979 resultados para Aromatic compounds.


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Phenylamidine cationic groups linked by a furan ring (furamidine) and related compounds bind as monomers to AT sequences of DNA. An unsymmetric derivative (DB293) with one of the phenyl rings of furamidine replaced with a benzimidazole has been found by quantitative footprinting analyses to bind to GC-containing sites on DNA more strongly than to pure AT sequences. NMR structural analysis and surface plasmon resonance binding results clearly demonstrate that DB293 binds in the minor groove at specific GC-containing sequences of DNA in a highly cooperative manner as a stacked dimer. Neither the symmetric bisphenyl nor bisbenzimidazole analogs of DB293 bind significantly to the GC containing sequences. DB293 provides a paradigm for design of compounds for specific recognition of mixed DNA sequences and extends the boundaries for small molecule-DNA recognition.


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Resumen del póster presentado en Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, CIUDEN (Cubillos de Sil, León, Spain), 12-13 May 2015


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The reactions of group 16 heterocycles with organometallic reagents are described. Thiophenes have been used as models for organic sulfur in coal and their reactivity towards triiron dodecacarbonyl has been investigated. Reaction of unsubstituted thiophene with Fe3(CO)12 results in desulfurisation of the heterocycle, with the organic fragment being recovered in the form of the ferrole, C4H4.Fe2(CO)6. In addition a novel organometallic compound of iron is isolated, the formula of which is shown to be C4H4.Fe3(CO)8. Bezothiophene reacts with Fe3(CO)12 to yield benzothiaferrole, C8H6S.Fe2(CO)6, in which the sulfur is retained in the heterocycle. Dibenzothiophene, a more accurate model for organic sulfur in coal, displays no reactivity towards the iron carbonyl, suggesting that the more condensed systems will desulfurise less readily. Microwave methodology has been successful in accelerating the reactions of thiophenes with Fe3(CO)12. However, reaction of benzothiophene does not proceed to the desulfurisation stage while dibenzothiophene is unreactive even under microwave conditions. Tellurophenes (Te analogues of thiophenes) are shown to mimic the behaviour of thiophenes towards certain organometallic reagents with the advantage that their greater reactivity enables recovery of products in higher yields. Hence, reaction of tellurophene with Fe3(CO)12 again affords the ferrole but with an almost ten-fold increase in yield over thiophene. More significantly, dibenzotellurophene is also detellurated by the iron carbonyl affording the previously inaccessible dibenzoferrole, C12H8.Fe2(CO)6, thereby demonstrating the mechanistic feasibility of dechalcogenation of the more condensed aromatic molecules. The potential of tellurium heterocycles to act as precursors for novel organometallics is also recognised owing to the relatively facile elimination of the heteroatom from these systems. Thus, 2-telluraindane reacts with Fe3(CO)12 to yield a novel organometallic compound of formula C16H16.Fe(CO)3, arising from the unsymmetric dimerisation of two organic fragments.


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Aberrant tyrosine protein kinase activity has been implicated in the formation and maintenance of malignancy and so presents a potential target for cancer chemotherapy. Quercetin, a naturally occuring flavonoid, inhibits the tyrosine protein kinase encoded by the Rous sarcoma virus but also exhibits many other effects. Analogues of this compound were synthesised by the acylation of suitable 2-hydroxyacetophenones with appropriately substituted aromatic (or alicyclic) acid chlorides, followed by base catalysed rearrangement to the 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-diones. Acid catalysed ring closure furnished flavones. The majority of the 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-diones were shown by NMR to exist in the enol form. This was supported by the crystal structure of 1-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-dione. In contrast, 1.(4,6-dimethoxy-2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-dione did not exhibit keto-enol tautomerism in the NMR spectrum and was shown in its crystal structure to assume a twisted conformation. Assessment of the biological activity of the analogues of quercetin was carried out using whole cells and the kinase domain of the tyrosine protein kinase encoded by the Abelson murine leukaemia virus, ptab150 kinase. Single cell suspension cultures and clonogenic potential of murine fibroblasts transformed by the Abelson Murine leukaemia virus (ANN-1 cells) did not indicate the existence of any structure activity relationship required for cytotoxicity or cytostasis. No selective toxicity was apparent when the `normal' parent cell line, (3T3), was used to assess the cytotoxic potential of quercetin. The ICS50 for these compounds were generally in the region of 1-100M. The potential for these compounds to inhibit ptab150 kinase was determined. A definite substitution requirement emerged from these experiments indicating a necessity for substituents in the A ring or in the 3-position of the flavone nucleus. Kinetic data showed these inhibitors to be competitive for ATP.


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Partial reduction of racemic methoxysilanes by 1:1 complexes of lithium aluminium hydride with optically active cinchona and ephedra alkaloids give optically active silanes and methoxysilanes. Optical yields depend on the groups attached to silicon and the alkaloid used but in some cases approach 50%, The method has been used to prepare novel optically active organosilanes, possessing an asymmetric silicon centre, which are either inaccessible by any of the other available routes or would require a time consuming preparation. Such compounds are of use in the study of the mechanism of substitutions at silicon. Attempts have been made to rationalize the results of the asymmetric reductions in terms of differences in sterio and electronic interactions in diastereoisomeric transition states. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion spectra have been obtained for the optically active products in an attempt to elucidate the absolute configurations of the novel asymmetric organosilanes. The results from these studies provide a useful addition to the data so far accumulated for asymmetrically perturbed aromatic chromophores. Nuclear magnetic resonanoe studies of diastereoisomaric (-)-menthoxysilanes show that these compounds possess resonances extremely useful in the determination of optical purities for asymmetric organosilanes which possess an aromatic group. The effect of variable temperature on the spectra has revealed evidence for the conformational preferences in these compounds. Other diastereoisomeric alkoxysilanes have been prepared and their n.m.r.spectra studied in the hope of establishing trends. Exploratory studies for other asymmetric reactions proceeding at silicon have proved unfruitful.


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Produced water is a by-product of offshore oil and gas production, and is released in large volumes when platforms are actively processing crude oil. Some pollutants are not typically removed by conventional oil/water separation methods and are discharged with produced water. Oil and grease can be found dispersed in produced water in the form of tiny droplets, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are commonly found dissolved in produced water. Both can have acute and chronic toxic effects in marine environments even at low exposure levels. The analysis of the dissolved and dispersed phases are a priority, but effort is required to meet the necessary detection limits. There are several methods for the analysis of produced water for dispersed oil and dissolved PAHs, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. In this work, EPA Method 1664 and APHA Method 5520 C for the determination of oil and grease will be examined and compared. For the detection of PAHs, EPA Method 525 and PAH MIPs will be compared, and results evaluated. APHA Method 5520 C Partition-Infrared Method is a liquid-liquid extraction procedure with IR determination of oil and grease. For analysis on spiked samples of artificial seawater, extraction efficiency ranged from 85 – 97%. Linearity was achieved in the range of 5 – 500 mg/L. This is a single-wavelength method and is unsuitable for quantification of aromatics and other compounds that lack sp³-hybridized carbon atoms. EPA Method 1664 is the liquid-liquid extraction of oil and grease from water samples followed by gravimetric determination. When distilled water spiked with reference oil was extracted by this procedure, extraction efficiency ranged from 28.4 – 86.2%, and %RSD ranged from 7.68 – 38.0%. EPA Method 525 uses solid phase extraction with analysis by GC-MS, and was performed on distilled water and water from St. John’s Harbour, all spiked with naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. The limits of detection in harbour water were 0.144, 3.82, 0.119, and 0.153 g/L respectively. Linearity was obtained in the range of 0.5-10 g/L, and %RSD ranged from 0.36% (fluorene) to 46% (pyrene). Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are sorbent materials made selective by polymerizing functional monomers and crosslinkers in the presence of a template molecule, usually the analytes of interest or related compounds. They can adsorb and concentrate PAHs from aqueous environments and are combined with methods of analysis including GC-MS, LC-UV-Vis, and desorption electrospray ionization (DESI)- MS. This work examines MIP-based methods as well as those methods previously mentioned which are currently used by the oil and gas industry and government environmental agencies. MIPs are shown to give results consistent with other methods, and are a low-cost alternative improving ease, throughput, and sensitivity. PAH MIPs were used to determine naphthalene spiked into ASTM artificial seawater, as well as produced water from an offshore oil and gas operation. Linearity was achieved in the range studied (0.5 – 5 mg/L) for both matrices, with R² = 0.936 for seawater and R² = 0.819 for produced water. The %RSD for seawater ranged from 6.58 – 50.5% and for produced water, from 8.19 – 79.6%.


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Produced water constitutes the largest volume of waste from offshore oil and gas operations and is composed of a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds. Although treatment processes have to meet strict oil in water regulations, the definition of “oil” is a function of the analysis process and may include aliphatic hydrocarbons which have limited environmental impact due to degradability whilst ignoring problematic dissolved petroleum species. This thesis presents the partitioning behavior of oil in produced water as a function of temperature and salinity to identify compounds of environmental concern. Phenol, p-cresol, and 4-tert-butylphenol were studied because of their xenoestrogenic power; other compounds studied are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAHs which include naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. Partitioning experiments were carried out in an Innova incubator for 48 hours, temperature was varied from 4゚C to 70゚C, and two salinity levels of 46.8‰ and 66.8‰ were studied. Results obtained showed that the dispersed oil concentration in the water reduces with settling time and equilibrium was attained at 48 h settling time. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) partitions based on dispersed oil concentration whereas phenols are not significantly affected by dispersed oil concentration. Higher temperature favors partitioning of PAHs into the water phase. Salinity has negligible effect on partitioning pattern of phenols and PAHs studied. Simulation results obtained from the Aspen HYSYS model shows that temperature and oil droplet distribution greatly influences the efficiency of produced water treatment system.


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Materials from different spheres of the Earth are ultimately delivered to bottom sediments, which serve as a natural recorder of the functioning of other spheres and originate as a result of the accumulation of their substances. Sedimentary material and species of river-transported elements are subjected to dramatic reworking in marginal filters, where river and sea waters are mixed. These processes are most important for the Caspian Sea, where runoffs of rivers (especially the Volga River) and the intense development and transportation of hydrocarbon fuel by tankers and pipelines (related to the coastal petroleum industry in the Sumgait and Baku ports, Apsheron Peninsula) are potential sources of hydrocarbon pollution. Previously obtained data showed that the total content of hydrocarbon fraction (i.e., the sum of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)) in bottom sediments varied within 29-1820 µg/g. The content of petroleum hydrocarbons in the northeastern Caspian region varied from 0.052 to 34.09 µg/g with the maximum content in the Tengiz field. The content of six polyarenes in the Volga delta sediments was no more than 40 ng/g. To determine the recent HC pollution of bottom sediments and trends in the functioning of the Volga marginal filter, in summer of 2003 and 2004 we analyzed bottom sediments (58 samples) in the river waterway; Kirovsk channel; Bakhtemir and Ikryanoe branches; tributaries of the Kizan, Chagan, and other rivers; and the Caspian seashore.


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This study analysed the levels of androgen receptor antagonist activity in extracts of coastal sediments sampled from estuaries in southern UK and northern France. Anti-androgenic (AA) activity varied between <0.2 and 224.3±38.4μg flutamide equivalents/g dry weight of sediment and was significantly correlated with the total organic carbon and silt content of samples. AA activity was detected in tissues extracts of clams, Scrobicularia plana, sampled from a contaminated estuary, some of which was due to uptake of a series of 4 or 5 ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Initial studies also indicated that fractionated extracts of male, but not female, clams also contained androgen receptor agonist activity due to the presence of dihydrotestosterone in tissues. This study reveals widespread contamination of coastal sediments of the Transmanche region with anti-androgenic compounds and these contaminants should be investigated for their potential to disrupt sexual differentiation in aquatic organisms.


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This study analysed the levels of androgen receptor antagonist activity in extracts of coastal sediments sampled from estuaries in southern UK and northern France. Anti-androgenic (AA) activity varied between <0.2 and 224.3±38.4μg flutamide equivalents/g dry weight of sediment and was significantly correlated with the total organic carbon and silt content of samples. AA activity was detected in tissues extracts of clams, Scrobicularia plana, sampled from a contaminated estuary, some of which was due to uptake of a series of 4 or 5 ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Initial studies also indicated that fractionated extracts of male, but not female, clams also contained androgen receptor agonist activity due to the presence of dihydrotestosterone in tissues. This study reveals widespread contamination of coastal sediments of the Transmanche region with anti-androgenic compounds and these contaminants should be investigated for their potential to disrupt sexual differentiation in aquatic organisms.


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Thymus plants comprise distinct species with claimed health properties [1], commonly associated to their essential oils and phenolic compounds. Albeit that, the phenolic composition and the biological activities of many Thymus species remain unclear. This work aimed to elucidate the phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of aqueous extracts from Thymus herba barona, Thymus caespetitus and Thymus fragrantissimus. The aqueous extracts of the three Thymus species were evaluated for their total phenolic compounds by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method [2], and individual phenolic compounds were identified by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative mode. The antioxidant activity of each extract was carried out by DPPH● scavenging assay and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays [3]. Total phenolic compounds in the three extracts ranged from 236±27 (T. caespetitus) to 273±17 μg GAE/mg (T. fragrantissimus). Similarly to other Thymus species [1,4], these extracts were rich in caffeic acid derivatives (characteristic UV spectra maxima at 290 and 328 nm) and mainly composed of rosmarinic acid (MW 360). Other caffeic acid derivatives included salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and 3′-O-(8″-Z-caffeoyl)rosmarinic acid (MW 538). High amounts of the flavone luteolin-O-glucuronide ([M-H]− at m/z 461→285) were found in T. caespetitus while the others species contained moderate amounts of this compound. T. herba barona, T. caespetitus and T. fragrantissimus extracts showed high DPPH radical scavenge ability (EC50 values 11.6±0.9, 13.8±0.6 and 10.9±1.2 μg/mL respectively), as well as high reducing power (EC50 values of 35.1±4.5, 39.3±2.7 and 32.4±4.3 μg/mL, respectively), that were comparable to those of reference compounds. This work is an important contribution for the phytochemical characterization and the antioxidant capacity of these three Thymus species.


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Thymus plants comprise distinct species with claimed health properties [1], commonly associated to their essential oils and phenolic compounds. Albeit that, the phenolic composition and the biological activities of many Thymus species remain unclear. This work aimed to elucidate the phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of aqueous extracts from Thymus herba barona, Thymus caespetitus and Thymus fragrantissimus. The aqueous extracts of the three Thymus species were evaluated for their total phenolic compounds by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method [2], and individual phenolic compounds were identified by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative mode. The antioxidant activity of each extract was carried out by DPPH● scavenging assay and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays [3]. Total phenolic compounds in the three extracts ranged from 236±27 (T. caespetitus) to 273±17 μg GAE/mg (T. fragrantissimus). Similarly to other Thymus species [1,4], these extracts were rich in caffeic acid derivatives (characteristic UV spectra maxima at 290 and 328 nm) and mainly composed of rosmarinic acid (MW 360). Other caffeic acid derivatives included salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and 3′-O-(8″-Z-caffeoyl)rosmarinic acid (MW 538). High amounts of the flavone luteolin-O-glucuronide ([M-H]− at m/z 461→285) were found in T. caespetitus while the others species contained moderate amounts of this compound. T. herba barona, T. caespetitus and T. fragrantissimus extracts showed high DPPH radical scavenge ability (EC50 values 11.6±0.9, 13.8±0.6 and 10.9±1.2 μg/mL respectively), as well as high reducing power (EC50 values of 35.1±4.5, 39.3±2.7 and 32.4±4.3 μg/mL, respectively), that were comparable to those of reference compounds. This work is an important contribution for the phytochemical characterization and the antioxidant capacity of these three Thymus species.


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Introduction: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PaH) are a group of semi-volatile organic compounds composed of 2 or more aromatic rings, generated during incomplete combustion of organic matter. These compounds have been considered as major air pollutants, and also, there is evidence of potential mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in some of them. One of the most important sources of these compounds is industry, and particularly, in processes such as aluminium or coke production, waste incineration and petrochemical and oil reining. This last process is the subject of this article, whose aim is to review the health effects in persons potentially exposed to PAH generated during petroleum reining. Methods: a descriptive review of the available literature was performed, in which PubMed was used as an information source. The following search descriptors were used: refinery, PaH, health, health impact assessment, air pollutants and environmental, as well as their translations in Spanish. Results: eleven articles were included, and most of them correspond to epidemiological studies in which a high incidence of cancer is reported. Conclusions: The reviewed studies concur that there is a signiicant relationship between the presence of oil reineries and the increase of adverse health effects of workers and people living in areas that are close to these industries, particularly, respiratory diseases and cancer. However, it is important to develop studies that simultaneously evaluate the effects on human health and the concentration of these substances in the environment, in order to establish a more direct relationship between the 2 variables.


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Some aromatic 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds, i.e. 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, acenaphthenequinone and benzil, and their corresponding N-phenyl monoimines, have been reduced, using dry acetonitrile as the solvent, in the presence of sodium cyanide as a reducing agent. Comparative potentiostatic preparative-scale electrolysis is described.


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In recent years the interest in pyrogenic carbon for agricultural use (biochar, i.e. carbonized biomass for agricultural use) has sharply increased. However biochar contain dangerous compounds such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), many of them potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic. They are organic compounds formed from incomplete combustion of organic materials and are persistent pollutants. Therefore, PAHs concentrations and their dynamic must be evaluated in soils amended with biochar. For this, soil samples were collected in three experimental areas in different years (1, 3, 5 or 6) after the application of 0 (control) or 16 Mg ha-1 of biochar. This is the first report of PAHs persistence up to six years in soil treated with biochar. The biochar application increased total PAHs concentrations up to five years after the application, however the levels have always been an order of magnitude lower the limits of prevention established by International Environmental Agencies for soils. Thus, under the evaluated conditions ,the use of biochar was safe concerning PAHs contamination, besides, after six years of the application, the levels found were similar to the control treatment, making it possible to define a safe frequency of application based on the persistence of PAHs in soil.