776 resultados para Academic decorations of honor.
O presente estudo aborda a Formação Acadêmica e Profissional em Serviço Social tomando como objeto o Corpo Docente das Faculdades Públicas de Serviço Social do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tomamos como referência o projeto ético político do Serviço Social, especialmente, o projeto de formação da ABEPSS, parte e expressão do primeiro. Observamos que os docentes são sujeitos imprescindíveis no processo de formação dos graduandos e, ainda que não determinem o posicionamento e a direção social escolhidos pelos futuros profissionais, colaboram ou não para um processo de formação crítica que pode contribuir para que o futuro assistente social tenha o perfil profissional explicitado nas Diretrizes Curriculares da ABEPSS: profissional dotado de formação intelectual e cultural, generalista e crítica, competente em sua área de desempenho, com capacidade de inserção criativa e propositiva, no conjunto das relações sociais e no mercado de trabalho (ABEPSS, 2002). Partimos da hipótese de que a disputa por projetos distintos no interior do Serviço Social vem se dando no meio acadêmico de maneira velada no sentido de que tudo o que diz respeito ao Serviço Social pode se articular ao projeto ético-político, como se o mesmo não resultasse de um processo ligado à teoria crítica e de uma mudança ideopolítica no interior da categoria dos assistentes sociais. Consequentemente, a presença nos espaços da academia de tendências conservadoras e neoconservadoras, vem aprofundando o afastamento do debate/problematização de questões essenciais à profissão como, por exemplo, o cotidiano e o exercício profissional. Concluimos que se por um lado, o perfil docente, no que diz respeito à formação dos professores pesquisados, é um perfil que pode responder às necessidades do projeto de formação acadêmica e profissional da ABEPSS, por outro lado, quando abordamos as linhas e projetos de pesquisa que fundamentam a produção dos referidos docentes, observamos um distanciamento do Serviço Social e do projeto ético-político.
Para que possa alcançar sua ratio essendi, isto é, promover a convivência pacífica, o Estado utiliza-se do Direito para realizar o controle social e, em última análise, acolher os cidadãos que vivem sob a sua regência. Neste sentido, o Direito Penal adquire especial importância, tendo em vista deter a incumbência de enunciar comportamentos especialmente ofensivos para a vida em sociedade, prevendo e fixando, para cada conduta criminosa, a aplicação de penas ou medidas de segurança. É certo, de igual forma, que este ramo é também a ultima ratio, ou seja, a última instância de proteção, razão pela qual só pode ser acionado a partir do fracasso ou ineficiência de todos os demais meios de resguardo judicial, eis que o poder punitivo investe, via de regra, contra o bem mais precioso do ser humano, quer seja, sua liberdade. Levando estes pressupostos em conta, assoma uma relevante inquietação: a honra, aspecto inerente à personalidade do homem, dadas as suas características dogmáticas, ainda merece a proteção do Direito Penal? Será que não existem outros meios aptos a trazer suficiente amparo legal? É a partir destas questões que se desenvolve a presente dissertação. Para tanto, buscar-se-á, em um primeiro momento, entender a maneira como os valores e interesses mais caros ao homem adentram na seara penal (teoria do bem jurídico). Após, empreender-se-á efetiva imersão no tema de pesquisa, buscando entender as bases que historicamente assentaram e determinaram a tutela jurídica da honra (bipartição metodológica), além de promover diagnóstico da guarida fornecida pelo Direito Civil e pelo Direito Penal, de modo a compreender se a honra civil difere da honra penal. Por fim, será feito uma análise crítica da honra enquanto bem jurídico penal, com o fito conclusivo de trazer apontamentos quanto aos horizontes futuros da tutela deste valor individual.
The make-or-buy question represents a fundamental dilemma faced by many companies. Companies have finite resources and cannot always afford to have all manufacturing technologies in-house. This has resulted in an increasing awareness of the importance of make-or-buy decisions. This paper reports on the development of a make-or-buy framework to address the make-or-buy decision for either a specific individual part or family of parts. Firstly, a literature review of the principal make-or-buy approaches is discussed. Secondly, the development of a make-or-buy framework is described and the framework is explained and illustrated using case studies. Thirdly, the operationalisation of the framework is outlined. The paper concludes with a discussion of its contribution to both the academic understanding of the subject, and the improvement of industrial practice.
This paper builds the model of oil accumulation and achieves the prediction of exploration goal. It uses multiple subject means, the ways of synthetic research and the viewpoint of analyzing genesis, with the academic guidance of sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology and geochemistry, the basis of strata sequence frame and structural frame, the frame of "four history" - the burying history, the structural history, the filling history and the evolving history of oil, the masterstroke of hydrocarbon's generation, migration and accumulation, the aim of revealing the genetic relation between mature source rock and oil reservoir in space and time. Some achievements and viewpoints in this study are following. 1. It is proposed that the structural evolution in this area had many periods, and the structural movement of the Xiazijie group telophase formed the structural pattern for the first time. 2. The character of strata sequence in this area is divided by the character of episodic cycle firstly. The study of dividing the facies of single well and the facies of well tie is based on the data of single well. The character of sedimentary facies is con-structed initially. 3. It is believed that Jiamuhe group is the main source rock, which can supply considerable oil and gas resources for the first time. Some criterions of source rock such as the type ,the abundance in Jiamuhe group are analysed. Using the thermal history of source rock, we drawn a conclusion that the original type of source rock in Jiamuhe group is II_1-III, and the abundance achived the level of good source rock, and this set of source rock had contributed to this area. 4. The reservoir strata in this area are assessed and analysed with the reservoir evaluation. There are multi-type reservoirs, such as volcanic lava facies, sedimentary clast facies, continental belch facies. The physical property in reservoir strata is characterized by low porosity and low permeability. The study of diagenetic stage show that the diageneses in Jiamuhe group is A-Bsubage, and the reservoir room is mainly secondary corroded hollow and cleft. 5. The synthetic research on oil system in Jiamuhe group is made for the first time. The type of petroleum system is divided , and we consider that the petroleum system of Jiamuhe group is at the reliable rank. There are two critical time in oil accumulation through studying the critical time of oil accumulation : the early generation of hydrocarbon is oil, and the later is gas. 6. The mechanism of accumulation is analysed. We consider that the accu-mulation of oil in this area has many periods, and the early generated hydrocarbon is expeled by the later , and formed the character of zonal distribution in planar. 7. A bran-new model of oil and gas is proposed. Beneficial enrichment area of oil and gas is analyzed, which can be divided into three sections: Section I can be divided into two sections: I_1 and I_2. The lower subgroup of Jiamuhe is covered by the triassic layer of I_1 section. Fault zone and near the foot wall of fault are charactered with thick phase belt. Then the cover capability in this area is relatively poor, oil can migrate into triassic layer by vertical or lateral migration , and forms I_1 Kelamayi triassic oil pool consequently. The lower subgroup of Jiamuhe is covered by the triassic layer of I_2 section ,which is charactered with thin phase belt. Then the cover capability in this area is relatively good, and forms I_1 Kelamayi triassic oil pool consequently. Section II can be divided into two sections: II_1-I_(I~2). The cover of Jiamuhe group in section II_1 is the low resistivity segment in Wuerhe group, which has thin lithology and poor porosity and permeability. Oil and gas in Jiamuhe group can be covered to form beneficial accumulation area. There are some wells in this area, such as Ke 007 well, 561 well. The thick phase belt layer of Wuerhe high resistivity segment in section II_2 has unconformable relation with Jiamuhe group. The cover ability of the high resistivity segment is poor, petroleum in Jiamuhe can migrate into Wuerhe layer vertically. This area is the beneficial area for accumulating petroleum in Wuerhe layer. there are some wells in this area, such as Ke 75 well, Ke 76 well, Ke 77 well, Ke 78 well, Ke 79 well. Section III can also be divided into two sections: III_1 and III_2. Wuerhe group in section III_1 has unconformable relation with Jiamuhe group. There is thick lithology and poor cover in Wuerhe group, but the strata sequence evolution character of upper subgroup in Jiamuhe group has determined that it has lateral and vertical cover ability. thus, this area is petroleum abundant belt of jiamuhe group, which has the trap. Section III_2 is an area controled by wedgeout of Fengcheng group, Fengcheng group in this area has quite thick lithology so that It has beneficial resevoir phase belt. It can accumulate oil in itself or accept some oil in Jiamuhe group. Jiamuhe group has some oil accumulation condition in this area. Thus, section III_2 is jiamuhe-Fengcheng multiple petroleum accumulation belt, such as Ke 80 well. 8. The goal of exploration is suggested: Depositional trap or combination trap is the important aspect in later exploration. Both types of traps are the goal of the next drilling: Fault block trap in the east of 576 well and the NO. 2 fault block trap in the north of Ke 102 well It is suggested that we should study the law of oil and gas in Jiamuhe group and enhance the study of combination in forming reservoir and trap scale. We do some lithology forecast and reservoir diatropic forecast in order to know the area of oil and gas.
Niniejsza publikacja podejmuje problem, który jest dla antropologii symbolicznej fundamentalny. Jest nim ukazanie tego, jak w ramach tego kierunku ujmowano kwestię działań o charakterze symbolicznym oraz tego, jak działają same symbole w kulturze. Równie istotnym problemem wiążącym się ze sposobem pojmowania przez ten nurt powyższych kwestii jest jego uwarunkowanie kontekstualne. Chodzi w tym miejscu nie tylko o źródła naukowych inspiracji, ale również o mniej oczywiste czynniki kształtujące teoretyczne stanowiska Geertza czy Turnera. Antropologia symboliczna stanowiła część paradygmatu interpretacyjnego. To właśnie wpływ wiążącego się ze zwrotem interpretacyjnym klimatu intelektualnego, jak też instytucjonalne oddziaływanie wspomnianych powyżej ośrodków akademickich jest najbardziej interesujące. Historyczno-naukowa kontekstualizacja określonych prądów naukowych wywiera wpływ na kształt realizowanych w ich ramach teorii w takim samym stopniu, co relacje pomiędzy stanowiskami poszczególnych badaczy i ich autorskie programy antropologiczne.
En este trabajo, pretendemos identificar problemas derivados de dinámicas familiares internas (de conflicto, problemas económicos, dificultades laborales, etc.), además de las provocadas por inadaptación lingüística, social y cultural, influyen para que el alumnado que llega a un aula de “atención a la diversidad” a los denominados Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI) presente problemas de convivencia en el aula. En primer lugar hemos elaborado un marco teórico de los problemas más representativos en el aula y su relación con factores sociales, familiares y de inadaptación. En segundo lugar se plantea un proceso de InvestigacióniAcción en un aula concreta que permite identificar variables potencialmente condicionantes de la vida académica, empleando herramientas reflexivas, de relato autobiográfico, entrevista grupal, que favorecen la concienciación individual y grupal y permiten reacomodar tensiones emocionales y aceptar retos de conducta adaptada. A modo de conclusión se hace un análisis sobre resiliencia en este alumnado
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej
This dissertation, an exercise in practical theology, undertakes two tasks. First, it examines how the story of Jesus is appropriated and embodied in the corporate practices of worship and mission (congregational christology) and in the daily lives of ordinary believers (everyday christology) at First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain and Ruggles Baptist Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Second, it places these practical christologies in dialogue with the academic christology of James McClendon to see what creative and critical insights emerge. A key assumption of the study is that doctrinal reflection is precipitated when the story of Jesus interacts with human stories in both autobiographical and public domains. "Living with Jesus" contends that the understandings of Jesus present in the everyday lives of believers and in a congregation's worship and mission merit the attention of scholars in the disciplines of sociology and theology. This dissertation demonstrates that scholarly research on the visible church, everyday religion, and Christian doctrine pays limited attention to the theologies operative in the everyday lives of believers and congregational practices. A gap exists in scholarly knowledge, which "Living with Jesus" attempts to redress. The empirical results of qualitative research fieldwork are set in the context of historical overviews and contemporary snapshots of First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain and Ruggles Baptist Church. "Living with Jesus" identifies three types of practical christology operative across the two congregations in corporate practices and the everyday lives of individuals: evangelical christology; exemplarist christology; and prophetic christology. The empirical research shows that for a significant minority of people in the sample, the prevailing understanding of Jesus can best be described as a hybrid christology. By paying attention to McClendon's treatment of the Jesus story and placing the three identified practical christologies in dialogue with his christology, it becomes apparent that each practical christology is simultaneously liberating and limiting. This dissertation argues that evaluating a particular practical christology in relation to the Gospel requires an intentional and disciplined effort on the part of congregations, ordinary believers, and theologians. Questions are proposed to assist further christological reflection on worship, mission, pastoral care, and Christian education.
My Portfolio of Exploration tackles the difficult question as to whether adult mental development can be accelerated and if so how. Rooted in constructive-developmental ideas, adult mental development is explained as an evolutionary unfolding of human capability. Going beyond this I look at the possibility of advancing development as transformational growth in adulthood in the belief that a broader perspective leads to increased effectiveness in professional life. Initially I explored my own meaning making, to make sense of my experiences, knowledge, relationships and my own motivations. This exploration has provided me with a ‘developmental bridge’ between my current way of knowing and a new more enlightened way. I have come to view my way of making meaning in the world as an evolving and progressive sequence of emotional and cognitive development. Through the formation of new stretching experiences, increased self - awareness and reflection my previous perspective has been overtaken by a more complex form of being aware of myself, others and the world. I refer to this process of growth as transformation. As part of my own transformational work I have conducted an inquiry into transformational growth and learning in the early academic life of university undergraduates. The result shows how accelerated adult mental development can be achieved in an academic environment ably preparing students for the workplace. This new model of education is part of a truly unique and exciting model signalling ground-breaking change for the undergraduate experience. The overhaul of a traditional BA degree in Economics into a world-class transformational programme is discussed through-out my Portfolio. Central to my broadening awareness is the challenge and nurturing required to awaken the student’s ‘internal authority’ . This involves stimulating students to take ownership for their own thinking, steering them away from the passivity and complacency of thinking through the minds of others. In doing so, the ultimate aim of renewing the BA is to narrow the developmental ‘mismatch’ which exists for m any college students between them and the world of work, by encouraging and inviting them to take on the challenge of thinking independently. Mindfulness, awareness, and personal authority are treated with reverence throughout the exploration as I consider them core parts of the students engaging with development. Engagement is construed as an active and open-minded process of awareness involving planning and reviewing one’s own goals and performance, engaging in constructive feedback, reflection and new action. I conclude with a view that the journey of adult mental development is relentless and that undergraduate education represents a crucial beginning. The value and relevance of transformational education rooted in developmental principles provides a significant opportunity in advancing development and perspectives at the start of adult life.
The central claim of the dissertation is that lesser known and somewhat neglected, yet influential thinkers, within classical religious traditions have something worthwhile to contribute to the kind of ethos we should adopt in the face of the world’s various environmental crises. Moreover an exploration of such perspectives is best done in dialogue, particularly between Eastern and Western thought. I examine this claim primarily through a dialogue between the Christian philosopher John Scottus Eriugena and the Japanese Buddhist philosopher Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi). This dialogue, framed by the triad of divine-human-earth relations, primarily emphasises the oneness of all reality, and it finds expression in Eriugena’s concept of natura or phusis and Kūkai’s central teaching that the phenomenal world is the cosmic Buddha Dainichi. By highlighting this focus, I contribute to the existing academic field of ecology and religion on the subject of holism. However, I go beyond the materialist focus that generally marks such ecological holism within that field, offering instead a more metaphysical approach. This is indicated through my use of the concept of ‘immanental transcendence’ to describe Eriugena’s and Kūkai’s dynamic, numinous and mysterious notion of reality, as well as my exploration of Eriugena’s concept of theophany and Kūkai’s notion of kaji. I further explore how both philosophers highlight the human role in the process of reaching enlightenment—understood as attaining union with the whole. In that regard, I note significant differences in their positions: in particular, I note that Kūkai’s emphasis on bodily practices contrasts with Eriugena’s more conceptual approach. Finally to bolster my claim, I examine some ecologically oriented understandings of contemporary phenomenological approaches found particularly in the work of Jean-Luc Marion and to a lesser extent Merleau-Ponty, arguing that these reflect notions of reality and of the human role similar to those of the medieval philosophers.
This article explores contemporary ‘hidden land’ narrative constructs of Máyel Lyáng and Beyul Dremojong in Sikkim, India, as conceived by the Lepcha and the Lhopo, two ‘scheduled tribes’. Lepcha and Lhopo narratives about these hidden lands in Mount Khangchendzonga inform us about their contemporary and historical, indigenous and Buddhist contexts and the interactions between these contexts. Lhopo perspectives on the hidden Beyul Dremojong echo classical Tibetan Buddhist ‘revealed treasure’ guidebooks and exist within the complex and reciprocal relationship between the Lhopo and the land they inhabit; development initiatives are understood to have caused illness and death in the Lhopo community of Tashiding, often referred to as the geographical ‘center’ of Beyul Dremojong. Contemporary Lepcha comprehensions of Máyel Lyáng, described in oral narratives within an ethnic community whose cosmology is intimately connected with Mount Khangchendzonga, today show some influence of Lhopo interpretations of Beyul Dremojong and the treasure texts; they also reflect Lepcha fears about cultural dispersion. Present-day narratives about both hidden lands reference notable political events in modern Sikkimese history (encounters with the British; the Chinese occupation of Tibet).
Published Version
Published Version
This paper, based on a narrative research inquiry, presents and explores a number of stories relating to the experience and identity of members of the small Irish Protestant minority. Drawing on these stories it uses Foucault’s conceptualisation of power and discourse to consider community, social withdrawal, and two different but linked expressions of silence as acts of resistance. These were simultaneously utilised to preserve a culture and ethos diametrically opposed to the religious and political hegemony of the Irish Catholic state and to combat the threat of extinction. The article concludes that an exploration of Ireland’s traditional religious minority not only raises awareness concerning a specific group’s experience but extends an understanding of the issues with which minorities (in more general terms) may have to cope in order to survive.