967 resultados para Atomic force microscope
Persistent harmful scenarios associated with disposal of radioactive waste, high-background radiation areas and severe nuclear accidents are of great concern regarding consequences to both human health and the environment. Of particular concern is the extracellular DNA in aquatic environments contaminated by radiological substances. Strand breaks induced by radiation promote decrease in the transformation efficiency for extracellular DNA. The focus of this study is the quantification of DNA damage following long-term exposure (over one year) to low doses of natural uranium (an alpha particle emitter) to simulate natural conditions, since nothing is known about alpha radiation induced damage to extracellular DNA. A high-resolution Atomic Force Microscope was used to evaluate DNA fragments. Double-stranded plasmid pBS as a model for extracellular DNA was exposed to different amounts of natural uranium. It was demonstrated that low concentrations of U in water (50 to 150 ppm) produce appreciable numbers of double strand breaks, scaling with the square of the average doses. The importance of these findings for environment monitoring of radiological pollution is addressed.
Piezoresistive sensors are commonly made of a piezoresistive membrane attached to a flexible substrate, a plate. They have been widely studied and used in several applications. It has been found that the size, position and geometry of the piezoresistive membrane may affect the performance of the sensors. Based on this remark, in this work, a topology optimization methodology for the design of piezoresistive plate-based sensors, for which both the piezoresistive membrane and the flexible substrate disposition can be optimized, is evaluated. Perfect coupling conditions between the substrate and the membrane based on the `layerwise' theory for laminated plates, and a material model for the piezoresistive membrane based on the solid isotropic material with penalization model, are employed. The design goal is to obtain the configuration of material that maximizes the sensor sensitivity to external loading, as well as the stiffness of the sensor to particular loads, which depend on the case (application) studied. The proposed approach is evaluated by studying two distinct examples: the optimization of an atomic force microscope probe and a pressure sensor. The results suggest that the performance of the sensors can be improved by using the proposed approach.
Organic electronics has grown enormously during the last decades driven by the encouraging results and the potentiality of these materials for allowing innovative applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low-cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. Moreover, their possible field of applications reaches from medicine, biotechnology, process control and environmental monitoring to defense and security requirements. However, a large number of questions regarding the mechanism of device operation remain unanswered. Along the most significant is the charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors, which is not yet well understood. Other example is the correlation between the morphology and the electrical response. Even if it is recognized that growth mode plays a crucial role into the performance of devices, it has not been exhaustively investigated. The main goal of this thesis was the finding of a correlation between growth modes, electrical properties and morphology in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). In order to study the thickness dependence of electrical performance in organic ultra-thin-film transistors, we have designed and developed a home-built experimental setup for performing real-time electrical monitoring and post-growth in situ electrical characterization techniques. We have grown pentacene TFTs under high vacuum conditions, varying systematically the deposition rate at a fixed room temperature. The drain source current IDS and the gate source current IGS were monitored in real-time; while a complete post-growth in situ electrical characterization was carried out. At the end, an ex situ morphological investigation was performed by using the atomic force microscope (AFM). In this work, we present the correlation for pentacene TFTs between growth conditions, Debye length and morphology (through the correlation length parameter). We have demonstrated that there is a layered charge carriers distribution, which is strongly dependent of the growth mode (i.e. rate deposition for a fixed temperature), leading to a variation of the conduction channel from 2 to 7 monolayers (MLs). We conciliate earlier reported results that were apparently contradictory. Our results made evident the necessity of reconsidering the concept of Debye length in a layered low-dimensional device. Additionally, we introduce by the first time a breakthrough technique. This technique makes evident the percolation of the first MLs on pentacene TFTs by monitoring the IGS in real-time, correlating morphological phenomena with the device electrical response. The present thesis is organized in the following five chapters. Chapter 1 makes an introduction to the organic electronics, illustrating the operation principle of TFTs. Chapter 2 presents the organic growth from theoretical and experimental points of view. The second part of this chapter presents the electrical characterization of OTFTs and the typical performance of pentacene devices is shown. In addition, we introduce a correcting technique for the reconstruction of measurements hampered by leakage current. In chapter 3, we describe in details the design and operation of our innovative home-built experimental setup for performing real-time and in situ electrical measurements. Some preliminary results and the breakthrough technique for correlating morphological and electrical changes are presented. Chapter 4 meets the most important results obtained in real-time and in situ conditions, which correlate growth conditions, electrical properties and morphology of pentacene TFTs. In chapter 5 we describe applicative experiments where the electrical performance of pentacene TFTs has been investigated in ambient conditions, in contact to water or aqueous solutions and, finally, in the detection of DNA concentration as label-free sensor, within the biosensing framework.
This thesis presents a new method to explore the local mechanical properties such as bending modulus or surface tension of artificial and native pore-spanning membranes. Therefore the elastic response of a free-standing membrane to a local indentation by the means of atomic force microscopy is measured. Starting point are highly hexagonal ordered pores in alumina produced by electrochemical anodization of planar aluminium. The homogeneous pore radius can by tailored in the range of 10 nm up to 200 nm, but radius of 33 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm turned out to be best suited for investigation of the mechanical properties of pore-spanning native or artificial membranes. In this work artificial membrane systems consisting of DODAB as a bilayer in gel phase or DOTAP as a fluide membrane are spreaded by vesicle absorption on hexagonal structured pores after chemisorption of a 3-mercaptopropionic acid monolayer. Centrally indenting these nanodrums with an atomic force microscope tip yields force-indentation curves, which are quantitatively analyzed by solving the corresponding shape equations of continuum curvature elasticity. Since the measured response depends in a known way on the system geometry (pore size, tip radius) and on material parameters (bending modulus, lateral tension, adhesion), this opens the possibility to monitor local elastic properties of lipid membranes in a well-controlled setting. Additionally the locally distributed mechanical properties of pore-spanning artificial membranes are compared to those of native pore-spanning membranes. Therefore the basal membrane of MDCK II cells was prepared on porous alumina assays and their mechanical properties were analyzed by means of atomic force microscopy. Finally the elastic behavior such as the Young modulus of living MDCK II cells under various osmotic pressures is investigated. By changing the osmolarity in the extracellular region of MDCK II cells a volume change is induced according to hydration and dehydration of the cells, respectively. This volume change induces also a change in the elastic behavior of the cell, which is quantified by the means of force spectroscopy.
In this work the surface layer formation in polymer melts and in polymer solutions have been investigated with the atomic force microscope (AFM). In polymer melts, the formation of an immobile surface layer results in a steric repulsion, which can be measured by the AFM. From former work it is know, that polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) forms a stable surface layer for molecular weights above 12 kDa. In the present thesis, polyisoprene (PI) was investigated apart from PDMS, by a)measuring the steric surface interactions and b)measuring the surface slip in hydrodynamic experiments. If a polymer flows over a surface, the flow velocity at the surface is larger then zero. If case of a surface layer formation the flow plane changes to the top of the adsorbed layer and the surface slip is reduced to zero. By measuring the surface slip in hydrodynamic experiments, it is therefore possible to determine the presence of a stable surface layer. The results show no stable repulsion for PI and only a small decrease of the surface slip. This indicates that PI does not form a stable surface layer, but is only adsorbed weakly to the surface. Furthermore for 8 kDa PDMS the timescale of the formation of a surface layer was investigated by changing themaximal force the tip applied to the surface. With a repulsive force present, applying a higher force than 15 nN resulted in a destruction of the surface layer, indicated by attractive forces. Reducing the applied force below 15 nN then resulted in an increase of the repulsion to the former state during one minute, thus indicating that a surface layer can be formed within one minute even under the influence of continuous measurements. As a next step, mixtures of two PDMS homopolymers with different chain lengths have been investigated. The aim was to verify theoretical predictions that shorter chains should predominate at the surface due to their smaller loss in conformational entropy. The measurements where done in dependence of the volume fractions of short and long chain PMDS. The results confirmed the short chain dominance for all mixtures with less then 90 vol.% long chain PDMS. Surface layer formation in solution was investigated for superplasticizers which are industrially used as an additive to cement. They change the surface interaction between the cement grains from attractive to repulsive and the freshlymixed cement paste therefore becomes liquid. The aimin this part of the thesis was, to investigate cement particle interactions in a close to real environment. Therefore calcium silicate hydrate phases have been precipitated onto an AFM tip and onto a calcite crystal and the interaction between these surfaces have beenmeasured with and without addition of superplasticizers. The measurements confirmed the change from attraction to repulsion upon addition of superplasticizers. The repulsive steric interaction increased with the length of the sidechain of the superplasticizer, and the dependence of the range of the steric interactions on the sidechain length indicated that the sidechains are in a coiled conformation.
Biologische Membranen sind Fettmolekül-Doppelschichten, die sich wie zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten verhalten. Die Energie einer solchen fluiden Oberfläche kann häufig mit Hilfe eines Hamiltonians beschrieben werden, der invariant unter Reparametrisierungen der Oberfläche ist und nur von ihrer Geometrie abhängt. Beiträge innerer Freiheitsgrade und der Umgebung können in den Formalismus mit einbezogen werden. Dieser Ansatz wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit dazu verwendet, die Mechanik fluider Membranen und ähnlicher Oberflächen zu untersuchen. Spannungen und Drehmomente in der Oberfläche lassen sich durch kovariante Tensoren ausdrücken. Diese können dann z. B. dazu verwendet werden, die Gleichgewichtsposition der Kontaktlinie zu bestimmen, an der sich zwei aneinander haftende Oberflächen voneinander trennen. Mit Ausnahme von Kapillarphänomenen ist die Oberflächenenergie nicht nur abhängig von Translationen der Kontaktlinie, sondern auch von Änderungen in der Steigung oder sogar Krümmung. Die sich ergebenden Randbedingungen entsprechen den Gleichgewichtsbedingungen an Kräfte und Drehmomente, falls sich die Kontaktlinie frei bewegen kann. Wenn eine der Oberflächen starr ist, muss die Variation lokal dieser Fläche folgen. Spannungen und Drehmomente tragen dann zu einer einzigen Gleichgewichtsbedingung bei; ihre Beiträge können nicht mehr einzeln identifiziert werden. Um quantitative Aussagen über das Verhalten einer fluiden Oberfläche zu machen, müssen ihre elastischen Eigenschaften bekannt sein. Der "Nanotrommel"-Versuchsaufbau ermöglicht es, Membraneigenschaften lokal zu untersuchen: Er besteht aus einer porenüberspannenden Membran, die während des Experiments durch die Spitze eines Rasterkraftmikroskops in die Pore gedrückt wird. Der lineare Verlauf der resultierenden Kraft-Abstands-Kurven kann mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Theorie reproduziert werden, wenn der Einfluss von Adhäsion zwischen Spitze und Membran vernachlässigt wird. Bezieht man diesen Effekt in die Rechnungen mit ein, ändert sich das Resultat erheblich: Kraft-Abstands-Kurven sind nicht länger linear, Hysterese und nichtverschwindende Trennkräfte treten auf. Die Voraussagen der Rechnungen könnten in zukünftigen Experimenten dazu verwendet werden, Parameter wie die Biegesteifigkeit der Membran mit einer Auflösung im Nanometerbereich zu bestimmen. Wenn die Materialeigenschaften bekannt sind, können Probleme der Membranmechanik genauer betrachtet werden. Oberflächenvermittelte Wechselwirkungen sind in diesem Zusammenhang ein interessantes Beispiel. Mit Hilfe des oben erwähnten Spannungstensors können analytische Ausdrücke für die krümmungsvermittelte Kraft zwischen zwei Teilchen, die z. B. Proteine repräsentieren, hergeleitet werden. Zusätzlich wird das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte und Drehmomente genutzt, um mehrere Bedingungen an die Geometrie der Membran abzuleiten. Für den Fall zweier unendlich langer Zylinder auf der Membran werden diese Bedingungen zusammen mit Profilberechnungen kombiniert, um quantitative Aussagen über die Wechselwirkung zu treffen. Theorie und Experiment stoßen an ihre Grenzen, wenn es darum geht, die Relevanz von krümmungsvermittelten Wechselwirkungen in der biologischen Zelle korrekt zu beurteilen. In einem solchen Fall bieten Computersimulationen einen alternativen Ansatz: Die hier präsentierten Simulationen sagen voraus, dass Proteine zusammenfinden und Membranbläschen (Vesikel) bilden können, sobald jedes der Proteine eine Mindestkrümmung in der Membran induziert. Der Radius der Vesikel hängt dabei stark von der lokal aufgeprägten Krümmung ab. Das Resultat der Simulationen wird in dieser Arbeit durch ein approximatives theoretisches Modell qualitativ bestätigt.
The aim of this work is to investigate the evaporation dynamics of water microdrops deposited on atomic force microscope cantilevers, which were employed as sensitive stress, mass and temperature sensors with high time resolution. The technique has some advantages with respect to video-microscope imaging and ultra-precision weighting with electronic microbalances or quartz crystal microbalances, since it allows to measure more drop parameters simultaneously for smaller drop sizes. On hydrophobic surfaces a single measurement with a silicon cantilever provides data for the drop mass, contact angle and radius until very close to complete evaporation. On hydrophilic surfaces, it is as well possible to measure drop mass and inclination of the cantilever. The technique further allows to detect differences between water microdrops evaporating from clean hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. On hydrophilic surfaces the cantilever inclination is negative at the end of the evaporation process. Negative inclination mostly occurs when drops are pinned. This effect can not be detected with any of the other well-established methods. The evidence arises that on the hydrophilic surface a thin water film forms, while this is not the case for the hydrophobic surface. Metal coated cantilevers can be used as thermometers, and allow to precisely measure the temperature of an evaporating microdrop. This can be relevant for further applications of cantilevers as calorimetric sensors for chemical reactions taking place in drops on their surface. The applicability of Young’s equation was verified for microdrops. It was shown that Young’s equation can not be applied to microscopic drops due to their fast evaporation. A study on evaporation of microdrops in saturated vapor atmosphere was performed to estimate evaporation times and compare them with a theory developed, which relates the initial drop volume with the overall evaporation time.
Membranen spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei vielen wichtigen zellulären Prozessen. Sie ermöglichen die Erzeugung von chemischen Gradienten zwischen dem Zellinneren und der Umgebung. Die Zellmembran übernimmt wesentliche Aufgaben bei der intra- und extrazellulären Signalweiterleitung und der Adhäsion an Oberflächen. Durch Prozesse wie Endozytose und Exozytose werden Stoffe in oder aus der Zelle transportiert, eingehüllt in Vesikel, welche aus der Zellmembran geformt werden. Zusätzlich bietet sie auch Schutz für das Zellinnere. Der Hauptbestandteil einer Zellmembran ist die Lipiddoppelschicht, eine zweidimensionale fluide Matrix mit einer heterogenen Zusammensetzung aus unterschiedlichen Lipiden. In dieser Matrix befinden sich weitere Bausteine, wie z.B. Proteine. An der Innenseite der Zelle ist die Membran über Ankerproteine an das Zytoskelett gekoppelt. Dieses Polymernetzwerk erhöht unter anderem die Stabilität, beeinflusst die Form der Zelle und übernimmt Funktionenrnbei der Zellbewegung. Zellmembranen sind keine homogenen Strukturen, je nach Funktion sind unterschiedliche Lipide und Proteine in mikrsokopischen Domänen angereichert.Um die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften der Zellmembran zu verstehen wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das Modellsystem der porenüberspannenden Membranen verwendet.Die Entwicklung der porenüberspannenden Membranen ermöglicht die Untersuchung von mechanischen Eigenschaften von Membranen im mikro- bis nanoskopischen Bereich mit rasterkraftmikroskopischen Methoden. Hierbei bestimmen Porosität und Porengröße des Substrates die räumliche Auflösung, mit welcher die mechanischen Parameter untersucht werdenrnkönnen. Porenüberspannende Lipiddoppelschichten und Zellmembranen auf neuartigen porösen Siliziumsubstraten mit Porenradien von 225 nm bis 600 nm und Porositäten bis zu 30% wurden untersucht. Es wird ein Weg zu einer umfassenden theoretischen Modellierung der lokalen Indentationsexperimente und der Bestimmung der dominierenden energetischen Beiträge in der Mechanik von porenüberspannenden Membranen aufgezeigt. Porenüberspannende Membranen zeigen eine linear ansteigende Kraft mit zunehmender Indentationstiefe. Durch Untersuchung verschiedener Oberflächen, Porengrößen und Membranen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung war es für freistehende Lipiddoppelschichten möglich, den Einfluss der Oberflächeneigenschaften und Geometrie des Substrates, sowie der Membranphase und des Lösungsmittels auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen. Es ist möglich, die experimentellen Daten mit einem theoretischen Modell zu beschreiben. Hierbei werden Parameter wie die laterale Spannung und das Biegemodul der Membran bestimmt. In Abhängigkeit der Substrateigenschaften wurden für freitragende Lipiddoppelschichten laterale Spannungen von 150 μN/m bis zu 31 mN/m gefunden für Biegemodulde zwischen 10^(−19) J bis 10^(−18) J. Durch Kraft-Indentations-Experimente an porenüberspannenden Zellmembranen wurde ein Vergleich zwischen dem Modell der freistehenden Lipiddoppelschichten und nativen Membranen herbeigeführt. Die lateralen Spannungen für native freitragende Membranen wurden zu 50 μN/m bestimmt. Weiterhin konnte der Einfluss des Zytoskeletts und der extrazellulä-rnren Matrix auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften bestimmt und innerhalb eines basolateralen Zellmembranfragments kartiert werden, wobei die Periodizität und der Porendurchmesser des Substrates das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmen. Durch Fixierung der freistehenden Zellmembran wurde das Biegemodul der Membran um bis zu einem Faktor 10 erhöht. Diese Arbeit zeigt wie lokal aufgelöste, mechanische Eigenschaften mittels des Modellsystems der porenüberspannenden Membranen gemessen und quantifiziert werden können. Weiterhin werden die dominierenden energetischen Einflüsse diskutiert, und eine Vergleichbarkeit zurnnatürlichen Membranen hergestellt.rn
As the elastic response of cell membranes to mechanical stimuli plays a key role in various cellular processes, novel biophysical strategies to quantify the elasticity of native membranes under physiological conditions at a nanometer scale are gaining interest. In order to investigate the elastic response of apical membranes, elasticity maps of native membrane sheets, isolated from MDCK II (Madine Darby Canine kidney strain II) epithelial cells, were recorded by local indentation with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). To exclude the underlying substrate effect on membrane indentation, a highly ordered gold coated porous array with a pore diameter of 1.2 μm was used to support apical membranes. Overlays of fluorescence and AFM images show that intact apical membrane sheets are attached to poly-D-lysine coated porous substrate. Force indentation measurements reveal an extremely soft elastic membrane response if it is indented at the center of the pore in comparison to a hard repulsion on the adjacent rim used to define the exact contact point. A linear dependency of force versus indentation (-dF/dh) up to 100 nm penetration depth enabled us to define an apparent membrane spring constant (kapp) as the slope of a linear fit with a stiffness value of for native apical membrane in PBS. A correlation between fluorescence intensity and kapp is also reported. Time dependent hysteresis observed with native membranes is explained by a viscoelastic solid model of a spring connected to a Kelvin-Voight solid with a time constant of 0.04 s. No hysteresis was reported with chemically fixated membranes. A combined linear and non linear elastic response is suggested to relate the experimental data of force indentation curves to the elastic modulus and the membrane thickness. Membrane bending is the dominant contributor to linear elastic indentation at low loads, whereas stretching is the dominant contributor for non linear elastic response at higher loads. The membrane elastic response was controlled either by stiffening with chemical fixatives or by softening with F-actin disrupters. Overall, the presented setup is ideally suitable to study the interactions of the apical membrane with the underlying cytoskeleton by means of force indentation elasticity maps combined with fluorescence imaging.
In this work polymer brushes on both flat and curved substrates were prepared by grafting from and grafting to techniques. The brushes on flat substrates were patterned on the µm-scale with the use of an inkjet printer. Thus it was demonstrated that chemistry with an inkjet printer is feasible. The inkjet printer was used to deposit microdroplets of acid. The saponification of surface-immobilized ATRP initiators containing an ester bond occurred in these microdroplets. The changes in the monolayer of ester molecules due to saponification were amplified by SI-ATRP. It was possible to correlate the polymer brush thickness to effectiveness of saponification. The use of an inkjet printer allowed for simultaneously screening of parameters such as type of acid, concentration of acid, and contact time between acid and surface. A dip-coater was utilized in order to test the saponification independent of droplet evaporation. The advantage of this developed process is its versatility. It can be applied to all surface-immobilized initiators containing ester bonds. The technique has additionally been used to selectively defunctionalize the initiator molecules covering a microcantilever on one side of a cantilever. An asymmetric coating of the cantilever with polymer brushes was thus generated. An asymmetric coating allows the use of a microcantilever for sensing applications. The preparation of nanocomposites comprised of polyorganosiloxane microgel particles functionalized with poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) brushes and linear, but entangled, PEMA chains is described in the second major part of this thesis. Measurement of the interparticle distance was performed using scanning probe microscopy and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering. The matrix molecular weight at which the nanocomposite showed microphase separation was related to abrupt changes in inter-particle distance. Microphase separation occurred once the matrix molecular exceeded the molecular weight of the brushes. The trigger for the microphase separation was a contraction of the polymer brushes, as the measurements of inter-particle distance have revealed. The brushes became impenetrable for the matrix chains upon contraction and thus behaved as hard spheres. The contraction led to a loss of anchoring between particles and matrix, as shown by nanowear tests using an atomic force microscope. Polyorganosiloxane microgel particles were functionalized with 13C enriched poly(ethyl methacrylate) brushes. New synthetic pathways were developed in order to enrich not the entire brush with 13C, but only exclusively selected regions. 13C chemical shift anisotropy, an advanced NMR technique, can thus be used in order to gather information about the extended conformations in the 13C enriched regions of the PEMA chains immobilized on the µ-gel-g-PEMA particles. The third part of this thesis deals with the grafting to of polymeric fullerene materials on silicon substrates. Active ester chemistry was employed in order to prepare the polymeric fullerene materials and graft these materials covalently on amino-functionalized silicon substrates.rn
This thesis presents a detailed and successful study of molecular self-assembly on the calcite CaCO3(10-14) surface. One reason for the superior applicability of this particular surface is given by reflecting the well-known growth modes. Layer-by-layer growth, which is a necessity for the formation of templated two-dimensional (2D) molecular structures, is particularly favoured on substrates with a high surface energy. The CaCO3(10-14) surface is among those substrates and, thus, most promising. rnrnAll experiments in this thesis were performed using the non-contact atomic force microscope (NC-AFM) under ultra-high vacuum conditions. The acquisition of drift-free data became in this thesis possible owing to the herein newly developed atom-tracking system. This system features a lateral tip-positioning precision of at least 50pm. Furthermore, a newly developed scan protocol was implemented in this system, which allows for the acquisition of dense three-dimensional (3D) data under room-temperature conditions. An entire 3D data set from a CaCO3(10-14) surface consisting of 85x85x500 pixel is discussed. rnrnThe row-pairing and (2x1) reconstructions of the CaCO3(10-14) surface constitute most interesting research subjects. For both reconstructions, the NC-AFM imaging was classified to a total of 12 contrast modes. Eight of these modes were observed within this thesis, some of them for the first time. Together with literature findings, a total of 10 modes has been observed experimentally to this day. Some contrast modes presented themselves as highly distance-dependent and at least for one contrast mode, a severe tip-termination influence was found. rnrnMost interestingly, the row-pairing reconstruction was found to break a symmetry element of the CaCO3(10-14) surface. With the presence of this reconstruction, the calcite (10-14) surface becomes chiral. From high-resolution NC-AFM data, the identification of the enantiomers is here possible and is presented for one enantiomer in this thesis. rnrnFive studies of self-assembled molecular structures on calcite (10-14) surfaces are presented. Only for one system, namely HBC/CaCO3(10-14), the formation of a molecular bulk structure was observed. This well-known occurence of weak molecule-insulator interaction hinders the investigation of two-dimensional molecular self-assembly. It was, however, possible to force the formation of an island phase for this system upon following a variable-temperature preparation. rnFor the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system it is most notably that no branched island morphologies were found. Instead, the first C60 layer appeared to wet the calcite surface. rnrnIn all studies, the molecules arranged themselves in ordered superstructures. A templating effect due to the underlying calcite substrate was evident for all systems. This templating strikingly led either to the formation of large commensurate superstructures, such as (2x15) with a 14 molecule basis for the C60/CaCO3(10-14) system, or prevented the vast growth of incommensurate molecular motifs, such as the chicken-wire structure in the trimesic acid (TMA)/CaCO3(10-14) system. rnrnThe molecule-molecule and the molecule-substrate interaction was increased upon choosing molecules with carboxylic acid moieties in the third, fourth and fifth study, using terephthalic acid, TMA and helicene molecules. In all these experiments, hydrogen-bonded assemblies were created. rnrnDirected hydrogen bond formation combined with intermolecular pi-pi interaction is employed in the fifth study, where the formation of uni-directional molecular "wires" from single helicene molecules succeeded. Each "wire" is composed of heterochiral helicene pairs, well-aligned along the [01-10] substrate direction and stabilised by pi-pi interaction.
Die Kapillarkraft entsteht durch die Bildung eines Meniskus zwischen zwei Festkörpen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von elastischer Verformung und Flϋssigkeitadsorption auf die Kapillarkraft sowohl theoretisch als auch experimentell untersucht. Unter Verwendung eines Rasterkraftmikroskops wurde die Kapillarkraft zwischen eines Siliziumoxid Kolloids von 2 µm Radius und eine weiche Oberfläche wie n.a. Polydimethylsiloxan oder Polyisopren, unter normalen Umgebungsbedingungen sowie in variierende Ethanoldampfdrϋcken gemessen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit den Kapillarkräften verglichen, die auf einem harten Substrat (Silizium-Wafer) unter denselben Bedingungen gemessen wurden. Wir beobachteten eine monotone Abnahme der Kapillarkraft mit zunehmendem Ethanoldampfdruck (P) fϋr P/Psat > 0,2, wobei Psat der Sättigungsdampfdruck ist.rnUm die experimentellen Ergebnisse zu erklären, wurde ein zuvor entwickeltes analytisches Modell (Soft Matter 2010, 6, 3930) erweitert, um die Ethanoladsorption zu berϋcksichtigen. Dieses neue analytische Modell zeigte zwei verschiedene Abhängigkeiten der Kapillarkraft von P/Psat auf harten und weichen Oberflächen. Fϋr die harte Oberfläche des Siliziumwafers wird die Abhängigkeit der Kapillarkraft vom Dampfdruck vom Verhältnis der Dicke der adsorbierten Ethanolschicht zum Meniskusradius bestimmt. Auf weichen Polymeroberflächen hingegen hängt die Kapillarkraft von der Oberflächenverformung und des Laplace-Drucks innerhalb des Meniskus ab. Eine Abnahme der Kapillarkraft mit zunehmendem Ethanoldampfdruck hat demnach eine Abnahme des Laplace-Drucks mit zunehmendem Meniskusradius zur folge. rnDie analytischen Berechnungen, fϋr die eine Hertzsche Kontakt-deformation angenommen wurde, wurden mit Finit Element Methode Simulationen verglichen, welche die reale Deformation des elastischen Substrats in der Nähe des Meniskuses explizit berϋcksichtigen. Diese zusätzliche nach oben gerichtete oberflächenverformung im Bereich des Meniskus fϋhrt zu einer weiteren Erhöhung der Kapillarkraft, insbesondere fϋr weiche Oberflächen mit Elastizitätsmodulen < 100 MPa.rn
Le malattie neurodegenerative sono caratterizzate da aggregazione proteica, dipendente dalla perdita della usuale struttura fisiologica funzionale delle proteine coinvolte, a favore di conformazioni tossiche (patologiche). Il modello corrente descrive questi cambiamenti conformazionali come eventi rari e ritiene che non esista una sola conformazione patogena, ma che tali possibili conformazioni siano piuttosto eterogenee. La caratterizzazione di queste strutture è, di conseguenza, difficile con le tradizionali tecniche in bulk che permettono di studiare solo la conformazione media e non rendono possibile il riconoscimento delle caratteristiche dei conformeri individuali. Lo sviluppo delle tecniche di singola molecola ha permesso di studiare in modo approfondito le conformazioni possibili. In questo lavoro la spettroscopia di forza di singola molecola basata sull'AFM viene applicata a PrP (proteina responsabile delle encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili). Si studiano gli equilibri conformazionali del monomero e quelli di costrutti oligomerici, allo scopo di caratterizzare gli step iniziali dei processi aggregativi. Nel corso di questo lavoro di tesi è stato, in particolare, sviluppato un sistema di analisi dati, al fine di studiare in modo quantitativo le distribuzioni di eventi ottenute. Grazie a tale strumento è stato possibile riconoscere i segnali di unfolding della conformazione nativa del monomero e notare come essa sia presente anche in costrutti oligomerici, ad indicare come questo ripiegamento sia stabile anche in presenza di più monomeri ravvicinati. Si è osservato l'effetto del pH sulla stabilità di tale struttura, notando come pH acidi destabilizzino il ripiegamento nativo. Inoltre si è studiato il ruolo dell'orientazione dei monomeri nella formazione di strutture dimeriche. Monomeri e oligomeri di PrP sono stati descritti come proteine parzialmente strutturate il cui panorama energetico contiene molti minimi locali, dando origine a parecchie conformazioni transienti.
High resolution friction force maps of the benzylammonium terminated crystalline surface of a layer compound are presented. The lateral force map acquired with an atomic force microscope, reveals a significant contrast between different molecular orientations yielding molecular rows which differ from their neighboring ones. The single crystals are formed by stacks of copper oxalate sheets sandwiched between stereoregular organic cations, resulting in highly organized surface structures. Single molecular defects are observed at small loads. The experimental results are compared with numerical calculations which indicate a transition from an unperturbed state at small loads to a distorted state at higher loads. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEMFC) is promising source of clean power in many applications ranging from portable electronics to automotive and land-based power generation. However, widespread commercialization of PEMFC is primarily challenged by degradation. The mechanisms of fuel cell degradation are not well understood. Even though the numbers of installed units around the world continue to increase and dominate the pre-markets, the present lifetime requirements for fuel cells cannot be guarantee, creating the need for a more comprehensive knowledge of material’s ageing mechanism. The objective of this project is to conduct experiments on membrane electrode assembly (MEA) components of PEMFC to study structural, mechanical, electrical and chemical changes during ageing and understanding failure/degradation mechanism. The first part of this project was devoted to surface roughness analysis on catalyst layer (CL) and gas diffusion layer (GDL) using surface mapping microscopy. This study was motivated by the need to have a quantitative understanding of the GDL and CL surface morphology at the submicron level to predict interfacial contact resistance. Nanoindentation studies using atomic force microscope (AFM) were introduced to investigate the effect of degradation on mechanical properties of CL. The elastic modulus was decreased by 45 % in end of life (EOL) CL as compare to beginning of life (BOL) CL. In another set of experiment, conductive AFM (cAFM) was used to probe the local electric current in CL. The conductivity drops by 62 % in EOL CL. The future task will include characterization of MEA degradation using Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy will help to detect degree of structural disorder in CL during degradation. FTIR will help to study the effect of CO in CL. XRD will be used to determine Pt particle size and its crystallinity. In-situ conductive AFM studies using electrochemical cell on CL to correlate its structure with oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) reactivity