958 resultados para Conceptual knowledge
Members of the community contribute to survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by contacting emergency medical services and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) prior to the arrival of an ambulance. In Australia there is a paucity of information of the extent that community members know the emergency telephone number and are trained in CPR. A survey of Queensland adults (n = 4490) was conducted to ascertain current knowledge and training levels and to target CPR training. Although most respondents (88.3%) could state the Australian emergency telephone number correctly, significant age differences were apparent (P < 0.001). One in five respondents aged 60 years and older could not state the emergency number correctly. While just over half the respondents (53.9%) had completed some form of CPR training, only 12.1% had recent training. Older people were more likely to have never had CPR training than young adults. Additional demographic and socio-economic differences were found between those never trained in CPR and those who were. The results emphasise the need to increase CPR training in those aged 40 and over, particularly females, and to increase the awareness of the emergency telephone number amongst older people. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Supporting student learning can be difficult, especially within open-ended or loosely structured activities, often seen as valuable for promoting student autonomy in many curriculum areas and contexts. This paper reports an investigation into the experiences of three teachers who implemented design and technology education ideas in their primary school classrooms for the first time. The teachers did not capitalise upon many of the opportunities for scaffolding their students' learning within the open-ended activities they implemented. Limitations of the teachers' conceptual and procedural knowledge of design and technology were elements that influenced their early experiences. The study has implications for professional developers planning programs in newly introduced areas of the curriculum to support teachers in supporting learning within open-ended and loosely structured problem solving activities. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conceptual modelling is an activity undertaken during information systems development work to build a representation of selected semantics about some real-world domain. Ontological theories have been developed to account for the structure and behavior of the real world in general. In this paper, I discuss why ontological theories can be used to inform conceptual modelling research, practice, and pedagogy. I provide examples from my research to illustrate how a particular ontological theory has enabled me to improve my understanding of certain conceptual modelling practices and grammars. I describe, also, how some colleagues and I have used this theory to generate several counter-intuitive, sometimes surprising predictions about widely advocated conceptual modelling practices - predictions that subsequently were supported in empirical research we undertook. Finally, I discuss several possibilities and pitfalls I perceived to be associated with our using ontological theories to underpin research on conceptual modelling.
Most considerations of knowledge management focus on corporations and, until recently, considered knowledge to be objective, stable, and asocial. In this paper we wish to move the focus away from corporations, and examine knowledge and national innovation systems. We argue that the knowledge systems in which innovation takes place are phenomenologically turbulent, a state not made explicit in the change, innovation and socio-economic studies of knowledge literature, and that this omission poses a serious limitation to the successful analysis of innovation and knowledge systems. To address this lack we suggest that three evolutionary processes must be considered: self-referencing, self-transformation and self-organisation. These processes, acting simultaneously, enable system cohesion, radical innovation and adaptation. More specifically, we argue that in knowledge-based economies the high levels of phenomenological turbulence drives these processes. Finally, we spell out important policy principles that derive from these processes.
Knowledge, especially scientific and technological knowledge, grows according to knowledge trajectories and guideposts that make up the prior knowledge of an organization. We argue that these knowledge structures and their specific components lead to successful innovation. A firm's prior knowledge facilitates the absorption of new knowledge, thereby renewing a firm's systematic search, transfer and acquisition of knowledge and capabilities. In particular, the exponential growth in biotechnology is characterized by the convergence of disparate scientific and technological knowledge resources. This paper examines the shift from protein-based to DNA-based diagnostic technologies as an example, to quantify the value of a firm's prior knowledge using relative values of knowledge distance. The distance between core prior knowledge and the rate of transition from one knowledge system to another has been identified as a proxy for the value a firm's prior knowledge. The overall difficulty of transition from one technology paradigm to another is discussed. We argue this transition is possible when the knowledge distance is minimal and the transition process has a correspondingly high value of absorptive capacities. Our findings show knowledge distance is a determinant of the feasibility, continuity and capture of scientific and technological knowledge. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper delineates the development of a prototype hybrid knowledge-based system for the optimum design of liquid retaining structures by coupling the blackboard architecture, an expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO and genetic algorithm (GA). Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces under a user-friendly environment, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking, and member sizing optimization. For structural optimization, GA is applied to the minimum cost design of structural systems with discrete reinforced concrete sections. The design of a typical example of the liquid retaining structure is illustrated. The results demonstrate extraordinarily converging speed as near-optimal solutions are acquired after merely exploration of a small portion of the search space. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid retaining structures.
This paper describes a coupled knowledge-based system (KBS) for the design of liquid-retaining structures, which can handle both the symbolic knowledge processing based on engineering heuristics in the preliminary synthesis stage and the extensive numerical crunching involved in the detailed analysis stage. The prototype system is developed by employing blackboard architecture and a commercial shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO. Its present scope covers design of three types of liquid-retaining structures, namely, a rectangular shape with one compartment, a rectangular shape with two compartments and a circular shape. Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking and member sizing optimization. It is also integrated with various relational databases that provide the system with sectional properties, moment and shear coefficients and final member details. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid-retaining structures with increase in efficiency and optimization of design output and automated record keeping. The design of a typical example of the liquid-retaining structure is also illustrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
This paper discusses a document discovery tool based on Conceptual Clustering by Formal Concept Analysis. The program allows users to navigate e-mail using a visual lattice metaphor rather than a tree. It implements a virtual. le structure over e-mail where files and entire directories can appear in multiple positions. The content and shape of the lattice formed by the conceptual ontology can assist in e-mail discovery. The system described provides more flexibility in retrieving stored e-mails than what is normally available in e-mail clients. The paper discusses how conceptual ontologies can leverage traditional document retrieval systems and aid knowledge discovery in document collections.
Com o advento da administra????o gerencial no ??mbito do aparelho do Estado, em complementa????o ?? administra????o burocr??tica, verifica-se certa turbul??ncia na gest??o de pessoal na administra????o p??blica, decorrente da s??bita aus??ncia de fundamentos conceituais s??lidos que permitam pensar a administra????o do capital humano do Estado em um contexto de transforma????o. Este artigo procura estabelecer as bases para a recupera????o destes fundamentos, propondo tr??s crit??rios de design de carreiras: a estrutura de incentivos, os mecanismos de governan??a e a gest??o do conhecimento. Em seguida, exemplifica-se a utiliza????o destes crit??rios pela an??lise de seis temas pr??prios ?? discuss??o sobre carreiras no servi??o p??blico: remunera????o, sele????o, recrutamento e desenvolvimento, mobilidade, promo????o, carreiras para ag??ncias executivas e controle social da burocracia.
A pesquisa analisa da constituição histórica da disciplina História da Educação ministrada na Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras do Estado do Espírito Santo, posteriormente incorporada a Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo entre os anos de 1951 e 2000. Investiga a constituição histórica da disciplina, as transformações programáticas, legais e institucionais referentes à disciplina de História da Educação, como também as abordagens historiográficas, periodizações e os conceitos de tempo, história e educação. A fundamentação teórica e metodológica articula-se dialogicamente a partir das construções conceituais e metodológicas de Carlo Ginzburg e Mikhail Bakhtin. A partir dos conceitos de polifonia e dialogismo, comum a ambos, investigou-se as vozes e diálogos impressos nas narrativas da disciplina de História da Educação e seu ensino, sejam em camadas mais superficiais ou profundas, encontradas no corpus documental consultado e analisado, que correspondem a: programas de ensino, transparências, leis, estruturas curriculares, documentos de departamento; resenhas e fichamentos de textos, bibliografia obrigatória e complementar, avaliações e entrevistas. Procurou-se no corpus documental dados aparentemente negligenciáveis – pistas, indícios e sinais – remontar uma realidade histórica complexa e não experimentável diretamente. Ao investigar historicamente a trajetória da disciplina História da Educação e seu ensino a partir dos parâmetros legais, programáticos e institucionais, foi possível perceber que as mudanças mais profundas operadas na disciplina não se originam das legislações e reestruturações curriculares, mas dos locais de produção e socialização do conhecimento histórico. Durante o período analisado, as duas esferas de produção historiográficas que mais influenciaram nas abordagens, periodizações e conceitos de tempo, história e educação da disciplina História da Educação do curso de pedagogia pesquisado foram: a editora responsável pela publicação e divulgação dos Manuais de História da Educação da coleção Atualidades Pedagógicas (1951-1979) e os Programas de Pós-graduação em Educação e História (1980 - 2000). Entre 1951 e finais de 1970 observa-se a influência dos Manuais de História da Educação, na organização e programação do ensino de História da Educação e uma abordagem filosófica voltada para a história das ideias pedagógicas e análises do pensamento de filósofos e educadores sobre a educação e respectivas inserções em doutrinas filosóficas europeias. A partir de 1980 as abordagens de cunho econômico, político e ideológico dos contextos históricos educativos passaram a predominar nos programas de ensino das disciplinas de História da Educação I e II, e vigoraram até meados nos anos de 1990. Na disciplina de História da Educação I a abordagem é marcada por análises do contexto de produção e organização das classes sociais; com relação à disciplina História da Educação II, até meados de 1995, trata da educação brasileira. A partir da abordagem fundamentada na Teoria da Dependência após 1995, os documentos consultados começam a mostrar outras marcas que sugerem uma abordagem voltada para a dimensão política e social, abordando a História da Educação Brasileira, a partir dos movimentos sociais e seus respectivos projetos educacionais.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa-intervenção com o objetivo principal de colocar em análise a atividade na vigilância em saúde do trabalhador ancorada nos pressupostos da formação pelo trabalho. Tem como aporte conceitual o referencial teórico-metodológico da clínica da atividade proposta por Yves Clot e colaboradores. A pesquisa foi realizada com a equipe multiprofissional que atua na vigilância em saúde do trabalhador do Centro de Referência Estadual em Saúde do Trabalhador do Espírito Santo (Cerest/ES). As rodas de conversa, a partir da clínica da atividade, foram a estratégia metodológica privilegiada. O gênero profissional vigilante em saúde do trabalhador, ao se confrontar com o estudo das diretrizes da clínica da atividade, foi produzindo deslocamentos que o levou a (re)pensar, analisar a sua atividade e o processo de trabalho no qual estava inserido. A cada encontro no diálogo com a clínica da atividade, eram experimentados os modos de como esses profissionais atuavam na vigilância, como também todo o atravessamento desse gênero na assistência aos trabalhadores, nas atividades educativas e gestão do trabalho. No desenvolvimento das rodas, ficou evidenciado o quanto esses encontros se tornaram equipamentos para esses profissionais. As atividades desenvolvidas produziram análise coletiva do trabalho e um processo de formação pelo trabalho. Buscaram incorporar os métodos utilizados pela clínica da atividade no cotidiano do Cerest dialogando com os efeitos desse processo. Nas rodas também emergiram propostas de mudanças na maneira como vinham ocorrendo as atividades realizadas, a gestão do trabalho nessa equipe e as estratégias de atuação na vigilância, ou seja, intervenção no processo de trabalho do grupo, produzindo potência para o poder de agir do gênero. O referencial teórico-metodológico da clínica da atividade foi um dispositivo de formação importante. Permitiu a experimentação e o desenvolvimento do gênero vigilantes em saúde do trabalhador na produção de análise da atividade, na constituição de uma clínica dialógica em transformação. Também possibilitou contemplar na análise as dimensões integrantes da atividade de trabalho, fazendo a interlocução para o encontro entre os saberes da experiência instituídos no cotidiano do serviço de saúde e o saber acadêmico na produção de conhecimento.