987 resultados para Escore Syntax
OBJETIVO: comparar o crescimento de lactentes filhos de mães adolescentes com o de filhos de mães adultas nos primeiros dois anos de vida. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte histórica realizado entre 1998 e 2000, comparando o crescimento de dois grupos de crianças do nascimento até completar dois anos de idade. Um dos grupos era constituído por filhos de mães adolescentes (n:127) e o outro por filhos de mães adultas (n:181). Ambos os grupos eram acompanhados regularmente nas duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Universidade de São Paulo, integradas ao sistema de público de saúde. Os dados de peso e comprimento, coletados sistematicamente, foram analisados sob a forma de escore Z (NCHS/OMS, 1978). Equações (curvas) de regressão descrevendo o crescimento individual de cada criança foram definidas a partir dos dados coletados. Posteriormente, os valores de escore Z de peso e comprimento em idades exatas (mensais) foram estimados por interpolação, utilizando-se as equações individuais obtidas. RESULTADOS: ao nascimento e aos 24 meses os dois grupos não apresentaram diferença nas médias dos escores Z de peso e comprimento que, contudo, eram inferiores às do referencial (p<0,001). Neste período, apresentaram desempenhos diferentes de crescimento, com uma tendência pior para os filhos de adolescentes, que se afastava da mediana do referencial de maneira significante, (p=0,0008). CONCLUSÃO: Os lactentes de mães adolescentes apresentaram um pior desempenho de crescimento até os dois anos de vida, quando comparados com o dos filhos de mães adultas
OBJETIVOS: Identificar os fatores associados à recuperação nutricional de crianças inscritas no Programa de Incentivo ao Combate às Carências Nutricionais (ICCN) no Município de Mogi das Cruzes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio institucional não controlado com 570 crianças inscritas no ICCN, que foram seguidas de julho de 1999 a julho de 2001. O estado nutricional foi avaliado segundo índice altura/idade, sendo consideradas eutróficas as crianças com escore z > - 1; de risco as que apresentaram z > - 2 e < - 1; desnutridas moderadas aquelas com z < - 2 e > - 3; e desnutridas graves as que apresentavam z < - 3. O impacto do ICCN foi analisado através de modelo multivariado com o uso de equações de estimação (GEE - Generalized Estimating Equations), sendo considerado significativo p<0,05. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÃO: Ao final do seguimento, houve a melhora nutricional das crianças, com um gradiente, sendo maior a recuperação quanto maior a deficiência nutricional inicial. Observaram-se ganhos em altura de 1,12, 0,82, 0,57 e 0,45 desvios-padrão para as desnutridas graves, moderadas, em risco nutricional e eutróficas, respectivamente. Os fatores associados à evolução nutricional das crianças desnutridas foram a idade de 12 a 24 meses ao ingressar no ICCN, o peso ao nascer igual ou superior a 3 kg e o aleitamento materno. Os fatores associados negativamente à evolução nutricional neste grupo foram idade da mãe entre 20 a 40 anos e a ausência de trabalho remunerado materno. Para as crianças em risco, a renda familiar também se mostrou associada à melhor evolução nutricional. A experiência do ICCN em Mogi das Cruzes sugere que os programas de suplementação alimentar têm papel relevante na recuperação nutricional de desnutridos
This paper proposes a simple high-level programming language, endowed with resources that help encoding self-modifying programs. With this purpose, a conventional imperative language syntax (not explicitly stated in this paper) is incremented with special commands and statements forming an adaptive layer specially designed with focus on the dynamical changes to be applied to the code at run-time. The resulting language allows programmers to easily specify dynamic changes to their own program`s code. Such a language succeeds to allow programmers to effortless describe the dynamic logic of their adaptive applications. In this paper, we describe the most important aspects of the design and implementation of such a language. A small example is finally presented for illustration purposes.
Age-related changes in the adult language addressed to children aged 2;0-4;0 years in polyadic conditions were investigated in Australian childcare centres. The language that 21 staff members addressed to these children was coded for multiple variables in the broad social categories of prosody, context, speech act and gesture. The linguistic components were coded within the categories of phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax and referential deixis. Minimal age-related differences were found. Explanations for the similarity of the adult language input across the age groups within the early childhood educational environment, will be discussed
There is now considerable evidence to suggest that non-demented people with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience difficulties using the morphosyntactic aspects of language. It remains unclear, however, at precisely which point in the processing of morphosyntax, these difficulties emerge. The major objective of the present study was to examine the impact of PD on the processes involved in accessing morphosyntactic information in the lexicon. Nineteen people with PD and 19 matched control subjects participated in the study which employed on-line word recognition tasks to examine morphosyntactic priming for local grammatical dependencies that occur both within (e.g. is going) and across (e.g. she gives) phrasal boundaries (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). The control group evidenced robust morphosyntactic priming effects that were consistent with the involvement of both pre- (Experiment 1) and post-lexical (Experiment 2) processing routines. Whilst the participants with PD also recorded priming for dependencies within phrasal boundaries (Experiment 1), priming effects were observed over an abnormally brief time course. Further, in contrast to the controls, the PD group failed to record morphosyntactic priming for constructions that crossed phrasal boundaries (Experiment 2). The results demonstrate that attentionally mediated mechanisms operating at both the pre- and post-lexical stages of processing are able to contribute to morphosyntactic priming effects. In addition, the findings support the notion that, whilst people with PD are able to access morphosyntactic information in a normal manner, the time frame in which this information remains available for processing is altered. Deficits may also be experienced at the post-lexical integrational stage of processing.
The language profile of a group of 18 Alzheimer patients is documented and their performance on a standard aphasia test battery compared to a group of institutionalized, nonneurologically impaired control subjects matched for age, sex, and educational level. The Alzheimer patients scored significantly lower than the controls in the areas of verbal expression, auditory comprehension, repetition, reading, and writing. Articulation abilities were the same in each group. A language deficit was evident in all Alzheimer patients. The language disorder exhibited resembled a transcortical sensory aphasia. Syntax and phonology remained relatively intact but semantic abilities were impaired. The results support the inclusion of a language deficit as a diagnostic criterion of Alzheimer's disease.
There are many factors which affect the L2 learner’s performance at the levels of phonology, morphology and syntax. Consequently when L2 learners attempt to communicate in the target language, their language production will show systematic variability across the above mentioned linguistic domains. This variation can be attributed to some factors such as interlocutors, topic familiarity, prior knowledge, task condition, planning time and tasks types. This paper reports the results of an on going research investigating the issue of variability attributed to the task type. It is hypothesized that the particular type of task learners are required to perform will result in variation in their performance. Results of the statistical analyses of this study investigating the issue of variation in the performance of twenty L2 learners at the English department of Tabriz University provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that performance of L2 learners show systematic variability attributed to task.
A case sensitive intelligent model editor has been developed for constructing consistent lumped dynamic process models and for simplifying them using modelling assumptions. The approach is based on a systematic assumption-driven modelling procedure and on the syntax and semantics of process,models and the simplifying assumptions.
This paper examines the syntax of indirect objects (IO) in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Adopting a comparative perspective we propose that BP differs from European Portuguese (EP) in the grammatical encoding of IO. In EP ditransitive contexts, IO is found in two configurations - one projected by a (low) applicative head and another one involving a lexical/true preposition. We propose that the former property is contingent upon the presence of dative Case marking: namely, the morpheme `a` that introduces IO (a-DP), whose corresponding clitic pronoun is `lhe/lhes`. In contrast, important changes in the pronominal system, coupled with the increase in the use of the preposition `para` are taken as evidence for the loss of the low applicative construction in BP. Thus only the configuration with the lexical/true preposition is found in (Standard) BP. We argue that the innovative properties of IO in BP are due to the loss of the (3rd person) dative clitic and the preposition `a` as dative Case markers. Under this view, we further account for the realization of IO as a DP/weak pronoun, found in dialects of the central region of Brazil, which points to a similarity with the English Double Object Construction. Finally we show that the connection between the morphological expression of the dative Case and the expression of parameters supports a view of syntactic change according to which parametric variation is determined in the lexicon, in terms of the formal features of functional heads.
In an article in this journal, Boeckx & Hornstein (2006a) present data from Brazilian Portuguese (BP) as an argument in favor of the Movement Theory of Control (MTC). In this reply, I show that the data presented by those authors do not necessarily argue for a movement analysis of BP finite subjects nor of nonfinite control. I also show that BP provides arguments against the MTC when inflected infinitives are considered. Inflected infinitives may be used in BP in partial control structures, which makes it explicit that a singular matrix argument may control a syntactically plural null subject and shows that these two positions cannot be related by movement. Additionally, I show that the MTC makes the wrong predictions when a language with inflected infinitives is considered.
Qu-Prolog is an extension of Prolog which performs meta-level computations over object languages, such as predicate calculi and lambda-calculi, which have object-level variables, and quantifier or binding symbols creating local scopes for those variables. As in Prolog, the instantiable (meta-level) variables of Qu-Prolog range over object-level terms, and in addition other Qu-Prolog syntax denotes the various components of the object-level syntax, including object-level variables. Further, the meta-level operation of substitution into object-level terms is directly represented by appropriate Qu-Prolog syntax. Again as in Prolog, the driving mechanism in Qu-Prolog computation is a form of unification, but this is substantially more complex than for Prolog because of Qu-Prolog's greater generality, and especially because substitution operations are evaluated during unification. In this paper, the Qu-Prolog unification algorithm is specified, formalised and proved correct. Further, the analysis of the algorithm is carried out in a frame-work which straightforwardly allows the 'completeness' of the algorithm to be proved: though fully explicit answers to unification problems are not always provided, no information is lost in the unification process.
In order to analyse the effect of modelling assumptions in a formal, rigorous way, a syntax of modelling assumptions has been defined. The syntax of modelling assumptions enables us to represent modelling assumptions as transformations acting on the set of model equations. The notion of syntactical correctness and semantical consistency of sets of modelling assumptions is defined and methods for checking them are described. It is shown on a simple example how different modelling assumptions act on the model equations and their effect on the differential index of the resulted model is also indicated.
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery has long been adopted as the treatment of choice for patients with left main (LM) coronary obstructions. In the past, randomised trials and observational studies have shown an advantage in survival of CABG against medical treatment. Recent studies comparing CABG with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) suggested that angioplasty may play a role as an alternative choice. However, well designed randomised trials to evaluate the relative merits of both therapeutic approaches are lacking. In this article, we review the current scientific evidences and outline issues that currently still need to be addressed in comparing CABG versus PCI for the treatment of LM disease.
This paper examines the effects of information request ambiguity and construct incongruence on end user's ability to develop SQL queries with an interactive relational database query language. In this experiment, ambiguity in information requests adversely affected accuracy and efficiency. Incongruities among the information request, the query syntax, and the data representation adversely affected accuracy, efficiency, and confidence. The results for ambiguity suggest that organizations might elicit better query development if end users were sensitized to the nature of ambiguities that could arise in their business contexts. End users could translate natural language queries into pseudo-SQL that could be examined for precision before the queries were developed. The results for incongruence suggest that better query development might ensue if semantic distances could be reduced by giving users data representations and database views that maximize construct congruence for the kinds of queries in typical domains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, we present a systematic approach to the representation of modelling assumptions. Modelling assumptions form the fundamental basis for the mathematical description of a process system. These assumptions can be translated into either additional mathematical relationships or constraints between model variables, equations, balance volumes or parameters. In order to analyse the effect of modelling assumptions in a formal, rigorous way, a syntax of modelling assumptions has been defined. The smallest indivisible syntactical element, the so called assumption atom has been identified as a triplet. With this syntax a modelling assumption can be described as an elementary assumption, i.e. an assumption consisting of only an assumption atom or a composite assumption consisting of a conjunction of elementary assumptions. The above syntax of modelling assumptions enables us to represent modelling assumptions as transformations acting on the set of model equations. The notion of syntactical correctness and semantical consistency of sets of modelling assumptions is defined and necessary conditions for checking them are given. These transformations can be used in several ways and their implications can be analysed by formal methods. The modelling assumptions define model hierarchies. That is, a series of model families each belonging to a particular equivalence class. These model equivalence classes can be related to primal assumptions regarding the definition of mass, energy and momentum balance volumes and to secondary and tiertinary assumptions regarding the presence or absence and the form of mechanisms within the system. Within equivalence classes, there are many model members, these being related to algebraic model transformations for the particular model. We show how these model hierarchies are driven by the underlying assumption structure and indicate some implications on system dynamics and complexity issues. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.