503 resultados para Adhesión a Directriz


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Nanotubes have been subject of studies with regard to their ability to promote differentiation of several cells lines. Nanotubes have been used to increase the roughness of the implant surfaces and to improve bone tissue integration on dental implant. In this study TiO2 nanotube layer prepared by anodic oxidation was evaluated. Nanotube formation was carried out using Glycerol-H2O DI(50-50 v/v)+NH4F(0,5 a 1,5% and 10-30V) for 1-3 hours at 37ºC. After nanostructure formation the topography of surface was observed using field-emission-scanning-microscope (FE-SEM). Contact angle was evaluated on the anodized and non-anodized surfaces using a water contact angle goniometer in sessile drop mode with 5 μL drops. In the case of nanotube formation and no treatment surface were presented 39,1° and 75,9°, respectively. The contact angle describing the wettability of the surface is enhanced, more hydrophilic, on the nanotube surfaces, which can be advantageous for enhancing protein adsorption and cell adhesion.


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Periodontal disease is the result of the interrelationship between microbiotic aggression and the host’s organic defence. Amongst the microorganisms involved in periodontopathies, Fusobacterium nucleatum is conspicuous by establishing a link between the initial and final colonizers, besides producing toxic compounds and adhering to the host’s cells. Control of bacterial biofilm can be achieved by use of chemical agents, many of which extracted from plants. Thus the object of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity in vitro of some teas, generally taken in a normal diet, on Fusobacterium nucleatum and your adherence to host’s cells. Minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations were established and haemagglutinative test in microplaques was effected. It was ascertained that all plant extracts have inhibitory activity and that infusions of Camellia sinensis (black tea and green tea), Mentha piperita (mint) and Pimpinella anixem (aniseed) added to the bacteria/erythrocyte compound reduced significantly the adherence of microorganisms.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar la adhesión a la sugerencia de no recapsular agujas, basado en el comportamiento revelado por los cirujanos dentistas de la red municipal de salud bucal de la ciudad de Araçatuba en el estado de Sao Paulo, así como también observar la presencia de depósitos de material corto-punzante, las condiciones de llenado (por sobre el nivel recomendado o no) y su ubicación (cerca o lejos del profesional). Se recolectaron los contenedores de todas las unidades odontológicas de la red municipal. Después de la separación de otros elementos corto-punzante y materiales, además de la selección según como se recapsuló, se procedió al conteo de las agujas con la ayuda de una pinza larga y colocadas sobre una mesa revestida. Del total de 48 unidades odontológicas, se recolectaron 38 contenedores de elementos cortopunzantes con 5591 agujas desechadas. De estas, 2384 (42.7%) estaban recapsuladas por los dos lados, 2.177 (38.9%) en un lado y 1.030 (18.4%) sin recubrimiento. Se concluye que el índice de apego de estos profesionales a la recomendación de no recapsular las agujas es bajo. Los contenedores eran en la mayoría del tipo “Descarpak” y no estaban rellenados encima del nivel indicado; y a la vez se encontraban alejados del responsable de los desechos.


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There is growing evidence that the course of Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) can be altered by psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Psychoeducation. Therefore, this study was performed with the objective of identifying the implications of a Psychoeducation group on the everyday lives of individuals with BAD. To do this, the authors chose to perform a qualitative case study. Participants included twelve individuals with BAD who had attended at least six meetings of the Psychoeducation Group held at the Sao Jose do Rio Preto Faculty of Medicine (FAMERP). Semi-structured interviews were performed, which were recorded and then transcribed and subjected to Thematic Analysis. The present study showed that the referred group experience promoted the individuals' knowledge acquisition; their awareness regarding the disease and adherence to treatment; their making positive changes in life; the possibility of helping other patients to benefit from the knowledge learned in the group; and their awareness regarding other realities and coping strategies, obtained by exchanging experiences with other participants.


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LigB is an adhesin from pathogenic Leptospira that is able to bind to extracellular matrix and is considered a virulence factor. A shotgun phage display genomic library was constructed and used for panning against Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan (HSPG). A phage clone encoding part of LigB protein was selected in panning experiments and showed specific binding to heparin. To validate the selected clone, fragments of LigB were produced as recombinant proteins and showed affinity to heparin and to mammalian cells. Heparin was also able to reduce the binding of rLB-Ct to mammalian cells. Our data suggests that the glycosaminoglycan moiety of the HSPG is responsible for its binding and could mediate the attachment of the recombinant protein rLB-Ct. Thus, heparin may act as a receptor for Leptospira to colonize and to invade the host tissue. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se analisar potencialidades e limites da estratégia do tratamento supervisionado (DOTS) para a tuberculose, sob a percepção de usuários em tratamento e de trabalhadores de saúde de uma supervisão técnica de saúde do município de São Paulo. Entrevistaram-se 4 usuários e 17 profissionais de saúde de nove unidades básicas de saúde, entre abril e junho de 2006, após consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os depoimentos foram decodificados segundo a técnica de análise de discurso. Adotou-se a teoria da determinação social do processo saúde/doença como referencial teórico. Foram potencialidades: criação de vínculo entre profissional/usuário e incentivos ao tratamento, o que favorece a adesão. Foram limites: restrito envolvimento dos profissionais no DOTS e conciliar horário de trabalho do usuário com a supervisão. Reitera-se que a adesão ao tratamento transcende o âmbito biológico, sendo fundamental que os trabalhadores de saúde reconheçam os usuários como portadores de necessidades, não se restringindo apenas à supervisão da tomada de medicamentos.


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Background: Leptospirosis is considered a re-emerging infectious disease caused by pathogenic spirochaetes of the genus Leptospira. Pathogenic leptospires have the ability to survive and disseminate to multiple organs after penetrating the host. Leptospires were shown to express surface proteins that interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and to plasminogen (PLG). This study examined the interaction of two putative leptospiral proteins with laminin, collagen Type I, collagen Type IV, cellular fibronectin, plasma fibronectin, PLG, factor H and C4bp. Results: We show that two leptospiral proteins encoded by LIC11834 and LIC12253 genes interact with laminin in a dose - dependent and saturable mode, with dissociation equilibrium constants (K-D) of 367.5 and 415.4 nM, respectively. These proteins were named Lsa33 and Lsa25 (Leptospiral surface adhesin) for LIC11834 and LIC12253, respectively. Metaperiodate - treated laminin reduced Lsa25 - laminin interaction, suggesting that sugar moieties of this ligand participate in this interaction. The Lsa33 is also PLG - binding receptor, with a K-D of 23.53 nM, capable of generating plasmin in the presence of an activator. Although in a weak manner, both proteins interact with C4bp, a regulator of complement classical route. In silico analysis together with proteinase K and immunoflorescence data suggest that these proteins might be surface exposed. Moreover, the recombinant proteins partially inhibited leptospiral adherence to immobilized laminin and PLG. Conclusions: We believe that these multifunctional proteins have the potential to participate in the interaction of leptospires to hosts by mediating adhesion and by helping the bacteria to escape the immune system and to overcome tissue barriers. To our knowledge, Lsa33 is the first leptospiral protein described to date with the capability of binding laminin, PLG and C4bp in vitro.


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TSSA (trypomastigote small surface antigen) is a polymorphic mucin-like molecule displayed on the surface of Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote forms. To evaluate its functional properties, we undertook comparative biochemical and genetic approaches on isoforms present in parasite stocks from extant evolutionary lineages (CL Brener and Sylvio X-10). We show that CL Brener TSSA, but not the Sylvio X-10 counterpart, exhibits dose-dependent and saturable binding towards non-macrophagic cell lines. This binding triggers Ca2+-based signalling responses in the target cell while providing an anchor for the invading parasite. Accordingly, exogenous addition of either TSSA-derived peptides or specific antibodies significantly inhibits invasion of CL Brener, but not Sylvio X-10, trypomastigotes. Non-infective epimastigote forms, which do not express detectable levels of TSSA, were stably transfected with TSSA cDNA from either parasite stock. Although both transfectants produced a surface-associated mucin-like TSSA product, epimastigotes expressing CL Brener TSSA showed a similar to 2-fold increase in their attachment to mammalian cells. Overall, these findings indicate that CL Brener TSSA functions as a parasite adhesin, engaging surface receptor(s) and inducing signalling pathways on the host cell as a prerequisite for parasite internalization. More importantly, the contrasting functional features of TSSA isoforms provide one appealing mechanism underlying the differential infectivity of T. cruzi stocks.


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Toxosplasma gondii is the model parasite of the phylum Apicomplexa, which contains numerous obligate intracellular parasites of medical and veterinary importance, including Eimeria, Sarcocystis, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Plasmodium species. Members of this phylum actively enter host cells by a multistep process with the help of microneme protein (MIC) complexes that play important roles in motility, host cell attachment, moving junction formation, and invasion. T. gondii (Tg)MIC1-4-6 complex is the most extensively investigated microneme complex, which contributes to host cell recognition and attachment via the action of TgMIC1, a sialic acid-binding adhesin. Here, we report the structure of TgMIC4 and reveal its carbohydrate-binding specificity to a variety of galactose-containing carbohydrate ligands. The lectin is composed of six apple domains in which the fifth domain displays a potent galactose-binding activity, and which is cleaved from the complex during parasite invasion. We propose that galactose recognition by TgMIC4 may compromise host protection from galectin-mediated activation of the host immune system.


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This cross-sectional and descriptive study aimed to verify the adherence of patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) to medication and to identify possible causes of adherence and non-adherence to medication according to the pharmacotherapeutic profile. The study was carried out in a mental health service in a city in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo. Participants included 101 patients with BAD. Structured interviews and the Morisky-Green test were used for data collection, and the Statistical Package for Social Science was employed for data analysis. Most subjects (63%) did not adhere to medication. Although there were no significant differences between the adherent and non-adherent groups for the researched variables, the use of polypharmacotherapy and complex treatment regimens was observed in treatment for BAD. In practice, implementing strategies to improve the adherence of patients to medication treatment remains a challenge.


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Successful international clones have recently emerged among Escherichia coli that produce CTX-M beta-lactamases as important causes of community-onset urinary tract and bloodstream infections. One hundred and seven isolates that belong to sequence types (STs) ST38, ST131, ST405, ST648, and 38 nonrelated CTX-M producing E. coli from Canada and the Netherlands were assigned to phylogenetic groups and tested for the presence of genes encoding for virulence factors (VFs) using established multiplex polymerase chain reaction. The STs E. coli were significantly more resistant to antibiotics-ST38, ST405, and ST648 belonged to phylogenetic group D while ST131 belonged to B2. Secreted autotransporter toxin (sat), aerobactin receptor, and pathogenicity island marker were significantly more common among the STs; the heat-resistant agglutinin (hra) was present in ST38, sat, and uropathogenic-specific protein, and putative adhesin-siderophore receptor was more common in ST131, while outer membrane protease T was present in ST648. ST131 had a significantly higher VF score. In conclusion, the precise role of these VFs remains to be elucidated; however, we have identified certain putative VFs that possibly contribute to the fitness and success of certain sequence types. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Leptospirosis is considered a re-emerging infectious disease caused by pathogenic spirochaetes of the genus Leptospira. Pathogenic leptospires have the ability to survive and disseminate to multiple organs after penetrating the host. Leptospires were shown to express surface proteins that interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and to plasminogen (PLG). This study examined the interaction of two putative leptospiral proteins with laminin, collagen Type I, collagen Type IV, cellular fibronectin, plasma fibronectin, PLG, factor H and C4bp. Results We show that two leptospiral proteins encoded by LIC11834 and LIC12253 genes interact with laminin in a dose - dependent and saturable mode, with dissociation equilibrium constants (KD) of 367.5 and 415.4 nM, respectively. These proteins were named Lsa33 and Lsa25 (Leptospiral surface adhesin) for LIC11834 and LIC12253, respectively. Metaperiodate - treated laminin reduced Lsa25 - laminin interaction, suggesting that sugar moieties of this ligand participate in this interaction. The Lsa33 is also PLG - binding receptor, with a KD of 23.53 nM, capable of generating plasmin in the presence of an activator. Although in a weak manner, both proteins interact with C4bp, a regulator of complement classical route. In silico analysis together with proteinase K and immunoflorescence data suggest that these proteins might be surface exposed. Moreover, the recombinant proteins partially inhibited leptospiral adherence to immobilized laminin and PLG. Conclusions We believe that these multifunctional proteins have the potential to participate in the interaction of leptospires to hosts by mediating adhesion and by helping the bacteria to escape the immune system and to overcome tissue barriers. To our knowledge, Lsa33 is the first leptospiral protein described to date with the capability of binding laminin, PLG and C4bp in vitro.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever e comparar os escores de adesão às precauções padrão (PP) de profissionais de enfermagem que atuavam nas unidades de internação de um hospital universitário do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo quantitativo transversal, comparativo, com a aplicação da escala psicométrica de adesão às PP, desenvolvido por Gershon et al. (1995), traduzida e validada por Brevidelli e Cianciarullo (2009), entre primeiro de setembro de 2009 e 31 de março de 2010, com 256 profissionais de enfermagem. RESULTADOS: Evidenciou-se que 152 (59,4%) profissionais apresentaram escores médios altos para a adesão às PP, igual ou acima de 4,5; 98 (38,3%) escores intermediários, entre 3,5 e 4,49 e 6 (2,3%) baixos, ou seja, menor que 3,5. CONCLUSÕES: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os escores e outras variáveis, entretanto, destacou-se a importância do resultado positivo encontrado pela valorização das ações de educação permanente pela instituição.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar, na perspectiva da pessoa com esquizofrenia e de seu familiar, como ocorre a interação paciente-familiar relacionada à adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, com referencial metodológico da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e pressupostos do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 36 pessoas com esquizofrenia em tratamento ambulatorial e 36 familiares. Para obtenção dos dados, usadas a entrevista gravada e a observação. RESULTADOS: Os depoimentos obtidos revelaram que familiares podem fornecer apoio e motivação, propiciando a adesão do paciente ao tratamento, podendo também incentivá-lo a não aderir à farmacoterapia. Destacaram-se ainda a influência da sobrecarga e o despreparo do familiar cuidador sobre a qualidade dos cuidados prestados. CONCLUSÃO: Profissionais da saúde podem intervir junto aos familiares, encorajando as interações que colaboram com o sucesso do tratamento e incentivando-os a modificar as interações que o comprometem.


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Existem diversos estudos sobre preditores da não adesão, mas poucos mostram estratégias efetivas para lidar com esse problema. Uma revisão da literatura sobre desistência em psicoterapia mostrou que quase metade dos pacientes que ingressam num atendimento não o concluem. A medida na psicoterapia em geral é a de não adesão, ou desistência do tratamento; no presente trabalho serão apresentados dados relativos à adesão ao tratamento da enurese com alarme de urina. A taxa de desistência em um grupo de 61 crianças e adolescentes foi levantada considerando três condições: suas famílias não compareceram aos atendimentos, não responderam ao contato telefônico ou relataram ter abandonado os procedimentos. A desistência correspondeu a 19,6% da amostra e a idade do grupo dos desistentes era significativamente inferior, quando comparada à daqueles que aderiram ao tratamento. A já demonstrada associação entre a intolerância parental e a idade do filho explica os resultados e aponta para a necessidade de trabalho educativo intenso com os pais de adolescentes portadores de enurese.