947 resultados para Compress-and-Forward


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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As estratégias de modernização da Amazônia concebidas pelo Estado nacional tinham em sua proposta as fragilizadas diretrizes geopolíticas de segurança e desenvolvimento regional, voltadas centralmente para a instalação de empreendimentos industriais, dentre elas as indústrias siderúrgicas independentes, sob a noção de que desta atividade passaria para a produção produtos de aço e assim se processaria o desenvolvimento regional. Pela análise das diferenciações das rotas de produção independente, integrada e semi-integrada é possível se compreender como os elementos das plantas industriais se comportam em cada rota e como se inter-relacionam com a socioeconomia regional. O trabalho de pesquisa junto à guseiras permitiu identificar que a instalação de siderúrgicas independentes nos municípios de Açailândia (MA) e Marabá (PA) gerou expectativas frustradas de desenvolvimento local, consolidando-se, portanto, apenas como atividade que possibilitou o crescimento econômico, pois manteve uma rota de produção que articulou a atividade com a socioeconomia regional em bases frágeis e insustentáveis, apoiada, sobretudo na demanda de carvão vegetal. As estruturas de custos e elementos estruturais de cada rota permitiram identificar as diferenças que cada rota apresenta, principalmente na relação mantida com a economia regional, por envolver novos processos, tecnologias e produtos diferenciados. A lógica produtiva das siderúrgicas independentes baseadas na transferência e externalização de custos para a sociedade, relações de trabalho limitadas e na degradação ambiental, sem, contudo, estabelecer processos de inovação, conduziu ao não estabelecimento de processos de desenvolvimento de base local. A perspectiva das rotas de produção siderúrgica integrada e semi-integrada que se instalam na Amazônia tem bases para alterar o cenário regionalmente desenhado e transformar as inter-relações mantidas pela siderurgia independente na Amazônia Oriental, pois articulam elementos que contribuem para a consolidação de efeitos de encadeamento para trás e para frente.


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A biotecnologia aplicada à reprodução é uma ferramenta também importante para conservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Algumas espécies de primatas não-humanos neotropicais têm sido amplamente agredidas por ações antrópicas, ocasionando a inclusão de 26 espécies brasileiras na lista oficial de animais ameaçados de extinção do IBAMA. As espécies de primatas não humanos Ateles belzebuth e Ateles paniscus, participantes do gênero Ateles, popularmente chamados de macaco-aranha, encontram-se particularmente ameaçadas. Poucos estudos são realizados acerca do status populacional destas espécies e menos ainda sobre dados reprodutivos e reprodução assistida. O presente trabalho pretendeu avaliar as características andrológicas de exemplares de primatas não humanos do gênero Ateles em cativeiro e comparar a performance dos diluentes TES e CEBRAN II, este último à base de ringer lactato, como criopreservadores de sêmen destas espécies. O experimento foi realizado utilizando 06 exemplares machos de primatas não humanos do gênero Ateles (02 exemplares de Ateles marginatus e 04 exemplares de Ateles paniscus) mantidos sob as mesmas condições de cativeiro no Centro Nacional de Primatas (CENP-SVS/MS), em Ananindeua, Pará. Os animais utilizados foram submetidos a exame clínico-andrológico e biometria testicular, antes da colheita seminal realizada por eletroejaculação. Foram realizadas avaliações físicoquímicas e de patologias espermáticas, além de avaliação de motilidade e vigor no sêmen a fresco e pós-diluição com os diluentes TES e CEBRAN II. As alíquotas de sêmen diluídas com os dois diluentes, na proporção 2:1, foram envasadas em minitubos com capacidade para 0,25 ml e criopreservados em nitrogênio líquido. Após descongelação, as doses envasadas foram avaliadas em teste de termo-resistência (T.T.R.). As médias de volume e concentração espermáticas obtidas foram, respectivamente, 1,94 ml (± 0,83) e 3.020.000 sptz/ml (±275,97). O pH 8 foi observado em todas as amostras e todos os exemplares apresentaram coagulação seminal. O índice de patologias espermáticas encontrados foi alto (69,8% ± 9,05) indicando que pode haver influência da sazonalidade reprodutiva nas características seminais encontradas nos animais deste experimento. Os resultados de avaliação de motilidade e vigor do sêmen a fresco, diluído e no T.T.R. não puderam ser analisadas estatisticamente, pois somente o sêmen de 03 animais demonstrou espermatozóides viáveis pós-descongelação, com resultados que sugerem que o diluente TES apresenta melhor eficiência na preservação de sêmen de Ateles do que o diluente CEBRAN II.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper, natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical modal and complex analysis. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. The classical modal analysis, usually applied to stationary structures, does not consider an important characteristic of rotating machinery which are the methods of forward and backward whirl. Initially, through the traditional modal analysis, axial and torsional natural frequencies were obtained in a static shaft, since they do not suffer the influence of gyroscopic effects. Later research was performed by complex modal analysis. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using MATLAB (TM) and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model. Natural frequencies and directional frequency forced response (dFRF) were obtained using the complex modal analysis for a simple vertical rotor and also for a typical drill string used in the construction of oil wells.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The knowledge of the facial growth trend is very important in orthodontic treatment. A lateral headfilm is recommended in all young patients undergoing a preorthodontic guidance program to anticipate the best time to begin any mechanical procedures and the possibilities to determine the type of facial growth trend. In type A it will be observed that the middle and lower face are growing forward and downward in unison, with no change in ANB angle. Type B growth trends reveals that growth is downward and forward, with the middle face growing forward more rapidly than the lower and in type C the lower face is growing downward and forward more rapidly than the middle face revealing a decrease in the size of the ANB angle.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical and complex modal analysis. The mathematical modeling was based on the theory of Euler-Bernoulli beam. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using Matlab ®, and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model.


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Purpose: To analyze the results of recall absent schoolchildren to eye health projects. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Visual screening was performed in schoolchildren attending 1st to 4th grades at public schools, from 7 to 10 years-old, to select and forward to complete ophthalmic evaluation. The projects were performed during weekends, at a public school, in the same municipality. Free transportation, food and eyeglasses were offered. A second opportunity of examination was offered to the students who were absent from the first call, with the same facilities. Results: 51,509 schoolchildren had their vision tested, 14,651 (28.4%) were referred for ophthalmic examination. Of these, 8,683 (59.3%) attended the first call, 2,228 (37.3%) attended the recall and 25.5% of parents did not take their children to ophthalmic examination. The need for eyeglasses for children who attended the examination was 23.8% and 32.0% in the first opportunity and recall, respectively. The recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%). Conclusion: An expressive number of parents (25.5%) did not bring their children to be examined, even at a second opportunity of exam. The facilities offered: access, free examination, transportation and glasses. Children who were absent in the first opportunity and appeared at recall had a greater need for eyeglasses. Recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%) and it is not recommended when financial resources are limited.


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Purinergic receptors participate, in almost every cell type, in controlling metabolic activities and many physiological functions including signal transmission, proliferation and differentiation. While most of P2Y receptors induce transient elevations of intracellular calcium concentration by activation of intracellular calcium pools and forward these signals as waves which can also be transmitted into neighboring cells, P2X receptors produce calcium spikes which also include activation of voltage-operating calcium channels. P2Y and P2X receptors induce calcium transients that activate transcription factors responsible for the progress of differentiation through mediators including calmodulin and calcineurin. Expression of P2X2 as well as of P2X7 receptors increases in differentiating neurons and glial cells, respectively. Gene expression silencing assays indicate that these receptors are important for the progress of differentiation and neuronal or glial fate determination. Metabotropic receptors, mostly P2Y1 and P2Y2 subtypes, act on embryonic cells or cells at the neural progenitor stage by inducing proliferation as well as by regulation of neural differentiation through NFAT translocation. The scope of this review is to discuss the roles of purinergic receptor-induced calcium spike and wave activity and its codification in neurodevelopmental and neurodifferentiation processes.


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In the last few years, a new generation of Business Intelligence (BI) tools called BI 2.0 has emerged to meet the new and ambitious requirements of business users. BI 2.0 not only introduces brand new topics, but in some cases it re-examines past challenges according to new perspectives depending on the market changes and needs. In this context, the term pervasive BI has gained increasing interest as an innovative and forward-looking perspective. This thesis investigates three different aspects of pervasive BI: personalization, timeliness, and integration. Personalization refers to the capacity of BI tools to customize the query result according to the user who takes advantage of it, facilitating the fruition of BI information by different type of users (e.g., front-line employees, suppliers, customers, or business partners). In this direction, the thesis proposes a model for On-Line Analytical Process (OLAP) query personalization to reduce the query result to the most relevant information for the specific user. Timeliness refers to the timely provision of business information for decision-making. In this direction, this thesis defines a new Data Warehuose (DW) methodology, Four-Wheel-Drive (4WD), that combines traditional development approaches with agile methods; the aim is to accelerate the project development and reduce the software costs, so as to decrease the number of DW project failures and favour the BI tool penetration even in small and medium companies. Integration refers to the ability of BI tools to allow users to access information anywhere it can be found, by using the device they prefer. To this end, this thesis proposes Business Intelligence Network (BIN), a peer-to-peer data warehousing architecture, where a user can formulate an OLAP query on its own system and retrieve relevant information from both its local system and the DWs of the net, preserving its autonomy and independency.


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Results of the methodology presented in [1] is shown in this document. By means of the equivalent circuit model [2][3] of the slot, a combination of Method of Moments (MoM) and Forward Matching Procedure (FMP) is used to design a sub-array of compound slots. According to this, the system can be seen as a matched electric circuit and/or as a Nelements radiating device. Comparison between commercial solvers and proposed method are shown in this document, revealing that the mutual coupling between elements is a tiltingangle-dependant parameter.


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En este proyecto se trata la simulación numérica de un fenómeno dinámico, basado en el comportamiento de una onda transmitida a lo largo de una cuerda elástica de un instrumento musical, cuyos extremos se encuentran anclados. El fenómeno físico, se desarrolla utilizando una ecuación en derivadas parciales hiperbólicas con variables espacial y temporal, acompañada por unas condiciones de contorno tipo Dirichlet en los extremos y por más condiciones iniciales que dan comienzo al proceso. Posteriormente se han generado algoritmos para el método numérico empleado (Diferencias finitas centrales y progresivas) y la programación del problema aproximado con su consistencia, estabilidad y convergencia, obteniéndose unos resultados acordes con la solución analítica del problema matemático. La programación y salida de resultados se ha realizado con Visual Studio 8.0. y la programación de objetos con Visual Basic .Net In this project the topic is the numerical simulation of a dynamic phenomenon, based on the behavior of a transmitted wave along an elastic string of a musical instrument, whose ends are anchored. The physical phenomenon is developed using a hyperbolic partial differential equation with spatial and temporal variables, accompanied by a Dirichlet boundary conditions at the ends and more initial conditions that start the process. Subsequently generated algorithms for the numerical method used (central and forward finite differences) and the programming of the approximate problem with consistency, stability and convergence, yielding results in line with the analytical solution of the mathematical problem. Programming and output results has been made with Visual Studio 8.0. and object programming with Visual Basic. Net