728 resultados para Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense


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En este trabajo se comentan 16 taxones interesantes colectados en el afloramiento cretácico de Soto del Real-El Vellón (Madrid). Cada planta se acompaña de un breve comentario corológico y ecológico y se refiere su localización a cuadrículas UTM. Se incluyen mapas corológicos para Cephalanthera damasonium (Miller) Druce, Convolvulus meonanthus Hoffmanns. & Link y Linum austriacum L. subsp. collinum Nyman


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Se comentan en esta nota 35 taxones recolectados en la provincia de Valladolid. Algunos constituyen novedades de ámbito provincial o regional; otros son poco conocidos de la cuenca del Duero. Destacaremos la presencia de Potentilla anserina L. subsp. anserina, Medicago suffruticosa Ramond ex DC subsp. leiocarpa (Benthan) P. Fourn y Tussilago farfara L.


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Se revisan fitosociológicamente los bosques y matorrales oromediterráneos del Sistema Central pertenecientes a la alianza Pino-Cytision oromediterranei. Un suborden, una asociación y seis subasociaciones se proponen como nuevos: Juniperenalia nanae, Echinosparto pulviniformis-Cytisetum oromediterranei, Cytiso-Echinospartetum barnadesii ericetsoum arboreae, Junipero-Cytisetum oromediterranei adenocarpetosum hispanici, arctostaphylletosum crassifoliae, ericetosum aragonensis, genistetosum cinerascentis y populetosum tremulae. Asimismo, se proponen diversas correcciones nomenclaturales y se tipifican los principales sintáxones de la clase. Por último, se presenta un esquema sintaxonómico de la misma en la Península Ibérica hasta el nivel de asociación, con la diagnosis biogeográfica, ecológica y florística de los sintáxones de rango superior.Finalmente, en el apéndice florístico se proponen tres nuevas combinaciones nomenclaturales: Echinospartum ibericum Rivas-Martínez, Sánchez-Mata & Sancho, E. ibericum subsp. pulviniformis (Rivas-Martínez) Rivas-Martínez y Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. penyalarensis (Pau) Rivas-Martínez, Fernández-González & Sánchez-Mata.


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Se describe una nueva subespecie de Jasione laevis Lam., J. laevis subsp. gredensis RivasMartines & Sancho. Se propone un nuevo tratamiento y una clave para las especies ibéricas del grupo Sedum villosum L. Se aporta la distribución conocida del grupo en la Peninsula.


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Como en la nota anterior (Lazaroa 3: 367-369. 1982) se comentan brevemente una serie de taxones herborizados en la comarca madrileña del Embalse de Santillana, Se propone una nuevac ombinación en el género Sideritis L., Sideriris incana L. subsp. incana var. spinulosa (Font Quer) Rivas Goday & Borja comb. nova.


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En la presente nota se citan 13 táxones recolectados en la provincia de La Rioja; en su mayor parte constituyen novedad o segundas citas para la flora de la misma, y entre ellos, como más significativos, destacaremos: Silene boryi Boiss. subsp. barduliensis Romo, Draba dedeana Boiss. & Reuter subsp. mawii (Hook fil.) Romo y Antirrhinum barrelieri Boreau. Igualmente se hacen los correspondientes comentarios corológicos, taxonómicos y ecológicos.


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Se ha realizado un estudio anatómico (frutos y hojas) en 24 poblaciones de Bupleurum salicifolium R. Brown in Buch recogidas en las lslas Canarias Occidentales y Madeira, lo que nos ha permitido evidenciar una estructura uniforme de los frutos. Por el contrario, en las hojas se han observado tres tipos de estructuras, así como la existencia de un canal oleoso, cuya presencia o ausencia coincide con la distribución geográfica de la especie en las diferentes islas. Estas observaciones nos han inducido a hacer una nueva propuesta sistemática: B. salicifolium subsp. salicifolium con dos variedades, var. salicifolium (Madeira y Gomera) y var. robustum comb. nova (Gomera), y subsp. aciphyllum (La Palma, Hierro, Tenerife y Gran Canaria).La importancia de cada uno de los tipos de hojas en las diferentes islas nos ha pemitido asimismo proponer un esquema de dispersión de la especie. La existencia de estructuras consideradas como más primitivas, así como la desaparición de las poblaciones diploides, permiten suponer que B. salicifolium es una especie antigua que conserva su número base de origen x = 8 (En francés).


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En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión del género Seseli L. en la Península Ibérica: en él se incluye una clave para la determinación de los táxones existentes, así como un mapa corológico de los mismos y las localidades estudiadas, pliegos y herbarios consultados. Se proponen dos combinaciones nuevas, S. granatense Will. por S. montanum L. subsp. granatense (Will.) Pardo y S. varyredanum Font Quer por Athamanta vayredana (Font Quer) Pardo, teniendo en cuenta tanto los caracteres morfológicos de la planta como los polínicos y anatómicos de los mericarpos (Pardo inéd.). En el presente trabajo no se incluye el taxon S. farrenyi Molero & Pujadas, debido a que esta nueva especie fue publicada con posterioridad a la realización de nuestro estudio.


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Se estudian 44 poblaciones de 7 táxones ibéricos del género Serratula L. Se obtienen como resultado los números cromosomáticos siguientes: S. tinctoria L., 2n=22; S. nudicaulis (L.) DC., 2n= 30 + (0-4) B; S. flavescens (L.) Poiret subsp. flavescens, 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. leucantha (Cav.) Cantó & Costa stat. nov., 2n=30; S. flavescens subsp. mucronata (Desf.) Cantó stat. nov., 2n=60; S. pinnatifida (Cav.) Poiret, 2n=60, 90; S. legionensis Lacaita, 2n=30.


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The authors propose a new phyiosociologic interpretation of Juniperas comniunis subsp. hemisphaerica and Juniperus sabina shrublands in the Djurdjura. They make up two new associations: the Cynosuro balansae-Juniperetun, hemisphaericae and the Daphno oleoidis-Juniperetum sabinae, belonging to the new alliance Lonicero kabylicae-Juniperion hemisphaericae included in the order Querco Cedretalia atlanticae. The ecologic and biogeograpbic value of these communities is analized in a Westem-mediterrancan context as well as their dynamic importance. On this mountain, they correspond to ihe preforested level of cedar forests. For this reason, an attempt to inlerprel Kabylian cedar forests as a whole was made they belong to the new association Senecio perralderlani-Cedretum atlanticae. A diachronic evaluation of changes in native plant communities over a 30 year period is made, in particular as related to the creation of several local structures to protect natural resources.


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As a continuation of previous research on the naturalization of non-native vascular plants in the Iberian Peninsula new chorological data are presented for 16 xenophytes recorded between 2010 and 2014, mostly in the provinces of Huelva and Barcelona (Spain) and in the Algarve and Estremadura (Portugal). For each taxon details about distribution, habitats occupied, previous records, degree of naturalization, etc. are provided. Lachenalia bulbifera and Cyperus albostriatus are probably reported for the first time in the wild in Europe, as are Gamochaeta filaginea, and Dysphania anthelmintica and Oenothera lindheimeri for Portugal and Spain respectively. Cosmos bipinnatus is cited as a novelty for the Algarve (Portugal). Newly reported or confirmed for the province of Huelva are: Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Epilobium brachycarpum, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Ficus microcarpa, Tamarix parviflora and Tamarix ramosissima, while Atriplex semibaccata, Chloris truncata, and Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus are new for Barcelona. Finally, Passiflora caerulea is a novelty for both Barcelona and Huelva provinces.


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An exploration and collection mission for wild Brassica oleracea populations was carried out in spring and summer of 2013. The aim of this collection was to expand the number of accessions of wild Brassica oleracea available for basic and applied research in plant breeding. In this paper we report a new accession of wild Brassica oleracea in an unexplored coastal area of Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Details of population ecology and vegetation, soil, climate and geographic data were recorded for this population. The “Endangered” threat category for the region is proposed, and actions for in situ and ex situ conservation are proposed. Seeds will be added to the germplasm collections of University of Santiago de Compostela and Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) for further research on diverse aspects of the dynamics and ecophysiology of the population along with characterization and evaluation of useful traits.


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With field, laboratory, and modeling approaches, we examined the interplay among habitat structure, intraguild predation (IGP), and parasitism in an ongoing species invasion. Native Gammarus duebeni celticus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) are often, but not always, replaced by the invader Gammarus pulex through differential IGP. The muscle-wasting microsporidian parasite Pleistophora mulleri infects the native but not the invader. We found a highly variable prevalence of P. mulleri in uninvaded rivers, with 0–91% of hosts parasitized per sample. In addition, unparasitized natives dominated fast-flowing riffle patches of river, whereas parasitized individuals dominated slower- flowing, pooled patches. We examined the survivorship of invader and native in single and mixed-species microcosms with high, intermediate, and zero parasite prevalence. G. pulex survivorship was high in all treatments, whereas G. duebeni subsp. celticus survivorship was significantly lower in the presence of the invader. Further, parasitized G. duebeni subsp. celticus experienced near-total elimination. Models of the species replacement process implied that parasite-enhanced IGP would make invasion by G. pulex more likely, regardless of habitat and parasite spatial structure. However, where heterogeneity in parasite prevalence creates a landscape of patches with different susceptibilities to invasion, G. pulex may succeed in cases where invasion would not be possible if patches were equivalent. The different responses of parasitized and unparasitized G. duebeni subsp. celticus to environmental heterogeneity potentially link landscape patterns to the success or failure of the invasion process.


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We report the genome sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae Ecl8, a spontaneous streptomycin-resistant mutant of strain ECL4, derived from NCIB 418. K. pneumoniae Ecl8 has been shown to be genetically tractable for targeted gene deletion strategies and so provides a platform for in-depth analyses of this species.


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Plant pathogens are a serious problem for seed export, plant disease control and plant quarantine. Rapid and accurate screening tests are urgently required to protect and prevent plant diseases spreading worldwide. A novel multiplex detection method was developed based on microsphere immunoassays to simultaneously detect four important plant pathogens: a fruit blotch bacterium Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac), chilli vein-banding mottle virus (CVbMV, potyvirus), watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV, tospovirus serogroup IV) and melon yellow spot virus (MYSV, tospovirus). An antibody for each plant pathogen was linked on a fluorescence-coded magnetic microsphere set which was used to capture corresponding pathogen. The presence of pathogens was detected by R-phycoerythrin (RPE)-labeled antibodies specific to the pathogens. The assay conditions were optimized by identifying appropriate antibody pairs, blocking buffer, concentration of RPE-labeled antibodies and assay time. Once conditions were optimized, the assay was able to detect all four plant pathogens precisely and accurately with substantially higher sensitivity than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) when spiked in buffer and in healthy watermelon leaf extract. The assay time of the microsphere immunoassay (1 hour) was much shorter than that of ELISA (4 hours). This system was also shown to be capable of detecting the pathogens in naturally infected plant samples and is a major advancement in plant pathogen detection. © 2013 Charlermroj et al.