1000 resultados para Artèries coronàries-Malalties, Sistema cardiovascular-Malalties
La coronariopatia diabètica podria relacionar-se amb el dèficit de vitamina D. El nostre estudi compara les concentracions sanguínies de la vitamina i dues proves de detecció d’isquèmia silent en pacients diabètics tipus1 asimptomàtics respecte un grup control. Els diabètics i els fumadors actius presentaren un major dèficit de vitamina respecte els controls i els no fumadors. No es detectaren diferències entre casos i controls ni entre deficitaris i no deficitaris en els resultats de les proves cardiovasculars. Concloem que els diabètics tipus1 presenten major dèficit de vitamina D sense associar-se a una major proporció de coronariopatia silent.
El hígado graso no alcohólico(HGNA) es una entidad muy prevalente que se asocia con un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular global. Normalmente es asintomática. Los índices serológicos de fibrosis se están investigando para su diagnóstico. Objetivo: analizar la utilidad de los índices HAIR, FLI y LAP para el diagnóstico del HGNA y la concordancia entre ellos. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, poblacional, multicéntrico realizado en Atención Primaria en sujetos sanos de entre 15-85 años. Las prevalencias fueron de HAIR 68,1%, FLI 46,8%, LAP 56%. Concordancia modesta de los índices. Es necesario seguir investigando para encontrar un índice útil para el diagnóstico.
L’elastografia de transició (ET) és un mètode no invasiu per avaluar la fibrosi hepàtica. El major problema és la baixa aplicabilitat (20% de resultats inadequats), relacionats amb obesitat del pacient i baixa experiència de l’explorador. En aquest estudi es planteja augmentar aplicabilitat i fiabilitat diagnòstica. L’estudi va incloure 868 registres. Amb una segona avaluació per personal experimentat i una tercera amb material específic es van obtenir registres adequats en la majoria dels prèviament inadequats. La fiabilitat diagnòstica va augmentar a la segona i tercera exploracions. Conclusió: La revaluació dels registres inadequats permet augmentar aplicabilitat i fiabilitat diagnòstica de la tècnica.
La malaltia cardiovascular és una de les principals causes de morbimortalitat. Els factors de risc cardiovasculars són diversos. Hi ha moltes guies de prevenció clínica i escales de risc. Malgrat l’existència de guies de pràctica clínica i millor identificació dels factors de risc, persisteix l’impacte negatiu cardiovascular. L’estudi enregistra aquests esdeveniments cardiovasculars en pacients que ingressen a urgències, durant tres anys, els factors de risc, els tractaments a l’ingrés i a l’alta i l’evolució i mortalitat durant l’ingrés. Compararà la població que ens ocupa amb d’altres i els tractaments. Detectarà el seguiment de les guies i circuits de millora.
Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.
Els insectes són portadors dels paràsits i virus que provoquen la malària i el dengue. Si s'aconseguís 'desactivar' la seva capacitat d'escampar-los es reduiria l'impacte d'aquestes malalties
Para este trabajo se ha querido mirar afuera de los límites del arte tal y como se concibe en occidente. Dicho de otra forma, con mirar más allá no se hace referencia al arte de otras culturas, pues, de hecho, no nos movemos de la nuestra. Lo que se pretende a continuación, es la contemplación en la producción “artística” que se crea al margen de los dominios del “arte” oficial. Con esto puede parecer que nos inclinemos hacia las manifestaciones antisistemas que surgen en ambientes no institucionales como las paredes de las calles de las ciudades o en espacios de Internet. Por el contrario, se quiere tener en cuenta a aquellos individuos que, no perteneciendo al mundo del arte, pero impulsados por las mismas fuerzas expresivas que siente un artista “profesional”, generan imágenes plásticas de gran ímpetu y valor estético, tales como los niños, los pacientes y discapacitados mentales a causa de psicopatologías o trastornos, o visionarios y médiums espirituales. En definitiva, se prestará atención a individuos social y culturalmente marginados.
Mehta et al. do not show any significant difference between early and delayed intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome. In their study, 9.9% of patients in the...
Mehta et al. do not show any significant difference between early and delayed intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome. In their study, 9.9% of patients in the...
Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.
Although approximately 50% of Down Syndrome (DS) patients have heart abnormalities, they exhibit an overprotection against cardiac abnormalities related with the connective tissue, for example a lower risk of coronary artery disease. A recent study reported a case of a person affected by DS who carried mutations in FBN1, the gene causative for a connective tissue disorder called Marfan Syndrome (MFS). The fact that the person did not have any cardiac alterations suggested compensation effects due to DS. This observation is supported by a previous DS meta-analysis at the molecular level where we have found an overall upregulation of FBN1 (which is usually downregulated in MFS). Additionally, that result was cross-validated with independent expression data from DS heart tissue. The aim of this work is to elucidate the role of FBN1 in DS and to establish a molecular link to MFS and MFS-related syndromes using a computational approach. To reach that, we conducted different analytical approaches over two DS studies (our previous meta-analysis and independent expression data from DS heart tissue) and revealed expression alterations in the FBN1 interaction network, in FBN1 co-expressed genes and FBN1-related pathways. After merging the significant results from different datasets with a Bayesian approach, we prioritized 85 genes that were able to distinguish control from DS cases. We further found evidence for several of these genes (47%), such as FBN1, DCN, and COL1A2, being dysregulated in MFS and MFS-related diseases. Consequently, we further encourage the scientific community to take into account FBN1 and its related network for the study of DS cardiovascular characteristics.
Numerous health benefits have been attributed to cocoa and its derived products in the last decade including antioxidant, anti-platelet and positive effects on lipid metabolism and vascular function. Inflammation plays a key role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. However, cocoa feeding trials focused on inflammation are still rare and the results yielded are controversial. Health effects derived from cocoa consumption have been partly attributed to its polyphenol content, in particular of flavanols. Bioavailability is a key issue for cocoa polyphenols in order to be able to exert their biological activities. In the case of flavanols, bioavailability is strongly influenced by several factors, such as their degree of polymerization and the food matrix in which the polyphenols are delivered. Furthermore, gut has become an active site for the metabolism of procyanidins (oligomeric and polymeric flavanols). Estimation of polyphenol consumption or exposure is also a very challenging task in Food and Nutrition Science in order to correlate the intake of phytochemicals with in vivo health effects. In the area of nutrition, modern analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry are leading to considerable advances in targeted metabolite analysis and particularly in Metabolomics or global metabolite analysis. In this chapter we have summarized the most relevant results of our recent research on the bioavailability of cocoa polyphenols in humans and the effect of the matrix in which cocoa polyphenols are delivered considering both targeted analysis and a metabolomic approach. Furthermore, we have also summarized the effect of long-term consumption of cocoa powder in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) on the inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis.
High blood pressure (BP) has been ranked as the most important risk factor worldwide regarding attributable deaths. Dietary habits are major determinants of BP. Among them, frequent intake of low-fat dairy products may protect against hypertension. Our aim was to assess the relationship between low-fat dairy product intake and BP levels and their changes after 12 month follow-up in a cohort of asymptomatic older persons at high cardiovascular risk recruited into a large-scale trial assessing the effects of Mediterranean diets on cardiovascular outcomes. Data from 2290 participants, including 1845 with hypertension, were available for analyses. Dairy products were not a specific part of the intervention; thus, data were analysed as an observational cohort. Dietary information was collected with validated semi-quantitative FFQ and trained personnel measured BP. To assess BP changes, we undertook cross-sectional analyses at baseline and at the end of follow-up and longitudinal analyses. A statistically significant inverse association between low-fat dairy product intake and systolic BP was observed for the 12-month longitudinal analysis. In the longitudinal analysis, the adjusted systolic and diastolic BP were significantly lower in the highest quintile of low-fat dairy product intake ( 2 4·2 (95% CI 2 6·9, 2 1·4) and 2 1·8 (95% CI 2 3·2, 2 0·4) mmHg respectively), whereas the point estimates for the difference in diastolic BP indicated a modest non-significant inverse association. Intake of low-fat dairy products was inversely associated with BP in an older population at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting a possible protective effect against hypertension.
High blood pressure (BP) has been ranked as the most important risk factor worldwide regarding attributable deaths. Dietary habits are major determinants of BP. Among them, frequent intake of low-fat dairy products may protect against hypertension. Our aim was to assess the relationship between low-fat dairy product intake and BP levels and their changes after 12 month follow-up in a cohort of asymptomatic older persons at high cardiovascular risk recruited into a large-scale trial assessing the effects of Mediterranean diets on cardiovascular outcomes. Data from 2290 participants, including 1845 with hypertension, were available for analyses. Dairy products were not a specific part of the intervention; thus, data were analysed as an observational cohort. Dietary information was collected with validated semi-quantitative FFQ and trained personnel measured BP. To assess BP changes, we undertook cross-sectional analyses at baseline and at the end of follow-up and longitudinal analyses. A statistically significant inverse association between low-fat dairy product intake and systolic BP was observed for the 12-month longitudinal analysis. In the longitudinal analysis, the adjusted systolic and diastolic BP were significantly lower in the highest quintile of low-fat dairy product intake ( 2 4·2 (95% CI 2 6·9, 2 1·4) and 2 1·8 (95% CI 2 3·2, 2 0·4) mmHg respectively), whereas the point estimates for the difference in diastolic BP indicated a modest non-significant inverse association. Intake of low-fat dairy products was inversely associated with BP in an older population at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting a possible protective effect against hypertension.