898 resultados para Cultura organizacional - Estudo de casos


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Corporate governance can be understood like a management model that aims to build a good relationship between managers, controllers, minority shareholders and other stakeholders. Implement corporate governance in an organization often requires a cultural change. Corporate governance as an organizational model needs reinforce cultural behaviors of its members so as which support the principles and values that increment the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders. The process of corporate structuring of an organization is largely determined by culture. Being the culture a set of organizational values that distinguishes one organization of other, it is natural that these organizations find adjustment difficulties during the implementation of international values. The organizations in the context of corporate governance can t think and act over themselves, but instead must think and take action on a set of actors who are strongly linked with them in order to achieve the same goals and objectives planned.


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The Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response is one of the most promising objective tests in audiology and in revealing brain dysfunction and neuro-audiologic findings. The main advantages of its clinical use are precision and objectivity in evaluating children. This study aimed to analyze the auditory evoked middle latency response in two patients with auditory processing disorder and relate objective and behavioral measures. This case study was conducted in 2 patients (P1 = 12 years, female, P2 = 17 years old, male), both with the absence of sensory abnormalities, neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Both were submitted to anamnesis, inspection of the external ear canal, hearing test and evaluation of Auditory Evoked Middle latency Response. There was a significant association between behavioral test and objectives results. In the interview, there were complaints about the difficulty in listening in a noisy environment, sound localization, inattention, and phonological changes in writing and speaking, as confirmed by evaluation of auditory processing and Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response. Changes were observed in the right decoding process hearing in both cases on the behavioral assessment of auditory processing; auditory evoked potential test middle latency shows that the right contralateral via response was deficient, confirming the difficulties of the patients in the assignment of meaning in acoustic information in a competitive sound condition at right, in both cases. In these cases it was shown the association between the results, but there is a need for further studies with larger sample population to confirm the data.


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This study examined how public relations can work through the implementation of tools for public communication, to seek to ensure a citizen of their rights: access to culture. We chose as case study Oficina Cultural Glauco Pintio de Moraes, located in Bauru (SP), an instrument of policy implementation for the Sao Paulo area, to discuss how the actions are carried out to the community as a whole. We analyzed data pertaining to the activities offered by the workshop and suggested actions for communication and relationship with its public workshop to happen more efficiently


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This work proposes a study on the materials selections and processes for the manufacture of aircraft and showing a methodology to reduce the manufacturing cost. The DFMA can be understood as a methodology that aims at reducing manufacturing and assembly costs and coupled with the increase of product quality through design simplifications. The most commonly material used in the manufacture of aircraft is aluminum alloys due to these possess great structural strength, good elasticity, and being stainless having a low specific weight (about 1/3 that of steel), reducing the weight of the aircraft. A case study in which an operation in the process of verifying the quality was generating unnecessary costs time / man for the company was also developed. The problem solution was simple, just removing the attachment process. It was found that the DFMA methodology is extremely important for the simplification of processes and projects, contributing to the reduction of manufacturing costs of aircraft


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The Organizational Culture has been in the spotlight in the last 25 years, studies show the influence of the culture in the production processes and in the strategy decisions of the companies. Changes in the organizational culture is necessary in key-moments of the corporation and this transformation moment influences directly the personal life and the professional life of the employees. The objective of this monograph is to verify the application of the “Transformation Program”, which is the changing program of a technology enterprise, and to attest the acceptation degree and the knowledge of the employees about the program, as well the main difficulties found by the company while implementing the project. Using a quantitative pool, the acceptation degree, the knowledge of the employees and their engagement with the Transformation Program were analyzed by checking the favorability of the answers and comparing the percentage of the whole company and its locations, besides with the results an understanding change curve was created, it identifies the stage that he employees are during the changing process. An interview with the actual and the previous program officers and two project managers was done, in order to identify their alignment with the theory and their perception about the difficulties found while applying the program. It was noted that the employees have heard about the Transformation Program and the majority is in the exploration phase of the understanding change curve, although it is necessary an special attention with the leaders, because the researches showed that the leaders are acting like a bottleneck in the communications by keeping the information that should be shared


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The main purpose of this article is to relate two among the most important themes of the current organizational dynamic: organizational culture, innovation and environmental management. Great part of the literature about environmental management and environmental innovation refers to organizational culture as the most arduous wall or the most significant element to develop effective practices of business environmental management. However, relationship among such concepts is, many times, superficial or camouflaging the necessary analytic depth. To solve this challenge, this article integrates the levels of the organizational culture (workmanships, values and presupposed unconscious), the typologies of environmental innovation (total productivity of resources, innovations for the segregation of materials and articulation of bio-systems), and the environmental technologies (end-of-pipe, environmental measurement, pollution prevention and zero-impact technology). Recommendations and challenges for the continuity of this research are registered.


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Contractors Odebrecht, Camargo Correa and Andrade Gutierrez play an important role in Brazil's economy stressed by the number of jobs they add, capital accumulation and diversification through the acquisition of state firms and assets. Abroad, they rank among the top companies in the industry. Is there a behavioral standard among these firms? How did they grow? Why did they diversify? What triggers them to internationalization and what are the strategies they adopt in the foreign markets? The attempt to shed light on these questions resulted in the observation of patterns inside Brazilian market as they grew and diversified, but such a pattern could not be detected in the internationalization process


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Nesta pesquisa apresentamos resultados de nossas análises das concepções de corpo e movimento presentes na experiência do Grupo Dzi Croquettes, Brasil, década de 1970. Ao estudar esta experiência perguntamos o que podemos compreender sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de poder que operam na captura da capacidade de criação, bem como, o que podemos inventar como formas de resistência no contexto do capitalismo neoliberal. Delimitamos nosso objeto de estudo na experiência artística do Grupo Dzi Croquettes para analisar as implicações entre política e corpo, identificando aí um território estabelecido pelas fronteiras entre o desejo e o poder. Estudamos as relações entre corpo e cultura apoiados na hipótese de que os processos de subjetivação estão implicados, de um modo mais intenso, nos processos educacionais na sociedade contemporânea, e que ambos se produzem na materialidade da cultura. Através da cartografia desenhamos os territórios existenciais emergentes na experiência artística delimitada, em um contexto específico da sociedade brasileira, para ampliarmos nossas reflexões e compreendermos os dispositivos de captura e de controle impostos sobre nós. Apoiamos nossas análises em categorias estabelecidas a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche, bem como das elaborações de Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica e biopoder


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment


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The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment


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O implante coclear (IC) tem sido indicado para crianças deficientes auditivas de grau severo e/ou profundo que não tem benefício com o aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI), e que apresentem família adequada e motivada para o uso do dispositivo, bem como condições adequadas de reabilitação na cidade de origem. Atualmente, a procura pelo IC também ocorre por pais surdos, fluentes na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS), que recorrem a este tratamento para oferecer outra realidade para seus filhos. O ambiente destas crianças é bilíngue, dado pela LIBRAS dos pais e pela linguagem oral dos familiares próximos, do fonoaudiólogo e da escola. Neste sentido, o presente estudo visou acompanhar quatro crianças deficientes auditivas implantadas, sendo duas crianças filhas de pais deficientes auditivos fluentes na LIBRAS (expostas a ambiente bilíngue) e duas crianças filhas de pais sem alterações auditivas (expostas a ambiente oral). Para tanto, as habilidades de audição e de aquisição da linguagem oral foram comparadas nas quatro crianças implantadas. Foi possível observar que as quatro crianças apresentaram habilidades auditivas e de linguagem semelhantes ao longo do primeiro ano de uso do IC. Contudo, a partir disto, as crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue apresentaram melhor desempenho auditivo e linguístico, comparado ao desenvolvimento das outras crianças. As crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue podem se beneficiar do IC, desenvolvendo habilidades auditivas e de linguagem similares às das crianças inseridas em ambiente oral. Ressalta-se que os benefícios do dispositivo são obtidos a partir de aspectos multifatoriais, e estudos mais aprofundados são necessários.