998 resultados para Apoio político, estudo e caso, Brasil
This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.
Este trabalho busca identificar um campo específico de atuação para instituições vinculadas a governos estaduais que atuam com capacitação e que são denominadas Escolas de Governo. Toma como estudo de caso as experiências da FUNDAP, em São Paulo e da FESP, no Rio de Janeiro e, a partir de uma análise crítica sobre o modo de funcionamento, missão e público alvo dessas instituições, busca sinalizar novos caminhos e possibilidades para consolidação dessas instituições no Brasil. Examina o modelo adotado pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, ENAP, que serviu de referência para as Escolas de Governo estudadas, buscando identificar os problemas existentes na práxis dessas duas instituições e demonstrar que esses se situam, não na qualidade e no desempenho de seus cursos e programas de capacitação, mas sim na sua própria concepção e missão.
Sistema de pós-venda para organizações de serviços sem fins lucrativos : estudo de caso no SEBRAE/RS
Um dos principais desafios das atividades de pós-venda é a fidelização de clientes, o que inclui atividades como avaliação de satisfação, tratamento das reclamações e recepção de sugestões para o aumento da qualidade de serviços prestados, apoiadas por sistemas de informações que auxiliem na tomada de decisões, na implantação da estratégia competitiva e na gerência de processos críticos. No entanto, este gerenciamento do relacionamento com os clientes pode não surtir os efeitos esperados se não houver um planejamento sistêmico envolvendo o processo, os sistemas de suporte e as pessoas envolvidas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal descrever e analisar o processo de atendimento ao cliente e a implantação de um sistema de atendimento em situação de pós-venda no Serviço de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - SEBRAE/RS. Uma organização privada sem fins lucrativos que, sob a ameaça de extinção de recursos compulsórios, foi levada a reavaliar seu direcionamento estratégico e buscar auto-sustentação, necessitando adequar-se às exigências de mercado, com melhoria de qualidade de produtos e de sua gestão de relacionamento com clientes. O método adotado foi o estudo de caso. Foi analisado o mercado, os concorrentes, os clientes e os produtos oferecidos. Também verificou-se a estrutura interna, no que se refere aos canais de contato com o cliente, tecnologia de informação disponível e o direcionamento estratégico da empresa. Após o diagnóstico da sua situação de atendimento foi implementado um sistema de pós-venda, o qual buscou sanar algumas dificuldades detectadas e uma maior integração entre as diferentes áreas da organização. O trabalho conclui que o novo sistema implementado mostrou-se satisfatório em seu desenho e funcionamento e também em termos de resultados para a instituição. Ao final da pesquisa, são destacados alguns pontos importantes para que haja uma otimização da eficiência em propostas similares no campo da gestão do pós-venda.
The changes that have occurred in the Brazilian work market, mainly due to the opening of the economy in the 90th decade, have caused, as a consequence, the unemployment in the formal sector, with the reduction of posts of work in the industry and the precarization of the laborwork. In order to face these questions, it¿s necessary an analysis of the alternative measures, among them, the creation of the cooperative societies, which have increased about 90,8% in the last years. The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the functions of the work cooperatives, just in face of the changes of the Brazilian society. The analysis was directed towards a group of eight work cooperatives that work in lots of areas of professionals in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study reveals the existence of false work cooperatives, whose sole purpose is to intermediate the handiwork with the intention of benefiting enterprises that intend to decrease their own costs of production, just contributing for the precarization of the relations of work. The structure of the Judicial Power offers solutions that protect the workers who are exploited through fraudulent actions, by the false cooperatives, handiworkers. It can be noticed that this structure is enough to answer the challenges presented. It means that it is too bad to apprehend the revival of the work cooperativism and that it must be combated. Of course, it is maniqueist conception that distorts reality and disdains positive aspects of cooperative system. The results of the search have permitted to point out the main characteristics of the work cooperatives analyzed, the profile of the cooperative workers, and also the main obstacles to the development of the cooperative system in Brazil today . A long the analysis of tributary and labor questions and about the participation of the cooperative workers in the management of the cooperative - the most questionable points - it could be observed the development of real cooperative practices, trying to establish the differences between these and the fraudulent ones, also studied in this work. This study represents a contribution to all those who intend to study new relations of work in a critical away and from experiences in development.
In the 1990, and after the process of privatizations of governmental companies in Brazil, cultural products had gained strategical importance for different types of organizations, specially for nationalized companies of the telecommunications sector. Based on the concept of market orientation, and specifically on the concept of cultural marketing, it is possible to understand the approximation between companies and cultural products restrictedly in the level of products and services. However, there has been little questioning about the concept of market orientation and the marginalization of plural and critical approaches which leaves gaps in the understanding of this approximation. Based in other areas of knowledge which understand this approximation between companies and cultural products and based in studies that present critics about the market forces it is possible to recognize the strategical corporative level of cultural products. Based in specific approaches in strategy, and defending pluralism and interdisciplinary research, it is possible to fill this gaps in the marketing literature. Specifically, in this study, are presented approaches that recognize the dimensions of power, politics and symbolism that influence strategies and are responsible for the approximation between these strategies and cultural products. Especially in Brazil, these debates are central, since in a context composed by nationalized companies many ambiguities are common. With this objective, a case study about a telecommunications sector company that has importance in the investment in cultural products is presented. From this case study, based on primary and secondary data, it is possible to comprehend the strategy in cultural products.
The present research aimed at verifying the performance, as instruments of democratic inclusion, of the managing committees (¿Comitês Gestores de Bairro¿), created by the Government of Rio de Janeiro in the scope of the Nova Baixada Program. Thus, at first, it was presented the concept of democracy, its presuppositions and fragilities, as well as some mechanisms introduced with the objective to extend the effectiveness of this regimen, like the channels of popular participation. It was also demonstrated the importance of the diffusion of civic values for the consolidation of the democracy, mainly in countries like Brazil, where determined cultural characteristics of the society use to act in a negative way in the democratization process. With this propose, some democratic theories, which value aspects as civism and social capital, had been presented and it was also analyzed the cultural elements of the Brazilian society that had negative implications in the performance of the channels of participation introduced in the country. Finally, it was examined the performance of the Comitês Gestores de Bairro (managing committees) of the Nova Baixada Program, trying to establish a relation between the structure of them and the cultural characteristics of our society.
o trabalho apresenta a análise de um programa realizado pela Prefeitura do Município de Piraí, localizado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no qual visa estruturar uma política de geração de empregos a partir da cadeia produtiva de determinados produtos. A execução do programa teve início, com o planejamento e a construção de um condomínio industrial, que pudesse não só gerar empregos nas indústrias nele instaladas, mas também proporcionasse oportunidades de geração de empregos, nos estágios anteriores e/ou posteriores desta possível cadeia produtiva gerada. A participação do município então se estenderia à capacitação da população, para que esta, organizada principalmente com a estruturação de cooperativas, com apoio financeiro municipal, pudesse agregar-se aos estágios da produção. O enfoque municipal também se estendeu à forma de trabalho que demonstrasse potencialidade na região, sendo o caso do incentivo à piscicultura. Com isso, a geração de empregos se baseou em três grandes áreas: na indústria, na cooperativa e na piscicultura. Este programa proporcionou beneficios indiretos, além dos diretamente verificados, dados os objetivos preliminares, como uma conseqüente melhoria no nível de renda da população e um crescimento ordenado da região. A gestão pública enfatizou a necessidade de estabelecer uma forma de comércio integrado dos canais de produção local, visando proporcionar um nível de demanda satisfatório à manutenção dos mesmos. O beneficio criado pelo governo do município de Piraí, além da melhoria nos índices tradicionais referentes à qualidade de vida, pode ser observado numa maior interação do processo de cidadania, por meio das entidades comunitárias, associações e cooperativas.
This study has the objective to evaluate until which extent the adoption of the strategic planning by the Presbyterian Church of Manaus (IPM) expresses its effective fitting within the strategic management paradigm, whose ethos is the predominance of the instrumental-strategic rationality and the market-orientated logic in the managerial actions. It is assumed as a research initial hypothesis that the adoption of this technique by IPM represented an instrumental-strategic managerial action and a deliberated incorporation of market-orientated managerial parameters, strengthening some of the organizational studies¿ ultimate conclusions about the colonization of the third sector¿s organizations by the capitalist system logic. The research method foresees: (a) a bibliographical review about the themes ¿critical social theories¿, ¿strategic management¿, ¿third sector¿ and ¿religious organizations sociology¿; and (b) a case study at IPM, religious organization established at the state of Amazonas, branch of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB) and socially active according to religious aims and related (social care, cultural, etc.).
Este trabalho discute e avalia os serviços oferecidos e prestados em um estádio de futebol em dias de jogos. Tal estudo contribui para o entendimento dos motivos que levam os torcedores a deixar de ir aos estádios no Brasil, mesmo estando o futebol inserido na cultura popular do país. Ao longo do trabalho, é feita uma revisão da literatura em Qualidade em Serviços, Marketing, Marketing de Serviços, Marketing Esportivo, Serviços Aplicados ao Esporte e Entretenimento. O estudo de caso é realizado no Sport Club Internacional, um dos maiores clubes de futebol do Brasil. Após a revisão, são apresentados os dados coletados junto aos torcedores do Clube através da internet. É importante ressaltar que, mesmo sendo a atividade-fim do clube, o futebol propriamente dito e os resultados de campo obtidos pela equipe, não serão considerados ou avaliados, e, sim, somente todas as atividades necessárias para a realização do evento. Por fim, através das conclusões obtidas durante todo o estudo, espera-se que o Clube possa utilizá-las para criar parâmetros e formas de controle dos serviços ofertados, implementar melhorias, onde necessário, ou até mesmo fazer a manutenção daqueles serviços considerados satisfatórios junto aos torcedores.
This study analyses the impact of Information Technology used in the undergraduate course of Business Administration at Centro Superior de Vila Velha. The Information Technology considered in the study is computer connected to the Internet, projectors, televisions and VCRs. To support the analysis, a survey was conducted in three different groups: directors (shareholders, principal, dean and chairperson), faculty and students. A questionnaire was developed for each group and validated through discussions and critical reviews by the academic committee for of this study. Items and questions were explicitly defined from the literature and based on expert opinion to provide respondents with a common understanding of the questions. The questionnaire used in the directors group focused mainly on motivation and on the investment planning for Information Technology in the institution. For the faculty and student groups, the questionnaire focused on the extent to what the group use of IT for classes and assignments, and to what extent the faculty understands the availability of IT to be used. The instrument was sent each person, for directors and faculty, and applied during class for students. The results show that although faculty and students perceive Information Technology are important for research and as a tool in the teaching and learning process, the available IT in the institution has been used under its capacity of utilization.
The concept of market orientation appeared in the beginning of the year 1990 as one of the main marketing developments, getting prominence, at the end of the decade, in the strategy area as well. However due to universalization presuppositions and due to the statistical positivism, this concept seems to be limited for an organization type that still receives from researchers' little attention: nationalized companies. These companies origin is linked to the privatization processes, which happened throughout the years after 1990 in Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis recognizes the main marketing and strategy debates; however it points for neglectful dimensions in both areas, necessary for a broader OPM concept understanding. With the objective of a broader understanding of the OPM concept, this thesis searches for the alignment of the OPM concept with the strategy as social practice conceptions as a framework for the conduction of a case study on nationalized companies belonging to the telecommunication sectors. The exploratory character of the study reveals important subjects that can help the development of the OPM concept in a broader way for future researches as: the government influence over markets, market culture development in nationalized companies and different market concepts existence.
There is a intensity change within financial services industry: deregulation, technology, joint ventures and, in Brazil, privatization, increase of foreign competitors and fall of industry participating from 31 per cent to 5,4 per cent in Brazilian GDP.In this context financial institutions are working very hard to improve their market share, besides promoting customer retention and creating customer loyalty.In this paper we are presenting the scenario of industry in the 90's, opportunity to use segmentation and relationship strategies used by banks through distribution channels.The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and segmentation. To ascertain whether such a link exists, a primary study of 3.378 individuals was conducted in two branches at Rio de Janeiro in March 2001. The results suggest that there is little relationship between customer satisfaction and segmentation, besides other qualitative findings.
O presente estudo objetivou identificar as principais causas da mortalidade das micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras e como os instrumentos de planejamento e gerenciamento econômico-financeiros podem reduzir esta mortalidade. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica sobre as micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) em que se identificaram: as definições, as principais características, a importância, as principais necessidades e dificuldades, a taxa de mortalidade e os fatores de mortalidade desse segmento de empresas. Dessa forma, verificou-se que as MPE têm grande importância na economia e sociedade brasileiras. A maioria expressiva (98%) das empresas brasileiras é classificada como MPE, sendo elas responsáveis por 43% da oferta de empregos e por quase a metade de toda a receita e valor da produção do país. O trabalho abordou pesquisas mostrando que as taxas médias de mortalidade das empresas brasileiras são significativas e preocupantes, podendo atingir índices próximos a 60% somente no primeiro ano de sua constituição, em alguns Estados do Brasil. Este fenômeno não pode ser atribuído a um fator isoladamente, mas a um conjunto de fatores ambientais, técnicos, administrativos e outros mais que, combinados, podem ampliar os riscos de fechamento das x empresas. No entanto, grande parte dos estudos aponta problemas de origem financeira como um dos principais fatores condicionantes da mortalidade das MPE. As necessidades mais prementes nas MPE, identificadas na pesquisa bibliográfica, foram: instrumentos de planejamento e gestão, treinamento especializado, capital de giro, crédito a taxas compatíveis com a rentabilidade e formalização dos processos. A pesquisa principal do trabalho é o estudo de caso abordando a experiência vivencial de implantação, planejamento, gerenciamento e controle do Restaurante Buongustaio em Brasília, nos seus 10 meses iniciais de funcionamento. Foram abordadas as principais dificuldades, problemas enfrentados e soluções envolvendo planejamento, gestão, recursos humanos, capital de giro e atendimento a clientes, dentre outros. o estudo de caso possibilitou a aferição de vários conceitos e conteúdos abordados na pesquisa bibliográfica e conclui-se que a utilização dos instrumentos de planejamento e gerenciamento econômico-financeiros, como: plano de negócios, análise econômico-financeira, gerenciamento do fluxo de caixa e de capital de giro, fornece importante contribuição para a sobrevivência e crescimento da micro e pequena empresa, reduzindo o seu risco de falência ou mortalidade prematura.
During the 1980¿s and the 1990¿s, the Brazilian federal government started to set up a new public administration policy called ¿managerial¿ conceived of new patterns of efficiency and effectiveness and extremelly concerned about optimizing state administration to grant best results for people. This decision has been taken due to three main reasons; (i) the worst fiscal crisis considering the last decades; (ii) exhaustion on interfering with Brazilian economy due to its opening to globalization, and (iii) extremelly deep-rooted burocratic methods. The Brazilian state reform presented as a diagnosis of the human resource government area: (i) gradual raising costs in payroll, allied to (ii) huge raising inefficiency in public services, and (iii) civil servants are unprepared to improve better responses to currents citizen demands and to adopt new methods of management based on the best professional performance and the best quality of public services. We have concluded that the federal government often tries to make civil servants redundant instead of adopting a real policy of management that would give them better conditions to improve their performance. This paper presents a concrete proposal to improve quality in civil servants performance by taking advantage of information technology and of our assumed country¿s democratization. We suggest that the Brazilian state reform must be and should be a new path of social growth and development not only in economic basis.
Looking for solutions for the preservation of the biological wealth, important for the man's life on earth, the units of conservation were created and they have as objectives the conservation, the accomplishment of scientific researches, the environmental education and the leisure. So that their objectives are reached, their use and administration should be drifted so that their perpetual preservation is guaranteed. it is essential the presence of a determined administration in looking for improvement alternatives, support of the society and important financial resources for their maintenance. The objective of this work is of analyzing, through the case study, the problems faced in the administration of the units of conservation, what take to a deficient administration of the protected areas committing their preservation. Using concepts and beginnings of general domain and bibliographical citations, themes are discussed such as planning, paper of the handling plan, human training, administration responsibility in the units of conservation and the tourism in the units of conservation. After the study of the bibliographical referencial an accompaniment of the problems as was as accomplished faced by the state park of Vila Velha and in the way as it has been administered, well with a relationship among the principal problems faced by the park and for the other units of conservation in the administration of the patrimony of the biodiversity.