1000 resultados para Digital mixer
Internet se ha convertido en una clara referencia tecnológica; cada vez más las empresas apuestan por desarrollar aplicaciones en la red de redes y no quieren que su presencia pase desapercibida. Las Aplicaciones Ricas en Internet (RIA) son hasta la fecha la mejor opción para desarrollar estas aplicaciones. Este proyecto trata sobre el desarrollo de un Framework (conjunto de componentes orientados a una RIA en concreto: Silverlight) para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web.
Internet és, probablement, la via de comunicació que menys temps ha necessitat per fer-se imprescindible en les nostres vides, una eina en constant evolució que ens permet aprendre i comunicar-nos a qualsevol hora. A més, Internet ha permès al periodisme créixer més enllà de les fronteres del paper i la tinta. Gràcies al ciberespai, el periodisme tradicional ha anat evolucionant i ha donat lloc al periodisme digital o ciberperiodisme, permetent així el naixement de nous mitjans de comunicació amb unes característiques, un llenguatge i uns gèneres periodístics propis. El present Treball de Fi de Carrera consisteix en l’anàlisi empírica i la posterior interpretació d’un dels principals símptomes de maduresa del periodisme digital: la utilització dels recursos hipertextuals. D’aquesta manera i durant un mes, s’han analitzat quatre diaris digitals pure player, dos catalans (www.vilaweb.cat i www.e-noticies.cat) i dos espanyols (www.elplural.com i www.elconfidencial.com), amb l’objectiu de determinar la utilització i l’evolució de l’ús de la hipertextualitat a la premsa digital a Catalunya i a Espanya. A través de totes les dades obtingudes gràcies a l’anàlisi realitzada es podrà conèixer quin tipus d’enllaç és el més utilitzat, quins mitjans són els que utilitzen més la hipertextualitat o quina és la mitjana d’enllaços per notícia, entre d’altres aspectes. A més, tota la informació resultant permetrà validar o refutar les hipòtesis plantejades durant la elaboració d’aquest treball.
INTRODUCTION: The phase III EORTC 22033-26033/NCIC CE5 intergroup trial compares 50.4 Gy radiotherapy with up-front temozolomide in previously untreated low-grade glioma. We describe the digital EORTC individual case review (ICR) performed to evaluate protocol radiotherapy (RT) compliance. METHODS: Fifty-eight institutions were asked to submit 1-2 randomly selected cases. Digital ICR datasets were uploaded to the EORTC server and accessed by three central reviewers. Twenty-seven parameters were analysed including volume delineation, treatment planning, organ at risk (OAR) dosimetry and verification. Consensus reviews were collated and summary statistics calculated. RESULTS: Fifty-seven of seventy-two requested datasets from forty-eight institutions were technically usable. 31/57 received a major deviation for at least one section. Relocation accuracy was according to protocol in 45. Just over 30% had acceptable target volumes. OAR contours were missing in an average of 25% of cases. Up to one-third of those present were incorrectly drawn while dosimetry was largely protocol compliant. Beam energy was acceptable in 97% and 48 patients had per protocol beam arrangements. CONCLUSIONS: Digital RT plan submission and review within the EORTC 22033-26033 ICR provide a solid foundation for future quality assurance procedures. Strict evaluation resulted in overall grades of minor and major deviation for 37% and 32%, respectively.
The Digital Memory of Catalonia, Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia, contains open-access digitized collections of photographs, drawings, maps, posters, pamphlets, incunabula, ancient Catalan periodicals and many other items with a total of over two million documents related to Catalonia from 18 different institutions (universities, specialized libraries, institutes, archives, etc.).
Objectius: conèixer la taxa de detecció de retinopatia diabètica, mitjançant la retinografia no midriàtica des d’Atenció Primària. Descriure els criteris d'inclusió/exclusió, l'exploració oftalmològica bàsica realitzada, els criteris de derivació, les característiques del grup poblacional estudiat. Metodologia: anàlisi descriptiva. Exploració oftalmològica i interpretació de resultats des de Atenció Primària. Pacients: mostra de 800 pacients amb criteris d'inclusió. Resultats: El 94,63% presenta pressió intraocular normal. El 77,4% presenta agudesa visual alterada. El 12,02% presenta retinopatia diabètica. S'identifiquen altres patologies oculars. Es deriva el 14,01% a Oftalmologia. Conclusions: L'exploració oftalmològica des d’Atenció Primària permet augmentar la detecció de retinopatia diabètica.
The effect of copper (Cu) filtration on image quality and dose in different digital X-ray systems was investigated. Two computed radiography systems and one digital radiography detector were used. Three different polymethylmethacrylate blocks simulated the pediatric body. The effect of Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness on the entrance surface dose (ESD) and the corresponding effective doses (EDs) were measured at tube voltages of 60, 66, and 73 kV. Image quality was evaluated in a contrast-detail phantom with an automated analyzer software. Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness decreased the ESD by 25-32%, 32-39%, and 40-44%, respectively, the ranges depending on the respective tube voltages. There was no consistent decline in image quality due to increasing Cu filtration. The estimated ED of anterior-posterior (AP) chest projections was reduced by up to 23%. No relevant reduction in the ED was noted in AP radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis or in posterior-anterior radiographs of the chest. Cu filtration reduces the ESD, but generally does not reduce the effective dose. Cu filters can help protect radiosensitive superficial organs, such as the mammary glands in AP chest projections.
Forensic examinations of ink have been performed since the beginning of the 20th century. Since the 1960s, the International Ink Library, maintained by the United States Secret Service, has supported those analyses. Until 2009, the search and identification of inks were essentially performed manually. This paper describes the results of a project designed to improve ink samples' analytical and search processes. The project focused on the development of improved standardization procedures to ensure the best possible reproducibility between analyses run on different HPTLC plates. The successful implementation of this new calibration method enabled the development of mathematical algorithms and of a software package to complement the existing ink library.
L’aplicació de la tecnologia de Google Art Project al Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) com a forma d’aproximació de l’art a un públic més internacional és el plantejament d’aquest treball. Amb aquesta finalitat es desenvoluparà una estratègia de comunicació digital que comprengui aquesta eina com a principal i abasti altres mètodes interactius a xarxes socials i a altres espais de socialització 2.0. L’elaboració d’aquesta estratègia estarà basada dins un context real de l’art contemporani a Barcelona i de la seva màxima compenetració amb aquesta innovadora iniciativa.
OBJECTIVE: Quality assurance (QA) in clinical trials is essential to ensure treatment is safely and effectively delivered. As QA requirements have increased in complexity in parallel with evolution of radiation therapy (RT) delivery, a need to facilitate digital data exchange emerged. Our objective is to present the platform developed for the integration and standardization of QART activities across all EORTC trials involving RT. METHODS: The following essential requirements were identified: secure and easy access without on-site software installation; integration within the existing EORTC clinical remote data capture system; and the ability to both customize the platform to specific studies and adapt to future needs. After retrospective testing within several clinical trials, the platform was introduced in phases to participating sites and QART study reviewers. RESULTS: The resulting QA platform, integrating RT analysis software installed at EORTC Headquarters, permits timely, secure, and fully digital central DICOM-RT based data review. Participating sites submit data through a standard secure upload webpage. Supplemental information is submitted in parallel through web-based forms. An internal quality check by the QART office verifies data consistency, formatting, and anonymization. QART reviewers have remote access through a terminal server. Reviewers evaluate submissions for protocol compliance through an online evaluation matrix. Comments are collected by the coordinating centre and institutions are informed of the results. CONCLUSIONS: This web-based central review platform facilitates rapid, extensive, and prospective QART review. This reduces the risk that trial outcomes are compromised through inadequate radiotherapy and facilitates correlation of results with clinical outcomes.
Different interferometric techniques were developed last decade to obtain full field, quantitative, and absolute phase imaging, such as phase-shifting, Fourier phase microscopy, Hilbert phase microscopy or digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Although, these techniques are very similar, DHM combines several advantages. In contrast, to phase shifting, DHM is indeed capable of single-shot hologram recording allowing a real-time absolute phase imaging. On the other hand, unlike to Fourier phase or Hilbert phase microscopy, DHM does not require to record in focus images of the specimen on the digital detector (CCD or CMOS camera), because a numerical focalization adjustment can be performed by a numerical wavefront propagation. Consequently, the depth of view of high NA microscope objectives is numerically extended. For example, two different biological cells, floating at different depths in a liquid, can be focalized numerically from the same digital hologram. Moreover, the numerical propagation associated to digital optics and automatic fitting procedures, permits vibrations insensitive full- field phase imaging and the complete compensation for a priori any image distortion or/and phase aberrations introduced for example by imperfections of holders or perfusion chamber. Examples of real-time full-field phase images of biological cells have been demonstrated. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE
Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a technique that allows obtaining, from a single recorded hologram, quantitative phase image of living cell with interferometric accuracy. Specifically the optical phase shift induced by the specimen on the transmitted wave front can be regarded as a powerful endogenous contrast agent, depending on both the thickness and the refractive index of the sample. Thanks to a decoupling procedure cell thickness and intracellular refractive index can be measured separately. Consequently, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), two highly relevant clinical parameters, have been measured non-invasively at a single cell level. The DHM nanometric axial and microsecond temporal sensitivities have permitted to measure the red blood cell membrane fluctuations (CMF) on the whole cell surface. ©2009 COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.