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The use of proline as catalyst for the aldol process has given a boost to the development of organocatalysis as a research area. Since then, a plethora of organocatalysts of diverse structures have been developed for this and other organic transformations under different reaction conditions. The use of an organic molecule as catalyst to promote a reaction meets several principles of Green Chemistry. The implementation of solvent-free methodologies to carry out the aldol reaction was soon envisaged. These solvent-free processes can be performed using conventional magnetic stirring or applying ball milling techniques and are even compatible with the use of supported organocatalysts as promoters, which allows the recovery and reuse of the organocatalysts. In addition, other advantages such as the reduction of the required amount of nucleophile and the acceleration of the reaction are accomplished by using solvent-free conditions leading to a “greener” and more sustainable process.


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The first organocatalyzed asymmetric alkylation of activated methylene compounds using benzylic and allylic alcohols as alkylating agents through dual hydrogen bond activation in an SN1-type reaction is reported. This green protocol employs a bis(2-aminobenzoimidazole) in combination with an achiral Brønsted acid as a bifunctional catalytic system and gives the alkylation products with moderate to good enantioselectivities. Although the scope of the reaction is limited, this methodology can be considered as complementary to existing metal-catalyzed processes. In addition, modest results were obtained in a first attempt to perform a metal-free asymmetric Tsuji–Trost reaction using allylic alcohols. Finally, the recovery and reusability of the organocatalyst is also achieved.


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Enantiomerically pure mono-N-Boc-protected trans-cyclohexa-1,2-diamines are used as organocatalysts for the enantioselective conjugate addition of α,α-disubstituted aldehydes to maleimides. Using a single enantiomer of the organocatalyst, both enantiomeric forms of the resulting Michael adducts bearing a new quaternary stereocenter are obtained in high yields, by only changing the reaction solvent from chloroform (up to 86% ee) to aqueous DMF (up to 84% ee).


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Enantiomerically pure carbamate-monoprotected trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines are used as chiral organocatalysts for the addition of aryl ketones and acetone to nitroalkenes to give enantioenriched β-substituted γ-nitroketones. The reaction was performed in the presence of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid as an additive, in chloroform as the solvent at room temperature, achieving enantioselectivities up to 96%. Theoretical calculations are used to justify the observed sense of the stereoinduction.


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Bifunctional chiral 2-aminobenzimidazole derivatives 1 and 2 catalyze the enantioselective stereodivergent α-chlorination of β-ketoesters and 1,3-diketone derivatives with up to 50% ee using N-chlorosuccinimide (NCS) or 2,3,4,4,5,6-hexachloro-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one as electrophilic chlorine sources.


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The synthesis of constrained spirocycles is achieved effectively by means of 1,3-dipolar cyclodditions employing α-imino γ-lactones as azomethine ylide precursors and nitroalkenes as dipolarophiles. The complex formed by (R,R)-Me-DuPhos 18 and AgF is the most efficient bifunctional catalyst. Final spiro-nitroprolinates cycloadducts are obtained in good to moderate yields and both high diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations supported the expected absolute configuration as well as other stereochemical parameters.


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The influence of an organically modified clay on the curing behavior of three epoxy systems widely used in the aerospace industry and of different structures and functionalities, was studied. Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), triglycidyl p-amino phenol (TGAP) and tetraglycidyl diamino diphenylmethane (TGDDM) were mixed with an octadecyl ammonium ion modified organoclay and cured with diethyltoluene diamine (DETDA). The techniques of dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), chemorheology and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were applied to investigate gelation and vitrification behavior, as well as catalytic effects of the clay on resin cure. While the formation of layered silicate nanocomposite based on the bifunctional DGEBA resin has been previously investigated to some extent, this paper represents the first detailed study of the cure behavior of different high performance, epoxy nanocomposite systems.


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In this experiment, we examined the extent to which the spatiotemporal reorganization of muscle synergies mediates skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom (df) target-acquisition task. Eight participants completed five practice sessions on consecutive days. During each session they practiced movements to eight target positions presented by a visual display. The movements required combinations of flexion/extension and pronation/supination of the elbow joint complex. During practice sessions, eight targets displaced 5.4 cm from the start position ( representing joint excursions of 54) were presented 16 times. During pre- and posttests, participants acquired the targets at two distances (3.6 cm [36 degrees] and 7.2 cm [72 degrees]). EMG data were recorded from eight muscles contributing to the movements during the pre- and posttests. Most targets were acquired more rapidly after the practice period. Performance improvements were, in most target directions, accompanied by increases in the smoothness of the movement trajectories. When target acquisition required movement in both dfs, there were also practice-related decreases in the extent to which the trajectories deviated from a direct path to the target. The contribution of monofunctional muscles ( those producing torque in a single df) increased with practice during movements in which they acted as agonists. The activity in bifunctional muscles ( those contributing torque in both dfs) remained at pretest levels in most movements. The results suggest that performance gains were mediated primarily by changes in the spatial organization of muscles synergies. These changes were expressed most prominently in terms of the magnitude of activation of the monofunctional muscles.


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Background. Older adults typically exhibit dramatic reductions in the rate of force development and deficits in the execution of rapid coordinated movements. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the association between the reduced rate of force development exhibited by older adults and the ability to coordinate groups of muscles. Methods. The performance of a visually guided aiming task that required the generation of isometric torque about the elbow joint was compared in 10 young adults (age range, 19 to 29 years) and 10 older adults (age range, 65 to 80 years). Participants were required to exert isometric torque in flexion, extension, pronation, or supination, or in combinations of these directions, to reach a target in minimum time. Surface electromyograms were obtained from the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachioradialis, and flexor carpi radialis. Results. Older participants exhibited slower target acquisition times compared with young participants (p < .05), with the extent of the differences between the groups varying markedly between target locations. Conclusions. The impairment in performance, although partially attributable to a general decline in the ability to produce force rapidly, was also affected by the requirements for muscular coordination. At the neuromuscular level, differences between the young and the elderly were expressed most prominently in the bifunctional muscle biceps brachii and in certain temporal aspects of muscular coordination.


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In young adults, improvements in the rate of force development as a result of resistance training are accompanied by increases in neural drive in the very initial phase of muscle activation. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if older adults also exhibit similar adaptations in response to rate of force development (RFD) training. Eight young (21-35 years) and eight older (60-79 years) adults were assessed during the production of maximum rapid contractions, before and after four weeks of progressive resistance training for the elbow flexors. Young and older adults exhibited significant increases (P< 0.01) in peak RFD, of 25.6% and 28.6% respectively. For both groups the increase in RFD was accompanied by an increase in the root mean square (RMS) amplitude and in the rate of rise (RER) in the electromyogram (EMG) throughout the initial 100 ms of activation. For older adults, however, this training response was only apparent in the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. This response was not observed in surface EMG recorded from the biceps brachii muscle during either RFD testing or throughout training, nor was it observed in the pronator teres muscle. The minimal adaptations observed for older adults in the bifunctional muscles biceps brachii and pronator teres are considered to indicate a compromise of the neural adaptations older adults might experience in response to resistance training.


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Dendrimers are nonviral vectors that have attracted interest on account of a number of features. They are structurally versatile because their size, shape, and surface charge can be selectively altered. Here we examine the functions of a new family of composite dendrimers that were synthesized with lipidic amino acid cores. These dendrimers are bifunctional because they are characterized by positively charged (lysine) modules for interaction with nucleic acids and neutral lipidic moieties for membrane lipid-bilayer transit. We assessed their structure-function correlations by a combination of molecular and biophysical techniques. Our assessment revealed an unexpected pleitropy of functions subserved by these vectors that included plasmid and oligonucleotide delivery. We also generated a firefly luciferase cell line in which we could modulate luciferase activity by RNA interference. We found that these vectors could also mediate RNA suppression of luciferase expression by delivering double-stranded luciferase transcripts generated in vitro. The structural uniqueness of these lipidic peptide dendrimers coupled with their ease and specificity of assembly and the versatility in their choice of cargo, puts them in a new category of macromolecule carriers. These vectors, therefore, have potential applications as epigenetic modifiers of gene function. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.


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The authors tested for predominant patterns of coordination in the combination of rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) at the elbow-joint complex. Participants (N = 10) spontaneously established in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and antiphase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns. In addition, the authors used a motorized robot arm to generate involuntary SP movements with different phase relations with respect to voluntary FE. The involuntarily induced in-phase pattern was accentuated and was more consistent than other patterns. That result provides evidence that the predominance of the in-phase pattern originates in the influence of neuro-muscular-skeletal constraints rather than in a preference dictated by perceptual-cognitive factors implicated in voluntary control. Neuromuscular-skeletal constraints involved in the predominance of the in-phase and the antiphase patterns are discussed.


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A strategy for the production and subsequent characterization of biofunctionalized silica particles is presented. The particles were engineered to produce a bifunctional material capable of both (a) the attachment of fluorescent dyes for particle encoding and (b) the sequential modification of the surface of the particles to couple oligonucleotide probes. A combination of microscopic and analytical methods is implemented to demonstrate that modification of the particles with 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane results in an even distribution of amine groups across the particle surface. Evidence is provided to indicate that there are negligible interactions between the bound fluorescent dyes and the attached biomolecules. A unique approach was adopted to provide direct quantification of the oligonucleotide probe loading on the particle surface through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a technique which may have a major impact for current researchers and users of bead-based technologies. A simple hybridization assay showing high sequence specificity is included to demonstrate the applicability of these particles to DNA screening.


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Surface modification techniques have been used to develop biomimetic scaffolds by incorporating cell adhesion peptides, which facilitates cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. In this study, we evaluated the cell adhesion properties of a tailored laminin-332 alpha3 chain tethered to a type I collagen scaffold using microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) by incorporating transglutaminase substrate peptide sequences containing either glutamine (peptide A: PPFLMLLKGSTREAQQIVM) or lysine (peptide B: PPFLMLLKGSTRKKKKG). The degree of cross-linking was studied by amino acid analysis following proteolytic digestion and the structural changes in the modified scaffold further investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Fibroblasts were used to evaluate the cellular behaviour of the functionalized collagen scaffold. mTGase supports cell growth but tethering of peptide A and peptide B to the mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffold caused a significant increase in cell proliferation when compared with native and mTGase cross-linked collagen scaffolds. Both peptides enabled cell-spreading, attachment and normal actin cytoskeleton organization with slight increase in the cell proliferation was observed in peptide A when compared with the peptide B and mTGase cross-linked scaffold. An increase in the amount of epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine isopeptide was observed in peptide A conjugated scaffolds when compared with peptide B conjugated scaffolds, mTGase cross-linked scaffold without peptide. Changes in D-spacing were observed in the cross-linked scaffolds with tethered peptides. These results demonstrate that mTGase can play a bifunctional role in both conjugation of the glutamine and lysine containing peptide sequences and also in the cross-linking of the collagen scaffold, thus providing a suitable substrate for cell growth.


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This study was aimed at determining whether the protein crosslinking enzymes, transglutaminases, had the potential to be used as tanning agents, using native bovine hide and purified soluble rat tail collagen as real and model substrates, respectively. We demonstrate that transglutaminases (TGs) were capable of covalently crosslinking collagen molecules together such that on average every collagen molecule contained at least one epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine crosslink. However, transglutaminase-mediated crosslinking did not affect the denaturation temperature of either native bovine hide or soluble rat tail collagens when used in isolation or together with other proteins and bifunctional diamines as crosslinking facilitators. In an initial study into the effect of TG-mediated crosslinking on the tensile strength of chrome-tanned bovine hide, such crosslinking led to a 30 per cent decrease in tensile strength. Despite a change in the gel melting point mediated by epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine crosslinking, the use of transglutaminases as alternative tanning agents seems unlikely given the present data.