349 resultados para Caracciolo, Ser Gianni.
La nucleosintesi primordiale descrive le reazioni che hanno formato i primi elementi leggeri (H, 2H, 3He, 4He, 7Li) e ci da una previsione sull'andamento delle loro abbondanze primordiali in funzione del rapporto barioni-fotoni η, unico parametro libero della teoria BBN. Questo parametro è stato fissato dal momento in cui la sonda WMAP è stata lanciata in orbita; essa ha svolto misure importantissime sulla radiazione cosmica di fondo, fornendoci un valore accurato della densità barionica e quindi di η. Con questo nuovo dato sono state calcolate le abbondanze degli elementi leggeri ai tempi della nucleosintesi primordiale, tuttavia quella teorizzata per il 7Li non corrispondeva affatto a quella osservata nelle stelle dell'alone galattico, ma risultava essere dalle 2 alle 4 volte maggiore. Questa discrepanza costituisce il problema cosmologico del litio. Il problema può essere affrontato in diversi campi della fisica; il nostro scopo è quello di studiarlo dal punto di vista della fisica nucleare, analizzando le reazioni nucleari legate al 7Li. Il contributo principale alla produzione di 7Li proviene dal decadimento spontaneo del 7Be, quindi bisogna valutare il rate di reazione dei processi che producono o distruggono quest'ultimo nucleo; tale rate dipende dalla sezione d'urto della reazione. Un contributo fondamentale potrebbe essere dato dalle eventuali risonanze non ancora scoperte, cioè gli stati eccitati dei prodotti di reazione che si trovano ad energie non ancora studiate, in corrispondenza delle quali la sezione d'urto subisce un drastico aumento. Le due reazioni principali da considerare sono 7Be(n,p)7Li e 7Be(n,αlfa)4He; la prima perché contribuisce al 97% della distruzione del berillio, quindi una rivalutazione della sua sezione d'urto porterebbe ad un grande cambiamento nel valore dell'abbondanza di 7Be (e quindi di 7Li), la seconda poiché, anche se contribuisce solo al 2.5% della distruzione del berillio, possiede una incertezza enorme.
In questo lavoro di tesi si è realizzato un modello matematico con l’intento di fornire uno strumento per lo studio della risposta cardiovascolare alla contropulsazione esterna. L’ EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) è un metodo non invasivo di assistenza cardiaca basato sull’applicazione di pressioni sincronizzate col ritmo cardiaco su determinate superfici corporee. I benefici della terapia su pazienti con sofferenze cardiache sono confermati dalle tabelle cliniche; rimane tuttavia non chiaro il legame diretto tra questi e la EECP. La base del lavoro è un modello della circolazione sanguigna adattato allo studio della situazione in esame e riprodotto mediante il software di calcolo Matlab. Il modello proposto e la relativa simulazione numerica permettono la visualizzazione istantanea delle modifiche che l’azione di contropulsazione apporta al flusso e alla pressione sanguigna, al fine di offrire un aiuto nella ricerca di un legame diretto tra la EECP e i benefici che questa terapia ha sul paziente.
This work was supported by the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 305316 as part of the MOTIF (Microbicides Formulation Through Innovative Formulation for Vaginal and Rectal Delivery) project.
This work was supported by the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 305316 as part of the MOTIF (Microbicides Formulation Through Innovative Formulation for Vaginal and Rectal Delivery) project.
This work was supported by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 305316 as part of the MOTIF (Microbicides Optimisation Through Innovative Formulation for Vaginal and Rectal Delivery) project. We would like to extend our thanks to all the study participants for their invaluable contribution and to Grampian Biorepository staff for help with collection of fresh colorectal resection tissue.
Mineral and chemical composition of alluvial Upper-Pleistocene deposits from the Alto Guadalquivir Basin (SE Spain) were studied as a tool to identify sedimentary and geomorphological processes controlling its formation. Sediments located upstream, in the north-eastern sector of the basin, are rich in dolomite, illite, MgO and KB2BO. Downstream, sediments at the sequence base are enriched in calcite, smectite and CaO, whereas the upper sediments have similar features to those from upstream. Elevated rare-earth elements (REE) values can be related to low carbonate content in the sediments and the increase of silicate material produced and concentrated during soil formation processes in the neighbouring source areas. Two mineralogical and geochemical signatures related to different sediment source areas were identified. Basal levels were deposited during a predominantly erosive initial stage, and are mainly composed of calcite and smectite materials enriched in REE coming from Neogene marls and limestones. Then the deposition of the upper levels of the alluvial sequences, made of dolomite and illitic materials depleted in REE coming from the surrounding Sierra de Cazorla area took place during a less erosive later stage of the fluvial system. Such modification was responsible of the change in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments.
El artículo pretende abordar el modo en el que la obra de Reiner Schürmann, a través de un original interpretación del pensamiento de Martin Heidegger, consigue desarrollar un tipo de filosofía política anárquica. Se intentará analizar, en la dispersa obra del filósofo holandés, la idea de anarquía como condición existencial, prestando especial atención al nexo entre el concepto de muerte de la metafísica y la posibilidad de una praxis política anárquica. El artículo se compone de tres partes: en la primera se examinará la noción de Ser y de “a priori práctico” en el trabajo de Schürmann. En la segunda se verá la diferencia entre el nihilismo del autor y el de Vattimo, y en la tercera, se profundizará en las consecuencias más propiamente políticas del pensamiento de Schürmann.
Network intrusion detection sensors are usually built around low level models of network traffic. This means that their output is of a similarly low level and as a consequence, is difficult to analyze. Intrusion alert correlation is the task of automating some of this analysis by grouping related alerts together. Attack graphs provide an intuitive model for such analysis. Unfortunately alert flooding attacks can still cause a loss of service on sensors, and when performing attack graph correlation, there can be a large number of extraneous alerts included in the output graph. This obscures the fine structure of genuine attacks and makes them more difficult for human operators to discern. This paper explores modified correlation algorithms which attempt to minimize the impact of this attack.
Network intrusion detection systems are themselves becoming targets of attackers. Alert flood attacks may be used to conceal malicious activity by hiding it among a deluge of false alerts sent by the attacker. Although these types of attacks are very hard to stop completely, our aim is to present techniques that improve alert throughput and capacity to such an extent that the resources required to successfully mount the attack become prohibitive. The key idea presented is to combine a token bucket filter with a realtime correlation algorithm. The proposed algorithm throttles alert output from the IDS when an attack is detected. The attack graph used in the correlation algorithm is used to make sure that alerts crucial to forming strategies are not discarded by throttling.
Dendritic cells are antigen presenting cells that provide a vital link between the innate and adaptive immune system, providing the initial detection of pathogenic invaders. Research into this family of cells has revealed that they perform information fusion which directs immune responses. We have derived a Dendritic Cell Algorithm based on the functionality of these cells, by modelling the biological signals and differentiation pathways to build a control mechanism for an artificial immune system. We present algorithmic details in addition to experimental results, when the algorithm was applied to anomaly detection for the detection of port scans. The results show the Dendritic Cell Algorithm is successful at detecting port scans.
The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and distributed manner. Secondly, current techniques used in computer security are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of computer systems and their security. It is hoped that biologically inspired approaches in this area, including the use of immune-based systems will be able to meet this challenge. Here we review the algorithms used, the development of the systems and the outcome of their implementation. We provide an introduction and analysis of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestions for future research.
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) monitor a net- work with the aim of discerning malicious from benign activity on that network. While a wide range of approaches have met varying levels of success, most IDS’s rely on having access to a database of known attack signatures which are written by security experts. Nowadays, in order to solve problems with false positive alerts, correlation algorithms are used to add additional structure to sequences of IDS alerts. However, such techniques are of no help in discovering novel attacks or variations of known attacks, something the human immune system (HIS) is capable of doing in its own specialised domain. This paper presents a novel immune algorithm for application to an intrusion detection problem. The goal is to discover packets containing novel variations of attacks covered by an existing signature base.
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are computer systems which monitor a network with the aim of discerning malicious from benign activity on that network. While a wide range of approaches have met varying levels of success, most IDSs rely on having access to a database of known attack signatures which are written by security experts. Nowadays, in order to solve problems with false positive alerts, correlation algorithms are used to add additional structure to sequences of IDS alerts. However, such techniques are of no help in discovering novel attacks or variations of known attacks, something the human immune system (HIS) is capable of doing in its own specialised domain. This paper presents a novel immune algorithm for application to the IDS problem. The goal is to discover packets containing novel variations of attacks covered by an existing signature base.
Network intrusion detection systems are themselves becoming targets of attackers. Alert flood attacks may be used to conceal malicious activity by hiding it among a deluge of false alerts sent by the attacker. Although these types of attacks are very hard to stop completely, our aim is to present techniques that improve alert throughput and capacity to such an extent that the resources required to successfully mount the attack become prohibitive. The key idea presented is to combine a token bucket filter with a realtime correlation algorithm. The proposed algorithm throttles alert output from the IDS when an attack is detected. The attack graph used in the correlation algorithm is used to make sure that alerts crucial to forming strategies are not discarded by throttling.
The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and distributed manner. Secondly, current techniques used in computer security are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of computer systems and their security. It is hoped that biologically inspired approaches in this area, including the use of immune-based systems will be able to meet this challenge. Here we review the algorithms used, the development of the systems and the outcome of their implementation. We provide an introduction and analysis of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestions for future research.