667 resultados para Biomphalaria havanensis
INTRODUÇÃO: Em 1988, 22 casos autóctones de esquistossomose foram registrados na Praia do Forte Orange, ilha de Itamaracá, Pernambuco. Todos os casos ocorreram em indivíduos de classe média/alta que veraneavam na ilha. Foi realizado estudo com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar criadouros/focos de vetores da esquistossomose na localidade, correlacionando os determinantes biológicos da doença com o contexto ambiental da sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Foram levantados dados secundários para resgatar as características ambientais da área antes da ocupação humana. O inquérito malacológico teve a duração de um ano com mapeamento da área, coleta mensal e exame dos moluscos. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Em 1 km de extensão da praia, foram identificados 20 criadouros e demarcadas 28 estações de coleta. Os resultados mostram a variação mensal da densidade populacional de moluscos e das taxas de infecção, correlacionados com sazonalidade e tipos de criadouros. Destaca-se a importância desse novo perfil epidemiológico da esquistossomose em Pernambuco, relacionando o modo de ocupação daquele espaço com o estabelecimento de sítios de transmissão ativa da esquistossomose.
OBJETIVO : Investigar criadouros com moluscos hospedeiros e casos humanos autóctones para esquistossomose. MÉTODOS : Entre julho de 2010 e setembro de 2012 foram realizados: (1) levantamento malacológico para busca ativa de criadouros, coleta e identificação de caramujos Biomphalaria positivos para Schistosoma mansoni em Recife, PE; (2) inquérito de prevalência com 2.718 escolares, de sete a 14 anos, para diagnóstico de casos de esquistossomose; (3) exame clínico e ultrassonografia nos casos positivos para S. mansoni. Os casos foram investigados quanto à sua autoctonia e avaliados clinicamente. Os casos e criadouros foram georreferenciados e espacializados. RESULTADOS : Foram identificados 30 criadouros de B. straminea , quatro deles potenciais focos de transmissão, uma vez que os testes moleculares identificaram DNA de S. mansoni nos caramujos coletados. Foram diagnosticadas 14 crianças com esquistossomose; entre elas, cinco foram consideradas casos autóctones da doença. CONCLUSÕES : Ações emergenciais pela vigilância em saúde são necessárias para evitar que a esquistossomose se endemize em Recife, como acontece em localidades litorâneas do estado de Pernambuco.
This work was undertaken in the municipality of Pedro de Toledo (São Paulo State, Brazil) in 1987, to clarify aspects related to the transmission levels of Schistosoma mansoni in a human population where the snail host is Biomphalaria tenagophila. Since 1980 a control programme has been undertaken in this municipality. Urban and rural populations (4,719 subjects) were submitted to faecal examinations (Kato-Katz method). The overall prevalence rate was 4.8% being higher in males (6.2%) and also in the rural zone (5.8%). The geometric mean of S. mansoni eggs was 35.1 eggs per gramme of faeces (epg). Approximately 80.0% of the carriers presented less than 100 epg and only 20 individuals (9.0%) eliminated more than half of total eggs. The highest index of potencial contamination (IPC) was in the age group of 5 to 20 years (57.6%). Two thirds of the investigated patients (207) were autochthonous of Pedro de Toledo. The geographical distribution of the carriers showed a clear aggregation of the autochthonous cases and a close association between human contact sites and breeding places of B. tenagophila. This study shows that schistosomiasis subjects were not randomly aggregated, the youngsters should be the main target in the prophylaxis, and the efficacy of the control programme.
Laboratory tests with aqueous solutions of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii latex have demonstrated seasonal stability of the molluscicidal principle, with LD90 values of 1.14 ppm (spring), 1.02 ppm (fall), 1.09 ppm (winter), and 1.07 ppm (summer) that have been determined against Biomphalaria tenagophila in the field. Assays on latex collected in Belo Horizonte and Recife yielded LD90 values similar to those obtained with the reference substance collected in Rio de Janeiro (Ilha do Governador), demonstrating geographic stability of the molluscicidal effect. The molluscicidal action of aqueous dilutions of the latex in natura, centrifuged (precipitate) and lyophilized, was stable for up to 124 days at room temperature (in natura) and for up to 736 days in a common refrigerator at 10 to 12ºC (lyophilized product). A 5.0 ppm solution is 100% lethal for snails up to 13 days after preparation, the effect being gradually lost to almost total inactivity by the 30th day. This observation indicated that the active principle is instable. These properties together with the wide distribution of the plant, its resistance and adaptation to the tropical climate, its easy cultivation and the easy obtention of latex and preparation of the molluscicidal solution, make this a promising material for large-scale use in the control of schistosomiasis
Studies on eight localities on the Island of Santa Catarina revealed the presence of three species of the molluscan family Planorbidae: Biomphalaria tenagophila, Drepanotrema cimex and Biomphalaria oligoza, the first one being naturally infected by Cercaria ocellifera, a furcocercaria with morphological characteristics of Cercaria caratinguensis, and by an unknown furcocercaria. Drepanotrema cimex was infected by a furcocercaria with characteristics of C. caratinguensis and by C. macrogranulosa. No natural infection was found in B. oligoza. B. tenagophila showed no susceptibility to the experimental infection by the BH-MG strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte and maintained at laboratory in B. glabrata snails.
Lotes de Biomphalaria glabrata (controle), B. tenagophila e B. straminea (com respectivamente 139, 77 e 149 exemplares) criados em laboratório a partir de espécimes coletados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil), foram infectados experimentalmente com larvas L1 de Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Decorridos aproximadamente 25 dias, os moluscos foram digeridos individual e artificialmente para exame. De 87 B. glabrata examinadas, 62 (71,3%) estavam positivas e apresentaram de uma a 61 larvas L3; de 42 B. tenagophila, 21 (50,0%) possuíam de uma a cinco L3; e de 89 B. straminea, 69 (77,5%), de uma a 72 L3. As três espécies de planorbídeos mostraram-se suscetíveis à infecção pelo A. costaricensis, sendo a B. glabrata e a B. straminea as mais eficientes para manutenção do ciclo do nematódeo em laboratório.
Applications of niclosamide at three-monthly intervals were undertaken for 14 years in foci of Biomphalaria glabrata in the water sources of Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG). All the residents of the area were submitted to an annual fecal examination (Kato/Katz) and those individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs were treated with oxamniquine. A malacological survey was undertaken at three-monthly intervals by means of ten scoops with a perforated ladle each ten metres along the two banks of the ditches and streams of the region. Where snails were found, molluscicide was applied by means of dripping or aspersion using a 3 ppm aqueous suspension of niclosamide. Initially, a mean of 14.3% of snails in the region were found to be eliminating cercariae. Following the first four applications of molluscicide, this was reduced to 0.0% and maintained at about 1.5% throughout the program. Thus, there was a continued possibility of schistosomiasis transmission in the area and it was observed that the population of snails reestablished itself within three months of molluscicide application. The results obtained in this study do not encourage the continual use of niclosamide as the only method of control of schistosomiasis.
Bioensaios usando extratos hexânicos de cascas da castanha do caju, Anacardium occidentale, coletadas no Ceará em 1972 (amostra 1) e em 1987 (amostra 2) foram feitos sobre moluscos adultos e desovas de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. tenagophila e B. straminea, no laboratório e no campo. As cascas, 18,5 g, sem triturar amostra 1, também foram testadas sobre moluscos adultos e desovas das três espécies. A toxidez do extrato foi testada ainda sobre peixes (Poecilia reticulata) e girinos. As concentrações letais CL90, amostra 1, foram de 2,0 a 2,2 ppm para os moluscos das três espécies. Para B. glabrata adultos, recém-eclodidos e desovas as CL90, amostra 2, foram de 2,0, 0,5 e 30,0 ppm respectivamente. As cascas causaram mortalidade de 40 a 80% dos moluscos e de 22 a 35% dos embriões, ocasionando redução de 40 a 55% na oviposição das três espécies. O extrato hexânico, amostra 2, foi inócuo para girinos e peixes até 2 ppm. No campo, em poços com água parada, tratados com 20 ppm do extrato, amostra 1, ocorreu 97,1% de mortalidade de B. straminea e 100% de B. glabrata e B. tenagophila. Com a niclosamida a 3 ppm ocorreu 100% de mortalidade das três espécies.
Para reconhecer a distribuição dos planorbídeos na 8ª Região Administrativa do Estado de São Paulo, 286 lotes de caramujos procedentes dos 85 municípios que a constituem foram examinados e identificados no Laboratório de Malacologia da SUCEN. Biomphalaria straminea, que ocorre em quatro criadouros - um em Altair e três em S. José do Rio Preto, foi a única espécie identificada capaz de vir a comportar-se naturalmente como hospedeira intermediária de S.mansoni. Isto demonstra que são mínimas as probabilidades da esquistossomose vir a instalar-se na área estudada.
A schistosomiasis control program was implemented between 1974/87 in Peri-Peri,. MG (622 inhabitants). Molluscicide (niclosamide) was applied at three monthly intervals in water sources with Biomphalaria glabrata, and individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces were treated annually with oxamniquine. From 1974 to 1983 the control measures were undertaken by staff of the "René Rachou" Research Center FIOCRUZ (CPqRR), and from 1984 to 1987 these measures were included in the Capim Branco basic health network activities. During both periods, the prevalence, incidence, intensity of infection and hepatosplenic form as well as the number of infected snails decreased significantly. The prevalence decreased from 43.5 to 4.4%, the incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the overall intensity of S. mansoni from 281 to 87 and of the hepatosplenic form from 5.9 to 0.0%. The results obtained suggest that the municipal management of control measures was as effective as the vertical program conducted by CPqRR staff.
Risk factors for Schistosoma mansoni infection were identified using a 1:1 matched case-control design. The work was conducted in the municipality of Pedro de Toledo, São Paulo State, Brazil, an area where the snail host is Biomphalaria tenagophila. Information on water contact patterns, knowledge, attitudes and pratices (kap), socioeconomic and sanitary conditions were obtained by mean of questionnaires. The crude odds ratio estimates and the adjusted odds ratio estimates using the logistic regression model are presented. Most of the examined individuals admitted recent water contacts (90.6% of the cases). The most frequent reason for contact was swimming, playing and fishing and the preferential site of contact was the river. According to the logistic regression technique, the main risk factors for infection were: a) water contact through swimming, playing and fishing; b) fording; c) bad hygiene. We concluded that recreational activities are the main reasons for schistosomiasis transmission in Pedro de Toledo and leisure alternatives should be offered to the local population.
Suspensões aquosas do pericarpo do fruto, da casca da raiz, das folhas e das sementes de Guaiacum officinale foram testadas como moluscicida, cercaricida e piscicida em diferentes concentrações. Em laboratório, a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto apresentou 100% de mortalidade a 100 ppm para desovas de B. glabrata, a 20 ppm para caramujos adultos de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea e B. tenagophila, a 5 ppm para Lebistes reticulatus (peixes) e a 1 ppm para cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni. O extrato etanólico do pericarpo do fruto não foi ativo para caramujo adulto de B. glabrata. As doses letais para 90% dos caramujos adultos (DL90), após 24 horas de exposição, usando a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto foram de: 15 ppm para B. glabrata; 14 ppm para B. straminea e 18 ppm para B. tenagophila. As DL90 das suspensões das casca da raiz, sementes e folhas contra B. glabrata foram de 57, 33 e 15 ppm, respectivamente. No campo, coma suspensão do pericarpo do fruto a mortalidade de caramujos adultos de B. glabrata foi de 68% a 20 ppm e 100% a 40 ppm
Em estudo malacológico realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Lago Soledade, Ouro Branco, MG, no período de setembro de 1986 a março de 1991, foram coletados 46.579 moluscos, representados por 07 espécies de 05 famílias. Foram coletados 39.176 exemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila, 1.296 de B. glabrata, sete exemplares de Drepanotrema cimex, 2.527 de Physa sp, 417 de Lymnaea sp, 92 de Pomacea haustrum e, a partir de março/1990, 3.064 exemplares de Melanoides tuberculata (Melanniidae = Thiaridae). Dos moluscos que apresentaram positividade para diversas larvas de trematódeos, quatro exemplares de B. tenagophila estavam positivos para S. mansoni.
For a period of 2 years, five follow-up measures of prevalence and incidence rates were estimated in a prospective study of S. mansoni infection in a group of schoolchildren who were living in a rural area of the Municipality of Itariri (São Paulo, Brazil), where schistosomiasis is transmitted by Biomphalaria tenagophila. Infection was determined by the examination of three Kato-Katz stool slides, and the parasitological findings were analyzed in comparison to serological data. In the five surveys, carried out at 6-month intervals (March-April and September-October), the prevalences were, respectively, 8.6, 6.8, 9.9, 5.8 and 17.2% by the Kato-Katz, and 56.5, 52.6, 60.8, 53.5 and 70.1% by the immunofluorescence test (IFT). Geometric mean egg counts were low: 57.8, 33.0, 35.6, 47.3 and 40.9 eggs per gram of feces, respectively. Of the total of 299 schoolchildren, who submitted five blood samples at 6-month intervals, one for each survey, 40% were IFT-positive throughout the study, and 22% were IFT-negative in all five surveys. Seroconversion from IFT negative to positive, indicating newly acquired S. mansoni infection, was observed more frequently in surveys carried out during March-April (after Summer holidays), than during September-October. Seasonal trends were not statistically significant for detection of S. mansoni eggs in stool. The results indicate that the use of IgM-IFT is superior to parasitological methods for detection of incidence of S. mansoni infection in areas with low worm burden.
This study was conducted to assess the presence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the "Noroeste de Minas" mesoregion, an area considered non-endemic. A malacologic survey and parasitologic stool examinations were undertaken in 13 municipalities of the mesoregion. A sample of 3,283 primary school students was submitted to fecal examination by the Kato-Katz method. A total of 3,627 planorbids was collected and examined. The molluscs were identified as Biomphalaria straminea in seven municipalities (Unaí, Bonfinópolis de Minas, Paracatu, João Pinheiro, Vazante, Lagamar and Lagoa Grande) and as Biomphalaria peregrina in one (Presidente Olegário). All planorbids were negative for Schistosoma mansoni. Four students were diagnosed with schistosomiasis in the municipalities of Buritis, Formoso, Paracatu and Unaí, but none of these cases was considered autochthonous. The data obtained indicate that the "Noroeste de Minas" mesoregion continues to be non-endemic for schistosomiasis mansoni, although the presence of intermediate hosts associated with parasitized individuals emphasizes the need for epidemiological surveillance of schistosomiasis in this mesoregion.