763 resultados para Dyson, Matt
Group exhibition curated by Matt Packer. Artists: Fabienne Audeoud, Fleur van Dodewaard, Christian Jankowski, Bea McMahon, Kaspar Oppen Samuelsen, Ria Pacquée, Xavier Ribas, Florian Roithmayr, John Russell, Allan Sekula, Morten Torgersrud, Francis Upritchard, Anne de Vries.
Group exhibition, 3 commissioned back-lit prints, curated by Matt Packer and Arne Skaug Olsen.
Text designers are likely to benefit from guidance on how to use typographic differentiation for emphasis. Three experiments use purposely-designed fonts to explore the size and nature of differences in the stylistic characteristics of fonts (weight, width, contrast, italic) which affect letter identification. Results indicate that words set in bold and expanded fonts, when alternated with words set in a Neutral test font, may impair performance, whereas changing to italic does not. Possible explanations are explored through measuring the physical and perceptual similarities of the test fonts.
The variation of wind-optimal transatlantic flight routes and their turbulence potential is investigated to understand how upper-level winds and large-scale flow patterns can affect the efficiency and safety of long-haul flights. In this study, the wind-optimal routes (WORs) that minimize the total flight time by considering wind variations are modeled for flights between John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York, New York, and Heathrow Airport (LHR) in London, United Kingdom, during two distinct winter periods of abnormally high and low phases of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) teleconnection patterns. Eastbound WORs approximate the JFK–LHR great circle (GC) route following northerly shifted jets in the +NAO period. Those WORs deviate southward following southerly shifted jets during the −NAO period, because eastbound WORs fly closely to the prevailing westerly jets to maximize tailwinds. Westbound WORs, however, spread meridionally to avoid the jets near the GC in the +NAO period to minimize headwinds. In the −NAO period, westbound WORs are north of the GC because of the southerly shifted jets. Consequently, eastbound WORs are faster but have higher probabilities of encountering clear-air turbulence than westbound ones, because eastbound WORs are close to the jet streams, especially near the cyclonic shear side of the jets in the northern (southern) part of the GC in the +NAO (−NAO) period. This study suggests how predicted teleconnection weather patterns can be used for long-haul strategic flight planning, ultimately contributing to minimizing aviation’s impact on the environment
In this work we introduce a new hierarchical surface decomposition method for multiscale analysis of surface meshes. In contrast to other multiresolution methods, our approach relies on spectral properties of the surface to build a binary hierarchical decomposition. Namely, we utilize the first nontrivial eigenfunction of the Laplace-Beltrami operator to recursively decompose the surface. For this reason we coin our surface decomposition the Fiedler tree. Using the Fiedler tree ensures a number of attractive properties, including: mesh-independent decomposition, well-formed and nearly equi-areal surface patches, and noise robustness. We show how the evenly distributed patches can be exploited for generating multiresolution high quality uniform meshes. Additionally, our decomposition permits a natural means for carrying out wavelet methods, resulting in an intuitive method for producing feature-sensitive meshes at multiple scales. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Microwave-assisted sample preparation using diluted nitric acid solutions is an alternative procedure for digesting organic samples. The efficiency of this procedure depends on the chemical properties of the samples and in this work it was evaluated by the determination of crude protein amount. fat and original carbon. Soybeans grains, bovine blood. bovine muscle and bovine viscera were digested in a cavity-microwave oven using oxidant mixtures in different acid concentrations. The digestion efficiency was evaluated based on the determination of residual carbon content and element recoveries using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). In order to determine the main residual organic compounds, the digests were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR). Subsequently, studies concerning separation of nitrobenzoic acid isomers were performed by ion pair reversed phase liquid chromatography using a C18 stationary phase, water:acetonitrile:methanol (75:20:5, v/v/v) +0.05% (v/v) TFA as mobile phase and ultraviolet detection at 254 nm. Sample preparation based on diluted acids proved to be feasible and a recommendable alternative for organic sample digestion, reducing both the reagent volumes and the variability of the residues as a result of the process of decomposition. It was shown that biological matt-ices containing amino acids, proteins and lipids in their composition produced nitrobenzoic acid isomers and other organic compounds after cleavage of chemical bonds. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I detta examensarbete har gråbalansstyrning och ICC-profilers duglighet undersökts. ICC-profilernahar utvärderats utifrån den tryckkvalitet de genererat tillsammans med olika papper.Gråbalansstyrning har använts som gemensamma likare för samtliga testtryckningar. Detta tillfördeen variabel som var lika för samtliga papper i utredningen. Här med ökade sannolikheten att ICCprofilerskapade från olika papper, skulle ge en likvärdig kvalitet.I arbetet har många mätningar och beräkningar genomförts. De två främsta anledningarna till dettavar dels att utreda i vilken mån det gick att gråbalansjustera trycket och dels att inhämta jämförbaravärden på likheter och divergenser mellan olika kombinationer av ICC-profiler och papper. Mätdatahjälpte även till att ta hänsyn till de felkällor som fanns.Det var möjligt att gråbalansjustera trycket och det fanns likheter mellan en ICC-profil på olika papperoch även mellan fler ICC-profiler på samma papper. Samtliga resultat och slutsatser var beroendeav att neutral gråbalans upprätthölls under tryckningarna. Subjektiva och objektiva jämförelser visadebåda på att en ICC-profil inte kommer att påverkas av variationer mellan olika pappersleveranser,såvida dessa inte är större än skillnaden mellan de olika papperna.Med säkerhet kunde inte förutsägas från vilket papper en ICC-profil skulle skapas för att ge en högkvalitet på flera papper. Mest troligt var att likvärdigt resultat skulle kunna uppnås på G-Print, MultiArt Matt och Multi Art Silk.
Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable. Further more this gained in comparablevalues corresponding to similarities and divergences between combinations of ICC-profiles andpaper.The research concluded in the fact that it was possible to reach a neutral colour balance. One ICCprofileused together with various papers and also one paper with several ICC-profiles resulted in similaritiesand formed groups of samples. Since equivalent results could be reached on different samples,it implicated that variations within one paper shouldn’t affect the ICC-profiles. This was valid when thevariations were less than the divergence between the papers.Certain predictions on the question of from which paper the ICC-profiles should be generated to createhighest quality in print hasn’t been able to assemble. It’s likely that equivalent results could begenerated on G-Print, Multi Art Matt and Multi Art Silk.
Q&A: Tashia Bradley on Kentucky, Tortola, The Pugh Center mission, and the mild winter she brought with her to Maine Weather Report: Senior speaks at meteorological meeting, challenges historians' take on the history of forecasting Finding Community: Projects for Peace documentary explores a different, and for many, more rewarding way of life Literary Peaks: At Whitefish Review, Colby trio (plus one) gives art and literature a mountain home Sadoff Invites Us To Love Life Despite Hardship and Injustice (Review) Marketing Experts Say Plain Talk Beats Social Media Considering Life's Stepping Stones: For Debra Spark's characters, it's the journey, not the destination (Review) Finding Home Amid Myth and Mystery (Review) Recent Releases Concussion Impact: Colby-based project helps Maine schools reduce sports injuries Quiet Powerhouse: Rachael Mack ends career with 1,241 points, leads team turnaround Sports Shorts The Nation's Fastest: Dominique Kone '13 wins NCAA DIII 60-meter dash, coming back from 2011 injury
Designers respond to issues and synthesize ideas from throughout the day as voices from the field who directly encounter the need for recently graduated students to possess the ability to investigate and interrogate materials.
Neste trabalho estudamos modelos teóricos que descrevem sistemas eletrônicos fortemente correlacionados, em especial o modelo t-J, e suas aplicações a compostos de óxidos de cobre, notadamente os compostos que apresentam supercondutividade de alta temperatura crítica e o composto Sr2CuO2Cl2. No primeiro capítulo do trabalho, fazemos uma exposição de três modelos que envolvem o tratamento das interações elétron-elétron, que são os modelos de Hubbard de uma banda, o modelo de Heisenberg e o modelo t-J. Na dedução deste último fazemos uma expansão canônica do hamiltoniano de Hubbard, no limite de acoplamento forte, levando-nos a obter um novo hamiltoniano que pode ser utilizado para descrever um sistema antiferromagnético bidimensional na presen- ça de lacunas, que é exatamente o que caracteriza os compostos supercondutores de alta temperatura crítica na sua fase de baixa dopagem.Após termos obtido o hamiltoniano que descreve o modelo t-J, aplicamos à este uma descrição de polarons de spin, numa representação de holons, que são férmions sem spin, e spinons, que são bósons que carregam somente os graus de liberdade de spin. Utilizando uma função de Green para descrever a propagação do polaron pela rede, obtemos uma equação para a sua autoenergia somando uma série de diagramas de Feynman, sendo que para este cálculo utilizamos a aproxima ção de Born autoconsistente[1]. Do ponto de vista numérico demonstramos que a equação integral de Dyson resultante do tratamento anterior não requer um procedimento iterativo para sua solução, e com isto conseguimos trabalhar com sistemas com grande número de partículas. Os resultados mostram, como um aspecto novo, que o tempo de vida média do holon tem um valor bastante grande no ponto (π,0 ) da rede recíproca, perto da singularidade de Van Hove mencionada na literatura[2]. Este aspecto, e suas implicações, é amplamente discutido neste capítulo. No capítulo 3 estudamos o modelo estendido t-t'-J, com tunelamento à segundos vizinhos e a incorporação dos termos de três sítios[3]. Fazemos a mesma formulação do capítulo anterior, e discutimos as aplicações dos nossos resultados ao óxido mencionado anteriormente. Finalmente, no último capítulo apresentamos uma aplicação original do modelo t-J à uma rede retangular, levemente distorcida, e demonstramos que os resultados do capítulo 3 são reproduzidos sem necessidade de introduzir termos de tunelamento adicionais no hamiltoniano. Esta aplicação pode se tornar relevante para o estudo das fases de tiras encontradas recentemente nesses materiais de óxidos de cobre.
A aplicabilidade e usos de propagadores de glúon modificados na Cromodinâmica Quântica (QCD) em diferentes espécies de processos é analisada. Os propagadores modificados de glúon são obtidos por diversos métodos, em especial, as equações de Dyson-Schwinger e simulações numéricas em teoria de campos na rede. Os processos em que estes propagadores são empregados em QCD podem ser divididos em duas classes: os difrativos e os perturbativos. Nos primeiros, a troca do pomeron é relevante e as propriedades infravermelhas da teoria são importantes, como no espalhamento elástico próton-próton e na produção de mésons vetoriais massivos. Os processos perturbativos, como o decaimento de mésons massivos e fatores de forma de mésons, aparentemente não permitem o uso de um propagador modificado, entretanto, o uso destes permite uma melhor descrição dos dados experimentais, assim como no caso dos processos difrativos.