985 resultados para Cooperative Group
This paper presents a study carried out in order to evaluate the students' perception in the development and use of remote Control and Automation education kits developed by two Universities. Three projects, based on real world environments, were implemented, being local and remotely operated. Students implemented the kits using the theoretical and practical knowledge, being the teachers a catalyst in the learning process. When kits were operational, end-user students got acquainted to the kits in the course curricula units. It is the author's believe that successful results were achieved not only in the learning progress on the Automation and Control fields (hard skills) but also on the development of the students soft skills, leading to encouraging and rewarding goals, motivating their future decisions and promoting synergies in their work. The design of learning experimental kits by students, under teacher supervision, for future use in course curricula by enduser students is an advantageous and rewarding experience.
A dissertação incidiu na diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, especificamente, num grupo/turma com diferentes anos de escolaridade, com aprendizagens diferentes, e alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) de índole comportamental e cognitivo, tendo como objectivo constituir alternativa ao problema. As professoras titulares de turma e de educação especial, em cooperação, planificaram e implementaram este estudo, cujo ponto de partida consistia em promover o desenvolvimento pessoal e social, tendo por base um livro pertencente ao Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL). Foram desenvolvidas estruturas cooperativas de forma a melhorar comportamentos e aprendizagens em todos os alunos e em especial dos alunos com NEE. Neste processo de observação e reflexão, a experiência foi conceptualizada e analisada com o objectivo de contribuir para a mudança. A análise de dados do trabalho individual e de grupo dos alunos, onde se inferiu uma maior ajuda, autonomia, responsabilidade, envolvimento e interesse, pelas actividades, permitiu-nos verificar que os objectivos foram alcançados na sua maioria O estudo permitiu evidenciar a diminuição de conflitos comportamentais, contribuindo para um clima de entreajuda englobando todos os alunos, onde a partilha de conhecimentos coadjuvou para melhorar as aprendizagens de todos.
Resumo: A intervenção em crianças disléxicas nem sempre é fácil uma vez que, à partida, serão crianças desmotivadas por insucessos repetidos, complexos de inferioridade, timidez, baixa autoconfiança e auto-estima, com pouca capacidade de atenção e concentração. A família, a escola e a sociedade em geral têm um papel decisivo, não deverão exigir nem impor metas complicadas, adaptando sempre uma postura de compreensão da criança. A criança disléxica aprende num ritmo diferente, como tal, precisa que a escola adeqúe as suas práticas educativas tendo em conta as suas características e especificidades. Pretende-se com este trabalho aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a temática da dislexia e sua aplicação, dentro da sala de aula, na disciplina Educação Visual e Tecnológica, numa turma do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico que inclui uma aluna considerada disléxica. Começámos por caracterizar a turma, a aluna e os contextos envolventes em que as mesmas se inserem, seguidamente fez-se uma intervenção estruturada, a longo e curto prazo, numa dinâmica de planificação, acção e reflexão, numa perspectiva de educação inclusiva, com práticas educativas cooperativas e diferenciadas. Ao longo das sessões de trabalho, a turma teve a oportunidade de se manifestar nas assembleias de turma, na negociação das actividades, de trabalhar em pares, em grande e pequeno grupo, criando desta forma um clima de inter-ajuda e de cooperação na sala de aula, funcionando com as duas professoras da disciplina, partilhando momentos de aprendizagem e socialização de saberes. A aluna considerada disléxica passou a interagir na turma com os colegas, de forma positiva, e estes com ela. As suas dificuldades foram superadas com a ajuda dos colegas, partilhando os seus saberes, dúvidas e experiências. Foi uma experiência positiva para o grupo, para a aluna e para as professoras da turma. Abstract: The intervention in dyslexic children is not always easy from the start, a priori, children will be discouraged by repeated failures, inferiority complexes, shyness, low selfconfidence and self- esteem, with little attention span and concentration. The family, school and society in general have a decisive role, should not require or impose complicated goals, always adapting an attitude of understanding of the child. The dyslexic children learn at a different pace, as such, requires the school to adjust its educational practices in view of their characteristics and specificities. The aim of this work to deepen knowledge on the subject of dyslexia and its application in the classroom, Visual and Technological Education as the subject, in a class of the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education that includes a student considered dyslexic. We have began by characterizing the class, the student and the surrounding contexts in which they are involved, then became a structured intervention in the long and short term, in order of creating a dynamic planning, action and reflection, with a inclusive education perspective, with cooperative practical education and differentiated. During the work seasons, the class had the opportunity to express themselves in class meetings, the negotiation activities, working in pairs, in large and small groups, thus creating a climate of mutual help and cooperation in the classroom, working with two teachers of the subject, sharing moments of learning and socialization of knowledge. The student consider as dyslexic has started to interact in the class with the colleagues in a positive way, and they with her. Their difficulties were overcome with the help of colleagues, sharing their knowledge, doubts and experiences. It was a positive experience for the group, to the student and the teachers of the class.
Estudos sobre sistemas etários na África Oriental têm focado principalmente as regras que regulam recrutamento, com ênfase ao modo em que se mantém a autoridade e os cargos políticos, assim como à natureza não-militar e não-política dos sistemas etários. Apesar de contribuírem enormemente para a nossa compreensão das organizações etárias na região, esses estudos não lidam explicitamente com a questão da propriedade e com o modo em que ela constitui um dos principais focos para atividades de organizações etárias. De fato, quando se menciona a propriedade, ela é vista em função das famílias e, portanto, do parentesco. Apresentando e discutindo uma variedade de casos envolvendo o modo em que a propriedade é tratada por lideranças de um conjunto etário/geracional e residentes Hor e não-Hor do território Hor, este estudo conclui que a posse, o uso e controle de recursos não constitui um assunto que pertence exclusivamente à esfera de grupos de parentesco; trata-se também de uma questão central para organizações etárias. Apesar de haver, aparentemente, alguma ambigüidade decorrente da ênfase equilibrada que os Hor dedicam ao parentesco e às categorias etárias e suas complementaridades em assuntos relacionados à economia, à religião e ao direito, dados referentes aos Hor revelam uma tendência a tratar questões referentes ao uso de recursos cruciais em termos de organização etária. Trata-se de um estudo sobre os Hor (Arbore), um povo pastoril do Sudoeste da Etiópia.
A study of health knowledge and practices of prostitutes is presented here. The study took place at the V. D. Center in Saigon, Vietnam. It was designed with the objective of obtaining information to be used in preparing an educational program to be offered to the prostitutes at the Center, and for using, in preparing educational materials with focus on V. D. prevention. The outline of a course is also presented.
We write down the renormalization-group equations for the Yukawa-coupling matrices in a general multi-Higgs-doublet model. We then assume that the matrices of the Yukawa couplings of the various Higgs doublets to right-handed fermions of fixed quantum numbers are all proportional to each other. We demonstrate that, in the case of the two-Higgs-doublet model, this proportionality is preserved by the renormalization-group running only in the cases of the standard type-I, II, X, and Y models. We furthermore show that a similar result holds even when there are more than two Higgs doublets: the Yukawa-coupling matrices to fermions of a given electric charge remain proportional under the renormalization-group running if and only if there is a basis for the Higgs doublets in which all the fermions of a given electric charge couple to only one Higgs doublet.
The study’s main purpose was the assessment of the environmental fungal contamination, the exploration of possible associations between related environmental variables and the study of the relationship between fungal contamination of air and surfaces. A descriptive study was developed based upon air and surfaces monitoring for fungal contamination in ten indoor gymnasiums with a swimming pool located in Lisbon’s urban area. Fifty 200 litres air samples and 120 surface swabs were collected. Surfaces samples were collected before and after cleaning and disinfection and temperature and relative humidity values were registered during the collection period. Twenty five different species of fungi were identified in the air samples, being the three most commonly isolated genera the following: Cladosporium (36.6%), Penicillium (19.0%) and Aspergillus (10.2%). Thirty-seven different species of fungi were identified in the surface samples. Fusarium sp. was the most frequent genera before (19.1%) and after (17.2%) cleaning and disinfection. There was a significant association between the numbers of visitors and the fungal contamination determined in the surface samples (p<0.05). There was no significant association (p>0.05) between the contamination encountered in the air samples and the one registered in the surface samples and between the fungal contamination and the temperature or relative humidity measured on location. The data obtained enabled the assessment of the establishment’s fungal contamination and led the authors to conclude, consequently, that physical activity, which generally promotes health, can in fact be challenged by this factor.
Since the number and proportion of old people increases worldwide, health professionals and systems should be made aware and prepared to deal with their problems. Cognitive deficit and symptoms of depression are commom among the elderly, and may occur in relation to various risk factors such as health conditions and psychosocial variables. In order to study cognitive deficit and the presence of signs and symptoms of depression, 62 elderly community subjects enrolled at a Community Health Unit in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, were interviewed. They were evaluated by means of the Mini Mental State Exam, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression rating scale, and a questionnaire on health conditions, living arrangements and social variables. Higher levels of symptoms of depression were observed among subjects exposed to major risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases (diabetes and coronary disease), while impaired cognitive performance was seen among individuals who could not count on the presence of a confidant (social network variable). The results suggest that the early identification of major risk groups among old people can help to prevent institutionalization and keep individuals in the community.
In this work we investigate the population dynamics of cooperative hunting extending the McCann and Yodzis model for a three-species food chain system with a predator, a prey, and a resource species. The new model considers that a given fraction sigma of predators cooperates in prey's hunting, while the rest of the population 1-sigma hunts without cooperation. We use the theory of symbolic dynamics to study the topological entropy and the parameter space ordering of the kneading sequences associated with one-dimensional maps that reproduce significant aspects of the dynamics of the species under several degrees of cooperative hunting. Our model also allows us to investigate the so-called deterministic extinction via chaotic crisis and transient chaos in the framework of cooperative hunting. The symbolic sequences allow us to identify a critical boundary in the parameter spaces (K, C-0) and (K, sigma) which separates two scenarios: (i) all-species coexistence and (ii) predator's extinction via chaotic crisis. We show that the crisis value of the carrying capacity K-c decreases at increasing sigma, indicating that predator's populations with high degree of cooperative hunting are more sensitive to the chaotic crises. We also show that the control method of Dhamala and Lai [Phys. Rev. E 59, 1646 (1999)] can sustain the chaotic behavior after the crisis for systems with cooperative hunting. We finally analyze and quantify the inner structure of the target regions obtained with this control method for wider parameter values beyond the crisis, showing a power law dependence of the extinction transients on such critical parameters.
Based on our recent discovery of closed form formulae of efficient Mean Variance retentions in variable quota-share proportional reinsurance under group correlation, we analyzed the influence of different combination of correlation and safety loading levels on the efficient frontier, both in a single period stylized problem and in a multiperiod one.
Screening programs, particularly the inclusion of specific orthoptic tests to detect visual abnormalities, varies among countries. This study aims to: 1) describes expert perception of issues related with children visual screening; 2) identify specific orthoptic tests to detect visual abnormalities in children visual screening.
PURPOSE: To analyze and compare the Ground Reaction Forces (GRF), during the stance phase of walking in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and non pregnant women. METHODS: 20 women, 10 pregnant and 10 non pregnant, voluntarily took part in this study. GRF were measured (1000 Hz) using a force platform (BERTEC 4060-15), an amplifier (BERTEC AM 6300) and an analogical-digital converter of 16 Bits (Biopac). RESULTS: The study showed that there were significant differences among the two groups concerning absolute values of time of the stance phase. In what concerns to the normalized values the most significant differences were verified in the maximums values of vertical force (Fz3, Fz1) and in the impulse of the antero-posterior force (Fy2), taxes of growth of the vertical force, and in the period of time for the antero-posterior force (Fy) be null. CONCLUSIONS: It is easier for the pregnant to continue forward movement (push-off phase). O smaller growth rates in what concerns to the maximum of the vertical force (Fz1) for the pregnant, can be associated with a slower speed of gait, as an adaptation strategy to maintain the balance, to compensate the alterations in the position of her center of gravity due to the load increase. The data related to the antero-posterior component of the force (Fy), shows that there is a significant difference between the pregnant woman’s left foot and right foot, which accuses a different functional behavior in each one of the feet, during the propulsion phase (TS).
This paper presents a Swarm based Cooperation Mechanism for scheduling optimization. We intend to conceptualize real manufacturing systems as interacting autonomous entities in order to support decision making in agile manufacturing environments. Agents coordinate their actions automatically without human supervision considering a common objective – global scheduling solution taking advantages from collective behavior of species through implicit and explicit cooperation. The performance of the cooperation mechanism will be evaluated consider implicit cooperation at first stage through ACS, PSO and ABC algorithms and explicit through cooperation mechanism application.
In this paper is presented a Game Theory based methodology to allocate transmission costs, considering cooperation and competition between producers. As original contribution, it finds the degree of participation on the additional costs according to the demand behavior. A comparative study was carried out between the obtained results using Nucleolus balance and Shapley Value, with other techniques such as Averages Allocation method and the Generalized Generation Distribution Factors method (GGDF). As example, a six nodes network was used for the simulations. The results demonstrate the ability to find adequate solutions on open access environment to the networks.