921 resultados para Built-in test


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Sleep helps the consolidation of declarative memories in the laboratory, but the pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps in schools is yet to be fully characterized. While a few studies indicate that sleep can indeed benefit school learning, it remains unclear how best to use it. Here we set out to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on the duration of declarative memories learned in school by students of 10–15 years old. A total of 584 students from 6th grade were investigated. Students within a regular classroom were exposed to a 15-min lecture on new declarative contents, absent from the standard curriculum for this age group. The students were then randomly sorted into nap and non-nap groups. Students in the nap group were conducted to a quiet room with mats, received sleep masks and were invited to sleep. At the same time, students in the non-nap group attended regular school classes given by their usual teacher (Experiment I), or English classes given by another experimenter (Experiment II). These 2 versions of the study differed in a number of ways. In Experiment I (n = 371), students were pre-tested on lecture-related contents before the lecture, were invited to nap for up to 2 h, and after 1, 2, or 5 days received surprise tests with similar content but different wording and question order. In Experiment II (n = 213), students were invited to nap for up to 50 min (duration of a regular class); surprise tests were applied immediately after the lecture, and repeated after 5, 30, or 110 days. Experiment I showed a significant ∼10% gain in test scores for both nap and non-nap groups 1 day after learning, in comparison with pre-test scores. This gain was sustained in the nap group after 2 and 5 days, but in the non-nap group it decayed completely after 5 days. In Experiment II, the nap group showed significantly higher scores than the non-nap group at all times tested, thus precluding specific conclusions. The results suggest that sleep can be used to enhance the duration of memory contents learned in school.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Relational reasoning, or the ability to identify meaningful patterns within any stream of information, is a fundamental cognitive ability associated with academic success across a variety of domains of learning and levels of schooling. However, the measurement of this construct has been historically problematic. For example, while the construct is typically described as multidimensional—including the identification of multiple types of higher-order patterns—it is most often measured in terms of a single type of pattern: analogy. For that reason, the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR) was conceived and developed to include three other types of patterns that appear to be meaningful in the educational context: anomaly, antinomy, and antithesis. Moreover, as a way to focus on fluid relational reasoning ability, the TORR was developed to include, except for the directions, entirely visuo-spatial stimuli, which were designed to be as novel as possible for the participant. By focusing on fluid intellectual processing, the TORR was also developed to be fairly administered to undergraduate students—regardless of the particular gender, language, and ethnic groups they belong to. However, although some psychometric investigations of the TORR have been conducted, its actual fairness across those demographic groups has yet to be empirically demonstrated. Therefore, a systematic investigation of differential-item-functioning (DIF) across demographic groups on TORR items was conducted. A large (N = 1,379) sample, representative of the University of Maryland on key demographic variables, was collected, and the resulting data was analyzed using a multi-group, multidimensional item-response theory model comparison procedure. Using this procedure, no significant DIF was found on any of the TORR items across any of the demographic groups of interest. This null finding is interpreted as evidence of the cultural-fairness of the TORR, and potential test-development choices that may have contributed to that cultural-fairness are discussed. For example, the choice to make the TORR an untimed measure, to use novel stimuli, and to avoid stereotype threat in test administration, may have contributed to its cultural-fairness. Future steps for psychometric research on the TORR, and substantive research utilizing the TORR, are also presented and discussed.


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The Put-in-Bay House was built in 1836 and opened as a rooming house in 1861. It featured a gymnasium, dance hall, and a 500-foot verandah. In 1878, the hotel burned. its successor, built in 1890, also was destroyed by fire in 1907.


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Photosynthesis –the conversion of sunlight to chemical energy –is fundamental for supporting life on our planet. Despite its importance, the physical principles that underpin the primary steps of photosynthesis, from photon absorption to electronic charge separation, remain to be understood in full. Electronic coherence within tightly-packed light-harvesting (LH) units or within individual reaction centers (RCs) has been recognized as an important ingredient for a complete understanding of the excitation energy transfer (EET) dynamics. However, the electronic coherence across units –RC and LH or LH and LH –has been consistently neglected as it does not play a significant role during these relatively slow transfer processes. Here, we turn our attention to the absorption process, which, as we will show, has a much shorter built-in timescale. We demonstrate that the- often overlooked- spatially extended but short-lived excitonic delocalization plays a relevant role in general photosynthetic systems. Most strikingly, we find that absorption intensity is, quite generally, redistributed from LH units to the RC, increasing the number of excitations which can effect charge separation without further transfer steps. A biomemetic nano-system is proposed which is predicted to funnel excitation to the RC-analogue, and hence is the first step towards exploiting these new design principles for efficient artificial light-harvesting.


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Sleep helps the consolidation of declarative memories in the laboratory, but the pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps in schools is yet to be fully characterized. While a few studies indicate that sleep can indeed benefit school learning, it remains unclear how best to use it. Here we set out to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on the duration of declarative memories learned in school by students of 10–15 years old. A total of 584 students from 6th grade were investigated. Students within a regular classroom were exposed to a 15-min lecture on new declarative contents, absent from the standard curriculum for this age group. The students were then randomly sorted into nap and non-nap groups. Students in the nap group were conducted to a quiet room with mats, received sleep masks and were invited to sleep. At the same time, students in the non-nap group attended regular school classes given by their usual teacher (Experiment I), or English classes given by another experimenter (Experiment II). These 2 versions of the study differed in a number of ways. In Experiment I (n = 371), students were pre-tested on lecture-related contents before the lecture, were invited to nap for up to 2 h, and after 1, 2, or 5 days received surprise tests with similar content but different wording and question order. In Experiment II (n = 213), students were invited to nap for up to 50 min (duration of a regular class); surprise tests were applied immediately after the lecture, and repeated after 5, 30, or 110 days. Experiment I showed a significant ∼10% gain in test scores for both nap and non-nap groups 1 day after learning, in comparison with pre-test scores. This gain was sustained in the nap group after 2 and 5 days, but in the non-nap group it decayed completely after 5 days. In Experiment II, the nap group showed significantly higher scores than the non-nap group at all times tested, thus precluding specific conclusions. The results suggest that sleep can be used to enhance the duration of memory contents learned in school.


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Este trabalho incide na análise dos açúcares majoritários nos alimentos (glucose, frutose e sacarose) com uma língua eletrónica potenciométrica através de calibração multivariada com seleção de sensores. A análise destes compostos permite contribuir para a avaliação do impacto dos açúcares na saúde e seu efeito fisiológico, além de permitir relacionar atributos sensoriais e atuar no controlo de qualidade e autenticidade dos alimentos. Embora existam diversas metodologias analíticas usadas rotineiramente na identificação e quantificação dos açúcares nos alimentos, em geral, estes métodos apresentam diversas desvantagens, tais como lentidão das análises, consumo elevado de reagentes químicos e necessidade de pré-tratamentos destrutivos das amostras. Por isso se decidiu aplicar uma língua eletrónica potenciométrica, construída com sensores poliméricos selecionados considerando as sensibilidades aos açucares obtidas em trabalhos anteriores, na análise dos açúcares nos alimentos, visando estabelecer uma metodologia analítica e procedimentos matemáticos para quantificação destes compostos. Para este propósito foram realizadas análises em soluções padrão de misturas ternárias dos açúcares em diferentes níveis de concentração e em soluções de dissoluções de amostras de mel, que foram previamente analisadas em HPLC para se determinar as concentrações de referência dos açúcares. Foi então feita uma análise exploratória dos dados visando-se remover sensores ou observações discordantes através da realização de uma análise de componentes principais. Em seguida, foram construídos modelos de regressão linear múltipla com seleção de variáveis usando o algoritmo stepwise e foi verificado que embora fosse possível estabelecer uma boa relação entre as respostas dos sensores e as concentrações dos açúcares, os modelos não apresentavam desempenho de previsão satisfatório em dados de grupo de teste. Dessa forma, visando contornar este problema, novas abordagens foram testadas através da construção e otimização dos parâmetros de um algoritmo genético para seleção de variáveis que pudesse ser aplicado às diversas ferramentas de regressão, entre elas a regressão pelo método dos mínimos quadrados parciais. Foram obtidos bons resultados de previsão para os modelos obtidos com o método dos mínimos quadrados parciais aliado ao algoritmo genético, tanto para as soluções padrão quanto para as soluções de mel, com R²ajustado acima de 0,99 e RMSE inferior a 0,5 obtidos da relação linear entre os valores previstos e experimentais usando dados dos grupos de teste. O sistema de multi-sensores construído se mostrou uma ferramenta adequada para a análise dos iii açúcares, quando presentes em concentrações maioritárias, e alternativa a métodos instrumentais de referência, como o HPLC, por reduzir o tempo da análise e o valor monetário da análise, bem como, ter um preparo mínimo das amostras e eliminar produtos finais poluentes.


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Complete and transparent reporting of key elements of diagnostic accuracy studies for infectious diseases in cultured and wild aquatic animals benefits end-users of these tests, enabling the rational design of surveillance programs, the assessment of test results from clinical cases and comparisons of diagnostic test performance. Based on deficiencies in the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) guidelines identified in a prior finfish study (Gardner et al. 2014), we adapted the Standards for Reporting of Animal Diagnostic Accuracy Studies—paratuberculosis (STRADAS-paraTB) checklist of 25 reporting items to increase their relevance to finfish, amphibians, molluscs, and crustaceans and provided examples and explanations for each item. The checklist, known as STRADAS-aquatic, was developed and refined by an expert group of 14 transdisciplinary scientists with experience in test evaluation studies using field and experimental samples, in operation of reference laboratories for aquatic animal pathogens, and in development of international aquatic animal health policy. The main changes to the STRADAS-paraTB checklist were to nomenclature related to the species, the addition of guidelines for experimental challenge studies, and the designation of some items as relevant only to experimental studies and ante-mortem tests. We believe that adoption of these guidelines will improve reporting of primary studies of test accuracy for aquatic animal diseases and facilitate assessment of their fitness-for-purpose. Given the importance of diagnostic tests to underpin the Sanitary and Phytosanitary agreement of the World Trade Organization, the principles outlined in this paper should be applied to other World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)-relevant species.


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A construção em alvenaria de adobe tem um vasto património a nível mundial. É possível encontrar construção em terra no nosso território, sendo que a técnica particular do adobe foi amplamente utilizada na região de Aveiro durante o século XIX até meados do século XX. Devido à tradição e valor patrimonial da construção em alvenaria de adobe, diversos trabalhos têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos no departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Aveiro, perspetivando um aprofundar de conhecimentos acerca deste tipo de construção. A vulnerabilidade sísmica das construções em alvenaria de adobe fez com que surgissem vários estudos para caracterização sísmica das mesmas, sendo que, recentemente, foi levada a cabo a realização de um ensaio cíclico, simulando os efeitos de um sismo, num modelo de adobe à escala real, construído no laboratório do departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Aveiro. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estudar formas de reparação e reforço sísmico de estruturas em adobe. Para isso foi reparado e reforçado o modelo previamente ensaiado, e novamente submetido a um ensaio cíclico, de modo a fazer-se uma análise comparativa com o ensaio prévio e assim retirar conclusões sobre a eficácia da solução de reforço aplicada.


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Annotation Pro - a description of techniques, methods implemented in the tool, as well as the list of all built in functionalities and features of the user interface, and usage tips.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional


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Metal oxide protection layers for photoanodes may enable the development of large-scale solar fuel and solar chemical synthesis, but the poor photovoltages often reported so far will severely limit their performance. Here we report a novel observation of photovoltage loss associated with a charge extraction barrier imposed by the protection layer, and, by eliminating it, achieve photovoltages as high as 630mV, the maximum reported so far for water-splitting silicon photoanodes. The loss mechanism is systematically probed in metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky junction cells compared to buried junction p(+) n cells, revealing the need to maintain a characteristic hole density at the semiconductor/insulator interface. A leaky-capacitor model related to the dielectric properties of the protective oxide explains this loss, achieving excellent agreement with the data. From these findings, we formulate design principles for simultaneous optimization of built-in field, interface quality, and hole extraction to maximize the photovoltage of oxide-protected water-splitting anodes.


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In Portugal, Veterinary Pathology is developing rapidly, and in recent years we assist to the emergence of private laboratories and the restructuring of universities,polytechnics and public laboratories.The Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology,through its actions and its associates has been keeping the discussion among its peers in order to standardizethe criteria of description,classification and evaluation of cases which are the subject of our daily work.One of the last challenges is associated with the use of routine histochemical techniques and immunohistochemistry, in an effort to establish standardized panels for tumour diagnosis, which could eventually reduce each analysis cost.For this purpose a simple survey was built, in which all collaborators answered questions about the markers used for carcinoma, sarcoma and round cell tumour diagnosis, as well as general questions related with the subject. We obtained twenty-one answered to the questions, from public and private laboratories.In general, in most cases immunohistochemical and histochemical methods are used for diagnosis.The wide spectrum cytokeratins are universally used to confirm carcinoma, and vimentin for sarcoma. The CD3 marker is used by all laboratories to identify T lymphocytes. For the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma, the marker used is not consensual. In each laboratory there are different markers for more specific situations and only two labs perform PCR techniques for diagnosis. These data will be presented to promote extended discussion,namely to reach a consensus when different markers are used.


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Introduction: The experience built in the process of living with chronic ulcer is marked by changes such as the inability to work, to relate socially and causes the need to adapt to a routine care. Understanding this network of meanings is important to develop techniques of individual or collective care. Objective: To understand impregnated subjectivities in the everyday experiences of Brazilian and Portuguese patients with chronic ulcers, in the light of the Oral History of life. Method: Comparative study with a qualitative approach, using Oral History as method and technique. The network of collaborators, formed by males and females, aged 39-82 years, was structured into two groups, one consisting of 06 people in Natal/RN, Brazil and another composed of 10 people in Évora/Portugal. In both groups, the narratives were collected through open questions, which were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by the technique of thematic content analysis. Results: Through the analysis, three themes were revealed: Social repercussion in Brazil and in Portugal; Trajectory of theinjured person; and Coping mechanisms. Conclusion: Changes were observed in social life, leading contributors to isolation, in addition to confronting the stigma experienced. There were also identified points as the reinterpretation of chronic wound carrier about their disease and coping strategies of their chroniccondition.


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AI for cattle has been develop in Indonesia in contrast, AI for small ruminants (sheep and goat) are less developed. Its due to the lack of facilities, processing and packaging during storage. This research aims to compare the effectivity and efficiency of two different packaging technique (test tube and straw). Test tube and 0.25 ml mini straw were tested . Semen was obtained from adult PE buck (3 yr) after collection by using  artificial vagina. The fresh semen was then evaluated and diluted 5 folds with 2.9 percent Na-citrate. Diluted semen then packed in test tube and mini straw, and stored in refrigerator (100C) for 7 days. Observations were done everyday on sperm motility, abnormality and percentage of  live sperm. Observation were made at 370C. Observation on fresh ejaculate showed that semen has 6x 109/ml concentration, 90 percent motility, 8 percent abnormality and  95 percent  live sperm. Five folds dilution reduced sperm concentration to 1.2 x 109/ml, but did not change sperm motility, abnormality and percent of live sperm. Sperm was then packed according  to the treatments. Storage in both packaging did significantly reduce  (P<0.01) sperm motility and percent live sperm, but not for sperm abnormality. All sperm stored in test tube were classified death at day 5 storage. However, sperm in the straw were remain live eventhough the percentages was low. It can be concluded that straw has a better result than test tube. Eventhough sperm motility was extremely low, it remains valuable for cervical insemination. (Animal Production 1(1) : 24-29 (1999).  Key Words : Sperm, PE Buck, Straw, Test Tube