1000 resultados para Carbon dioxide lasers


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Methane and carbon dioxide seasonal cycles during years 1998 and 1999 at two Brazilian urban and inland sites are presented. The mixing ratio averages over the studied period of time were 1.80 ppm CH4 and 384.7 ppm CO2. A comparison is made between continental averages and the averages of the three nearest global network background sites of NOAA-CMDL comprising Ascension Island, Namibia and Easter Island. Inland sites had 0.08 ppm or 4.9% more CH4 and 19.0 ppm or 4.9% more CO2 than background over the same time span. The CH4 summer minimum observed in remote sites was also detected inland. During the month of October 98 and 99 inland mixing ratios were frequently similar to background.


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Objective: This study compares wound healing efficiency on a rat's skin when the incision was closed with a conventional suture versus vaporized with a CO2 laser. Materials and Methods: In this study, 24 rats were used, and two longitudinal incisions were made with a conventional scalpel in the dorsum of each rat. The left incision was sutured with nylon thread, and the right incision was closed by vaporization with a defocused CO2 laser in continuous mode with an 8-watt power density. Clinical photographs were taken immediately after the procedure, 24 h later, and after 3, 7, 14, and 21 days, documenting the healing of the incision. Results: the results showed that there was an initial delay in wound repair in the vaporized incision as compared to the scalpel incision, but after 21 days, both incisions showed the same clinical characteristics. However, the vaporized incision showed no trauma of the tissue, as opposed to the sutured incision, and no hemorrhagic complications. Conclusion: These results suggest that the CO2 laser can eventually replace the use of sutures.


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In this study we analyzed possible damages that vaporization from laser radiation could cause to implant material. Fifteen standard titanium implants, measuring 3.75 mm in diameter by 7 mm in length, were placed into the upper and lower jaws of three dogs according to Branemark's system. After osseointegration, all implants were exposed. In group I (control) conventional exposure with a punch was used; in group II, a CO2 laser with 2 W (power density: 256 W/cm(2); fluency: 0.077 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used, and in group III 4 W (power density: 512 W/cm(2), fluency: 0.154 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used. After vaporization, the cover screws were removed and sent for metallographic examination. The results showed that cover screws irradiated with 2 and 4 W power caused no superficial or microstructural alteration. The results also showed that the prescribed power densities, fluencies, and the use of the pulse mode were suitable for exposing implants without damage to tissue or implant material. (C) 2002 Laser Institute of America.


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AM1 calculations were performed for the absorption of H2O and CO2 molecules on the surface of model ZnO crystals. The absorption of isolated molecules of each species and the co-absorption of both compounds simultaneously were considered. It was found that the absorption of H2O near a site where CO; is already absorbed favors the process of sintering, in agreement with the experimental findings. This is explained by the formation of Zn(OH)CO3H bound to the surface, a more mobile species than the ZnO unit itself. The roundening of the grains observed in atmospheres containing dry CO2 but suppressed when H2O is present, is also explained by these calculations. After absorption of CO2, the rupture of one bond - so that diffusion of the ZnCO3 species on the surface is allowed - requires much less energy than the breaking of two bonds, necessary for ZnO migration. These facts explain why the speed of surface transport does not decrease in CO2 atmospheres while sintering is indeed slowed down. © 1994.


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The CO2 reforming of CH4 was carried out over Ni catalysts supported on γ-Al2O3 and CeO 2-promoted γ-Al2O3. The catalysts were characterized by means of surface area measurements, TPR, CO2 and H2 chemisorption, XRD, SEM, and TEM. The CeO2 addition promoted an increase of catalytic activity and stability. The improvement in the resistance to carbon deposition is attributed to the highest CO2 adsorption presented by the CeO2 addition. The catalytic behavior presented by the samples, with a different CH4/CO2 ratio used, points to the CH4 decomposition reaction as the main source of carbon deposition.


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Despite its importance for designing evaporators and condensers, a review of the literature shows that heat transfer data during phase change of carbon dioxide is very limited, mainly for microchannel flows. In order to give a contribution on this subject, an experimental study of CO 2 evaporation inside a 0.8 mm-hydraulic diameter microchannel was performed in this work. The average heat transfer coefficient along the microchannel was measured and visualization of the flow patterns was conducted. A total of 67 tests were performed at saturation temperature of 23.3°C for a heat flux of 1800 W/(m2°C). Vapor qualities ranged from 0.005 to 0.88 and mass flux ranged from 58 to 235 kg/(m2s). An average heat transfer coefficient of 9700 W/(m2°C) with a standard deviation of 35% was obtained. Nucleate boiling was found to characterize the flow regime for the test conditions. The dryout of the flow, characterized by the sudden reduction in the heat transfer coefficient, was identified at vapor qualities around 0.85. Flow visualization results showed three flow patterns. For low vapor qualities (up to about 0.25), plug flow was predominant, while slug flow occurred at moderated vapor qualities (from about 0.25 to 0.50). Annular flow was the flow pattern for higher vapor qualities. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.


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Soil tillage and other methods of soil management may influence CO 2 emissions because they accelerate the mineralization of organic carbon in the soil. This study aimed to quantify the CO2 emissions under conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and reduced tillage (RT) during the renovation of sugarcane fields in southern Brazil. The experiment was performed on an Oxisol in the sugarcane-planting area with mechanical harvesting. An undisturbed or no-till (NT) plot was left as a control treatment. The CO2 emissions results indicated a significant interaction (p < 0.001) between tillage method and time after tillage. By quantifying the accumulated emissions over the 44 days after soil tillage, we observed that tillage-induced emissions were higher after the CT system than the RT and MT systems, reaching 350.09 g m-2 of CO2 in CT, and 51.7 and 5.5 g m-2 of CO2 in RT and MT respectively. The amount of C lost in the form of CO2 due to soil tillage practices was significant and comparable to the estimated value of potential annual C accumulation resulting from changes in the harvesting system in Brazil from burning of plant residues to the adoption of green cane harvesting. The CO 2 emissions in the CT system could respond to a loss of 80% of the potential soil C accumulated over one year as result of the adoption of mechanized sugarcane harvesting. Meanwhile, soil tillage during the renewal of the sugar plantation using RT and MT methods would result in low impact, with losses of 12% and 2% of the C that could potentially be accumulated during a one year period. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Forest dynamics will depend upon the physiological performance of individual tree species under more stressful conditions caused by climate change. In order to compare the idiosyncratic responses of Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) coexisting in forests of central Spain, we evaluated the temporal changes in secondary growth (basal area increment; BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) during the last four decades, determined how coexisting species are responding to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) and drought stress, and assessed the relationship among iWUE and growth during climatically contrasting years. All species increased their iWUE (ca. +15 to +21 %) between the 1970s and the 2000s. This increase was positively related to Ca for J. thurifera and to higher Ca and drought for Q. faginea and P. nigra. During climatically favourable years the study species either increased or maintained their growth at rising iWUE, suggesting a higher CO2 uptake. However, during unfavourable climatic years Q. faginea and especially P. nigra showed sharp declines in growth at enhanced iWUE, likely caused by a reduced stomatal conductance to save water under stressful dry conditions. In contrast, J. thurifera showed enhanced growth also during unfavourable years at increased iWUE, denoting a beneficial effect of Ca even under climatically harsh conditions. Our results reveal significant inter-specific differences in growth driven by alternative physiological responses to increasing drought stress. Thus, forest composition in the Mediterranean region might be altered due to contrasting capacities of coexisting tree species to withstand increasingly stressful conditions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The pupunha (Guilielma speciosa) is the fruit of a palm tree typical of the Brazilian Northern region, whose stem is used as a source of heart of palm. The fruit, which is about 65% pulp, is a source of oil and carotenes. In the present work, an analysis of the kinetics of supercritical extraction of oil from the pupunha pulp is presented. Carbon dioxide was used as solvent. The extractions were carried out at 25 MPa and 323 K and 30 MPa and 318 K. The chemical composition of the extracts in terms of fatty acids was determined by gas chromatography. The amount of oleic acid, a saturated fatty acid, in the CO2 extracts was larger than that in the extract obtained with hexane. The overall extraction curves were modeled using the single-parameter model proposed in the literature to describe the desorption of toluene from activated coal.


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In this work the separation of multicomponent mixtures in counter-current columns with supercritical carbon dioxide has been investigated using a process design methodology. First the separation task must be defined, then phase equilibria experiments are carried out, and the data obtained are correlated with thermodynamic models or empirical functions. Mutual solubilities, Ki-values, and separation factors aij are determined. Based on this data possible operating conditions for further extraction experiments can be determined. Separation analysis using graphical methods are performed to optimize the process parameters. Hydrodynamic experiments are carried out to determine the flow capacity diagram. Extraction experiments in laboratory scale are planned and carried out in order to determine HETP values, to validate the simulation results, and to provide new materials for additional phase equilibria experiments, needed to determine the dependence of separation factors on concetration. Numerical simulation of the separation process and auxiliary systems is carried out to optimize the number of stages, solvent-to-feed ratio, product purity, yield, and energy consumption. Scale-up and cost analysis close the process design. The separation of palmitic acid and (oleic+linoleic) acids from PFAD-Palm Fatty Acids Distillates was used as a case study.


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Equilíbrio líquido-vapor do sistema destilado ácido do óleo de palma-dióxido de carbono a alta pressão. Foi investigado experimentalmente o equilíbrio líquido-vapor para o sistema Destilado Ácido de Óleo de Palma (PFAD)/Dióxido de Carbono, nas temperaturas de 333, 353 e 373 K e pressões de 20, 23, 26 e 29 MPa, usando-se o método estático. Os dados experimentais do sistema pseudo-binário PFAD/CO2 foram correlacionados com a equação de estado de Redlich-Kwong do pacote computacional ASPEN. O modelo reproduz bem os resultados experimentais. A seletividade obtida indica que o CO2 supercrítico é um solvente razoável para a separação em coluna multi-estágio e contínua, do ácido graxo saturado (ácido palmítico) daqueles insaturados (ácido oleico e ácido linoleico) contidos no PFAD.


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Adsorption and regeneration of ion exchange resins were studied using a subcritical solution of a CO2-H2O mixture and a fixed bed column. The commercial Amberlite IRC-50/IRC-86 cation exchange resins and Amberlite IRA-67 anion exchange resin were tested for heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd) adsorption from a solution with different initial metal concentrations at different temperatures. After adsorption, the loaded resins were regenerated with water and carbon dioxide at different temperatures and a pressure of 25 MPa. The efficiency of the IRC-50 resin was lower than that of the IRC-86 resin for the adsorption of metals like Cd, Cu and Pb. Results obtained for desorption of these metals indicated that the process could be used for Cd and in principle for Cu. Sorption of metal ions depended strongly on feed concentration. Mathematical modeling of the metal desorption process was carried out successfully as an extraction process. For this purpose, the VTII Model, which is applied to extraction from solids using supercritical solvents, was used in this work.