879 resultados para Active student participation


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This paper addresses the participation of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in main- stream schools. There are different benefits for ASD students to be educated in an inclusive environment (Gena, 2006; Whitaker, 2004). They challenge the school community by presenting difficulties in essential domains for school activi- ties (Chamberlain, Kasari and Rotheram-Fuller, 2006; Eman and Farrell, 2009; Humphrey and Symes, 2010). Thus, these are students with increased difficulties participating in inclusive environments, reinforcing the need of an ade- quate inclusion process (Gena, 2006; Hall and McGregor, 2000; Hestenes and Carroll, 2000). We characterised this students ’ participation with a questionnaire to the students from mainstream classes in which ASD students were included, a questionnaire applied to each class teacher/head teacher and an interview to four of the school educational assistants. The location of the ASD student in mainstream classroom was also ana- lysed, trying to understand if it influences the quality of ASD students ’ participation, hypothesis- ing that there is an influence. Results showed a good perception of the students with ASD and their behaviour, low frequency of behaviours involving interaction with these students, good feelings about their presence at the school/class and an overall acceptance of them in the peer groups of typical development students. Results are mostly consistent across the different infor- mation sources. We found a significant effect of the location on the quality of participation. Results are mainly consistent with the literature reviewed and enlighten the need to keep making progress on inclusion practices related to ASD students in mainstream schools.


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Este trabalho de investigação assenta no desenvolvimento de trabalhos projeto na disciplina de Educação Tecnológica do terceiro ciclo do Ensino Básico, no Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão, Concelho de Paços de Ferreira, Distrito do Porto, cujo Projeto Educativo tem como tema “Pequenos passos… grande passo!”. A escolha deste tema resultou de motivos de ordem pessoal e profissional. Os motivos de ordem pessoal, devem-se ao facto de no primeiro ano de mestrado ter entrado em contacto com termos, conceitos, teorias e experiências no campo da educação artística, que me estimularam enquanto professora. Estes conhecimentos, ideias e experiências em torno da educação estética e artística, levaram-me a querer desenvolver um projeto potenciador da criatividade, prático, com a participação ativa da comunidade discente, através de experiências, processos e desenvolvimentos criativos. Os motivos de ordem profissional relacionam-se com a importância das artes em contexto educativo, na medida em que a educação artística no ensino básico, apresenta como principal objetivo a abertura a experiências que possam ser estimulantes, enriquecedoras e relevantes nas vidas dos alunos, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de apreciação, valorização e compreensão dos objetos artísticos que os rodeiam. Para que tal objetivo se concretize, consideramos pertinente implementar um projeto de intervenção de animação estético artística dos espaços e criar condições na comunidade escolar e educativa que favoreçam o interesse e motivação. Partimos da identificação de um problema, no projeto educativo do Agrupamento em causa, as fracas condições dos espaços escolares e a escassa animação dos espaços, percecionada pelos alunos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo final requalificar o piso inferior da escola EB 2,3 de Frazão, tornar a escola mais atrativa, envolver a comunidade discente, promover a socialização e a criatividade, através de projetos artísticos e dinamizar exposições e mostras à comunidade educativa. Os resultados obtidos são indicadores do elevado grau de relevância e participação atingidas, bem como do impacto transformador desta investigação-ação enquanto via promotora e facilitadora da individualidade, interação social, interesse e da motivação.


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The higher education system has a critical role to play in educating environmentally aware and participant citizens about global climate change. Yet, few studies have focused on higher education students’ knowledge and attitudes about this issue. This study aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of views and attitudes about climate change issues, across the postgraduate student population in three universities—the on Campus University of Porto and University of Coimbra, and the distance learning Universidade Aberta, Portugal. We surveyed university students and graduates from three master programs in environmental sciences targeting their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour on climate change issues, and their views of the role that their master degree had on it. A majority of the respondents believed that climate change is factual, and is largely human-induced; and a majority expressed concerns about climate change. Still, the surveyed students hold some misconceptions about basic causes and consequences of climate change. Further research is necessary to comprehend the university postgraduate students’ population, so that curricula programs can be adapted to grant consensus on scientific knowledge about climate change, and an active engagement of the graduate citizens, as part of the solution for climate change problems.


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A Ce0.5Pr0.5O2 mixed oxide has been prepared with the highest surface area and smallest particle size ever reported (125 m2/g and 7 nm, respectively), also being the most active diesel soot combustion catalyst ever tested under realistic conditions if catalysts forming highly volatile species are ruled out. This Ce–Pr mixed oxide is even more active than a reference platinum-based commercial catalyst. This study provides an example of the efficient participation of oxygen species released by a ceria catalyst in a heterogeneous catalysis reaction where both the catalyst and one of the reactants (soot) are solids. It has been concluded that both the ceria-based catalyst composition (nature and amount of dopant) and the particle size play key roles in the combustion of soot through the active oxygen-based mechanism. The composition determines the production of active oxygen and the particle size the transfer of such active oxygen species from catalyst to soot.


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Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som kan leda till och påverka äldre personers deltagande i en social gruppaktivitet riktad till ensamma äldre. Då känslan av ensamheten kan ge stora negativa effekter för den äldre är det viktigt att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om de fenomen och faktorer som påverkar och leder till mer gemenskap och välbefinnande. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv har använts som teoretisk referensram. Sex personer i åldern 75-90 år har deltagit i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Deltagarna ingick i frivilligorganisationen Äldrekontakts sociala gruppaktivitet vilket är riktad till ensamma äldre som söker gemenskap. I resultatet framkom tre olika teman vilket sammanfattar de faktorer som ledde till och påverkade de äldres deltagande i den sociala gruppaktiviteten. De teman som ingår är: förändringsgrunder, förutsättningar och fördelar. Temat förändringsgrunder belyser att motivet för de äldre att delta i aktiviteten grundar sig i en önskan om en ökad gemenskap då relationerna blivit färre och att det hade uppstått en känsla av ensamhet. Vidare framkommer att deltagarnas förhållningssätt riktades mot välbefinnande genom att vara aktiv, att ha en stärkande inställning och att våga exponera sig. Temat förutsättningar beskriver villkor för ett deltagande i aktiviteten. Yttre faktorer var stödet att komma till och från aktiviteten och att det var anspråkslöst att delta. Den inre faktorn var att deltagarna hade tillräckligt med ork så att aktiveten gick att genomföra. Temat fördelar visar på de vinster som uppkom i och med deltagandet i denna gruppaktivitet. Denna aktivitet berikade vardagen genom att det blev ett avbrott i det vardagliga livet och att det fanns något att se fram emot. Deltagarna blev sedda och hörda då det fanns någon att samtala med och något att prata om samt att det skapades nya bekantskaper. En känsla av att bli omhändertagen uppstod vilket uttrycktes genom en tacksamhet att få delta och att det kändes tryggt att medverka i aktiviteten. Resultatet har analyserats genom Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv och tre slutsatser har framtagits. Dessa tre teman har identifierats som en process. Temat förändringsgrunder har visat sig vara en grundförutsättning för resterande process och det har också framkommit att deltagarna har en hög känsla av sammanhang. Denna kunskap kan hjälpa de äldre och de som vill stödja ensamma äldre att ta steget från ensamhet till gemenskap.


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Méthodologie: Modèle de régression quantile de variable instrumentale pour données de Panel utilisant la fonction de production partielle


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L’objectif de cet essai est de proposer pour Montréal une stratégie de participation publique visant l’implantation de projets de piétonnisation porteurs d’acceptabilité sociale dans tous les secteurs de la métropole. En effet, malgré quelques initiatives en faveur des modes de déplacement actif, les intérêts des piétons sont souvent délaissés au profit de ceux des automobilistes qui s’imposent plus facilement. Ainsi, la motorisation en constante croissance sur l’île a pour effet de dégrader l’environnement résiduel disponible pour les personnes. Au contraire, le choix d’aménagements favorisant les modes de déplacement doux comme la marche s’avère profitable, dans toutes les sphères du développement durable, tant sur le plan personnel que collectif. L’étude des pratiques d’aménagement urbain à Montréal démontre que les mécanismes de participation des citoyens à la transformation de l’environnement bâti comportent plusieurs lacunes et participent à cette dévalorisation du piéton. L’organisme responsable de la participation publique, l’Office de consultation publique de Montréal, propose une approche inadéquate pour traiter une question aussi complexe que la piétonnisation. Par conséquent, il n’y a pas de trame cohérente et consensuelle de la piétonnisation en ville. Ainsi les aménagements sont de qualité très inégale d’un arrondissement à l’autre, voire d’une rue à l’autre. La définition des concepts démontre qu’une organisation de l’espace à échelle humaine, soit à échelle piétonne, est incontournable lorsqu’il est question de l’aménagement de collectivités viables. Mettre en place des conditions favorables à la marchabilité permet effectivement de développer une vision structurante, à la base d’un milieu de vie plus sain et d’aborder en amont les problématiques propres à l’urbanisation. Par ailleurs, l’emploi d’une approche participative en urbanisme se présente comme une réponse incontournable dans la conception de projets porteurs d’acceptabilité sociale. La stratégie proposée dans le cadre de cet essai vise la mise en place des conditions nécessaires au partage du pouvoir en accord avec les théories de la gouvernance participative. D’abord, la vision de la piétonnisation montréalaise doit être construite en collaboration avec les membres de la collectivité. Ensuite, les projets doivent être co-construits en partenariat avec les parties prenantes afin de bien s’harmoniser avec le milieu d’accueil. 10 recommandations accompagnent cette stratégie de participation en deux volets. Il est entre autres question de redéfinir la culture de la participation publique à Montréal vers la construction de l’acceptabilité sociale des projets, de favoriser une démarche de participation flexible et de communiquer de manière continue, proactive et mobilisatrice.


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Resumen: Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre el tipo de profesor (especialista y no especialista en educación física), con el nivel de actividad física, el contenido-contexto de la clase y el comportamiento del profesor. Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Fueron evaluadas 57 clases de educación física, y dos docentes (uno con formación académica en Educación física), por medio del Sistema para la observación del tiempo de instrucción de la condición física (SOFIT). Las variables observadas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva en cantidades relativas a los minutos y proporción de la clase. Para establecer la asociación entre el género de los estudiantes y el tipo de profesor se usaron test t para muestras independientes y U de Mann-Witney. Resultados: La duración promedio de la clase fue 82,7 minutos, 69% del tiempo programado; los estudiantes pasaron la mayor parte del tiempo de pie 29% (25 minutos), el contenido predominante de la clase fue el de tipo general 21% (25 minutos) y los maestros ocuparon en promedio el 36% (29 minutos) de la clase observando. Los estudiantes pasaron 53% (44 minutos) en actividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas (AFMV). Los niños fueron más activos que las niñas (53.94% vs 50,83%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre el género y casi todos los niveles de actividad física de los estudiantes (p<0,05). Se identificó que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05), para las categorías sentado y estar de pie de la variable Niveles de Actividad física tanto en los resultados expresados en minutos, como en la proporción del tiempo de la clase y para la categoría caminando expresada en tiempo de la clase. Para la variable contenido-contexto se determinó una asociación para la categoría conocimiento, tanto en la proporción como en el número de minutos, y para la categoría contenido general en los resultados expresados en proporción de la clase. Finalmente, para la variable comportamiento del profesor expresada tanto en minutos como en proporción de la clase tuvo significancia estadística en todas sus categorías a excepción de la categoría promover Conclusiones: hay una diferencia importante en la forma como los dos tipos de maestros desarrollan la clase y los niveles de actividad física en que involucran a los estudiantes. La educación física en la escuela debe ser impartida por profesionales formados en el área, que tengan las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para desarrollar una educación física de calidad.


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Este estudo procura caracterizar a relação entre Escola e Família na perspectiva de alunos futuros Educadores de Infância e Professores do Ensino Básico do 1º ciclo, no contexto do seu estágio final de quarto ano. Partindo do pressuposto que as concepções dos alunos não se formulam num vazio, procura-se compreender as concepções teóricas e práticas acerca da relação entre Escola e Família destes alunos, no contexto da formação que os enquadra e igualmente no contexto das escolas onde realizam o seu estágio final. Realizámos um estudo de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior, a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja e a Universidade de Évora, nomeadamente a quatro turmas de quarto ano das duas licenciaturas já referidas. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados fizemos uma análise das disciplinas do plano de estudos de cada licenciatura, assim como fizemos também uma análise dos instrumentos de planificação e avaliação que estes estabelecimentos de ensino utilizam, e ainda aplicámos aos alunos um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados que obtivemos mostram que os alunos dão importância à relação de complementaridade e de relação entre Escola e Família, não considerando assim a separação entre estes dois agentes educativos. Como tal, estes alunos consideraram que os professores e educadores devem ter em consideração o envolvimento das Famílias nas suas planificações de actividades e assumir os pais como agentes educativos activos. Estes dados só fazem sentido, uma vez que quer a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja, quer a Universidade de Évora, parecem fornecer aos seus alunos, formação para que estes estejam sensibilizados para a promoção da relação entre Escola e Família, através de vários propósitos que exigem aos seus alunos. Contudo salientamos uma formação inicial mais abrangente e exigente na Universidade de Évora. Ainda assim, é um facto que estes alunos encontraram factores que dificultaram o estabelecimento da relação entre Escola e Família ao longo dos seus estágios finais, no entanto, conseguiram estabelecer estratégias de modo a ultrapassá-las, estratégias estas, na sua maioria inseridas nos tipo 2 e 3 da tipologia de Joyce Epstein, assim como estratégias ligadas à comunicação e promoção da participação conjunta em actividades realizadas tanto dentro como fora da sala e/ou Instituição. ABSTRACT: This study characterizes the school-family relationships from the point of view of pre­school and primary student-teachers in their final year of initial training. Assuming that the student’s conceptions are not build in an empty context, we seek to understand the theoretical and practical concepts about the school-family relationships of these students, in the context of their experience at the University and at the schools where they undergo their final practicum. This is a case-study of two higher education institutions: Escola Superior de Educação de Beja and Universidade de Évora, and two courses in each institution: Pre-school Education and Primary School Teaching; the students belong to the four final years of these courses. Data included documentary analysis of the courses plans and the planning and evaluation instruments used within each course and a questionnaire to all students of each course. Results point out to an understanding of school-family relationships characterized by complementarity and reciprocity, rejecting a view of separation between school and family. These students considered important that teachers include in their plans opportunities to involve families and that they consider families as active educational agents. These results seem to be associated with the higher education institutions programs which encourage and require students to adopt such approach. The results seem to suggest that the teachers' training at the Universidade de Évora is slightly broader and more demanding. Despite these students having found some resistances and difficulties during their practicum in relation to implementing school and family links, they were also able to implement some strategies to overcome these difficulties. The strategies students used were mainly within Joyce Epstein's type tow and tree; strategies were mainly directed to promote communication and joint participation in activities inside as well as outside the classroom and the school.


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The Myanmar “period of transition” (2011-2021) has often been described as a puzzle. Various scholars have begun to engage with the Myanmar context in an effort to grasp the essence of the transition it underwent during President Thein Sein’s USPD and Aung San Suu Kyi’s NLD governments. My work focuses on a specific policy sector, higher education, with a view to contributing to this scholarly debate regarding what was actually happening inside this complex country “transition”, especially in terms of collective participation in the process of political and social change. Reviewing existing scholarly literature on the politics of higher education, my study employs a triangle of analysis in which higher education reform is framed as the interplay of action on the part of “state authority”, “student politics” and “international actors”. What does this interplay lens reveal if we consider Myanmar’s “period of transition”? I argue that it shows the ambiguity and contradiction of tangible pushes for progressive social change that coexisted with authoritarian currents and the reinforcement of the societal position of dominant elites. At the policy level, ultimately, a convergence of interests between international actors and state authority served as the force driving the new higher education reform towards a neo-liberal model of governance and autonomy. This work unpacks the higher education reform process thanks to qualitative data gathered through extensive participant observation, in-depth interviewing and critical discourse analysis, shedding light on the rich narratives of those involved in the politics of higher education in Myanmar.


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Snakebite is a neglected disease and serious health problem in Brazil, with most bites being caused by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Although serum therapy is the primary treatment for systemic envenomation, it is generally ineffective in neutralizing the local effects of these venoms. In this work, we examined the ability of 7,8,3'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone (TM), an isoflavone from Dipteryx alata, to neutralize the neurotoxicity (in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations) and myotoxicity (assessed by light microscopy) of Bothrops jararacussu snake venom in vitro. The toxicity of TM was assessed using the Salmonella microsome assay (Ames test). Incubation with TM alone (200 μg/mL) did not alter the muscle twitch tension whereas incubation with venom (40 μg/mL) caused irreversible paralysis. Preincubation of TM (200 μg/mL) with venom attenuated the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade by 84% ± 5% (mean ± SEM; n = 4). The neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), the major myotoxic PLA2 of this venom, was also attenuated by TM. Histological analysis of diaphragm muscle incubated with TM showed that most fibers were preserved (only 9.2% ± 1.7% were damaged; n = 4) compared to venom alone (50.3% ± 5.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3), and preincubation of TM with venom significantly attenuated the venom-induced damage (only 17% ± 3.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3; p < 0.05 compared to venom alone). TM showed no mutagenicity in the Ames test using Salmonella strains TA98 and TA97a with (+S9) and without (-S9) metabolic activation. These findings indicate that TM is a potentially useful compound for antagonizing the neuromuscular effects (neurotoxicity and myotoxicity) of B. jararacussu venom.


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Mining activities pose severe environmental risks worldwide, generating extreme pH conditions and high concentrations of heavy metals, which can have major impacts on the survival of organisms. In this work, pyrosequencing of the V3 region of the 16S rDNA was used to analyze the bacterial communities in soil samples from a Brazilian copper mine. For the analysis, soil samples were collected from the slopes (geotechnical structures) and the surrounding drainage of the Sossego mine (comprising the Sossego and Sequeirinho deposits). The results revealed complex bacterial diversity, and there was no influence of deposit geographic location on the composition of the communities. However, the environment type played an important role in bacterial community divergence; the composition and frequency of OTUs in the slope samples were different from those of the surrounding drainage samples, and Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria were responsible for the observed difference. Chemical analysis indicated that both types of sample presented a high metal content, while the amounts of organic matter and water were higher in the surrounding drainage samples. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (N-MDS) analysis identified organic matter and water as important distinguishing factors between the bacterial communities from the two types of mine environment. Although habitat-specific OTUs were found in both environments, they were more abundant in the surrounding drainage samples (around 50 %), and contributed to the higher bacterial diversity found in this habitat. The slope samples were dominated by a smaller number of phyla, especially Firmicutes. The bacterial communities from the slope and surrounding drainage samples were different in structure and composition, and the organic matter and water present in these environments contributed to the observed differences.


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The basidiomycete fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum causes a typical brown rot and is known to use reactive oxygen species in the degradation of cellulose. The extracellular Cel12A is one of the few endo-1,4-β-glucanase produced by G. trabeum. Here we cloned cel12A and heterologously expressed it in Aspergillus niger. The identity of the resulting recombinant protein was confirmed by mass spectrometry. We used the purified GtCel12A to determine its substrate specificity and basic biochemical properties. The G. trabeum Cel12A showed highest activity on β-glucan, followed by lichenan, carboxymethylcellulose, phosphoric acid swollen cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, and filter paper. The optimal pH and temperature for enzymatic activity were, respectively, 4.5 and 50 °C on β-glucan. Under these conditions specific activity was 239.2 ± 9.1 U mg(-1) and the half-life of the enzyme was 84.6 ± 3.5 hours. Thermofluor studies revealed that the enzyme was most thermal stable at pH 3. Using β-glucan as a substrate, the Km was 3.2 ± 0.5 mg mL(-1) and the Vmax was 0.41 ± 0.02 µmol min(-1). Analysis of the effects of GtCel12A on oat spelt and filter paper by scanning electron microscopy revealed the morphological changes taking place during the process.


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Focal cryoablation (FC), brachytherapy (B) and active surveillance (AS) were offered to patients diagnosed with very low-risk prostate cancer (VLRPC) in an equal access protocol. Comprehensive validated self-report questionnaires accessed patients' erectile (IIEF-5) and voiding (IPSS) functions, Beck scales measured anxiety (BAI), hopelessness (BHS) and depression (BDI), SF-36 reflected patients' quality of life added to the emotional thermometers including five visual analogue scales (distress, anxiety, depression, anger and need for help). Kruskal-Wallis or ANOVA tests and Spearman's correlations were obtained among groups and studied variables. Thirty patients were included, median follow-up 18 months (15-21). Those on AS (n = 11) were older, presented higher hopelessness (BHS) and lower general health perceptions (SF-36) scores than patients opting for FC (n = 10) and B (n = 9), P = 0.0014, P = 0.0268 and P = 0.0168 respectively. Patients on B had higher IPSS scores compared to those under FC and AC, P = 0.0223. For all 30 included patients, Spearman's correlation (rs ) was very strong between BHS and general health perceptions (rs  = -0.800, P < 0.0001), and weak/moderate between age and BHS (rs  = 0.405, P = 0.026) and age and general health perceptions (rs  = -0.564, P = 0.001). The sample power was >60%. To be considered in patients' counselling and care, current study supports the hypothesis that even VLRPC when untreated undermines psychosocial domains.


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Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on a number of agricultural commodities. This research was carried out to evaluate the ability of thermolysed and active Saccharomyces cerevisiae to attenuate liver damage caused by aflatoxin. Diets were prepared containing 0 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of dehydrated active yeast, and 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of thermolysed yeast. A bioassay with Wistar rats was conducted for 28 days, and body organs were weighted and analyses of the liver tissue of the animals were performed. The relative weight of heart, kidneys and liver from animals submitted to the different treatments did not show any difference, and liver tissue of animals feeding on the aflatoxin-free diet was adopted as a toxicity-free pattern. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on diets containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin or the diet supplemented with 1% thermolysed yeast showed clear signs of toxicity and damage. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on the diet containing 1% of dehydrated active yeast showed less toxicity signs and damage than those receiving the diet containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin. Active, dehydrated yeast had the ability to reduce toxic effects caused by aflatoxin, but thermolysed yeast was not able to alleviate the effects of aflatoxin toxicity.