990 resultados para Behavior Monitoring
The elevated plus-maze is an animal model used to study anxiety. In a second session, rats show a reduction in the exploratory behavior even when the two sessions are separated by intervals as large as 7 days. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the reduction in the exploratory behavior is maintained after intervals larger than 7 days. Additionally, we aimed at investigating eventual correlations between behaviors in the plus-maze and activation of limbic structures as measured by Fos protein expression after the second session. Rats were tested for 5 min in the elevated plus-maze and re-tested 3, 9 or 33 days later. Other groups were tested only once. The rat brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of Fos protein. The results show a decrease in the open arms exploration in the second trial with intervals of 3, 9 and 33 days. The expression of Fos protein in the piriform cortex, septal nucleus and paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus in the groups tested with intervals of 9 and 33 days were statistically different from the other groups. The alterations observed in exploratory behavior in the second session in the plus-maze did not correlate with Fos expression. In conclusion, although the specific test conditions were sufficient to evoke behavioral alterations in exploration in the elevated plus-maze, they were enough to induce significant Fos protein expression in piriform cortex, septal nucleus and thalamic and hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei but not in other areas such as dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and amygdala nuclei, known to be also active participants in circuits controlling fear and anxiety. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study provides a detailed description of morphological and hodological aspects of the glomerular nucleus in the weakly electric fish Gymnotus sp., and explores the evolutionary and functional implications flowing from this analysis. The glomerular nucleus of Gymnotus shows numerous morphological similarities with the glomerular nucleus of percomorph fish, although cytoarchitectonically simpler. In addition, congruence of the histochemical acetylcholinesterase (AChE) distribution with cytoarchitectonic data suggests that the glomerular nucleus, together with the ventromedial cell group of the medial subdivision of the preglomerular complex (PGm-vmc) rostrally, and the subglomerular nucleus (as identified by Maler et al. [1991] J Chem Neuroanat 4:1-38) caudally, may form a distinct longitudinally organized glomerular complex. Our results show that an important source of sensory afferents to the glomerular nucleus originates in the pretectal and electrosensorius nuclei. The glomerular nucleus in turn projects to the hypothalamus (inferior lobe and anterior hypothalamus), to the anterior tuberal nucleus, and to the medial region of the preglomerular nucleus (PGm). These data suggest that visual and electrosensory information reach the glomerular nucleus and are relayed to the hypothalamus and, via PGm, to the pallium. Such connections are similar to those of the glomerular nucleus in percomorphs and the posterior pretectal nucleus in osteoglossomorph, esocids, and salmonids, where they comprise one component of a visual processing pathway. In Gymnotiform fish, however, the pretectal region that projects to the glomerular nucleus is dominated by electrosensory input (visual input is minor), which is consistent with the dominant role of electroreception in these fish. J. Comp. Neurol. 519:1658-1676, 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Experiments were performed to investigate senses that are essential for mediating fright reaction and food behavior in Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, pintado. The dilemma ""to feed or to flee"" was also analyzed in fishes with intact and sectioned olfactory tracts, stimulated by alarm substance extracts and food. Fishes were arranged into five groups: fish with intact lateral olfactory tracts (LOT), fish with intact medial olfactory tract (MOT), fish with tracts totally sectioned (TOTAL, both LOT and MOT), sham operated, and nonoperated fish. The five groups were submitted to either alarm substance extract and food stimulus or to distilled water (control) and food stimulus. Fish reacted to food independently of which tract (LOT, MOT or TOTAL) was sectioned; vision seems necessary and elemental to detect and deflagrate food response. Latency of the responses to each reaction was different between groups. None of the fish with sectioned tracts reacted to alarm substance extract, while sham- and nonoperated fish showed the typical alarm behavior response, leading to the conclusion that olfaction is essential for mediating alarm response. These results indicate that others sense systems (e.g., vision) are sufficient to trigger and elicit feeding behavior and that olfaction is not necessary to fully maintain food detection to qualitative and quantitative extent. However, olfactory tract integrity seems to be required for mediation of alarm reaction in P. corruscans.
We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.
Aims: To evaluate cell catabolism by balance of nitrogen and phosphate, and creatinine excretion in children post-cardiac surgery; to establish protein and energy requirements to minimize catabolism; and to assess nutritional therapy by following these parameters and serial anthropometric measurements. Methods: A prospective observational study of children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery. Blood samples and 24-h urine collections were obtained postoperatively for creatinine measurement and nitrogen and phosphate balance. Anthropometric measurements (weight, mid-arm muscle circumference and triceps skinfold thickness) were obtained preoperatively and at paediatric intensive care unit and hospital discharge. Results: Eleven children were studied for 3-10 postoperative days. Anabolism was associated with higher protein and energy intakes compared to catabolism (1.1 vs. 0.1 g/kg/day and 54 vs. 17 kcal/kg/day, respectively). On days with anabolism, phosphate balance was greater compared with that on days with catabolism. Daily creatinine excretion did not correlate with protein balance. Anthropometric measurements did not change significantly over time. Conclusions: Children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery achieved anabolism with > 55 kcal/kg/day and > 1 g/kg/day of protein. Balance of phosphate was useful to monitor cell breakdown. Anthropometric measurements were not valuable to evaluate nutritional therapy in this population.
The aim of this paper was to verify whether AC biosusceptometry (ACB) is suitable for monitoring gastrointestinal (GI) contraction directly from smooth muscle in dogs, comparing with electrical recordings simultaneously. All experiments were performed in dogs with magnetic markers implanted under the serosa of the right colon and distal stomach, and their movements were recorded by ACB. Monopolar electrodes were implanted close to the magnetic markers and their electric potentials were recorded by electromyography (EMG). The effects of neostigmine, hyoscine butylbromide and meal on gastric and colonic parameters were studied. The ACB signal from the distal stomach was very similar to EMG; in the colonic recordings, however, within the same low-frequency band, ACB and EMG signals were characterized by simultaneity or a widely changeable frequency profile with time. ACB recordings were capable of demonstrating the changes in gastric and colonic motility determined by pharmacological interventions as well as by feeding. Our results reinforce the importance of evaluating the mechanical and electrical components of motility and show a temporal association between them. ACB and EMG arecomplementary for studying motility, with special emphasis on the colon. ACB offers an accurate method for monitoring in vivo GI motility.
The key to successful long-term management of diabetes in cats is individualization of advice to suit cat and owner. A relationship based on trust and cooperation between veterinarian and client leads invariably to the most satisfactory outcome. Success requires knowledge of the options for monitoring diabetic cats, selection and adaptation of appropriate techniques for each individual case, and provision of ongoing support and guidance for owners. The ongoing treatment of a diabetic cat can be one of the more rewarding experiences of feline practice, and many diabetic cats and their owners come to occupy a special place within the clinic environment. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the current options for monitoring diabetes in cats and guidelines for application of the techniques to clinical cases.
Caloric intake reduction has been considered as the major experimental manipulation able to increase longevity in experimental models. Therefore, its effects upon cognition and mood like behavior are poorly explored. On the other hand, Li(+) is a re-emergent therapeutic drug used to treat mood disorders, mainly bipolar disorder, with antipanic and antidepressant actions. On the hypothesis that lithium treatment could attenuate the negatives effects of stress on Central Nervous Systems (CNS), we evaluated the role of chronic lithium treatment on anxiety-like behaviors in animals submitted to stress by chronic moderated feed restriction (FR). Male wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 7-8/group) according to dietary and drug manipulation: ad libitum (AL) with unlimited access to standard rat diet, lithium treatment ( AL + Li) which received approximately 50 mg/Kg animal/day of LiCl solved in water and ad libitum diet, FR that were fed with equivalent to 70% of total rat diet consumed by AL group, and FR + Li which received diet corresponding to FR and Li administration. After 12 weeks of drug and FR manipulation, anxiety like behavior was evaluated in elevated plus mazes (EPM). Chronic lithium treatment prevent the anxiogenic like effect of FR ( open time, F(3,30) = 3.588; P = 0.0265; percentage of open entries, F(3,30) = 6.004; P= 0.00029; and open time at the first min, 2.35; F(3,30) = 4.937; P = 0.0073, Duncan test P < 0.05) compared to AL diet. Ours results adding to evidences that moderate feed restriction my increase anxiety-like behavior; also suggest that chronic lithium treatment may be attenuated this effects.
Background: Nutrition therapy (NT) is essential for the care of critically ill children. Inadequate feeding leads to malnutrition and may increase the patient`s risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to describe the NT used in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Methods: The authors evaluated NT administered to 90 consecutive patients who were hospitalized for 7 days in the PICU of Instituto da Crianca, Hospital das Clinicas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. NT was established according to the protocol provided by the institution`s NT team. NT provided a balance of fluids and nutrients and was monitored with a weekly anthropometric nutrition assessment and an evaluation of complications. Results: NT was initiated, on average, within 72 hours of hospitalization. Most children (80%) received enteral nutrition (EN) therapy; of these, 35% were fed orally and the rest via nasogastric or postpyloric tube. There were gastrointestinal complications in patients (5%) who needed a postpyloric tube. Parenteral nutrition (PN) was used in only 10% of the cases, and the remaining 10% received mixed NT (EN + PN). The average calorie and protein intake was 82 kcal/kg and 2.7 g/kg per day. Arm circumference and triceps skinfold thickness decreased. Conclusions: The use of EN was prevalent in the tertiary PICU, and few clinical complications occurred. There was no statistically significant change in most anthropometric indicators evaluated during hospitalization, which suggests that NT probably helped patients maintain their nutrition status. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011;35:523-529)
The purpose of this study is to characterize the structure of the beak of Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) and to investigate means for arresting fractures in the rhinotheca using acrylic resin. The structure of the rhamphastid bill has been described as a sandwich structured composite having a thin exterior comprised of keratin and a thick foam core constructed of mineralized collagenous rods (trabeculae). The keratinous rhamphotheca consists of superposed polygonal scales (approximately 50 pm in diameter and 1 mu m in thickness). In order to simulate the orientation of loading to which the beak is subjected during exertion of bite force, for example, we conducted flexure tests on the dorso-ventral axis of the maxilla. The initially intact (without induced fracture) beak fractured in the central portion when subjected to a force of 270 N, at a displacement of 23 mm. The location of this fracture served as a reference for the fractures induced in other beaks tested. The second beak was fractured and repaired by applying resin on both lateral surfaces. The repaired maxilla sustained a force of 70 N with 6.5 mm deflection. The third maxilla was repaired similarly except that it was conditioned in acid for 60s prior to fixation with resin. It resisted a force of up to 63 N at 6 mm of deflection. The experimental results were compared with finite element calculations for unfractured beak in bending configuration. The repaired specimens were found to have strength equal to only one third of the intact beak. Finite element simulations allow visualization of how the beak system (sandwich shell and cellular core) sustains high flexural strength. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.