842 resultados para Drugs of abuse.


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of Mexican American women living with intimate partner abuse relevant to the process of disclosure of abuse. Limited research exists on the experiences of women who are of Mexican descent living with intimate partner abuse and their disclosure of abuse. Factors that influence disclosure for other populations are well articulated in the literature however, these factors have not been adequately verified in persons of Mexican descent. Data are reported from in-depth interviews with 26 clients at a shelter and an outreach agency in a south Texas-Mexico border community. Semi-structured interview guide was used to elicit information over an 11 month period. A grounded theory ethnography approach was used to analyze data. Verification strategies and constant comparison techniques (e.g. investigator responsiveness, methodological coherence, sampling adequacy, an active analytic stance, and saturation) enhanced rigor of analysis. Nineteen Mexican immigrant women and seven Mexican American women participated in the study. Several themes were discerned related to women's experiences in abuse: painful living, questioning endurance, and confronting reality. In almost every participant's account there was a description of repeated victimization by her intimate partner or partners, and again, by others within and outside her network. The participants discussed several cultural factors (e.g. embarrassment, concerns for family, avoidance of causing pain to family, protection of partner, avoidance of being judged) that hindered their decisions whether or not to disclose. Participants noted that healthcare workers rarely asked probing questions regarding abuse. The timing and process of disclosure took many turns for women in this study. Some of the factors hindering women from disclosing were found to be influenced by cultural practices. The consequences of disclosure for many of the women led them to re-victimization. Implications for practice to avoid missed opportunities with women living in abuse are to: ask questions routinely to encourage disclosure of abuse and offer community resource information for women living in abuse or both.^


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Since its introduction into the United States in the 1980s, crack cocaine has been a harsh epidemic that has taken its toll on a countless number of people. This highly addictive, cheap and readily available drug of abuse has permeated many demographic sectors, mostly in low income, lesser educated, and urban communities. This epidemic of crack cocaine use in inner city areas across the Unites States has been described as an expression of economic marginality and “social suffering” coupled with the local and international forces of drug market economies (Agar 2003). As crack cocaine is a derivative of cocaine, it utilizes the psychoactive component of the drug, but delivers it in a much stronger, quicker, and more addictive fashion. This, coupled with its ready availability and cheap price has allowed for users to not only become very addicted very quickly, but to be subject to the stringent and sometimes unequal or inconsistent punishments for possession and distribution of crack-cocaine. ^ There are many public health and social ramifications from the abuse of crack-cocaine, and these epidemics appear to target low income and minority groups. Public health issues relating to the physical, mental, and economic strain will be addressed, as well as the direct and indirect effects of the punishments that come as a result of the disparity in penalties for cocaine and crack-cocaine possession and distribution. ^ Three new policies have recently been introduced into the United Stated Congress that actively address the disparity in sentencing for drug and criminal activities. They are, (1) Powder-Crack Cocaine Penalty Equalization Act of 2009, (HR 18, 111th Cong. 2009), (2) The Drug Sentencing Reform and Cocaine Kingpin Trafficking Act of 2009, (HR 265, 111th Cong. 2009) and (3) The Justice Integrity Act of 2009, (111th Cong. 2009). ^ Although they have only been initiated, if passed, they have potential to not only eliminate the crack-cocaine disparity, but to enact laws that help those affected by this epidemic. The final and overarching goal of this paper is to analyze and ultimately choose the ideal policy that would not only eliminate the cocaine and crack disparity regardless of current or future state statutes, but will provide the best method of rehabilitation, prevention, and justice. ^


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The terbenzimidazoles are a class of synthetic ligands that poison the human topoisomerase I (TOP1) enzyme and promote cancer cell death. It has been proposed that drugs of this class act as TOP1 poisons by binding to the minor groove of the DNA substrate of TOP1 and altering its structure in a manner that results in enzyme-mediated DNA cleavage. To test this hypothesis, we characterize and compare the binding properties of a 5-phenylterbenzimidazole derivative (5PTB) to the d(GA4T4C)2 and d(GT4A4C)2 duplexes. The d(GA4T4C)2 duplex contains an uninterrupted 8-bp A⋅T domain, which, on the basis of x-ray crystallographic data, should induce a highly hydrated “A-tract” conformation. This duplex also exhibits anomalously slow migration in a polyacrylamide gel, a feature characteristic of a noncanonical global conformational state frequently described as “bent.” By contrast, the d(GT4A4C)2 duplex contains two 4-bp A⋅T tracts separated by a TpA dinucleotide step, which should induce a less hydrated “B-like” conformation. This duplex also migrates normally in a polyacrylamide gel, a feature further characteristic of a global, canonical B-form duplex. Our data reveal that, at 20°C, 5PTB exhibits an ≈2.3 kcal/mol greater affinity for the d(GA4T4C)2 duplex than for the d(GT4A4C)2 duplex. Significantly, we find this sequence/conformational binding specificity of 5PTB to be entropic in origin, an observation consistent with a greater degree of drug binding-induced dehydration of the more solvated d(GA4T4C)2 duplex. By contrast with the differential duplex affinity exhibited by 5PTB, netropsin and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), two AT-specific minor groove binding ligands that are inactive as human TOP1 poisons, bind to both duplexes with similar affinities. The electrophoretic behaviors of the ligand-free and ligand-bound duplexes are consistent with 5PTB-induced bending and/or unwinding of both duplexes, which, for the d(GA4T4C)2 duplex, is synergistic with the endogenous sequence-directed electrophoretic properties of the ligand-free duplex state. By contrast, the binding to either duplex of netropsin or DAPI induces little or no change in the electrophoretic mobilities of the duplexes. Our results demonstrate that the TOP1 poison 5PTB binds differentially to and alters the structures of the two duplexes, in contrast to netropsin and DAPI, which bind with similar affinities to the two duplexes and do not significantly alter their structures. These results are consistent with a mechanism for TOP1 poisoning in which drugs such as 5PTB differentially target conformationally distinct DNA sites and induce structural changes that promote enzyme-mediated DNA cleavage.


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Introdução - O abuso sexual de crianças constitui um problema de saúde pública, com aproximadamente 73 milhões de casos de meninos e 150 milhões de meninas registrados anualmente no mundo. O abuso sexual gera consequências negativas e condutas de risco que contribuem com algumas das principais causas de morte, doença e deficiência nas vítimas do abuso. Pais ou cuidadores primários são fundamentais no processo de orientação e de cuidado das crianças abusadas, no sentido de prevenir as consequências cognitivas, comportamentais e emocionais evidenciadas no futuro dessas crianças. Entretanto, as habilidades das famílias de cuidadores para lidar com a problemática ainda são insuficientes. Objetivo - Descrever os processos e significados da experiência vivida pelos pais ou cuidadores primários de crianças abusadas sexualmente. Método - Os dados empíricos foram tratados utilizando-se o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, que viabiliza a emergência das representações sociais por meio da construção dos discursos coletivos obtidos de depoimentos de um grupo específico. Foram avaliados 60 pais ou cuidadores primários não estupradores, que responderam à cinco situações-problema, cada uma com questões correspondentes, residentes nos municípios de Cajicá e Tabio de Bogotá, Colômbia. O processamento e a análise dos dados foram realizados no sofware Qualiquantisoft, associado à metodologia do DSC. Resultados - Na primeira situação-problema, que aborda o porquê do silêncio do filho sobre o abuso, os entrevistados enfatizaram que é fundamental o relacionamento pais e filhos (45,7 por cento , n = 43), bem como melhorar o papel de pais por meio da escuta, do diálogo e do confiar, dedicando mais tempo às crianças; também acham que o silêncio se deve ao medo por parte das crianças e a ameaças e intimidação por parte do abusador, Na situação-problema 2, relativa à identificação do abuso sexual como problema real, o significado atribuído configura cadeias que se repetem por transmissão intergeracional (26,9 por cento , n = 21). Na situação-problema 3, o que fazer no futuro, 53,3 por cento dos entrevistados (n = 32) acham que a criança está comprometida comportamentalmente e enfatizam a homossexualidade com perda da identidade como consequência da violência sexual. Na situação-problema 4, que enfatiza o papel da rede social quanto ao cuidado da criança, os entrevistados acreditam que a solução é dar proteção (29,1 por cento ; n = 32), com ações que visem a afastar a criança do ambiente agressor, dar orientação, apoio e segurança à criança e à família. A quinta situação-problema que diz respeito ao cuidado das crianças abusadas; 34,26 por cento dos entrevistados (n = 37) enfatizam o apoio e a ajuda com a interveniência da rede de apoio social e afetivo. Conclusão - Para os pais ou cuidadores primários de crianças abusadas sexualmente, os significados se expressam como afetivo, coragem, superação, não ter medo e saber reconhecer as falhas dos pais. Em função dos resultados, que identificam posturas tradicionais dos respondentes, recomenda-se programas inovadores com um alto componente educativo, onde se contextualize o abuso sexual por meio de situações reais em escolas, delegacias, nas famílias e na comunidade, com interveniência das redes de apoio social; enfatiza-se igualmente a necessidade de formação mais humanizada dos profissionais de apoio social.


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here are currently hundreds of thousands of children in the US foster care system who are all in need of a stable and predictable home with parents on whom they can depend. Recently, there has been an increased interest in adoption from gay couples who want to start a family. Because the majority of children in the foster care system have some sort of abuse or neglect history, a large number of them present with difficulties such as oppositional behavior, mood dysregulation, and other kinds of mental health problems. This paper addresses the unique situation of gay couples who adopt children who have been abused. Kohut's self psychology theory is utilized to help identify strengths and potential problems that could arise from this type of situation. Particular attention is given to the three selfobject needs that are central in self psychology: mirroring, idealization, and twinship. Additionally, ideas for interventions are posed for potential adoptive parents and mental health professionals to use to help the adoption process progress more smoothly and to hopefully lead to long-term, healthy placements.


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Background. There are a significant number of studies assessing the negative health consequences of violence against women. However, a limited number of studies analyse the health consequences of violence committed against young women by different types of aggressors. Objectives. The goal of this study is to assess the prevalence of interpersonal violence against young women in Spain and analyse its impact on the physical and mental health of the victims. Methods. A total of 1076 women aged 18–25 years attending Spanish primary care services were selected. We estimated the prevalence of interpersonal violence and compared the health data and demographic characteristics of abused and non-abused young women, multi-logistic regression models were fitted. The Wald test was used to assess whether there were differences in the negative health consequences of intimate partner (IPV) versus non-IPV. Results. As many as 27.6% young women reported a history of abuse, of whom 42.7% had been assaulted by their partner, 41.1% by someone other than their partner and 16.2% both by their partner and another person. The distribution of social and demographic characteristics was similar for IPV and non-IPV victims. Young abused women were three times more likely to suffer psychological distress and have somatic complaints, and they were four times more likely to use medication as compared to non-abused women. Conclusion. Our results suggest that all forms of violence compromise young women’s health seriously. Including patients’ history of abuse in their health record may help make more informed clinical decisions and provide a more integrated care.


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Mothers are often alienated from their children when child abuse is suspected or confirmed, whether she is the primary abuser of the child or not. An abusive or violent partner often initiates the process of maternal alienation from children as a control mechanism. When the co-occurrence of maternal and child abuse is not recognised, nurses and health professionals risk further alienating a mother from her children, which can have detrimental effects in both the short and long term. Evidence shows that when mothers are supported and have the necessary resources there is a reduction in the violence and abuse she and her children experience; this occurs even in situations where the mother is the primary abuser of her children. The family-centred care philosophy, which is widely accepted as the best approach to nursing care for children and their families, creates tension for nurses caring for children who are the victims of abuse as this care generally occurs away from the context of the family. This fragmented approach to caring for abused children can inadvertently undermine the mother-child relationship and further contribute to maternal alienation. This paper discusses the complexity of family violence for nurses negotiating the 'tight rope' between the prime concern for the safety of children and further contributing to maternal alienation, within a New Zealand context. The premise that restoration of the mother-child relationship is paramount for the long-term wellbeing of both the children and the mother provides the basis for discussing implications for nursing practice.


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O trabalho que tem por título: O Direito é torcido à Porta porque a Justiça se encontra deitada por terra é um exercício exegético que tem por objeto a perícope Am 5,10-13. Na análise semântica dos seus principais vocábulos evidenciou-se uma realidade social, política e econômica paradoxal em Israel, sob o comando de Jeroboão II (787-747 a.C.), como resultado de uma expansão territorial e comercial, de vitórias militares e da organização de um Estado tributarista. Esse modelo de sociedade gerou um antagonismo social entre uma elite abastada que esbanjava luxo e ostentação, à custa do suor e da fome de uma população empobrecida, especialmente a classe camponesa, que trabalhava para sustentar as benesses do mundo urbano. É de dentro dessa realidade que ecoa o grito de Amós como denúncia a esse estado de coisas, como palavra de desgraça e condenação a toda sorte de desmandos praticados em Israel. Entre esses a falência do sistema judiciário, pela prática da exploração e corrupção por parte dos magistrados, de ricos comerciantes e latifundiários, desviando o pobre do seu direito de recorrer em sua defesa perante o tribunal. Em razão disso, Amós anuncia a ruína de Israel, com o Dia de Javé, que será um anti-Êxodo, e aponta uma exigência ético-religiosa como forma de reverter esse não futuro para Israel, que se traduz no compromisso de estabelecer à Porta o Direito e a Justiça.


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Although the majority of people with epilepsy have a good prognosis and their seizures can be well controlled with pharmacotherapy, up to one-third of patients can develop drug-resistant epilepsy, especially those patients with partial seizures. This unmet need has driven considerable efforts over the last few decades aimed at developing and testing newer antiepileptic agents to improve seizure control. One of the most promising antiepileptic drugs of the new generation is zonisamide, a benzisoxazole derivative chemically unrelated to other anticonvulsant agents. In this article, the authors present the results of a systematic literature review summarizing the current evidence on the efficacy and tolerability of zonisamide for the treatment of partial seizures. Of particular interest within this updated review are the recent data on the use of zonisamide as monotherapy, as they might open new therapeutic avenues. © 2014 Springer Healthcare.


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The immune system is perhaps the largest yet most diffuse and distributed somatic system in vertebrates. It plays vital roles in fighting infection and in the homeostatic control of chronic disease. As such, the immune system in both pathological and healthy states is a prime target for therapeutic interventions by drugs-both small-molecule and biologic. Comprising both the innate and adaptive immune systems, human immunity is awash with potential unexploited molecular targets. Key examples include the pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system and the major histocompatibility complex of the adaptive immune system. Moreover, the immune system is also the source of many current and, hopefully, future drugs, of which the prime example is the monoclonal antibody, the most exciting and profitable type of present-day drug moiety. This brief review explores the identity and synergies of the hierarchy of drug targets represented by the human immune system, with particular emphasis on the emerging paradigm of systems pharmacology. © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited.


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The purpose of this study was to determine which factors predicted maladaptive outcomes in sexually abused children. Key factors were aggregated into four categories: abuse characteristics risk factors, individual-level risk factors, family disruption risk factors, and social disruption risk factors. It was hypothesized that (a) individual-level risk factors (e.g., school performance, child alcohol/substance abuse) and (b) abuse characteristics risk factors (e.g., longer duration/frequency of abuse, use of force/threats of force, intrafamilial abuse) would predict higher levels of trauma symptoms. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that (a) family disruption risk factors (e.g., family alcohol/substance use, family psychopathology) and (b) social disruption risk factors (e.g., parental divorce, homelessness, witnessing homicide or violence) would moderate the impact of prior sexual abuse and predict higher levels of trauma symptoms. ^ The participants were 110 female children (5 to 18 years old) presenting for treatment for sexual abuse at a community agency (The Journey Institute) in Miami, Florida. This study conducted a retrospective analysis of an archival data set collected over a three-year period (1998–2001). The measures completed upon intake included The Journey Psychosocial Assessment and The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC; Briere, 1996). Using Pearson correlations and hierarchical multiple regression analysis, this study found that abuse characteristics risk factors and individual-level risk factors were predictive of maladaptive outcomes in this sample of sexually abused girls. However, no moderating effects were found for family disruption risk factors or social disruption risk factors. Therefore, the results of these analyses provided support for the contention that abuse characteristics and individual-level risk factors were appropriate targets for treatment for sexually abused girls. Moreover, limitations of this study, implications for treatment, and directions for future research were discussed. ^


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The abusive use of alcohol is closely related to dependence and to social and work damages. The main focus of this thesis is to create an instrument about alcohol abuse, in order to differentiate the degree of commitment of the symptomatology, considering its psychosocial factors of prediction. As specific goals: I) characterize the state of the art about assessment related to the abuse and dependence to alcohol; II) investigate and systematize aspects related to the predictive psychosocial factors for alcohol dependence; III) build an instrument for the assessment of alcohol abuse and protection and risk factors for the development of an alcohol dependence; and IV) verify validity evidence of the instrument built for the Brazilian population. In Study I, it was possible to observe the prevalence of articles related to the use of alcohol in a problematic way, without a classification dependence, it is lower than the one of articles that investigate the disease when it is already manifested, not to mention a few systematic studies about the theme of alcohol abuse in the scientific environment. In Study II, focus groups (FGs) were conducted, the analysis about the discourses of the focus groups were made through the ALCESTE software and it was possible to observe a response pattern that existed among the participants in different groups, with the generation of five classes. In Study III, we developed an instrument that contemplated aspects of the Alcohol Dependence Syndrome of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, in addition to the characteristics defined in Study I and in Study II. The final version of the instrument had 59 items assessed through the likert scale of five points. In Study IV, the administration of the instrument was performed in an online format with university students ranging from 18 to 24 years old, residents in Brazilian metropolitan cities. The results evidenced that the internal consistency of the instrument is considered satisfactory (α = 0,882) and in what it refers to classes, the most significant data was the one related to financial loss and criteria for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse. It is important to consider the evaluative potential of risk and protective factors for the development of alcohol dependence of the instrument as a whole. Once the indicators of abuse and the profile of the abusers has been modified, the patient may have his/her treatment/intervention focused on the trouble and/or specific syndrome, thus having a clear and fast improvement.


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La question du développement en Afrique a été perçue, dès 1962, par l’agronome René Dumont, comme le fait d’une occasion perdue. Mais peu à peu, ce diagnostic lucide a fait l’objet d’une vulgate colportée jusque dans les salons diplomatiques et enceintes officielles du développement international, de Washington à Paris en passant par Londres et Ottawa. Sujette à toutes les complaisances, la critique du développement international est elle-même devenue une « occasion perdue ». Mais en remontant la piste historique, on constate que les séquelles postcoloniales, tant politiques qu’économiques, ont façonné le contexte dans lequel les Africains se sont vus durablement privés de l’occasion de prendre en main leur destin. C’est ainsi que la structure économique extravertie et le poids d’une dette insolvable ont projeté plus profondément encore les pays africains dans la dépendance et la tutelle au monde industrialisé, en particulier à travers les programmes néolibéraux de la Banque mondiale, quelle que soit la mouture sous laquelle ils s’affichent (ajustement structurel ou lutte à la pauvreté). Dans cette veine, le critère de sélectivité dans l’aide publique au développement, mis en avant par l’institution internationale, et qu’adopte notamment le Canada, ouvre la porte aux abus de toutes sortes que commande le réalisme politique.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences de criminologie en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences en criminologie option cheminement avec stage en intervention


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La question du développement en Afrique a été perçue, dès 1962, par l’agronome René Dumont, comme le fait d’une occasion perdue. Mais peu à peu, ce diagnostic lucide a fait l’objet d’une vulgate colportée jusque dans les salons diplomatiques et enceintes officielles du développement international, de Washington à Paris en passant par Londres et Ottawa. Sujette à toutes les complaisances, la critique du développement international est elle-même devenue une « occasion perdue ». Mais en remontant la piste historique, on constate que les séquelles postcoloniales, tant politiques qu’économiques, ont façonné le contexte dans lequel les Africains se sont vus durablement privés de l’occasion de prendre en main leur destin. C’est ainsi que la structure économique extravertie et le poids d’une dette insolvable ont projeté plus profondément encore les pays africains dans la dépendance et la tutelle au monde industrialisé, en particulier à travers les programmes néolibéraux de la Banque mondiale, quelle que soit la mouture sous laquelle ils s’affichent (ajustement structurel ou lutte à la pauvreté). Dans cette veine, le critère de sélectivité dans l’aide publique au développement, mis en avant par l’institution internationale, et qu’adopte notamment le Canada, ouvre la porte aux abus de toutes sortes que commande le réalisme politique.