1000 resultados para Color description


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Air-fall volcanic ash recovered at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 541, 542, and 543 on and east of the toe of the Barbados Ridge delineate middle and late Miocene, early Pliocene, and Pleistocene-Quaternary pulses of explosive volcanism in the Lesser Antilles arc. The ash beds at Site 541 allow precise correlation of intervals repeated by a probable reverse fault at this convergent margin.


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Sedimentary rocks of Barremian through early Maestrichtian age recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 had their principal source in the complex of igneous rocks with which they are interlayered in the Nauru Basin. Relict textures and primary sedimentary structures show these Cretaceous sediments to be of hyaloclastic origin, in part reworked and redeposited by slumps and currents. The dominant composition now is smectite, but locally iron, titanium, and manganese oxides, plagioclase, pyroxene, analcime, clinoptilolite, chalcedonic quartz, cristobalite, amphibole, nontronite, celadonite, and pyrite are also present. The mineral assemblages and the geochemistry reflect the original basaltic composition and its subsequent alteration by one or more processes of submarine weathering, authigenesis, hydrothermal circulation, and contact metamorphism. Hyaloclastitic sandstone, siltstone, and breccia within the sheet flows below 729 meters sub-bottom depth have Barremian fossils, thus establishing the age of the lower, or extrusive, complex of post-ridge-crest volcanism. Similar hyaloclastites between 564 and 729 meters are invaded by hypabyssal sills of the upper igneous complex, and fossil ages of Albian or Cenomanian set an older limit to the age of that second post-ridge-crest episode. Cenomanian to early Campanian sedimentary rocks between 490 and 564 meters have a substantial contribution of clays of submarine-weathered-basalt origin, as well as hydrothermal and pelagic components. The interval of reworked hyaloclastitic siltstone, sandstone, and breccias between 450 and 490 meters is of late Campanian and early Maestrichtian age. These sediments probably formed from glassy basalt that fragmented upon eruption nearby, when sills were being emplaced. In addition to pelagic elements, these Upper Cretaceous volcanogenic sediments include redeposited material of shallow-water origin, apparently derived from the Marshall Islands.


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Hidden for the untrained eye through a thin layer of sand, laminated microbial sediments occur in supratidal beaches along the North Sea coast. The inhabiting microbial communities organize themselves in response to vertical gradients of light, oxygen or sulfur compounds. We performed a fine-scale investigation on the vertical zonation of the microbial communities using a lipid biomarker approach, and assessed the biogeochemical processes using a combination of microsensor measurements and a 13C-labeling experiment. Lipid biomarker fingerprinting showed the overarching importance of cyanobacteria and diatoms in these systems, and heterocyst glycolipids revealed the presence of diazotrophic cyanobacteria even in 9 to 20 mm depth. High abundance of ornithine lipids (OL) throughout the system may derive from sulfate reducing bacteria, while a characteristic OL profile between 5 and 8 mm may indicate presence of purple non-sulfur bacteria. The fate of 13C-labeled bicarbonate was followed by experimentally investigating the uptake into microbial lipids, revealing an overarching importance of cyanobacteria for carbon fixation. However, in deeper layers, uptake into purple sulfur bacteria was evident, and a close microbial coupling could be shown by uptake of label into lipids of sulfate reducing bacteria in the deepest layer. Microsensor measurements in sediment cores collected at a later time point revealed the same general pattern as the biomarker analysis and the labeling experiments. Oxygen and pH-microsensor profiles showed active photosynthesis in the top layer. The sulfide that diffuses from deeper down and decreases just below the layer of active oxygenic photosynthesis indicates the presence of sulfur bacteria, like anoxygenic phototrophs that use sulfide instead of water for photosynthesis.


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At Ocean Drilling Program Site 1256 (6°44.2'N, 91°56.1'W), during Leg 206, a thick massive unit was cored in two neighboring penetrations of the uppermost basement, Holes 1256C and 1256D. This thick massive lava flow, commonly referred to as the "Lava Pond," is identified as Unit 18 (>30 m thick) in Hole 1256C and Unit 1 (>74.2 m thick) in Hole 1256D (Wilson et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). In the coarse-grained basalt that comprises this lithological unit, low-temperature "background" alteration events are present. This report provides microprobe analyses of both primary and secondary minerals present in this massive lava pond. The analyses of typically magmatic minerals (titanomagnetite, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) are given for comparison with secondary minerals.


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Correlation of mineral associations from sediment recovered on the northwestern Australian continental margin document the juvenile-to-mature evolution of a segment of the Indian Ocean. Lower Cretaceous sediments contain sandy-to-silty radiolarian claystone that consists of highly smectitic mixed-layered illite/smectite (I/S) in addition to minor amounts of diagenetic pyrite, barite, and rhodochrosite. These immature, poorly sorted sediments were derived from nearby continental margin sources. Discrete bentonite layers and abundant smectite are the alteration products of volcanic material deposited during early basin formation. Abundant quartz-replaced radiolarian tests suggest high surface-water productivity, and calcareous fossils indicate water depths were above the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the juvenile Indian Ocean. The increase in pelagic carbonate from the mid- to Late Cretaceous signals the transition to mature, open-ocean conditions. Similar to other slowly deposited contemporaneous deep-sea sediments, mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments of the northwestern margin of Australia contain palygorskite. This palygorskite is associated with calcareous sediment across the ooze-to-chalk transition, detrital mixed-layered I/S, and zeolite minerals in places. This palygorskite occurs above the transformation from opal-A to opal-CT. The underlying opal-CT sediment contains abundant smectite and zeolite minerals. Calcareous sediment dominates the Cenozoic, except at abyssal sites that were not inundated by calcareous turbidites. Paleocene and Eocene sediments contain abundant smectite and zeolite minerals derived from the alteration of volcanic material. Palygorskite was found to be associated with sepiolite and dolomite in Miocene sediments from Site 765 in the Argo Basin. Pliocene and Quaternary sediments contain detrital kaolinite and mixed-layered I/S, abundant opal-A radiolarian tests, and minor amounts of pyrite


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Hot brines in depressions of the central Red Sea contain thousands of times more iron, manganese and other metals than . After removal of salts, approximately half of sediments from these depressions consists of iron hydroxides and they are enriched in zinc, copper, lead and molybdenum. Hydrothermal deposits with the same complex of metals, located along the coast of the Red Sea, are correlated with faults and may be due to occurrences of Tertiary volcanism. Brines of similar composition are known in the Cheleken Peninsula. Certain geological and geochemical data indicate that such brines are of relatively deep origin.


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Color variations were interpreted in paleoceanographic terms for the late Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments recovered by ODP Leg 172 on deep-sea drifts at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge and northeastern Bermuda Rise. The color-derived parameters used in interpretation included predicted carbonate content, terrigenous fluxes, and hematite content. Abundance of Upper Carboniferous spores indicates that the hematite is probably derived from the Permo-Carboniferous red beds of the Canadian Maritimes. In the last 800 kyr sedimentation pattern changes on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge were determined by the sediment delivery to the deep basin as well as circulation changes. Sediment delivery increased during glacials (especially during the last 500 kyr and particularly since Stage 6). A fundamental change in the thermohaline circulation occurred at about 500 ka corresponding to the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition period at the onset of the predominant 100-kyr climate cyclicity. Sedimentation related to WBUC had intensified at that time and had become more focused at depths below 3000 m. Changes in hematite content and sedimentation rate show a pulse of sediment via the St. Lawrence outlet at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary suggesting that a likely change in the hydrography/physiography of the Laurentide Ice Sheet could have been involved in the climatic and ocean circulation changes at that time.


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Samples of chert, porcellanite, and chalk/limestone from Cretaceous chert-bearing sections recovered during Leg 198 were studied to elucidate the nature and origin of chert color zonations with depth/age. Sedimentary structures, trace fossils, compactional features, sediment composition, texture, geochemistry, and diagenetic history were compared among lithologies. Trends in major and minor element composition were determined. Whereas geochemical analyses demonstrate systematic elemental differences among the different lithologies, there are less distinct patterns in composition for the colored cherts. The color of the chert appears to be related primarily to the amount of silica and secondarily to the proportion of other components. Red cherts are almost pure silica with only minor impurities. This may allow pigmentation from fine Fe oxides to dominate the color. These red cherts are from places where geophysical logs indicate that chert is the dominant rock type of the section. These red chert intervals cannot be unequivocally distinguished from surrounding chert-bearing lithologies in terms of sedimentary structures.