885 resultados para Consciousness, Intentionality, Presence.
[eng] We propose two generalizations of the Banzhaf value for partition function form games. In both cases, our approach is based on probability distributions over the set of possible coalition structures that may arise for any given set of agents. First, we introduce a family of values, one for each collection of the latter probability distributions, defined as the Banzhaf value of an expected coalitional game. Then, we provide two characterization results for this new family of values within the framework of all partition function games. Both results rely on a property of neutrality with respect to amalgamation of players. Second, as this collusion transformation fails to be meaningful for simple games in partition function form, we propose another generalization of the Banzhaf value which also builds on probability distributions of the above type. This latter family is characterized by means of a neutrality property which uses an amalgamation transformation of players for which simple games are closed.
[eng] We propose two generalizations of the Banzhaf value for partition function form games. In both cases, our approach is based on probability distributions over the set of possible coalition structures that may arise for any given set of agents. First, we introduce a family of values, one for each collection of the latter probability distributions, defined as the Banzhaf value of an expected coalitional game. Then, we provide two characterization results for this new family of values within the framework of all partition function games. Both results rely on a property of neutrality with respect to amalgamation of players. Second, as this collusion transformation fails to be meaningful for simple games in partition function form, we propose another generalization of the Banzhaf value which also builds on probability distributions of the above type. This latter family is characterized by means of a neutrality property which uses an amalgamation transformation of players for which simple games are closed.
Mitä on läsnäolo? Tämä työ määrittelee läsnäolon tietyn henkilön, laitteen tai palvelun halukkuudeksi kommunikoida. Nykyään on olemassa lukuisia läsnäolotietoa levittäviä sovelluksia, joista jokainen käyttää erilaista protokollaa tehtävän suorittamiseen. Vasta viime aikoina sovellusten kehittäjät ovat huomanneet tarpeen yhdelle sovellukselle, joka kykenee tukemaan lukuisia läsnäoloprotokollia. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) voi levittää läsnäolotietoa muiden ominaisuuksiensa lisäksi. Kun muita protokollia käytetään vain reaaliaikaiseen viestintään ja läsnäolotiedon lähetykseen, SIP pystyy moniin muihinkin asioihin. Se on alunperin suunniteltu aloittamaan, muuttamaan ja lopettamaan osapuolien välisiä multimediaistuntoja. Arkkitehtuurin toteutus käyttää kahta Symbian –käyttöjärjestelmän perusominaisuutta: asiakas-palvelin rakennetta ja kontaktitietokantaa. Asiakaspalvelin rakenne erottaa asiakkaan protokollasta tarjoten perustan laajennettavalle usean protokollan arkkitehtuurille ja kontaktitietokanta toimii läsnäolotietojen varastona. Työn tuloksena on Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmässä toimiva läsnäoloasiakas.
Human activities can have a suite of positive and negative effects on animals and thus can affect various life history parameters. Human presence and agricultural practice can be perceived as stressors to which animals react with the secretion of glucocorticoids. The acute short-term secretion of glucocorticoids is considered beneficial and helps an animal to redirect energy and behaviour to cope with a critical situation. However, a long-term increase of glucocorticoids can impair e.g. growth and immune functions. We investigated how nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) are affected by the surrounding landscape and by human activities around their nest sites. We studied these effects on two response levels: (a) the physiological level of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, represented by baseline concentrations of corticosterone and the concentration attained by a standardized stressor; (b) fitness parameters: growth of the nestlings and breeding performance. Nestlings growing up in intensively cultivated areas showed increased baseline corticosterone levels late in the season and had an increased corticosterone release after a stressful event, while their body mass was decreased. Nestlings experiencing frequent anthropogenic disturbance had elevated baseline corticosterone levels, an increased corticosterone stress response and a lower body mass. Finally, breeding performance was better in structurally more diverse landscapes. In conclusion, anthropogenic disturbance affects offspring quality rather than quantity, whereas agricultural practices affect both life history traits.
Generalization from single-case designs can be achieved by means of replicating individual studies across different experimental units and settings. When replications are available, their findings can be summarized using effect size measurements and integrated through meta-analyses. Several procedures are available for quantifying the magnitude of treatment"s effect in N = 1 designs and some of them are studied in the current paper. Monte Carlo simulations were employed to generate different data patterns (trend, level change, slope change). The experimental conditions simulated were defined by the degrees of serial dependence and phases" length. Out of all the effect size indices studied, the Percent of nonoverlapping data and standardized mean difference proved to be less affected by autocorrelation and perform better for shorter data series. The regression-based procedures proposed specifically for single-case designs did not differentiate between data patterns as well as simpler indices.
This paper reviews the concept of presence in immersive virtual environments, the sense of being there signalled by people acting and responding realistically to virtual situations and events. We argue that presence is a unique phenomenon that must be distinguished from the degree of engagement, involvement in the portrayed environment. We argue that there are three necessary conditions for presence: the (a) consistent low latency sensorimotor loop between sensory data and proprioception; (b) statistical plausibility: images must be statistically plausible in relation to the probability distribution of images over natural scenes. A constraint on this plausibility is the level of immersion;(c) behaviour-response correlations: Presence may be enhanced and maintained over time by appropriate correlations between the state and behaviour of participants and responses within the environment, correlations that show appropriate responses to the activity of the participants. We conclude with a discussion of methods for assessing whether presence occurs, and in particular recommend the approach of comparison with ground truth and give some examples of this.
BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke patients was recently shown to improve recanalization rates and clinical outcome in a well-defined study population. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) alone is insufficiently effective to recanalize in certain patients or of little value in others. Accordingly, we aimed at identifying predictors of recanalization in patients treated with or without IVT. METHODS: In the observational Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL) registry, we selected those stroke patients (1) with an arterial occlusion on computed tomography angiography (CTA) imaging, (2) who had an arterial patency assessment at 24 hours (CTA/magnetic resonance angiography/transcranial Doppler), and (3) who were treated with IVT or had no revascularization treatment. Based on 2 separate logistic regression analyses, predictors of spontaneous and post-thrombolytic recanalization were generated. RESULTS: Partial or complete recanalization was achieved in 121 of 210 (58%) thrombolyzed patients. Recanalization was associated with atrial fibrillation (odds ratio , 1.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-3.0) and absence of early ischemic changes on CT (1.1, 1.1-1.2) and inversely correlated with the presence of a significant extracranial (EC) stenosis or occlusion (.6, .3-.9). In nonthrombolyzed patients, partial or complete recanalization was significantly less frequent (37%, P < .01). The recanalization was independently associated with a history of hypercholesterolemia (2.6, 1.2-5.6) and the proximal site of the intracranial occlusion (2.5, 1.2-5.4), and inversely correlated with a decreased level of consciousness (.3, .1-.8), and EC (.3, .1-.6) and basilar artery pathology (.1, .0-.6). CONCLUSIONS: Various clinical findings, cardiovascular risk factors, and arterial pathology on acute CTA-based imaging are moderately associated with spontaneous and post-thrombolytic arterial recanalization at 24 hours. If confirmed in other studies, this information may influence patient selection toward the most appropriate revascularization strategy.
BACKGROUND: Recent methodological advances allow better examination of speciation and extinction processes and patterns. A major open question is the origin of large discrepancies in species number between groups of the same age. Existing frameworks to model this diversity either focus on changes between lineages, neglecting global effects such as mass extinctions, or focus on changes over time which would affect all lineages. Yet it seems probable that both lineages differences and mass extinctions affect the same groups. RESULTS: Here we used simulations to test the performance of two widely used methods under complex scenarios of diversification. We report good performances, although with a tendency to over-predict events with increasing complexity of the scenario. CONCLUSION: Overall, we find that lineage shifts are better detected than mass extinctions. This work has significance to assess the methods currently used to estimate changes in diversification using phylogenetic trees. Our results also point toward the need to develop new models of diversification to expand our capabilities to analyse realistic and complex evolutionary scenarios.
Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on tarkastella tajuntaa mediatajun käsitteen perustana. Tajunta ilmiönä on yhteydessä siihen, miten 2000-luvun mediateknologia kytkeytyy osaksi ihmisen jokapäiväistä todellisuutta. Tutkielmani mediafilosofisena lähtökohtana on oletus, että elokuva viihde- ja taidemuotona syntyi rinnakkain 1900-luvun kokeellisen psykologian kehityksen kanssa. 2000-luvulle siirryttäessä tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että uusi mediateknologia syntyy rinnakkain aikakautensa kokeellisen psykologian kanssa. 2000-luvun kokeellisen psykologian haasteena on ihmisen aivotoiminta ja erityisesti tajunnan ilmiön tutkiminen. Mediatajun käsitteen perustana olevan tajunnan määrittelemiseen pyrin muodostamani Artaud’n hypoteesin avulla. Hypoteesin mukaan elokuva saa aikaan katsojassa neurofysiologisia värähtelyjä prosessissa, jossa kuvan tehtävänä on antaa shokki-isku hermoihin niin, että uusi ajatus syntyy ja lähtee liikkeelle. Tutkimusmenetelmänäni on tajunnantutkimuksen ja kognitiivisen neurotieteen käsitteiden ja tutkimustulosten käyttäminen Artaud’n hypoteesin arvioimiseen. Lähteenä käytän Turun yliopiston kognitiivisen neurotieteen tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisemaa oppikirjaa Mieli ja aivot (2006) ja Antti Revonsuon teosta Inner Presence: Consciousness as a Biological Phenomenon (2006) sekä alan tuoreita tutkimustuloksia. Keskeisenä elokuvateoreettisena päälähteenäni on Noël Carrollin teos Mystifying Movies (1988). Keskeisenä tutkimustuloksena on tajunnan ilmiön monimutkaisuuden hahmottaminen mediatutkimuksen tutkijaa varten. Esimerkiksi mediatutkimukseen sisältyvässä elokuvateoreettisessa keskustelussa on vedetty selvä raja kognitiivisen ja psykoanalyyttisen elokuvateorian välille. Tajunnantutkimuksen tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että rajanveto ei ole yksiselitteistä. Tutkielmani tuo myös esiin mediatajun käsitteen rajaukseen liittyviä mahdollisuuksia, joita voidaan selvittää jatkotutkimuksen avulla. Muodostamani Artaud’n hypoteesi sisältää ajatuksen elokuvan ja laajemmin ottaen taiteen potentiaalista uusien ajatuksien herättäjänä. Tutkielmani osoittaa, että tällä hetkellä tajunnantutkimuksen ja kognitiivisen neurotieteen avulla ei voida paikantaa taiteen herättämiä uuden ajattelun prosesseja. Tässä suhteessa hypoteesin voidaan katsoa kumoutuvan neurotieteen alueella. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat kuitenkin taiteen saavan aikaan aivoaktivaatioita, joten tutkimus ja keskustelu taiteen vaikutuksesta ajatteluun jatkuu.
Now when the technology fast developing it is very important to control the formation of materials with better properties. In the scientific literature there is a number of works describing the influence of magnetic field on the properties and process of formation of materials. The goal of this master's thesis is to analyze the process of electrochemical synthesis of niobium oxide in the present of magnetic field, to compare properties of formed oxide films and to estimate the influence of magnetic field on the process and on the result of synthesis.
Eosinophil and activated mast cell identification in the spleen combined with mast cell tryptase determination in postmortem serum may diagnose fatal anaphylaxis with a high degree of certainty. Mast cell tryptase measurement and significance in corpses with decompositional changes remains however an issue of controversy. Analogously, immunohistochemistry in corpses with decompositional changes may be influenced by several mechanisms, including protein alteration, antigen diffusion and unspecific antibody binding to disrupted protein structures. The authors present an autopsy case involving a 55-year-old woman who unintentionally received clarithromycin. Due to difficult in administrative procedures, the postmortem examination was performed 96 h after death. Mast cell tryptase was measured in postmortem serum from femoral, aortic and right heart blood. The obtained results were consistent with mast cell activation. Histochemistry (Pagoda Red) and immunohistochemistry (anti-tryptase antibodies) allowed splenic eosinophils and mast cells to be detected. Based on the results of all postmortem investigations, the hypothesis of anaphylaxis following accidental clarithromycin administration was formulated.
L'abcès pulmonaire se présente de manière très pléomorphe selon les germes initialement impliqués. Des symptômes gé néraux et une évolution souvent subaiguë sont retrouvés en cas d'aspiration de la flore oropharyngée, chez des patients avec des troubles de l'état de conscience ou de la déglutition. L'infection est très souvent polymicrobienne, avec présence de germes anaérobes dans deux tiers des cas. La prise en charge consiste en un traitement antibiotique prolongé, jusqu'à résolution ou stabilité de l'image radiologique. En cas d'état toxique ou d'absence de drainage bronchique spontané, un drainage de l'abcès est à discuter. Les sanctions chirurgicales sont peu souvent nécessaires et envisagées indépendamment de la taille de l'abcès excepté lors de néoplasie sous-jacente. Lung abscess occurs in very pleomorphic according to germs initially involved. The mechanism commonly found is an aspiration of the oropharyngeal flora in patients with disorders of consciousness or swallowing. The infection is polymicrobial, with presence of anaerobic germs in 2/3 of the cases. The support consists of a prolonged antibiotic treatment, as well as anaerobic until resolution or stability of the radiological image. In case of prolonged toxic state, drainage of the abscess is to be discussed especially if there is no airways drainage. Surgical sanctions is rarely needed regardless of the size of the abscess, unless underlying carcinoma is present.
Over the past two decades, electrophysiology has undergone unprecedented changes thanks to technical improvements, which simplify measurement and analysis and allow more compact data storage. This book covers in detail the spectrum of electrophysiology applications in patients with disorders of consciousness. Its content spans from clinical aspects of the management of subjects in the intensive care unit, including EEG, evoked potentials and related implications in terms of prognosis and patient management to research applications in subjects with ongoing consciousness impairment. While the first section provides up-to-date information for the interested clinician, the second part highlights the latest developments in this exciting field. The book comprehensively combines clinical and research information related to neurophysiology in disorder-of- consciousness patients, making it an easily accessible reference for neuro-ICU specialists, epileptologists and clinical neurophysiologists as well as researchers utilizing EEG and event-related potentials.