modern territorial and industrial state that re-creates the exotic into an indigenous Other. ^ The present research showed how the initial interaction between indigenous and Europeans changed with the emergence of the modern state, demonstrating that the nineteenth century, with its fundamental impulses of industrialism and modernity, not only excluded and marginalized indigenous populations because they were considered unfit to join modern society, it also re-conceptualized indigenous identity into a constructed authenticity.^
Volet cinématographique d’une révolution d’ordre social, la Nouvelle Vague a cristallisé les changements qui ont bouleversé la société européenne au début des années soixante. De l’émancipation sexuelle à la mise en scène d’une jeunesse affranchie, elle sut se faire le miroir cinématographique d’une libération des mœurs qui fit entrer les Européens dans une ère nouvelle. Si une nouvelle conception du cinéma suffit à accorder une place de choix au mouvement dans son histoire, ses représentants ont également forgé une nouvelle figure du héros masculin dans le paysage cinématographique français. Loin des héros lisses de l'académisme ou de la gravité de ceux du réalisme poétique qui l'ont par exemple précédé, l'héroïsme conjugué par la Nouvelle Vague insufflait légèreté, oisiveté et désinvolture à des protagonistes dont le dilettantisme des acteurs Jean-Pierre Léaud et Jean-Paul Belmondo (par exemple) en constitua le parangon. Le travail de recherche dont il est ici question visera principalement à s’interroger sur la façon dont ce héros atypique semble s’être annexé aux voix du cinéma français contemporain qui en présentent une mosaïque de réinterprétations. Mouvement dont le rayonnement ne semble toujours pas s’être tari – son héritage est encore revendiqué par plusieurs cinéastes – et qui dépasse la sphère du cinéma, nous viserons surtout à rendre compte de la pérennité de la Nouvelle Vague à travers l'examen de la perpétuation de son héritage par de nouvelles générations d'auteurs. Ce projet de mémoire s'essaiera notamment à la définition d'une identité du héros cinématographique français contemporain qui ne nous semble a priori pas si éloignée de celle colportée dans les années soixante par les porte-étendards de la Nouvelle Vague.
Représentant entre 10 et 12 millions d’individus en Europe, les Roms sont confrontés à des discriminations et à l’exclusion sociale. 40% des Européens refusent d’avoir des Roms comme voisins, alors que 70% de ceux-ci n’entretiennent même pas de contact direct avec eux dans leur vie. Face à la problématique qu’offrent ces statistiques, cette étude entend observer les mécanismes de construction des attitudes envers les Roms. Je propose d’analyser la production de ces attitudes au sein de deux milieux similaires, mais où les politiques d’intégration locales envers les Roms divergent, rendant ainsi les conditions des contacts intergroupes différent. Cette analyse part des postulats scientifiques selon lesquels l’intégration des migrants est un enjeu d’action publique locale, et que les interactions sociales de qualité structurent les attitudes des uns par rapport aux autres. Ainsi, à partir d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées dans les communes françaises de La Courneuve et d’Ivry-sur-Seine, je teste de manière empirique quatre théories dominantes dans le domaine des relations intergroupes: la théorie du contact, l’effet halo, l’impact des politiques locales d’intégration des immigrants et l’influence des médias.
Background: The role of common, low to intermediate risk alleles in breast cancer need to be examined due to their relatively high prevalence. Among many cellular pathways, replication has a pivotal role in cell division and frequently targeted during carcinogenesis. Replication is governed by a host of genes involved in a number of different pathways. This study investigates the effects of replication-gene variants in relation to breast cancer and how this relationship is affected by ethnicity, menopausal status and breast tumour subtype. Methods: Data from a case-control study with 997 incident breast cancer cases and 1,050 age frequency matched controls in Vancouver, British Columbia and Kingston, Ontario were used. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios between 45 replication gene variants and breast cancer risk, assuming an additive genetic model adjusted for age and centre, presented for Europeans and East Asians separately. Polytomous logistic regression was used to assess odds ratios between each SNP and four breast cancer subtypes defined by hormone receptor status among Europeans. All analyses were stratified by menopausal status. The Benjamini–Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) was used to address multiple comparisons. Results: Among Europeans, the SNPs in FGFR2, TOX3 and 11q13 loci were associated with breast cancer after controlling for multiple comparisons. Test of heterogeneity showed the SNPs rs1045185, rs4973768, rs672888, rs1219648, rs2420946 among Europeans and rs889312 among East Asians conferred differential risk across the tumour subtypes. Conclusions: Specific SNPs in replication genes were associated with breast cancer, and the risk level differed by tumour subtype defined by ER/PR/Her2 status and ethnicity.
This paper aims to establish possible tourism demand scenarios of European travellers to Portugal based on the relationship with changing population structures. A combination of the EuROBAROMETER report 370 (“Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013”) and the cohort-component method for population projections will allow the development of different possible tourism demand scenarios. Following the European report, individuals who travelled in 2013 were most likely to live in a household with two or more individuals. Thus, if elderly couples are together till later in their life and in better physiological shape, it is possible that the number of elderly individuals travelling for tourism purposes will increase in the near future. If we can expect tourists from developing countries to be younger due to their demographic dynamics than those from developed countries, where the ageing population is growing fast, we can expect that the percentage of the elderly among tourists will increase. Furthermore, the 2013 European report found that the combination of socio-demographic variables, such as, age, population, gender, household dimension, country of residence and trip purpose explained tourism demand scenarios for Portugal, confirming that seniors and families evidence a paramount sense of importance for the destination. In the literature there is a lack of discussion about the effects of demography in the future and the role of an ageing population in tourism demand choice patterns. We aim to contribute to filling this gap. Consequently, we strongly believe that this paper contributes to the literature by introducing a new field of discussion about the importance of demographic changes in shaping travel trends.
The meeting of multiple cultures and their mutual influence during the Portuguese expansion in Asia led to the emergence of different types of fusion styles in objects commissioned by the settlers, merchants, and religious orders present in Portuguese India. The east-Asian lacquer coatings of modestly sized wooden objects of various types dating from the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries have been analyzed as part of the research for a doctoral thesis that aims to establish their cultural and geographical attribution within the context of the Getty Conservation Institute’s lacquer research project. Among the objects were three seventeenthcentury lacquered trays from Portuguese museums and private collections that had previously been classified as Japanese Nanban, Chinese or Ryukyuan lacquers or even as Indo-Portuguese artifacts. The materials and techniques that were identified show close similarities with Chinese techniques mentioned in historic accounts — the only existing Ming Chinese Treatise on lacquering Xiushi lu and the eighteenth-century memoirs of the Jesuit priest d’Incarville. These nearly 400-year-old artifacts are among the first lacquered objects commissioned by Europeans and probably the first of Chinese origin. Their detailed technical study contributes to international lacquer research and complements existing knowledge and perceptions of the lacquering processes that were applied in response to an early European demand for exotic items.
This paper aims to establish possible tourism demand scenarios of European travellers to Portugal based on the relationship with changing population structures. A combination of the EUROBAROMETER report 370 (“Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013”) and the cohort-component method for population projections will allow the development of different possible tourism demand scenarios. Following the European report, individuals who travelled in 2013 were most likely to live in a household with two or more individuals. Thus, if elderly couples are together till later in their life and in better physiological shape, it is possible that the number of elderly individuals travelling for tourism purposes will increase in the near future. If we can expect tourists from developing countries to be younger due to their demographic dynamics than those from developed countries, where the ageing population is growing fast, we can expect that the percentage of the elderly among tourists will increase. Furthermore, the 2013 European report found that the combination of socio-demographic variables, such as, age, population, gender, household dimension, country of residence and trip purpose explained tourism demand scenarios for Portugal, confirming that seniors and families evidence a paramount sense of importance for the destination. In the literature there is a lack of discussion about the effects of demography in the future and the role of an ageing population in tourism demand choice patterns. We aim to contribute to filling this gap. Consequently, we strongly believe that this paper contributes to the literature by introducing a new field of discussion about the importance of demographic changes in shaping travel trends.
ResumenEn este trabajo se ofrece una comparación inicial de los modelos tecnológicos explícitos e implícitos propuestos o supuestos por los autores de una serie de tratados generales, manuales y estudios sobre caficultura, tanto europeos o estadounidenses como caribeños y latinoamericanos. También se contrastan las recomendaciones técnicas como las diversas prácticas de cultivo y procesamiento que se traslucen a través de las páginas de dichos textos.AbstractThe study offers an initial comparison of the explicit and implicit technological models suggested or assumed by the author of a series of general treatises, manuals and studies on coffee, both by Europeans or North Americans and by Caribbeans or Latin Americans. Technical recommendations are also contrasted with the various agricultural and processing systems actually in use, as reflected in the pages of those same texts.
This article intends to perform an analysis related to the female representation in the first texts produced in American soil, in the period of the “discovery” of America and the first contact between cultures. The main texts of chroniclers approached are: Jean de Léry’s Viagem à Terra do Brasil, from 1578; Hans Staden’s Suas viagens e captiveiro entre os selvagens do Brasil, from 1557; João de Azpilcueta Navarro’s Cartas avulsas, from 1551; and Simão de Vasconcelos’, with Cronica da Companhia de Jesus do Estado de Brasil, from 1663. In this approach, our interest is to bring to memory the ways that the Europeans reacted when facing the existing cultural differences in the shock between the cultures, especially when facing the practice of cannibalism by the autochthonous people, and the way that the Europeans transmitted, through writing, these experiences to their compatriots. Highlighting specifically the way the women are presented in the reports at issue, bringing also a few illustrations, produced at the time of the first encounters, which allow the direct link of the autochthonous woman that practices the anthropophagic ritual with the figure of the witch that permeated the European popular imaginary of that time. Supporting the theoretical foundation of the proposed paper: Manuel Fernández Álvarez’s Casadas, monjas, rameras y brujas: la olvidada historia de la mujer española en el renacimiento (2002); Thomas Bonnici’s No limite da feminilidade: assassinas e bruxas – a mulher na sociedade inglesa dos séculos XVI e XVII (2003); e Kramer e Sprenger’s O Martelo das Feiticeiras (1486).
The slave-system, with extant repercussions on contemporary society, is accountable for the globalized exclusion scheme not only in the ex-colonies but even in the former metropolises. Official History is subverted by re-narrating what happened to non-Europeans during the last five hundred years and in Fruit of the Lemon black British author Andrea Levy utilizes orature to trigger the subjectification process in Faith Jackson, a British-born black female whose parents hail from Jamaica. Orature involve the construction of a new subject through revelations on the daily struggle for work, friendship, community-building, racial inclusion and the dire facts of the Caribbean diaspora. Since transindividual social tensions affect the British black subject, native or immigrant, the novel denounces the immigrants’ “amnesia” as a policy and the myth of a British multicultural society accepting peacefully ex-colonial subjects. Results show that remembrance through orature is a powerful means of subjectification and identity, besides being an antidote against a racialized society. In Fruit of the Lemon Levy installs an agonistic stance in which the authority of hegemonic discourse is subverted and a new liberating and hybridized discourse produced.